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The character featured in this article is sometimes referred to as "Wham".
I have no regrets... from the bottom of my heart, I am grateful to have witnessed your growth. Perhaps the reason I wandered through these 12,000 years was just to have met you...

Wamuu (ワムウ, Wamū) is a primary antagonist featured in the second part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Battle Tendency.

He is a proud Pillar Man warrior in the respectful service of his superiors Esidisi and Kars, also serving as a personal rival to Joseph Joestar throughout his journey.


Wamuu Appearance Image.png

Wamuu appears as an immense being; powerfully built and very tall. Many of his more detailed drawings have his veins bulging from his extremities. His face is particularly chiseled and square with high cheekbones.

Wamuu has short, standing light hair and prominent eyebrows. On his face is a tattoo of a thick square outline. It crosses his face just under the bridge of his nose, upwards through the middle of his left eye and ending above his right eyebrow. In one particular close-up of his face, the tattoo has the word "POWER" written several times in it, as well as the word "ALPHABET". As a Pillar Man, he has a singular, relatively large drill-like horn above his forehead that he can retract.

In all of his appearances, Wamuu wears large earrings and a metallic head adornment similar to a crown that opens at the front whenever he summons out his horn. Up until his defeat of Caesar, he has a small ring on the left side of his lip containing the antidote for his Wedding Ring.

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaAnimeAll-Star BattleEyes of Heaven
Skin(Tan, pale cyan face tattoo)
First Outfit
(Blue vest with golden accessories, dark blue loincloth with golden belt, brown wristbands and dark blue sandals)
Second Outfit
(Baby Blue headpiece and pants, golden wristbands and armbands with dark blue gloves and shoes)
Third Outfit
(Light Blue headpiece and gray wrappings, blue chest and legpieces, golden accessories)
Skin(Tan, red face tattoo)
Hair(Muddied Blond)
First Outfit
(Salmon vest with golden accessories, salmon loincloth with dark brown belt, dark brown wristbands and sandals)
Second Outfit
(Gray headpiece and pants, dull gold wristbands and dark gray armbands with silver accessories)
Third Outfit
(Cream headpiece and wrappings, indigo chest and legpieces, silver, golden, and green accessories)
Skin(Tan, blue face tattoo and lipstick)
(Red and cream headpiece with blue underside, cream wrappings, golden and green accessories)
Skin(Tan, scarlet face tattoo)
Hair(Dirty Blond)
Eyes(Dark Green)
(Beige headpiece and wrappings, purple chest and legpieces, silver, golden, and green accessories)


To me, truth belongs to mighty warriors, friendship and respect to the braves!! I will probably always remember you, Caesar.
—Wamuu about Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 92: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 5

Wamuu's most notable traits are his love of battle and his sense of honor, such that he stops himself from finishing off a defenseless Joseph Joestar on the mere possibility that he can wash away an earlier humiliation inflicted by Joseph when he'll beat him as soon as he becomes a fine and powerful Ripple warrior.[4]

To honor Caesar, Wamuu leaves the bubble alone

Wamuu usually looks down on all the humans he comes across to, but he will come to respect them should they have the following two requirements: firstly that the fighters take combat seriously, and secondly that they are strong fighters. Thus Wamuu sneered at Caesar Zeppeli when he declared that he fought for his friend Mark,[5] yet honored Caesar's last efforts to steal the antidote for Joseph and left it for Joseph out of respect for the strength Caesar demonstrated.[6] Because of his way of life centered around fighting, Wamuu tends to ignore non-combatants, for instance telling Joseph to leave during their first meeting, mistaking the young man for a harmless goof.[7] Wamuu is also one of the few antagonists in the JoJo franchise who cannot bring himself to harm or murder children, a moral compunction that his master Kars does not share.[8] However, anyone earning his attention becomes a target for his challenges.

