Eyes of Heaven ★ Jotaro Kujo

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  • Part 4

I, Jotaro Kujo, will end you myself.[1] (てめーはこの空条承太郎がじきじきにブチのめす)
—Chapter 180: High Priestess, Part 2

Jotaro Kujo (空条 承太郎, Kūjō Jōtarō) is the main face of Eyes of Heaven, appearing as the game's story's primary protagonist, and was consequently one of the first confirmed characters for the game alongside Joseph Joestar, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Rudol von Stroheim, Noriaki Kakyoin, Josuke Higashikata, and Diego Brando.

Using the Stand user (スタンド使い, Sutando Tsukai) style, Jotaro is designed to specialise in close-range combat, having high speed and damage output, while also being versatile enough to deal with distant enemies.

Daisuke Ono reprises his voice acting role from All-Star Battle, having also voiced Jotaro in the Stardust Crusaders anime adaptation. He expresses how this game is the crystallization of the love that JoJo fans have for the series, and how it's a work that will lead into the future, becoming the foundation for passing JoJo to the next generation.[2]

In the game's first demo, Kakyoin was Jotaro's default partner, and Jotaro and Kakyoin are the only two characters who have appeared in both of the game's two demos.


As a Stand user, Jotaro is one of many characters with wildly varied abilities that grant him uniqueness in battle.

I stopped time...
Jotaro instantly stops time for roughly three seconds. His partner and opponents are unable to move, and he is able to initiate any action or attack with impunity. Exclusive to Jotaro is the ability to pick up and throw his opponents while time is stopped, even at each other, heavily damaging them on contact. However, other time-stopping characters may activate their own ability to enter Jotaro's stopped time. This ability's cooldown is equal to 40 counts of the battle timer, making it the longest cooldown of any ability in the game.
  • A special variation of "I stopped time..." becomes available under specific conditions, causing the camera to dramatically zoom into Jotaro as he stops time while the battle pauses completely, thus providing him impunity when activating it.
    1. Both Jotaro's partner and one opponent must be Retired.
    2. Jotaro must perform a combo route of Normal > Normal > Powerful Attack on the remaining opponent (i.e. the universal launcher combo).
    3. "I stopped time..." must be immediately initiated following the launching hit.
Star Finger!
Star Platinum explosively hyperextends its fingers out and swings them in a wide arc, sending opponents caught flying.
Star Platinum unleashes a barrage of 22 punches, sending opponents caught flying on the final hit. If the attack button is rapidly pressed, the attack can be extended to add up to 10 more punches.
I'll kill you as you take your next breath.
After a short delay, Star Platinum inhales with great strength to pull opponents in, giving Jotaro the chance to attack first. This move can be 'blocked', but the pull effect cannot be nullified.
Star Platinum flies forward and delivers a heavy ground pound that kicks up debris, knocking opponents to the ground hard enough for them to bounce. This attack can also hit opponents that are down.
EX - Star Finger!
The skill initiates quicker and Jotaro is invincible upon activation. Instead of sending opponents flying, the attack itself will instead leave them crumpling, opening them up to further attack.
The skill initiates quicker and Jotaro is invincible upon activation. The punches are thrown faster and do more damage.
Dual Heat Attacks
Solo - ORA, ORA, ORA!
Star Platinum begins by punching the opponent off their feet. Jotaro slides his finger along the rim of his hat (a callback to his fight with Kakyoin) before Star Platinum pummels the opponent in real-time, delivering a final punch to the abdomen that sends them flying.
With Noriaki Kakyoin - Use the edge of the ring — just like sumo.
Kakyoin holds the opponent in place with Hierophant Green, allowing Jotaro and Star Platinum to pull them in by Hierophant Green's tail and unleash a barrage of punches that sends them flying. Kakyoin appears once more behind the enemy mid-air to deliver an Emerald Splash. Throughout the whole attack, Jotaro and Kakyoin converse about Sumo, referencing the events in the Wheel of Fortune chapters.
With Jean Pierre Polnareff - Let's put the final nail in the coffin.
Jotaro and Polnareff summon Star Platinum and Silver Chariot to take turns attacking the opponent. Star Platinum follows with an uppercut, and the two of them begin yelling out their Stand Cries ("ORAORAORA!" and "HORAHORAHORA!") while pummeling and stabbing the opponent, respectively. This attack references how they defeat Alessi in Chapter 209.
With Old Joseph Joestar - It's not cheating if the secret doesn't get out!
Joseph jumps into the air and tries to snare the opponent with Hermit Purple, only to miss. Briefly shocked and emoting his iconic "OH MY GOD!" as Jotaro expresses disappointment, he drops the facade to reveal that he had tied the opponent with a rope during his previous attack, subsequently sending a Ripple current through the rope to shock them as Jotaro and Star Platinum move in to barrage them into submission.
With Jolyne Cujoh - The Perfect Angle
Star Platinum and Stone Free send the opponent into the air with a dual uppercut, before Jolyne wraps them in a cocoon made of Stone Free's string. After Jotaro confirms the best angle to hit, they pummel it with both of their Stands.


