All-Star Battle R ★ Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli

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That last thing you'll see is the Zeppeli spirit that holds the future! The spirit of humanity! (おれが最期にみせるのは代代受け継いだ未来にたくすツェペリ魂だ! 人間の魂だ!)[2]

Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli (シーザー・アントニオ・ツェペリ, Shīzā Antonio Tseperi) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]

His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.

As Caesar's voice actor in both the Battle Tendency anime and the original All-Star Battle, Takuya Sato reprises his role in this game as well. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Caesar were either added or re-recorded.


Caesar has 950 health and uses the Ripple (波紋, Hamon) Battle Style, which allows him to use the "Ripple Breathing" special to charge his Heart Heat Gauge. He can also draw from his Heart Heat Gauge in order to perform Ripple-enhanced versions of his various skills, increasing their power and utility.

This section requires expansion.

Command List

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Normals (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Caesar performs a short jab.

Attack type: High
Damage: 13
Startup frames: 5

Standing Medium Attack
Caesar performs an uppercut.

Attack type: High
Damage: 21
Startup frames: 7

Standing Heavy Attack
Caesar spins around and attacks with the back of his fist, hitting two times.

Attack type: High
Damage: 33
Startup frames: 11 -> (2) -> 1

Crouching Light Attack
Caesar performs a crouching jab.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 12
Startup frames: 7

Crouching Light Attack
Caesar stabs out with his hand.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 20
Startup frames: 7

Crouching Heavy Attack
Caesar kicks out with his leg and moves forward slightly, knocking the opponent to the ground.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 32
Startup frames: 13

Jumping Light Attack
Caesar imbues his hands with the Ripple and attacks downwards with them, hitting up to four times.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 4 × 4 (16)
Startup frames: 11 -> (2) -> 1×3

Jumping Medium Attack
Caesar kicks at a downward angle while in the air.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 25
Startup frames: 11

Jumping Heavy Attack
Caesar performs an aerial kick straight out.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 33
Startup frames: 13

Style/Specials/Etc. (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Ripple Breathing (波紋の呼吸)
Caesar breathes out to produce the Ripple, charging his Heart Heat Gauge.

There are 5 different poses Caesar can strike while using this technique, all being the same as his Stylish Evade poses.

Seated Jump (すわったままの姿勢でジャンプ)
// then //
A 'Super Jump' skill. Caesar leaps higher into the air with his legs crossed, covering a greater distance when leaping forward or backwards. This special can be used to better evade attacks, extend time for air-based skills, or quickly cancel normal attacks for both offensive and defensive purposes.
Aerial Chain Beat (空中チェーンビート)
or or
While in mid-air, Caesar can chain his aerial normal attacks together in order of increasing power, much like any other character could on the ground.
Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード)
Activates below 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Caesar falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills (コマンド技)
Bubble Launcher (シャボンランチャー)
Caesar rapidly unleashes a small group of projectile bubbles from his hands. If used on the ground, the bubbles are shot forward, while they are shot at a downward angle if used in the air. The bubbles will slowly float a distance forward before popping if they do not connect with an opponent. The distance the projectile travels is greater for the grounded version. Caesar cannot use this move in the air if he jumps backwards. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 6 × 5 (30)
Startup frames: 19 (ground) / 11 (air)

Bubble Cutter (シャボン・カッター)
+ / for ½ HH
Caesar conjures disc-shaped projectile bubbles that he then launches straight forward, striking the opponent with multiple hits. If the button inputted is held, Caesar will delay launching the Cutters until the button is released. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Using the Ripple variant increases the number of Cutters and the attack's total damage.
This skill is capable of hitting Wamuu while his Vapor Barrier is active, bypassing his projectile immunity.