Wamuu plucks out his own eyes

Wamuu is as severe toward himself as he is toward anyone else save his masters. For instance, he once let Joseph beat him as punishment for letting his guard down and strongly disliked that Joseph expressed pity on him.[8] On the other hand, Wamuu has a high opinion of himself, as he regularly deems certain individuals "worthy" or "unworthy" of fighting him. Wamuu also opted to kill the helpless Speedwagon and Caesar who saw his humiliation before being distracted.[9] As a testament to his commitment and strength of character, Wamuu has developed himself an extreme mental switch designed to help him focus if he ever enters a state of shock or panics during combat. Thus, he will gouge his eyes and rely on his wind-sensing horn as a means of seeing.[1] Kars even went further and said that after activating his mental switch, Wamuu no longer has any psychological weaknesses. When it comes to fighting, Wamuu is irritated that a fighter might try to flee or surrender,[9] but he considers using tactics such as ambushes or feints to beat one's opponent acceptable.

The only thing that rivals his sense of honor is his fidelity toward his masters Kars and Esidisi, who raised him since he was a baby. He respects both highly, yet holds no illusion that neither of them has the same sense of honor and can objectively assert their strengths and weaknesses. During his battle with Caesar, he noted that Kars would have an even harder time fighting Caesar than him.[6] Wamuu occasionally requests that his masters change their plans to suit his love of fights, which they allow easily since they have raised Wamuu as their finest warrior[5] but also can refuse.[10] Either way, Wamuu will obey their command.

Wamuu has a weird personality quirk, where he reflexively attacks anyone who steps on his shadow, even if it was one of his masters (Kars and Esidisi). Somehow, Wamuu is able to tell when someone is stepping on his shadow, even if he wasn't looking at their direction.[11]


Superhuman Strength Link to this section
Pillar men strength.gif
Otherwise only implied, Wamuu demonstrates his strength when he clotheslines a massive stone column and uses it as an effective weapon.

Head Gear Link to this section
Wamuu's head gear is specially designed to be an "Anti-Ripple Tool". The head gear contains wires that Wamuu used to nullify Caesar's Ripple-charged bubbles, by spinning his head and knocking the bubbles away. Also, the head gear has a hole that opens up allowing his horn to drill out, enabling him to sense the wind, and precisely locate any movement or changes in the air surrounding him. The wind-sensing Horn also works as a wind cannon of sort, where he shoots a stream of wind that is destructive enough to slice through huge rocks.

Body Manipulation Link to this section
Pillar men twist & speed.gif
Like other Pillar Men, Wamuu can freely manipulate his body structure.

Absorption Link to this section
Pillar men absorption 02.gif
The cells that constitute Wamuu's body release a potent digestive acid that melts anything organic on physical contact while making it appear Wamuu is absorbing his victim into his body. Wamuu displayed this ability through grafting the hands of multiple Nazi soldiers in a paper-doll fashion, sucking out all their innards through one of them. Only those who use Ripple are immune as the cells recognize the threat the energy poses to them.

Wind Mode

Wind Mode(風の流法(モード) Kaze no Mōdo) Link to this section
Wamuu possesses what he calls "Wind Mode", which is an ability he achieved through the Pillar Men's ability to freely control and alter their bodies. Using Wind Mode, Wamuu is able to attack using razor sharp wind that blows out of his own body, capable of shredding a human being to pieces. This even causes trouble for highly-trained Ripple users like Joseph and Caesar.

Fighting Technique: Divine Sandstorm(闘技・神砂嵐 Tōgi: Kamizuna Arashi) Link to this section
Wham tornado.gif
Wamuu's signature technique. The attack is initiated when Wamuu starts to spin his forearms rapidly from the elbow joint, where the right arm spins to the left, and the left arm spins to the right. The rapid spinning creates a massive wind storm with enough destructive power to shred a human being into pieces, and make large pieces of rock crumble. The attack was likened to "A Sandstorm in Space" by Joseph.