NormalSpecial ASpecial BSpecial CSpecial DSpecial ESpecial F
EOH Jotaro Kujo Normal ABCD.png
Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Jotaro's main Stardust Crusaders attire

EOH Jotaro Kujo Special A.png
Special Costume A
Unlock Condition

Achieve Rank S Bonus in Battle 1-1: DIO's World
or buy from Costume Shop for 15,000JP


Cover of Volume 22

EOH Jotaro Kujo Special B.png
Special Costume B
Unlock Condition

Achieve Rank S Bonus in Battle 11-7: The Destination, Part 2
or buy from Costume Shop for 15,000JP


Cover B of Chapter 115

EOH Jotaro Kujo Special C.png
Special Costume C
Unlock Condition

Achieve Rank S Bonus in Battle 12-5: The Final Battle, Part 5
or buy from Costume Shop for 25,000JP


Cover of Volume 12

EOH Jotaro Kujo Special D.png
Special Costume D
Unlock Condition

Achieve Completion Bonus in Battle 1-3: A Long Journey: Farewell, My Friends Part 2
or buy from Costume Shop for 25,000JP


Cover of Volume 13

EOH Jotaro Kujo Special E.png
Special Costume E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Costume Shop for 50,000JP


Jotaro's coatless appearance in Chapter 153, with colors from the anime and manga respectively

EOH Jotaro Kujo Special F.png
Special Costume F
Unlock Condition

Achieve Rank S Bonus in Battle EX-9: The Ultimate Trial
or buy from Costume Shop for 1,000,000JP


Volume 10 of Shueisha Jump Remix


All of these must be completed while playing as Jotaro:

  • Gimme a break...: Use Jotaro's Style Action. (200 Points)
  • You asked for it!: Hit something with a stage object 3 times. (200 Points)
  • Do you understand?: Backstab 3 times. (300 Points)
  • I'll be the judge!: Connect "ORA, ORA!" 5 times. (500 Points)
  • You pissed me off.: Retire an opponent with a Dual Heat Attack. (800 Points)


He was initially paired with Vanilla Ice in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, defeating Hol Horse and Yukako Yamagishi in the first round, but eliminated by Jolyne and Gyro Zeppeli in the second.

In the semifinals, Jotaro returns in two different teams: paired with Kakyoin, and paired with DIO. The team with Kakyoin is eliminated by Kars and Pet Shop in the first round, while the team with DIO defeats Mariah and Esidisi in the first round, but is eliminated by Kars and Pet Shop in the second round.