Attack type: High
Damage: 8 × 6 (48) / 8 × 10 (80)
Startup frames: 15 / 41

Gliding Bubble Cutter (シャボンカッターグライディン)
Caesar conjures disc-shaped projectile bubbles that he then launches low to the ground straight forward, striking the opponent with multiple hits. If the button inputted is held, Caesar will delay launching the Cutters until the button is released. (Flash Cancel comboable)
This skill is capable of hitting Wamuu while his Vapor Barrier is active, bypassing his projectile immunity.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 8 × 5 (40)
Startup frames: 31

Bubble Lenses (シャボン・レンズ)
+ // or for ½ HH
Caesar conjures his Bubble Cutters, but rather than launching them, the Cutters instead remain stationary. After a delay, they suddenly refract solar rays in the form of lasers before popping. The attack button inputted, as well as if Caesar performs this skill on the ground or in the air, determines the possible trajectories of the lasers. If the opponent touches the Cutters before the laser is shot, the individual bubbles touched will instead deal damage and pop while the remaining will still shoot their lasers after the delay. If Caesar uses this skill again before the Cutters start firing their laser, the previously spawned Cutters will disappear. (Comboable)
Using the Ripple variant increases the number of Lenses and the attack's total damage; the Lenses will also aim their lasers at the opponent.

Attack type: High
Damage: 12 (bubble) 40 (laser) / 24 (bubble) 56 (laser) / 36 (bubble) 72 (laser) / 60 (bubble) 75 (laser)
Startup frames: 13

One-Fisted Uppercut (素拳での一撃!)
+ // or for ½ HH
Caesar delivers an uppercut imbued with Ripple energy, shocking his opponent and sending them flying. The variant can be Flash Canceled but has no invulnerability, while all other variants of the skill cannot be Flash Canceled but have increasing invulnerability. Damage increases in order, but vulnerability also increases. This skill can function as an anti-air. (Flash Cancel comboable)
If the Ripple variant is used, the attack will deal more damage, execute faster, and have increased invulnerability. Instead of being sent flying, the opponent will be shocked multiple times and crumple to the ground, leaving them vulnerable. (Comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 50 / 65 / 15 + 75 (90) / 12 × 5 + 6 × 2 (78)
Startup frames: 11 / 13 / 15 -> (2) -> 1 / 9 -> (2) -> 1 -> (2) -> 1 -> (6) -> 1

Ripple Kick (波紋蹴り)
+ // or for ½ HH
Caesar suddenly launches forward in a flying kick, sending the opponent flying. The distance Caesar travels and damage dealt increases in order, but the vulnerability also increases. This skill can function as a reversal. (Flash Cancel comboable)
If the Ripple variant is used, Caesar will deal increased damage and gain invincibility for the duration of the attack. However, this variant cannot be Flash Canceled or canceled into HHA.

Attack type: High
Damage: 80 / 90 / 100 / 120
Startup frames: 17 -> (2) -> 1 / 21 -> (2) -> 1 / 25 -> (2) -> 1

Cat Stance (「ネコ足立ち」のかまえ)
+ // or for ½ HH
Caesar assumes a special defensive stance for a very brief instance. If struck with a non-Throw/HHA/GHA in that moment, he will automatically perform a Stylish Evade. Activation speed decreases in order, but the recovery afterwards increases. The recovery time can be canceled into a normal attack from the same button used to activate the skill.
The Ripple variant actives faster and has a reduced recovery.

Attack type: Counter

Throw (投げ技)
Ripple Spark (波紋のスパーク)
2 ATK buttons at close range or ( to back-throw)
Caesar places both of his hands on his opponent's torso and sends them flying with a blast of Ripple energy.

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 110

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
Bubble Barrier (シャボンバリアー)
+ 2 ATK Buttons
Scoffing at his opponent, Caesar rapidly launches a dense group of bubbles that float a short distance. If they connect, Caesar continues creating bubbles that rapidly form into a singular, massive, floating Bubble Barrier that traps the opponent, carrying them into the air. The bubble then explodes with a potent Ripple surge, dealing damage to and knocking the opponent to the ground as Caesar taunts them.

Attack type: High
Damage: 210

Bubble Barrier! Gonna beat your ass back to the boonies! (シャボンバリアー! 喰らってイナカへ帰りな)
Burn Black! (まっ黒に感光しろ!)
+ 3 ATK Buttons, or
Caesar conjures a large number of Bubble Lenses that he then launches forward at high speeds. If the attack connects, the opponent is knocked off-balance as the lenses surround them on all sides and begin refracting light from the sun (regardless of the stage or time of day). Caesar tells his foe that the light will expose and burn them before jumping into the air. As the lenses focus their solar beams onto them, the opponent slowly and painfully ignites, soon bursting into flames.

Attack type: High
Damage: 320 / 384 / 480 (depending on HH gauge)

Bubble Cutter... More where that came from! The light! It goes from lens to lens! Burn Black! (シャボン・カッターの… さらなる応用編ッ! 光が! レンズからレンズへ! まっ黒に感光しろ!)
Assist System (アシストシステム)
Assault Assist (アサルトアシスト)
A two-stock assist. Caesar lands in and conjures his Bubble Cutters, leaving them floating in the air. After a delay, they suddenly refract solar rays in the form of lasers before popping. The Lenses will aim their lasers at the opponent. If the opponent touches one of the Cutters before the laser is shot, the individual bubble touched will instead deal damage and pop while the remaining will still shoot their lasers after the delay. This assist deals Ripple damage.

Attack type: High
Damage: 12 × 5 (60) (bubble) 15 × 5 (75) (laser)

Reversal Assist (リバーサルアシスト)
A two-stock assist. Caesar jumps into the opponent, kicking them and knocking them away. He then poses before jumping back off-screen.

Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

Normals (通常技)
Jumping Light Attack
When hitting an aerial opponent, the move no longer immediately knocks the opponent to the ground.
Style/Specials/Etc. (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Aerial Chain Beat
or or
This special is new to All-Star Battle R.
Skills (コマンド技)
Bubble Launcher
The bubble projectiles no longer have tracking. As such, when used in the air, the bubbles are shot downwards now rather than straight out. The bubbles also do not persist on screen as long as they did in All-Star Battle if the skill is used in the air. Additionally, Caesar can no longer use the aerial version of this skill after jumping backwards.
Gliding Bubble Cutter
+ for ½ HH
This skill is now a Low instead of a High. The Cutter projectiles also both spawn and travel faster than they do in All-Star Battle.
Bubble Lenses
+ // or for ½ HH
The attack's input has been changed. Previously, it was in place of . Also, if the skill is used again before the already spawned lenses start their attack, they will now disappear.
One-Fisted Uppercut
+ // or for ½ HH
The Ripple-enhanced variant of the skill no longer deals reduced damage, instead dealing the most damage out of all variants of the skill.
Ripple Kick
+ // or for ½ HH
The attack's input has been changed. Previously, it was in place of . Also, the skill only has invulnerability on the Ripple-enhanced variant of the skill rather than all of them. Additionally, the Ripple-enhanced variant can no longer be Flash Canceled or canceled into HHA. It can be used while in mid-air now though.
Cat Stance
+ // or for ½ HH
The skill's recovery can now cancel into normal attacks from the same button used to activate the skill. The Ripple-enhanced version has slightly less recovery than it did in All-Star Battle.

Medal List

Costumes & Tints

NormalSpecial ASpecial B
Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Caesar's main Battle Tendency attire

Special Costume A
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Battle Tendency Caesar vs. Wamuu Normal Battle
Win with a Great Heat Attack


Caesar's outfit in Chapter 62: The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 9

Special Costume B
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
8500 G


Caesar's outfit in the Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times arc

NormalSpecial ASpecial B
Tint ATint BTint CTint D
Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Caesar's anime colors

Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Adventure Battle Card J-020 & J-111

Color Tint C
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Battle Tendency Caesar vs. Gyro Zeppeli Extra Battle
Land the "Bubble Cutter" skill


This section requires expansion.

Color Tint D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
2800 G


Super Action Statue; Caesar's default costume in All-Star Battle

Special A Tint ASpecial A Tint B
Special Costume A: Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume A


Caesar's outfit in Chapter 62: The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 9, with colors from Adventure Battle Card J-019

Special Costume A: Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume A


This section requires expansion.

Special B Tint ASpecial B Tint B
Special Costume B: Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume B


Caesar's outfit in the Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times arc, with colors from Adventure Battle Card J-111

Special Costume B: Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume B


This section requires expansion.

Taunts & Victory Poses

Taunt A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 90: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 3

Taunt B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 63: Joseph Joestar of Rome

Taunt C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 66: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 2

Taunt D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 63: Joseph Joestar of Rome

Taunt E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 90: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 3

Victory ABCDE
Victory A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Cover A of Chapter 91: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 4

Victory B
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 62: The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 9

Victory C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Cover B of Chapter 90

Victory D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 66: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 2

Victory E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 65: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 1


Caesar's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for 300 G. Caesar's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for 140 G, excluding "Mamma mia! Okay, okay, I'm-a going!", which is unlocked by default.

Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag LinesMisc.
Taunt Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Your defeat will be cold and cruel! (冷酷! 残忍! そのおれがきさまを倒すぜッ)
  • I'll finish this! I won't rest until I do! (おれが片をつけるッ!!  片をつけなきゃあああーーーッ、気がすまないッ!)
  • Ooh, not so fast! (おっと待ちな!)
  • You're starting to piss me off, you ass! (いいかげんなヤツだ! 気にくわん!)
  • You couldn't even beat that girl! (おまえは「その(むすめ)にさえ勝てん」)
  • Man, what a disappointment. (フー、ガッカリしたよ(・・・・・・・))
  • Let's throw down, you stupid hick! (うるさい、やるか! イナカモン!!)
  • Yet another hick from the sticks, huh? (いなか者がふえたようだ)
  • You're useless to me! (使いものにならん!)
  • Some bubbles can cut through wind... I've updated my grandfather's Ripple Cutter! Bubble Cutter! (風をつっきるシャボンもある(・・)ッ……… じいさんツェペリがつかったという波紋カッターの応用編… シャボン・カッターッ!!)
  • You bum! (このいなか者!)
  • Hmph! How d'you like that? (フン! それみたことかッ!!)
  • Pathetic! (ブザマな!)
  • Just sit down! (すわってろ!)
  • You haven't got a clue! (わからんやつだな)
  • Show some respect. (無礼をするなよ。おれがゆるさん)
  • What're you scared for?! (なにビビっている!?)
  • Lost your nerve?! (おじけづいたかッ!)
  • I thought you, of all people, would understand. What a disappointment! (きさまだけにはわかると思ったがみそこなったぜ!)
  • Nngh! Quit messing around! (ヌウウ、なめんじゃあねえ!)
  • You! What're you screwing with me for?! Are you even taking this seriously?! (きさまッ! なんかフザケてるなァ!  真剣に考えてんだろうなァ!)
Victory Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Nothing can break my Ripple, or my spinning, saucer-like Bubble Cutter! (波紋をおびてるから割れることなし!  高速回転を加え、円盤状に変形したシャボン・カッター!)
  • My spirit is honed... I feel every change in the wind! Just as I did in the slums! (おれの全神経は今…研ぎすまされている… ハダで微妙な空気の動きまでもわかるほどに!  貧民街時代のビリビリした感覚だ!!)
