All-Star Battle R ★ Hol Horse

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Why be number one when you can be number two? That's the Hol Horse way of life! Got it?![2] (「一番よりNo.2!」これがホル・ホースの人生哲学。モンクあっか!)
—Chapter 146: Empress, Part 1

Hol Horse (ホル・ホース, Horu Hōsu) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]

His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay tweaks that All-Star Battle R brought.

Replacing Hōchū Ōtsuka, Hidenobu Kiuchi reprises his role as Hol Horse's voice actor from the Stardust Crusaders anime adaptation. As with the majority of the game's roster, voicelines for Hol Horse were either added or re-recorded.


Hol Horse has 1000 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, fighting foes with Emperor. During a fight, he can use several different attacks that were featured in Stardust Crusaders.

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Command List

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Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

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Medal List

Costumes & Tints

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Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag Lines
Taunt Lines
Victory Lines

Special Interactions

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Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Hol Horse has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.


All-Star Battle Mode

All missions in the All-Star Battle Mode starring Hol Horse as either the Player or Enemy, in order of appearance.

Stardust Crusaders

Normal Battle (★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Noriaki Kakyoin (Assist)
Stage: Cairo Streets
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
700 G
Special Conditions
Hol Horse can't use J. Geil moves. The player's defense is decreased.
Secret Missions
1. Call 3 Assists in a single round: 1000 G
2. Land the "You shall be shish kabob!" skill: Emperor Publicity Artwork
3. Block shots with the "Reap as you sow!" skill: Hol Horse's Theme
Entrance Dialogue
Polnareff: Your buddy J. Geil's corpse is 200 or 300 meters ahead. Wanna go see it?
Hol Horse: I... I can't beat this guy! I can't do a thing all by myself!
Victory Dialogue
Polnareff: I hereby sentence you... to death!
Defeat Dialogue
Hol Horse: Don't be No. 1, be No. 2! That's Hol Horse's credo. Any questions?!
Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Stage: DIO's Mansion
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1000 G
Special Conditions
The player's Heart Heat Gauge continuously refills. Each round lasts only 30 seconds.
Secret Missions
1. Execute a taunt: 1000 G
2. Land the "Even my bullets are a Stand!" skill: Hol Horse Publicity Artwork
3. Land the "You're up, J. Geil!" skill: Hol Horse Color Tint C
Entrance Dialogue
Hol Horse: The President, huh? Can I trouble you for a job? I can make myself very useful.
Valentine: I don't recognize you. Are you in the race?
Victory Dialogue
Hol Horse: Patriotism? Fealty? That's a no thanks from me! I just soak up the spoils from whoever's strongest!
Defeat Dialogue
Valentine: You have good judgment in people, but you're a coward. You're not worthy to be a citizen of my country.

Golden Wind

Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Stage: Rome
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1000 G
Special Conditions
The opponent's Heart Heat Gauge continuously refills.
Secret Missions
1. Use a Heart Heat Attack: 1000 G
2. Land a 5-hit combo: Ghiaccio Publicity Artwork
3. Land the "What the hell! What the hell! Are you serious?" throw: Ghiaccio Color Tint C
Entrance Dialogue
Hol Horse: I like your Stand. Do you put that on yourself?
Ghiaccio: Huh? Yeah, what about it? Come on, try and shoot! See how much good it does you!
Victory Dialogue
Ghiaccio: God freakin' DAMMIT! There were two of you? How about a real fight next time?
Defeat Dialogue
Hol Horse: Hee hee! Looks like J. Geil shot you right through!



JoJo Glossary

Unlock Condition: Win in the Jean Pierre Polnareff vs. Vanilla Ice All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
An antagonist from Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. He is the user of the Stand Emperor, and one of DIO's henchmen. He dresses like a cowboy in a western movie. He lives by a maxim of "best to be Number Two," and has a keen eye for a good partner. He also claims to be the world's best lover, with girlfriends around the world.
User of the Stand The Emperor and one of DIO's henchmen, he looks like a Wild West cowboy. Lives by the maxim, "Don't be No. 1, be No. 2" and has a keen eye for a good partner. He also claims to be the world's best lover with girls worldwide.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Jean Pierre Polnareff vs. Vanilla Ice All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
Hol Horse's Stand that takes the form of a revolver. The bullets it fires are also part of the Stand, and their trajectories are able to be controlled.
Hol Horse's Stand that takes the form of a revolver. The bullets it fires are Stands in their own right, able to control their trajectories.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Jean Pierre Polnareff vs. Vanilla Ice All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
The Stand of J. Geil. It appears to exist only within a mirror, and does damage by stabbing reflected victims with a dagger. In actuality, it possesses the properties of light, allowing it to travel extremely fast between mirrors.
The Stand of Centerfold. It appears to exist only within a mirror, and does damage by stabbing reflected victims with a dagger. It can travel extremely fast between mirrors, just as light does.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Jean Pierre Polnareff vs. Vanilla Ice All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
An antagonist from Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. He is the user of the Stand Hanged Man, and one of DIO's henchmen. A man with two right hands who is Enya the Hag's son and the killer of Polnareff's sister, Sherry. He teams up with Hol Horse to beat Avdol, but dies at the hands of Polnareff and Kakyoin.[3]
User of the Stand The Hanged Man. A man with two right hands who is one of DIO's henchmen, Enyaba's son, and the killer of Polnareff's sister, Sherry. He teams up with Hol Horse to beat Avdol, but dies at the hands of Polnareff and Kakyoin.


Update History

Balance Changes Comparison


  • Dodge (Background and Foreground)
    • The activation of the move has been standardized for all characters.


  • "You lose, loser!" skill Normal and Enhanced versions
    • Attack sped up.


  • "Feed on these!" HHA
    • Modified to apply combo scaling up to a maximum of 50%. (common rule not previously applied)


  • "Come get us!" skill
    • Fixed bug where the follow up skill could be activated multiple times in some situations.
  • "Reversal Assist"
    • Decreased stocks from two to one.


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