Story Mode Battles

Main StoryMissions
DIO's World
(DIOの世界 DIO no Sekai)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
DIO (Level: 1)
Stage: Cairo Overpass
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
Support Item: "I can completely heal myself on my own! OK?"
Rank Bonus
S: Jotaro Costume A
A: Jotaro Color Set
B: Jotaro Quote Set B
EX Bonus
1. Perform a 30-hit combo. (Jotaro Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Get the First Attack. (Jotaro Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
DIO: Without further ado, it's time for the final strike! This is the absolute final time freeze!
Jotaro: Bring it...on... DIO...
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: How do you feel now? DIO...
Defeat Dialogue
DIO: I've never! EVER! Felt so perfectly wonderful...
A Long Journey: Farewell, My Friends Part 1
(遥かなる旅路 さらば友よ その① Haruka naru Tabiji Saraba Tomo yo Sono 1)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Cairo Rooftops
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
6000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Polnareff Costume A
A: Polnareff Color Set
B: Polnareff Quote Set B
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Polnareff Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Connect with a Dual Heat Attack. (Polnareff Victory Pose D)
Entrance Dialogue
Polnareff: Avdol and Iggy died saving my life. I should be the one to slice up these lousy fakes!
Jotaro: Who the hell are you guys, anyway?
Avdol: We will exterminate anyone who stands in the way of the Noble One...
Iggy: Grrrrr...
Victory Dialogue
Polnareff: These flames, this sand... They both feel like...
Jotaro: Gimme a break... Why did you jackasses have to put us through all that?
Defeat Dialogue
Avdol: Burn into cinders and begone!
Iggy: Grrrr! Grrrrr!
A Long Journey: Farewell, My Friends Part 2
(遥かなる旅路 さらば友よ その② Haruka naru Tabiji Saraba Tomo yo Sono 2)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Cairo Rooftops
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
Jotaro Costume D
Rank Bonus
S: Kakyoin Costume A
A: N'Doul Costume A
B: Kakyoin Quote Set B
EX Bonus
1. Perform a 30-hit combo. (N'Doul Color Set)
2. Connect with a Dual Heat Attack. (N'Doul SFX Set A)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: Kakyoin teamed up with N'doul!?
Old Joseph: I'm coming straight at you. You won't have space to breathe!
Kakyoin: Impossible. You'll never get near us.
N'Doul: Heh... I'll pick him off like a fly!
Victory Dialogue
Old Joseph: I never imagined a long-distance Stand duo could be this dangerous...
Jotaro: Pfft. If we could only get closer, it'd be a piece of cake...
Defeat Dialogue
Kakyoin: I told you already...you'll never get near us.
N'Doul: Now there is no one left to stand in our way.
The Gang in the Ruins
(遺跡のギャングたち Iseki no Gyangu-tachi)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Colosseum
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
7500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Narancia Costume A
A: Fugo Color Set
B: Player Card Quote Set 1
EX Bonus
1. Perform a 30-hit combo or greater. (Narancia Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Achieve a JoJolity. (Narancia Victory Pose D)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: I'm Jotaro Kujo. What's your name?
Giorno: Giorno...Giovanna...
Fugo: My virus will free you from your pain...
Narancia: Two beehives, coming right up!
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: You're not half bad.
Giorno: What a Stand... It has both overwhelming power and super-precise movements...
Defeat Dialogue
Fugo: If you catch this virus...you're done for. There's no cure.
Narancia: You're both going straight to hell!
Welcome to Morioh Town, Part 3
(杜王町へようこそ その③ Moriō-chō e Yōkoso Sono 3)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Boyoyoing Cape
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
13000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Otoishi Costume A
A: Shigechi SFX Set A
B: Otoishi Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Activate a Dual Combo. (Otoishi Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Achieve a JoJolity. (Otoishi Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Shigechi: I'm 'unna smash you into splithereens!
Otoishi: Get ready, guys!
Josuke: If you wanna go, then let's go!
Jotaro: When I say I'm gonna do something, it's as good as done.
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: Geez... That was a really tough battle to fight.
Jotaro: Gimme a break...
Defeat Dialogue
Shigechi: Shee shee shee! Now the Noble One will give me lots of compliments!
Otoishi: I finally expressed...my heart! And the scream of my soul!
Zombie Assault
(屍者たちの襲撃 Shishatachi no Shūgeki)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Justice (Level: 5)
Stage: Boyoyoing Cape
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Defeat 20 enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
Josuke Costume D
Rank Bonus
S: Koichi Costume B
A: Koichi SFX Set C
B: Player Card Diamond is Unbreakable Mount
EX Bonus
1. Win within 50 seconds. (Koichi Dual Combo Pose E)
2. Attack three enemies at once. (Koichi Victory Pose E)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: Fine kid, but if you get hurt, that's on you.
Koichi: But you look like a high schooler too, Jotaro...
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: Koichi, was it? You didn't do too bad out there...
Koichi: I did it! The young Jotaro acknowledged my strength!
Defeat Dialogue
