Shigechi's Harvest (Story Arc)

Shigechi's Harvest (「重ちー」の収穫(ハーヴェスト), 'Shigechī' no Hāvesuto) is the 13th story arc in Diamond is Unbreakable.

It narrates the meeting between Josuke, Okuyasu, and Shigekiyo Yangu, a young Stand user whose Harvest can collect small items, and their subsequent feud for a large sum of money.


Josuke, nearly ruined, meets alongside Okuyasu and the child Shigekiyo Yangu, whose hive-like Harvest enables the latter to gather small items from the whole town. Striking a deal together, they get rich thanks to a winning lottery ticket but Shigechi gets greedy and wants all the money for himself. Josuke and Okuyasu combat him after he betrays them but eventually befriend him again.[1]


(1st mentioned)
(1st mentioned)



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"Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly"