You pissed me off. (てめーはおれを怒らせた)
—Chapter 264: DIO's World, Part 18

Jotaro Kujo (空条 承太郎, Kūjō Jōtarō) was one of the first four characters announced for All-Star Battle (the others being Gyro Zeppeli, Wamuu, and Joseph Joestar) and the first character to appear in the game's first trailer (aside from Rohan Kishibe, who was meant to draw Jotaro's introduction but was otherwise not yet shown as an in-game fighter).

Most of his attacks are similar to those from the Capcom game, Heritage for the Future. As one of the mass majority of playable characters in the game with the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Style, Jotaro can turn Star Platinum "on/off", changing movesets, as well as having access to the Stand Rush ability returning from Heritage for the Future, being able to attack in conjunction with his Stand.

This is also the first piece of JoJo media to feature Daisuke Ono as Jotaro's Japanese voice actor, replacing all of his other voices prior. Since this casting decision, Daisuke has remained as Jotaro's voice actor for the anime adaptation, as well as future, related games like Eyes of Heaven and All-Star Battle R.


Wielding Star Platinum's incredible power, Jotaro possesses both above-average damage and range, and many of his attacks cover a good distance both in front of him and above while being lengthy in execution. As such, he is one of the easier characters to play and a good starting character for learning Stand Style-specific mechanics such as Stand Rush or Quick Stand-On. His various "ORA, ORA!" punch barrages have wider coverage than other characters' rushes, while Star Finger is an unblockable mid-ranged skill dealing good damage and creating openings to exploit. Even against opponents that can battle at long range, Jotaro can pressure them using "My STAND will be the judge!" and "Beat in a single breath!" to cross the distance and potentially interrupt their own abilities.

Jotaro possesses the formidable ability to stop time and leave the opponent completely at his mercy, allowing him to deal astounding burst damage. Once he has the necessary amount of Heart Heat, simply the threat of it can force his opponent to engage him directly where he is at his strongest, so as to not give him the chance to use it.

Jotaro's weakness is the recovery of many of his special skills to offset his damage and range. Without the ability to Flash Cancel or Stand Rush, merely blocking most of his attacks renders him highly susceptible to punishment. His tall stature, coupled with Star Platinum's own size and position in front of him, also makes Jotaro notably easy to hit with set traps and attacks with large hitboxes, which can prove difficult when trying to maneuver around certain characters' attacks.

Owing to his Stand's inherent simplicity, Jotaro is viewed as very powerful and well-rounded character, and while he may not sport particularly tricky or esoteric abilities or setplay, it's only his raw, blunt power that makes him highly adaptable.

Command List

Expand/Collapse All

User ModeStand Mode
Special Moves (Stand Off)
Special Moves (Stand On)
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack

Story Mode

Stardust Crusaders

Normal BattleAnother Battle
The Magician of Fire
(炎の魔術師 Honō no Majutsushi)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Stage: Cairo Streets
The Loser is the Evil One
(敗者が悪 Haisha ga Aku)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Cairo Streets
Entry to a Frozen World
(静止した世界への入門 Seishishita Sekai e no Nyūmon)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Cairo Streets
Farewell, My Friends
(遥かなる旅路 さらば友よ Haruka naru Tabiji Saraba Tomo yo)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Cairo Streets
The Magician of Fire
(炎の魔術師 Honō no Majutsushi)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Part 3 in Normal Battle.
Stage: Cairo Streets
The Loser is the Evil One
(敗者が悪 Haisha ga Aku)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Part 3 in Normal Battle.
Stage: Cairo Streets
Entry to a Frozen World
(静止した世界への入門 Seishishita Sekai e no Nyūmon)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Part 3 in Normal Battle.
Stage: Cairo Streets
Farewell, My Friends
(遥かなる旅路 さらば友よ Haruka naru Tabiji Saraba Tomo yo)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Part 3 in Normal Battle.
Stage: Cairo Streets


Normal BattleAnother Battle
Stardust Crusaders
(スターダストクルセイダース Sutādasuto Kuruseidāsu)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Wall Eyes
Stardust Crusaders
(スターダストクルセイダース Sutādasuto Kuruseidāsu)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Part 8 in Normal Battle.
Stage: Wall Eyes


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