Enya: Justice always wins out in the end!
Blood and Claws, Part 1
(血と爪 その① Chi to Tsume Sono 1)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Zombies (Level: 6)
Stage: Joestar Mansion
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Survive for 40 seconds.
Defeat Conditions
Let yourself or your partner be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
15000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Speedwagon Color Set
A: Speedwagon SFX Set C
B: Speedwagon Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Defeat 40 enemies. (Speedwagon Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Attack three or more enemies at once. (Speedwagon Victory Pose D)
Entrance Dialogue
Jonathan: You! You're one of the allies that Speedwagon found, right?
Jotaro: I'll introduce myself later.
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: Things will never end at this rate... Bring out the boss already!
Jonathan: What kind of ability is that? You seem to be overflowing with energy! I sense an overwhelming power from you!
Defeat Dialogue
Dio: Goodbye, JoJooo!
Blood and Claws, Part 2
(血と爪 その② Chi to Tsume Sono 2)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Dio Brando (Level: 7)
Stage: Joestar Mansion
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's Dual Heat Gauge starts at 20% power.
Completion Bonus
15000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Jonathan Costume A
A: Diego Costume A
B: Diego Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Achieve a JoJolity. (Diego SFX Set A)
2. Retire an enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Diego Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Diego: Don't fail me now, monster...
Dio: You're the monster, you miserable excuse for a human...
Jotaro: When I say I'm gonna do something, it's as good as done.
Speedwagon: Your opponent's right here!
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: Gimme a break.
Speedwagon: Speedwagon withdraws coolly.
Defeat Dialogue
Dio: Weak! So weaaak! My zombies will eat off your pale little faces!
Magnetic Horror
(恐るべき磁力 Osorubeki Jiryoku)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Joestar Mansion
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
Jonathan Costume C
Rank Bonus
S: Speedwagon Costume A
A: Jonathan Color Set
B: Player Card Phantom Blood Mount
EX Bonus
1. Get the First Attack. (Mariah SFX Set A)
2. Connect with a Dual Heat Attack. (Mariah Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Jonathan: Mr. Zeppeli! I'm going to go all-out!
Jotaro: Catching her is going to be the hard part...
Zeppeli: It's a master's duty to see that his disciples' errors are set straight! Bring it on!
Mariah: The magnetic force will keep getting stronger and stronger... Until it splats you like a pancake, Jotaro!
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: What's wrong? You two done already?
Jonathan: Mr. Zeppeli, I trust you. That's why I've given this battle my all...
Defeat Dialogue
Zeppeli: There's nothing so pitiable as an unworthy disciple... At least I can put you to rest with my own hand!
Mariah: You two looked pretty handsome out there.
The Philandering Emperor
(女好きなエンペラー Onnazuki na Enperā)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Hol Horse (Level: 14)
Stage: Air Supplena Island
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy cannot be backstabbed and has no skill cooldown.
Completion Bonus
19000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Old Joseph Costume A
A: Avdol Color Set
B: Avdol Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Perform a 35-hit combo or greater. (Hol Horse Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Win within 40 seconds. (Hol Horse Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Hol Horse: Let's take these guys out and reap the rewards, J. Geil!
Joseph: You can use Ripple too?
Jotaro: No... It's called a Stand.
Victory Dialogue
Joseph: That "Stand" thing isn't Ripple... So then what is it?
Jotaro: You'll find out soon enough, gramps.
Defeat Dialogue
Hol Horse: When J. Geil's Hanged Man and my Emperor team up, no one stands a chance!
At Cape Canaveral, Part 1
(ケープ・カナベラルにて その① Kēpu Kanaberaru nite Sono 1)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Cape Canaveral
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
22500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Jolyne Costume A
A: Jolyne Color Set
B: Jolyne Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Win within 45 seconds. (Ermes Costume A)
2. Connect with a Dual Heat Attack. (Anasui Costume A)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: First, we need to defeat them.
Jolyne: You know something about this?
Ermes: Jolyne! I'll smash you to pieceeeeees!
Anasui: I'll dismantle you...
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: Gimme a break...... They're both close-range power types?
Jolyne: They're quite the aggressive duo...
Defeat Dialogue
Ermes: My stickers dealt them a world of pain!
Anasui: Diver Down... "Dismantling complete"...
At Cape Canaveral, Part 2
(ケープ・カナベラルにて その② Kēpu Kanaberaru nite Sono 2)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Cape Canaveral
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy cannot be backstabbed and has no skill cooldown.
Completion Bonus
25000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Weather SFX Set A
A: Jotaro SFX Set C
B: Weather Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Activate a Dual Combo. (Weather Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Perform a 35-hit combo or greater. (Weather Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: We'll just do what we did before.