Wind Suit Link to this section
Wind suit.gif
A technique where Wamuu wraps his body in a whirlwind of steam released from his lungs, using make-shift tubes produced from his own body in order to release the air inside his lungs. The wind suit gives Wamuu the ability to reflect the sun rays off of his body, giving him much needed protection against the sun. Also, by reflecting the light, Wamuu becomes invisible, which gives him the opportunity to launch surprise attacks. However, the wind suit takes a lot of energy to maintain, and only lasts for roughly ten seconds, which forces Wamuu to stay near a sheltered area, in order to take cover once the technique is over.

Final Mode: Atmospheric Rift(最終流法(ファイナルモード)・渾楔颯 Fainaru Mōdo: Konketsusatsu) Link to this section
Atmospheric Rift.png
Typically used as a last resort, Wamuu uses the tubes for his wind suit to gather huge amounts of air and compresses it in his lungs. The air is then released through a slit on the horn of his head, causing it to become as sharp as a razor blade. The wind flails about much like a whip and is sharp enough to cut through stone. However, due to the scraping and heat led by the quick wind compression, the technique slowly tears apart Wamuu's body until he collapses.


Fighting Genius: Wamuu's signature characteristic, as he was described as a "Fighting Genius" by many characters in the series, including Caesar and Wamuu's own master, Kars. Perhaps his fighting genius was best demonstrated in his fight with Caesar, when, despite being cornered and injured, he managed to escape by using the force generated by Caesar's attack to push himself to safety.



Wamuu is a member of the same race as Kars. After Kars and Esidisi exterminated their clan, Wamuu and Santana were taken in by the two of them since they were infants. After being trained by the two, Wamuu became a strong warrior with honed instincts. Wamuu accompanied his masters to find a flawless Red Stone of Aja. During their travels, he participated in the extermination of the Ripple Clan. However, he was reluctant to kill a child from the clan, so Kars killed the boy himself.[12]

The Pillar Men's search took them to Rome where they battled Ripple users before entering a hibernation state under the Roman Colosseum. The wall that he and his masters embedded themselves in was booby-trapped to impale potential prey for nourishment as seen with Mario Zeppeli.

Battle Tendency (1939)

Awakening in Rome

Wamuu: "The time has come. Awaken my masters!"

The Pillar Man begin their awakening in 1939. Wamuu is introduced when he uses his horn to kill one of the Nazis sent to prevent the Pillar Mens' awakening, using the dead man's blood to disable to UV lights. While noting the change in time, Wamuu used his digestive acids to graft the hands of the rest of the Nazi group together, allowing him to absorb them simultaneously. Wamuu, with no one to interfere, then awakens Kars and Esidisi.

As the three set off to find the Red Stone of Aja, Wamuu mortally wounds Mark while passing through the German soldier. Kars accidentally steps in Wamuu's shadow, causing Wamuu to attack by reflex. Wamuu apologizes for his impudence but Kars apologizes too and takes the incident as his mistake. Meanwhile, the grieving Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli was forced to put his dying friend out of his misery. Enraged, Caesar launches his bubbles at Wamuu, who touches the bubbles and see his finger melt. The Pillar Men realize that the Ripple clan has returned to stop them. However, Wamuu's headset is specially designed to counter projectiles and Wamuu destroys the bubbles. He also cuts Caesar's face from afar. Mocking Caesar's determination, Wamuu stabs him in the throat with his finger when the Italian tries to attack, noting that he knows the weaknesses of the Ripple users before sending him flying into a pillar.