Jolyne: Okay. In order to bring Weather back to normal... I'll beat him to a pulp!
Weather: I want to wreak total chaos...
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: Gimme a break... That's one hell of a Stand...
Jolyne: Weather! I'll wake you up!
Defeat Dialogue
Weather: The Noble One will guide us to heaven... Even the cursed ones like me...
Eyes of Heaven
(アイズオブヘブン Aizu obu Hebun)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Pet Shop (Level: 15)
Stage: Cape Canaveral
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's stamina usage is decreased by 25%.
Completion Bonus
25500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Giorno Costume A
A: Jolyne SFX Set C
B: Pet Shop Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Pet Shop SFX Set A)
2. Connect with a Dual Heat Attack. (Pet Shop Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: Enough with the dramatic bullshit.
Jolyne: What he's saying sounds completely different than before...
New Pucci: Let us sing praises for the new Heaven!
Pet Shop: Squawk! Squawk!
Victory Dialogue
Jolyne: Pucci seems like a completely different person...
Jotaro: I'm not hearing your lecture too well... Can you speak up a bit?
Defeat Dialogue
New Pucci: Farewell, Kujos...
Pet Shop: Squaaaaaaawk!
D'Arby's Challenge
(ダービーの挑戦 Dābī no Chōsen)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Morioh
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Win all chips in play.
Defeat Conditions
Let D'Arby win all chips in play.
Special Conditions
Cheating Poker match.
Completion Bonus
Jolyne Costume H
Rank Bonus
S: 37500 JP
A: 15000 JP
B: Player Card Stone Ocean Mount
EX Bonus
1. Win while D'Arby's Mental Gauge is empty. (Player Card Quote Set 3)
2. Win without losing a Cheating sequence. (Player Card Quote Set 6)
Holy Corpse
(聖なる遺体 Seinaru Itai)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Morioh
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire Enya the Hag.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Josuke Costume B
A: Jotaro SFX Set B
B: Joseph Quote Set D
EX Bonus
1. Win within 40 seconds. (Johnny Victory Pose D)
2. Attack four or more enemies at once. (Giorno Victory Pose E)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: You're getting an ass beating from yours truly.
Josuke: Whoa, that scared me! Stupid turtle...
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: Gimme a break.
Josuke: Make fun of my hair, and I get pissed off. I don't know why! I guess it's just instinct.
Defeat Dialogue
Enya: Justice is with me!
Valentine's Theory
(ヴァレンタインの話 Varentain no Hanashi, lit. Valentine's Story)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Air Supplena Island
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy cannot be backstabbed and has no skill cooldown.
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Jolyne Costume C
A: Valentine Costume A
B: Valentine Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Perform a 35-hit combo or greater. (Valentine SFX Set A)
2. Retire the enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Valentine Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: Whoever you are, you've got one hell of an attitude.
Valentine: Star Platinum... Precise movements, superb energy, and even the ability to stop time...
Johnny: What are you after?!
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: Just gimme a break already...
Johnny: Next time we meet...I'll...
Defeat Dialogue
Valentine: At this rate, you'll accomplish nothing. Have we...no hope at all?
(ポーカー! Pōkā!)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Morioh
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Win all chips in play.
Defeat Conditions
Let D'Arby win all chips in play.
Special Conditions
Cheating Poker match.
Completion Bonus
37500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Jolyne Costume C
A: 30000 JP
B: 11500 JP
EX Bonus
1. Win while D'Arby's Mental Gauge is empty. (Player Card Quote Set 7)
2. Win without losing a Cheating sequence. (Player Card Quote Set 9)
The Corpse Hunt Continues, Part 3
(遺体集め再開 その③ Itai Atsume Saikai Sono 3)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Naples Station
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy cannot be backstabbed and has no skill cooldown.
Completion Bonus
32500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Fugo Costume A
A: Trish Color Set
B: Fugo Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Bucciarati SFX Set A)
2. Retire the enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Narancia Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Bucciarati: I hope you're prepared...to be split into pieces by my zippers!
Giorno: Here we go, Bucciarati...
Jotaro: Gimme a break.
Victory Dialogue
Giorno: Please wake up, Bucciarati!
Jotaro: Just gimme a break already...
Defeat Dialogue
Bucciarati: Mission accomplished...
Over the Rainbow, Part 1
(虹の向こう その① Niji no Mukō Sono 1)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Boyoyoing Cape
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team moves 25% faster, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 25% power.
Completion Bonus
34000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Rohan Costume A
A: Koichi Color Set
B: Shigechi Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Activate two Dual Combos. (Shigechi Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Retire an enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Shigechi Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Shigechi: Harvest! Steal the corpse part from him!
Otoishi: Let me show you a REAL knockouuuut!
Josuke: Let's throw down, punk!
Jotaro: I wouldn't if I were you. I don't hold back on anyone...
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: Call me Josuke Higashikata, the man who turns the tables back on his foes!
Jotaro: Hmph...
Defeat Dialogue
Shigechi: We done did it! It's my corpse part! I got it back!
Otoishi: I finally expressed...my heart! And the scream of my soul!
The Destination, Part 1
(たどりついた場所 その① Tadoritsuita Basho Sono 1)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Zombies (Level: 31)
Stage: Joestar Mansion
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Defeat 20 enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
33000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Dio Brando Costume C
A: Jonathan SFX Set D
B: Dio Brando Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Win within 50 seconds. (Jonathan Dual Combo Pose E)
2. Defeat three or more enemies at once. (Jonathan Victory Pose E)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: Step down, woman.
Jolyne: You step down, you stupid kid!
Victory Dialogue
Jolyne: Hmmm... I guess you've always been a little strong.
Jotaro: Tch! You never shut up, do you?
Defeat Dialogue
New Pucci: For those who would sneer at Heaven...this is a suitable fate.
The Destination, Part 2
(たどりついた場所 その② Tadoritsuita Basho Sono 2)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Joestar Mansion
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy cannot be backstabbed and has no skill cooldown.
Completion Bonus
34000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Jotaro Costume B
A: Pucci Costume A
B: Pucci Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Perform a 40-hit combo or greater. (Pucci SFX Set A)
2. Retire the enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Pucci Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
New Pucci: Lay down your burdens. Entrust everything to DIO...
Jotaro: Gimme a break... Who says you get to name it?
Jolyne: This ends here!
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: Gimme a break...
Jolyne: Back to hell with you!
Defeat Dialogue
New Pucci: Even now?! Can you still not fathom the sublime wonder of the Eyes of Heaven?
The Final Battle, Part 1
(最終決戦 その① Saishū Kessen Sono 1)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Cairo Rooftops
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy has no skill cooldown, and their attack power is increased by 10%.
Completion Bonus
37500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Iggy Costume A
A: Kakyoin Color Set
B: Kakyoin Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Kakyoin Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Win within 35 seconds. (Kakyoin Victory Pose D)
Entrance Dialogue
Heaven DIO: Fight me, Jotaro.
Jotaro: ...
Johnny: I'm going to get the corpse and bring myself back to zero!!
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: Gimme a break. So good so far, but here's where the real problem starts...
Johnny: This is what Lesson 5 was for...
Defeat Dialogue
Heaven DIO: Kneel before my reality!
The Final Battle, Part 5
(最終決戦 その⑤ Saishū Kessen Sono 5)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Cairo Overpass (Over Heaven Space)
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy has no skill cooldown, and their attack power is increased by 10%.
Completion Bonus
55000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Jotaro Costume C
A: DIO Costume A
B: DIO Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Activate three Dual Combos. (DIO Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Retire the enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (DIO Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Jolyne: Dad...you countered his ability?
Jotaro: Bring it, DIO!
Heaven DIO: This is it! The final round!!
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: So this is your reality or whatever, DIO?
Jolyne: He's so strong! I've never seen my dad like this before!
Defeat Dialogue
Heaven DIO: No one can destroy the reality that I, DIO have created...
Death Thirteen
(死神13 Shinigami 13)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 4.
Stage: Nightmare World
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's stamina usage is decreased by 25%, and their skill cooldown is reduced by 25%.
Completion Bonus
19000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Old Joseph Costume B
A: Old Joseph SFX Set B
B: Old Joseph Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Get the First Attack. (Old Joseph Dual Combo Pose E)
2. Backstab five times. (Old Joseph Victory Pose E)
Fate from the Past, Hope for the Future
(過去の因縁、未来への希望 Kako no Innen, Mirai e no Kibō)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 5.
DIO (Level: 12)
Stage: Cairo Rooftops
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's stamina usage is decreased by 25%, and their skill cooldown is reduced by 25%.
Completion Bonus
22500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: DIO Costume E
B: DIO Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Activate a Dual Combo. (DIO Dual Combo Pose E)
2. Complete a Dramatic Finish. (DIO Victory Pose E)
The Path to Heaven
(『天国』への道 "Tengoku" e no Michi)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 7.
DIO (Level: 19)
Stage: Cape Canaveral