Wamuu placing his ring inside Joseph's body

Wamuu then hears someone cough ostentatiously. It is Joseph Joestar, who also wants to fight. Joseph presents his Ripple clackers, but Wamuu is more amused than impressed when Joseph hits his head with the clackers by accident. However, Joseph gets serious with his clackers; hiding his clackers behind his back, Joseph attempts a surprise attack but Wamuu contorts his body to avoid everything. When Joseph seemingly drops his clackers by accident, Wamuu is entertained by this buffoon and allows him one minute to fight, cutting his wrist so that he'll die out of blood loss after a minute passes. However, Wamuu is taken by surprise when the clackers come back and plough his head. Ashamed, Wamuu lets Joseph hit him as punishment before he uses his secret technique, the Divine Sandstorm. He blows Joseph away with it. Wamuu turns his attention to Caesar and Speedwagon to kill them as witnesses to his scarification, only to be lured away by Joseph on a speeding mine cart. Realizing Joseph was anything but a coward, he sees though Joseph's attempt to blow him up with dynamite and knocks the mine cart off the track. Wamuu is about to finish Joseph off when the human plays on his ego and honor to give himself a month's reprieve to properly master the Ripple and become a worthy opponent. Wamuu accepts, placing a Wedding Ring of Death inside of Joseph's heart to prevent him from "running away" as the poison will take effect within thirty three days. As Esidisi places his own ring in Joseph's throat, Wamuu reveals the antidote to his poison in in his lip ring before taking his leave.

Wamuu vs Caesar

Wamuu and Caesar after pushing each other to their limits

After searching for a Red Stone of Aja in Greece, Wamuu returns to Switzerland where he intercepts Caesar and Messina approaching the Pillar Men's lair in San Moritz. Wamuu covers himself in a dense layer of air to ward off the sunlight and steps out to attack. Wamuu cuts Messina's hand before dragging him inside of the hotel. He comes out to attack Caesar. However, Wamuu is taken by surprise by Caesar's new technique, the Bubble Cutter. He spins his bubbles to turn them into sharp saws and exploits Wamuu's air armor to make as many cutters fly towards Wamuu as possible. Overwhelmed, Wamuu tries to run back to the hotel. Caesar cuts his legs with a flurry of bubbles before leaping in to attack, but Wamuu violently kicks Caesar to propel himself back into the shadows, who soon follows him inside the hotel.

In the main hall, an intense exchange of wind blasts and soap bubbles ensues, in which Caesar takes the advantage. Wamuu then plans to use his Divine Sandstorm but Caesar reveals that the many bubbles he's created now act as lenses refracting the sunlight into the hall. Wamuu is exposed to the sun and burns. However, when Caesar jumps again to attack, he projects his shadow at Wamuu for a split second. This allows Wamuu to use the Divine Sandstorm at point-blank range and mortally wound the Italian. Grievously injuring his opponent, Wamuu tells Caesar to cease fighting as he will soon be dead from the massive blood loss. Nevertheless, Caesar uses the last of his strength to rip Wamuu's lip piercing and seals it in a bubble of his own blood for Joseph. Wamuu does not take back the antidote to honor the man's strength. Wamuu leaves while remarking that Caesar Zeppeli is worthy of being remembered by him.

Wamuu vs Joseph

Wamuu facing Joseph in the Chariot Race

Wamuu recovers in one of the hotel's room. He is present when Lisa Lisa and Joseph Joestar burst into the room and expects a good fight, but Kars wants to use his 100 Vampires instead. Wamuu has no choice but to obey. However, Lisa Lisa then announces that if the Ripple users do not come back to their base, a time bomb will destroy the Super Aja in their possession. This way, she convinces Kars to settle things in a series of one-on-one matches at Skeleton Heel Stone arena, with Joseph and Wamuu to settle their affairs in a deadly chariot race. Joseph initially piles pebbles in front of Wamuu's chariot wheels to stall him, and then proceeds to grab the sledgehammer. Wamuu, however, takes the pillar from which the sledgehammer hung and uses it to knock Joseph from his chariot, aiming to trample him with his own. Joseph uses the sledgehammer to vault over Wamuu's horses and attack him from the chariot. Wamuu, however, hides in one of the horses and ambushes Joseph with his Divine Sandstorm, which gets countered by Joseph entangling his arms with Ripple-infused reins, tearing his arms apart and causing Wamuu, who was proud of his Divine Sandstorm, to suffer psychological trauma. Wamuu counters this by gouging out his eyes in order to remove his psychological weakness and uses his horn to perceive Joseph.

Wamuu gouging out his eyes

Kars announces the next round of weapons, in which the person picks a large crossbow and a small one. As Joseph takes the larger crossbow, Wamuu settles with the smaller one. When Joseph tries to avoid this by hiding behind the central flame in order to prevent him from seeing through the fire, Wamuu fires his bolt at the outer wall of the racetrack to hit Joseph but is countered in this manner by Joseph's bolt hitting him in the same manner while Joseph distracts him by flinging pebbles at him pretending to fear for his life. Now on the verge of death, Wamuu detaches his already-limp arms and fires them at Joseph from his torso, while accessing his final form to end his opponent. Joseph counters that by throwing a bottle of oil and Caesar's burning headband at Wamuu. Wamuu slices them both, but the attack inhaled the oil and the headband, causing his body to explode and leaving his head, with the Ripple slowly killing him.

Joseph gives Wamuu some of his own blood to ease his pain, which enrages Wamuu, who sees the action as pity. Joseph corrects him by telling him it was out of honor; The same reason Wamuu ignored the bubble left by Caesar. Wamuu uses the last of his strength to destroy a group of Vampires that attempted to kill Joseph. His horn breaks off, and he admits that despite swearing loyalty to Kars, he lived by his own code of honor. Wamuu asks Joseph to consume the antidote before he fades away, claiming that the action alone is enough for him to know. Bidding farewell to the man who defeated him, Wamuu smiles as his head crumbles to ash that scatters in the wind, with Joseph giving an unconscious salute to him.

Chapters / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • Awaken, my masters! (目覚めたまえッ! 我が主たちよ!)
    —Wamuu, Chapter 64: The Red Stone of Aja
  • Kid, the next time we meet, get stronger before facing Wamuu so that I can respect your strength as I kill you...
  • Hit me some more... nobody has ever wounded my face... this is the honor I give you before you die!
  • Very good!! You are already worthy of being killed by my hands!
    —Wamuu, Chapter 90: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 3
  • To me, truth belongs to mighty warriors, friendship and respect to the braves!! I will probably always remember you, Caesar.
    —Wamuu, Chapter 92: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 5
  • I Wamuu am not used to allowing an easy victory for my opponent... the wounds I sustained are a part of my being. The damage I have been inflicted are parts of my powers! I will use everything to claim victory!
  • I have no regrets...from the bottom of my heart, I am grateful to have witnessed your growth. Perhaps the reason I wandered through these 12,000 years was just to have met you... so... Good...bye...JoJo...
    —Wamuu's last words, Chapter 104: The Warrior Returns to the Wind

Video Games

Heritage for the Future (PS1/DC/Arcade)

There is concept art of Wamuu, indicating that he was originally set to appear in the game during development.

All-Star Battle (PS3)

Wamuu ASB.png

Wamuu was one of the first four characters announced for All-Star Battle, the others being Jotaro, Joseph (Part 2) and Gyro Zeppeli. Along with Esidisi and Kars, Wamuu uses the Mode Style as part of his moveset, which allows him to temporarily boost his strength and performance among other things, at the cost of the Heart Heat Gauge.

Vampire characters (Dio Brando, DIO and Vanilla Ice) and Pillar Men characters (Wamuu, Esidisi and Kars) can't fight on stages that contain sunlight. To play on those stages they need to be equipped with the Red Stone of Aja on the character select screen, which is unlocked by beating their respective parts in Story Mode.

Command List

Wamuu has 950 HP.

During a fight, Wamuu can use several different attacks that were featured in Battle Tendency. Wamuu himself is the tallest character among the entire roster of 41 characters (save for Vanilla Ice with Cream active).

Wind Mode

Wamuu can activate Wind Mode in order to not only increase the overall damage of his moves, but exclusive to him, grant him super armor while performing them. The Heart Heat Gauge slowly depletes while this mode is active, and as such, this mode will last until the HHG empties or can be freely canceled with another press of the Style button.

Wind Protector
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad2.png + ASBS.png ON GROUND

Expending a stock of the HHG grants Wamuu access to Wind Protector, turning him invisible. This mode is on a set timer and will end when the stock consumed to activate it is used up. Wamuu's abilities are strengthened even further, he is granted passive super armor at all times, and he is automatically immune to most projectiles aside from those fired through HHA/GHA, as well as Caesar's Bubble Cutters specifically.
Wind Protector also possesses the special effect of allowing Wamuu to execute his HHA at any amount of Heart Heat while active, even when at less than one stock. However, doing so will immediately end the Mode and completely empty the Heart Heat Gauge.

I shall see the wind!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND

This skill costs half a stock of the Heart Heat Gauge. Wamuu blinds himself and reveals his horn for the rest of the match. He loses access to Chain Beat (the ability to chain normals together) and by extension Easy Beat, but he is given access to the ability "Whooosh!", and deals increased chip damage (damage dealt to an opponent through their guard) in all of his attacks and abilities.

With the strength of a pillar!

Wamuu steps forward and delivers a heavy lariat that knocks the opponent down if it connects, making them hit the floor hard enough to bounce. (Comboable)

Special Moves
Raging Tornado Aftermath!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBS.png (rapidly tap S to extend duration) ON GROUND

Wamuu leans forward and spins the wires on his headgear into a vortex to hit and push away the opponent. This move has the added effect of nullifying incoming projectiles with the exception of those fired through HHA/GHA.

Never stand in my shadow!
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Wamuu performs an near-instantaneous upward reverse kick augmented by the wind that knocks the opponent into the air. This move functions as an anti-air and reversal. (Comboable)

Smitten by the great Wamuu!
ASBDPad4.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND IN AIR OK

Wamuu somersaults in-place and unleashes a downward punch that knocks the opponent down. This move is a middle attack that cannot be blocked crouching, and can also be used while in the air.

If Wind Mode or Wind Protector is active, the attack will instead cause the opponent to slowly crumple instead, leaving them open to further attack (Comboable)

The power of flexibility
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Wamuu performs a slow forward flip, and while this does do nothing by itself except act as a feint or cancel, a second press of the attack button during this initial animation makes him launch into a flying kick forward. If it connects, a second kick sends his opponent flying a long way.

Victim of your own delusion

This move can only be performed if the opponent is down; Wamuu brings out a broken column and smashes them with it. Should the opponent recover in time, this skill is still a middle attack that cannot be blocked crouching.

(Once "I shall see the wind!" is used) ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

This move is only available after "I shall see the wind!" is performed. Wamuu slides forward horn-first to attack the opponent, covering a moderate range in front of him. (Comboable)

Go for the throat and lungs!
2 ATK buttons at close range or ASBT.png ON GROUND

Wamuu jams his fingers into the opponent's neck before slamming them into the ground.

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack
Fighting Technique: Divine Sandstorm!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND

Wamuu uses his signature Divine Sandstorm. Rapidly spinning his arms, he generates a huge, devastating sandstorm vortex on screen, covering a massive range in front of him. This HHA does not require an initial hit to connect in order to work, and will not stop until it finishes or Wamuu is interrupted.
Wamuu may perform his HHA while Wind Protector is active, regardless of how much of the Heart Heat Gauge he has left. Doing so however, will drop his HHG to zero.

Final Mode: Gathering Gale
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 3 ATK Buttons, or ASBG.png ON GROUND

Wamuu turns his horn into a giant wind-based drill and swings the razor-sharp stream of air to knock the opponent into the air above him. He then rapidly juggles them above his head with the drill as it shapes itself into a Mobius strip. If the initial assault is successful, he then finishes by focusing the drill into his opponent for a powerful attack that sends them flying. This GHA does not require an initial hit to connect in order to work, and will not stop until the first part finished.