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's health regenerates by 2% every five seconds, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 25% power.
Completion Bonus
27500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: DIO Costume F
B: DIO Quote Set B
EX Bonus
1. Activate two Dual Combos. (DIO Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Win without letting your partner get retired. (DIO Victory Pose D)
Empowering Ties
(絆こそ力 Kizuna Koso Chikara)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 6.
Stage: Cape Canaveral
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's movement speed is increased by 15%.
Completion Bonus
26500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Josuke Costume F
A: Old Joseph SFX Set D
B: Jotaro Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Achieve three JoJolities. (Jolyne Dual Combo Pose E)
2. Retire an enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Jolyne Victory Pose E)
A Father's Dignity
(父の威厳 Chichi no Igen)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 6.
Stage: Cape Canaveral
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team cannot be backstabbed, and their skill cooldown is reduced by 50%.
Completion Bonus
26500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Old Joseph Costume C
A: Old Joseph SFX Set C
B: Old Joseph Quote Set D
EX Bonus
1. Achieve three JoJolities. (Old Joseph Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Connect with two Dual Heat Attacks. (Old Joseph Victory Pose D)
Two Dios
(2人のディオ Futari no Dio)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 6.
Stage: Cairo Rooftops
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's movement speed and attack power are increased by 10%.
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Johnny Costume C
A: Diego SFX Set D
B: Diego Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Get the First Attack. (Dio Brando Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Complete a Dramatic Finish. (Dio Brando Victory Pose D)
Souls Never Die
(魂は死なず Tamashī wa Shinazu)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 8.
DIO (Level: 19)
Stage: Cairo Rooftops
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's stamina usage is decreased by 25%, and their skill cooldown is reduced by 25%.
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Jonathan Costume E
A: Jonathan SFX Set C
B: Jonathan Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Activate two Dual Combo Finishes. (Jonathan Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Retire an enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Jonathan Victory Pose D)
The 9 Glory Gods Attack
(9栄神の襲撃 9-sakae Kami no Shūgeki)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 5.
N'Doul (Level: 13)
Stage: Cairo Rooftops
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's skill cooldown is reduced by 25%, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 25% power.
Completion Bonus
22500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Mariah SFX Set B
A: N'Doul SFX Set B
B: N'Doul Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Activate a Dual Combo. (Mariah Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Win within 35 seconds. (Mariah Victory Pose C)
Justice Enslaves the Dead, Part 1
(死を操る正義(ジャスティス) その1 Shi o Ayatsuru Jasutisu Sono 1, lit. The Dead-Manipulating Justice, Part 1)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 5.
Justice (Level: 11)
Stage: Morioh
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire Enya the Hag.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
22500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Okuyasu SFX Set A
A: Otoishi SFX Set A
B: Player Card Quote Set 19
EX Bonus
1. Win within 40 seconds. (Otoishi Dual Combo Pose E)
2. Attack three or more enemies at once. (Otoishi Victory Pose E)
Justice Enslaves the Dead, Part 2
(死を操る正義(ジャスティス) その2 Shi o Ayatsuru Jasutisu Sono 2, lit. The Dead-Manipulating Justice, Part 2)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 6 and Mission 41.
Justice (Level: 14)
Stage: Naples Station
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire Enya the Hag.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
28000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Bucciarati SFX Set B
A: Narancia SFX Set B
B: Player Card Quote Set 23
EX Bonus
1. Win within 30 seconds. (Bucciarati Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Attack three or more enemies at once. (Bucciarati Victory Pose C)
Justice Enslaves the Dead, Part 3
(死を操る正義(ジャスティス) その3 Shi o Ayatsuru Jasutisu Sono 3, lit. The Dead-Manipulating Justice, Part 3)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 8 and Mission 42.
Justice (Level: 21)
Stage: Joestar Mansion
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire Enya the Hag.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Jolyne SFX Set D
A: Anasui SFX Set D
B: Player Card Quote Set 27
EX Bonus
1. Attack four or more enemies at once. (Ermes Dual Combo Pose E)
2. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Ermes Victory Pose E)
Servants of Evil, Part 1
(悪の下僕 その1 Aku no Geboku Sono 1)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 4.
Vampires (Level: 7)
Stage: Air Supplena Island
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Defeat 15 enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out or take longer than 25 seconds.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
19000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Caesar SFX Set C
A: Stroheim SFX Set A
B: Player Card Quote Set 107
EX Bonus