Gameplay Overview

A massive fighter whose abilities, including his normal attacks, possess great range and coverage, Wamuu easily outranges most other close-ranged fighters and even matches Stand Users. His tall stature also lets many of his moves to naturally strike aerial opponents as a deterrent for jumping. He may shrug off most incoming attacks while in his various Modes, especially his Wind Protector, which also serves to emphasize his immense power. Wamuu can easily overtake and counter attempts at offense on his opponent's part, even while playing defensively, due in no small part to his sizeable skills. As Wind Protector also grants the ability to use his HHA regardless of cost, Wamuu, like his fellow Pillar Men, can deal massive amounts of damage with only a single stock of Heart Heat.

However, true to his niche, Wamuu suffers from sluggish recovery in his various attacks, leaving himself very vulnerable to retaliation when said attacks are properly blocked or dodged. This is exacerbated in situations where he's forced to play offensively, as he is unable to run, and his forward step (or 'dash'), while covering good distance to compensate, is slower than average as well. Wamuu thus has much greater difficulty closing distance than any other character. His large frame also makes him easier to hit with projectiles and the like, which can make it even more challenging for him to avoid attacks when moving.

Wamuu is a powerful and demanding combatant whose size, armored power, and chip damage potential can allow him to overwhelm his opponent through simple brute force, but requires some thought to avoid getting outmaneuvered and punished. Regardless if he is on offense or defense, once he lands a solid hit, his propensity for damage utilizing even a small amount of Heart Heat is extraordinary.

All-Star Battle R

This section requires expansion.

Wamuu ASB R.png

Wamuu (ワムウ, Wamū) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[13] He was also 1 of 15 playable characters during the Evo 2022 Demo in August 5.[14]

Although his moveset remains fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, a few tweaks have been made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought along.

Stardust Shooters (Android/iOS)

Wamuu appears as one of several Part 2 characters who possess a Metal Striker. His FINISH MOVE has him spin the wires on his head to attack the defeated opponent. His LEVEL 3 Metal Striker ability reproduces a brief video from his All-Star Battle's HHA move, using the Divine Sandstorm.

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Wamuu jojoeoh.png

Wamuu returns as a playable character in Eyes of Heaven, and was confirmed alongside the other Pillar Men Kars and Esidisi.

As a Pillar Man, Wamuu has the special ability Switch Mode, exclusive to the Mode style. His specific Mode is Wind Mode. He is also able to stand and walk on the spike pit in the Air Supplena Island stage without taking damage (though he will still take extra damage if knocked down onto the spikes).

  • Style Action - Wind Mode: Wamuu surrounds himself with streaks of wind. While active, Wamuu's Normal Attacks and skills are enhanced.
  • (GRIN): This skill can only be activated if Wamuu has full guard durability and guards before an attack hits. Wamuu contorts his upper body to dodge any assault, filling some of the Dual Heat Gauge and generally allowing him to punish attackers more effectively. In Wind Mode, this skill will activate anytime Wamuu is hit while guarding.
  • The aftermath of a tornado!: Wamuu spins the wires on his headgear to generate a vortex field that rapidly hits opponents and nullifies projectiles. In Wind Mode, the size of the field and the damage it deals to an opponent's guard is increased, it lasts longer, and it can nullify EX projectiles.
  • Fighting Technique: Divine Sandstorm!: Using his arms, Wamuu creates a huge sandstorm. Opponents caught take rapid damage and are knocked high into the air and away from Wamuu. In Wind Mode, it can deal more hits and damage, and the size of the sandstorm is larger.
  • Protector of the Winds: Wamuu uses the wind to temporarily turns invisible. While active, he cannot be locked onto or be hit by any projectiles other than Caesar's Bubble Cutters and their Gliding variation.
  • EX - The aftermath of a tornado!: The execution of the skill and Wamuu's recovery from using it is quicker.
  • EX - Fighting Technique: Divine Sandstorm!: The skill gains all of its benefits from Wind Mode regardless of whether or not it is currently active, grants Wamuu invincibility during activation, and gains an extra increase in damage.
  • Now I will shut out the light, and with this horn see only the wind!: This a secondary Switch Mode ability available to Wamuu only when he has one health bar left. Wamuu blinds himself and summons his horn for the rest of the battle. From the player's point of view, the screen becomes a deep blue and most details are obscured, while moving objects and people glow a bright pink. In exchange for being unable to lock on, Wamuu gains more powerful variations to his Normal Attack combos, a regeneration boost to white damage, and access to a powerful projectile in the form of the "Iron Ball Crossbow!" skill.
  • Iron Ball Crossbow!: Wamuu loads a large crossbow and fires it, sending opponents flying with the heavy iron ball. If it hits a wall, the ball will ricochet once towards the nearest opponent. In Wind Mode, the iron ball gains a damage and speed boost.
  • Dual Heat Attack - Final Mode: Gathering Gale: It works the same as the one from All-Star Battle, except Wamuu does not create the mobius strip when he juggles the opponent, nor does he hit them as rapidly or for as long.
  • I, Wamuu, will now consider you to be worthy prey!: Wamuu must activate "Protector of the Winds". (200 Points)
  • He threw his body back instead!: Wamuu must perform a Takedown Attack. (200 Points)
  • There is no saving you now!: Wamuu must Retire an opponent. (300 Points)
  • A Microcosm of Sheer Destruction: Wamuu must connect "Fighting Technique: Divine Sandstorm" 3 times. (500 Points)
  • That was my first truly satisfying battle in a while: Wamuu must Retire an opponent while Wind Mode is active. (800 Points)

Unlike the previous game, Wamuu's main color scheme is now based on his anime appearance.


Wamuu is paired with N'Doul in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, defeating Lisa Lisa and Funny Valentine in the first round, but eliminated by Jonathan Joestar and DIO in the second.

Diamond Records (Android/iOS)

Wamuu appears in Diamond Records as a playable character in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He has a few unlockable statues of the 'Courage' type, ranging from 3 stars to 5 stars. Wamuu's moveset in both game modes is comprised of various attacks inspired by the anime using his wind abilities and body manipulation. As a pillar man, Wamuu constantly regenerates health, but has a weakness to attacks from ripple users. Playing as him will force any outdoor stages to take place at night.

Wamuu's basic attack string is a combination of up to five various attacks comprising of different kicks and hand strikes. In Tactical Battle, this is cut down to only three hits.
Wamuu bears his wind suit to land a strike on an opponent, followed by a pose.
(Counter) Wamuu uses body manipulation to move his upper body rapidly from side to side, and if he is hit by an opponent during this motion he will counter with various strikes of wind around his body. (Unlockable)
Wamuu releases a medium Divine Sandstorm that has a long range and deals medium damage to opponents caught in it. In Tactical Battle, this hits all opponents present on the stage.
Wamuu uses his horn to shoot a series of powerful gusts of wind at his opponents. (Unlockable)
Wamuu unleashes two close-range miniature Sandstorm gusts back to back using each of his fists. This attack replaces SP Skill 1 in Wamuu's 3 star statue.
Wamuu unleashes his signature Divine Sandstorm with great strength and a long range. In Tactical Battle, this hits all opponents present on the stage.

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Wind ModeResurrected Pillar Man
Wind Mode ver.
Rarity: PPPSR.png
Max Power: 1051 (Lvl 50) / 2221 (Lvl 80)
Skill: Divine Sandstorm
Erases panels on both sides
Skill Lv 1
# of Erased Panels: 8
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 2
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 3
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 4
# of Erased Panels: 16
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 5
# of Erased Panels: 16
Cooldown: 50
Skill: Prepare yourself!
Trace panels within a circular range. After a certain period of time, the traced panels will be erased. The maximum number of erasures depends on skill level.
Skill Lv 1
# of Erased Panels: 8
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 2
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 3
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 4
# of Erased Panels: 16
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 5
# of Erased Panels: 16
Cooldown: 50
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: March 22, 2021 - September 2, 2021

Resurrected Pillar Man ver.
Cost: 0
After erasing 200 Panels, fully recharges partner Skill Gauge (up to 3 times per battle).


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