1. Win within 15 seconds. (Stroheim Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Attack three or more enemies at once. (Stroheim Victory Pose D)
Servants of Evil, Part 2
(悪の下僕 その2 Aku no Geboku Sono 2)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 9 and Mission 44.
Vampires (Level: 22)
Stage: Colosseum
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Defeat 15 enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out or take longer than 25 seconds.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
33000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Narancia SFX Set C
A: Mista SFX Set D
B: Player Card Quote Set 127
EX Bonus
1. Attack three or more enemies at once. (Trish Dual Combo Pose E)
2. Defeat two or more enemies at once. (Trish Victory Pose E)
Servants of Evil, Part 3
(悪の下僕 その3 Aku no Geboku Sono 3)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 9 and Mission 44.
Vampires (Level: 22)
Stage: Higashikata House
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Defeat 15 enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out or take longer than 25 seconds.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
37500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Joshu SFX Set D
A: Josuke 8 Quote Set D
B: Player Card Quote Set 133
EX Bonus
1. Defeat two or more enemies at once. (Joshu Dual Combo Pose E)
2. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Joshu Victory Pose E)
The Ultimate Living Weapons, Part 1
(史上最強の攻撃生物 その1 Shijō Saikyō no Kōgeki Seibutsu Sono 1)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 7.
Dinosaurs (Level: 18)
Stage: Boyoyoing Cape
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Defeat 20 enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Yukako SFX Set C
A: Okuyasu SFX Set B
B: Player Card Quote Set 118
EX Bonus
1. Attack two or more enemies at once. (Shigechi Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Use the Boyoyoing Rock stage gimmick. (Shigechi Victory Pose D)
The Ultimate Living Weapons, Part 2
(史上最強の攻撃生物 その2 Shijō Saikyō no Kōgeki Seibutsu Sono 2)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 9 and Mission 47.
Dinosaurs (Level: 20)
Stage: Green Dolphin Street Prison
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Defeat 20 enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
32500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Ermes SFX Set C
A: Jolyne Quote Set D
B: Player Card Quote Set 130
EX Bonus
1. Attack two or more enemies at once. (Anasui Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Defeat two or more enemies at once. (Anasui Victory Pose D)
The Ultimate Living Weapons, Part 3
(史上最強の攻撃生物 その3 Shijō Saikyō no Kōgeki Seibutsu Sono 3)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 9 and Mission 47.
Dinosaurs (Level: 33)
Stage: Rocky Mountains Village
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Defeat 10 enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out or take longer than 30 seconds.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
33000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Johnny SFX Set D
A: Gyro SFX Set D
B: Player Card Quote Set 112
EX Bonus
1. Defeat two or more enemies at once. (Gyro Quote Set C)
2. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Johnny Quote Set F)
(OPEN THE GAME! Ōpen Za Gēmu!)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 7.
Stage: Morioh
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Win all chips in play.
Defeat Conditions
Let D'Arby win all chips in play.
Special Conditions
Cheating Poker match.
Completion Bonus
4000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Rohan Costume C
A: 15000 JP
B: 7500 JP
EX Bonus
1. Win while D'Arby's Mental Gauge is empty. (Player Card Quote Set 10)
2. Win without losing a Cheating sequence. (Player Card Quote Set 11)
(OPEN THE NEXT GAME!! Ōpen Za Nekusuto Gēmu!!)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 9 and Mission 50.
Stage: Morioh
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Win all chips in play.
Defeat Conditions
Let D'Arby win all chips in play.
Special Conditions
Cheating Poker match.
Completion Bonus
4000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Johnny Costume E
A: 30000 JP
B: 11500 JP
EX Bonus
1. Win while D'Arby's Mental Gauge is empty. (Player Card Quote Set 12)
2. Win without losing a Cheating sequence. (Player Card Quote Set 13)
(OPEN THE LAST GAME!!! Ōpen Za Rasuto Gēmu!!!)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 10 and Mission 51.
Stage: Morioh
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Win all chips in play.
Defeat Conditions
Let D'Arby win all chips in play.
Special Conditions
Cheating Poker match.
Completion Bonus
4000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: DIO Costume G
A: 37500 JP
B: 19000 JP
EX Bonus
1. Win while D'Arby's Mental Gauge is empty. (Player Card Quote Set 14)
2. Win without losing a Cheating sequence. (Player Card Quote Set 15)
We're the Invincible Trio!
(オレたちは最強のトリオですぜッ! Oretachi wa Saikyō no Torio desu ze!)
Unlock Conditions: Purchase the mission as part of Mission Pack 3.
DIO (Level: 46)
Stage: Boyoyoing Cape
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's attack power is increased by 25%, and their skill cooldown is reduced by 50%.
Completion Bonus
60000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Giorno Costume E
B: Hol Horse SFX Set B
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Jotaro Dual Combo Pose E)
2. Achieve three JoJolities. (Jotaro Victory Pose E)



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