  • Mamma mia! (ママミーヤ)
  • My gloves and costume are all filled with the special soap mixture I need for my bubbles! (おれの手袋や服装(コスチューム)にはいたるところにシャボンのための 特殊石けん水がしこんであるッ!)
  • I hate sloppy bastards like you. (おれ、こういういーかげんなヤツ嫌いだ…)
  • We Italians care for our family more than anything! Across every generation! (おれたちイタリア人は一族をおもう気持ちが どの民族よりも強い! それを誇りにしているから 受け継ぐのだ! おれも同様だ!)
  • I feel so tense! This is just like how it was back in the slums! (おれの精神テンションは今! 貧民時代にもどっているッ!)
  • At last, I have the skill needed to kill the Pillar Men! I can do this! (おれには「柱の男」どもを倒す(じゅつ)があるッ! 必殺の(じゅつ)がッ!)
  • Have fun flopping around like a fish out of water! (しばらく酸欠状態で苦しみな)
  • My friend was killed! It'll take more than that to stop my rage! (友人が殺されたのだッ!  目のひとつくらいでへこたれるかッ!!)
  • "The smaller the hole in the water gun, the farther it'll shoot!" You got that?! (「水鉄砲は穴が小さい方がイキオイよく遠くまで飛ぶ!」 ということだ! わかったか、スカタン)
  • You're pretty damn stubborn, you know that?! (さっぱりしたヤツかと思っていたが意外と執念深いな、こいつ!)
  • How disappointing. Guess you really were as stupid as you looked. (わからん。やっぱり単純サッパリ野郎だったかな……)
  • JoJo and I won't be bested by the likes of those three! (おれもジョジョもあの3人との戦いに生き残るんだ)
  • I'm here to settle this! I'll finish what my grandfather started! (あせってなどいないッ! これは決着だッ!  石仮面のために死んだ、おれのじいさんの代からの 因縁に決着をつける! おれはやつをブッ殺すッ!!)
  • I'm going! (おれは行くぜ)
  • This is a family matter! (おれの血統の問題だ!)
  • I know this is a trap. In fact, that's exactly why I'm here. (ワナがあるなどオレは百も承知だ…… 知っているからこそ来たのだ(・・・・・・・・・・・・・))
  • I'm a Zeppeli. Their proud blood flows in my veins. (おれは誇り高きツェペリ家の男だ。その血統を受け継いでいる)
  • I have to do something. Otherwise I'll never live it down! (オレだってなんかしなくっちゃあな… カッコ悪くてあの世に行けねーぜ…………)
Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Your defeat will be cold and cruel! (冷酷! 残忍! そのおれがきさまを倒すぜッ)
  • That last thing you'll see is the Zeppeli spirit that holds the future! The spirit of humanity! (おれが最期にみせるのは代代受け継いだ未来にたくすツェペリ魂だ! 人間の魂だ!)
  • JoJo... this is my last ounce of Ripple! Take it! (ジョジョーーーー、おれの最期の波紋だぜーーー、うけとってくれーーッ)
  • Mamma mia! Okay, okay, I'm-a going! (ママミーヤ、わかった。いまいくよ)
  • You couldn't even beat that girl! (おまえは「その(むすめ)にさえ勝てん」)
  • Gotta handle this! I won't stop until I do! (おれが片をつけるッ!! 片をつけなきゃあああーーーッ、気がすまないッ!)
  • Gonna beat your ass back to the boonies! (喰らってイナカへ帰りな)
  • You're a film! A photographic film! (きさまはフィルムだ! 写真のフィルムだ!)
  • Come, signorina, let me undo that Ripple spell for you. (どれシニョリーナ、「波紋」の魔術をといてやるよ)
  • I feel so tense! This is just like how it was back in the slums! (おれの精神テンションは今! 貧民時代にもどっているッ!)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I may have been a pushover before, but no one can beat me now! (以前ならいざしらず、今のこのシーザーが負けるわけがない!)
    —Round Win 1
  • Lisa Lisa's training is paying off big time! (リサリサ先生の訓練効果はすばらしい!)
    —Round Win 2

Special Interactions

  • Caesar's "Bubble Cutter" and "Gliding Bubble Cutter" skills are the only projectiles in the game that can hit Wamuu while his "Vapor Barrier" is active, excluding Heart Heat Attacks and Great Heat Attacks.
  • When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Caesar's face contorts in pain, as it does when taking a lethal blow from Wamuu's Divine Sandstorm.[3]
  • When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Caesar desperately swings at the air, referencing the final stages of his fight with Wamuu.[4]
  • When summoned as an Assist by Joseph Joestar ("JoJo!") or Lisa Lisa ("Master!"), Caesar calls out his ally's name.


Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Caesar has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

EntranceVictoryEnemy Taunts
Match Entrance
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Time to test out the fruits of my training! (修行の成果を試してやる…!)
    —Default dialogue
  • I have to overcome the Ripple trial! (波紋の試練に打ち勝たなくては!)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli (Player 1)
    I gotta do this! I need this training to survive! (やるしかない! 生き残るための修行を!)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli (Player 2)
  • You'll pay for soiling the Zeppeli name! (ツェペリの姓を騙るとは…許せん!)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
    Th-This young man... His power is unspeakable! (こ…この青年にとてつもない才能と力を感じる…!)
  • This Ripple training will make me stronger... and you, too. (波紋の修行につきあうぜ…………… 強く成長するんだ…おれもおまえもな…)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
    Oh no! If there's one word I hate, it's "working," and if there's another, it's "hard!" (オー! ノーッ、おれの嫌いな言葉は一番が「努力」で 二番目が「ガンバル」なんだぜーッ)
  • You can grow stronger still. (あなたはもっと強くなる可能性を秘めている…)
    Spar with me! (お手合わせ願います!)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
  • What was that I just saw? Am I seeing things?! (こ…こいつは!? い…ま、なにか…………… 見えたようだったが…さ…錯覚か)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
    So you're Caesar the bubble wielder, eh? (きさまはシャボン玉を使うシーザーとかいったな)
  • Esidisi! So you're here! (エシディシ! お前がここに!)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
    So that's Ripple, huh? I like it! C'mon! Let's play. (きさまの「波紋」、ちょいと気に入ったぞ。 来い! 遊んでやる)
  • It's the moment the Zeppeli clan has waited for! Kars! I'm gonna beat you down! (ツェペリ家の因縁に決着をつける! カーズ! おれはおまえを倒すッ!)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
    Don't bask in glory yet. There shall be no tomorrow for you. (うぬぼれるな………………… きさまに明日(あす)はない……)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I need to be stronger... Stronger than I am now... (強くならなくては…今の「自分」よりももっと…)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli (Player 1)
    We need to survive this... You and me both, JoJo! (絶対に生き残ってみせる…おれも、ジョジョも…)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli (Player 2)
  • Weird. What's this sense of pride swelling up in my chest? (なんだ…胸にこみ上げてくる…この誇り高い気持ちは…?)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
    I can't help but feel like I'm sparring against my own son... (まるで息子か親友と稽古したような気持ちだぞ…)
  • Who the hell was that? What a freak! (なんだこいつ~。やっぱりわけがわからんやつだ!)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
    Nice, nice! Verrrry nice, Caesar! (ナイスよナイス! ヴェエエリィイイナイス、シーザーちゃん)
  • Thanks for the training! (ご指導、ありがとうございました!)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
    You mustn't lose control of your Ripple Breathing! Calm yourself and focus! (波紋の呼吸を乱してはいけない! 息を整えなさい!)
  • These men have already met with Ripple... over 2,000 years ago! (こいつらと「波紋」は! 二千年前に出逢っている!)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
    You are just as mesmerizing and fleeting as your bubbles! (シャボン玉のように華麗ではかなき男よ)
  • I can feel the strength... Lisa Lisa's training has paid off! (強さを実感できる…リサリサ先生の特訓のたまものだ!)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
    Those bubbles of yours were a lot of fun! (きさまのシャボンには楽しませてもらったぞ)
  • Father... I've avenged you... (父さん…かたきはとったよ…)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
    My Brilliant Bone Blades are far sharper than your Cutter moves! (貴様のカッターなどとは比較にならんのだ… わが輝彩滑刀(きさいかっとう)の切れ味は…)
Enemy Taunts
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Your defeat will be cold and cruel! (冷酷! 残忍! そのおれがきさまを倒すぜッ)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
  • What's some redneck like you doing with that huge hair?! (イナカモンがでかい頭してんじゃあねーぜ)
    —Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair

All-Star Battle Mode

All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Caesar as a combatant, in order of appearance.

Battle Tendency

Normal Battle (★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli (Assist)
Stage: Battlefield
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
700 G
Special Conditions
The player's defense is decreased. The opponent's Assist attack power is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Win without losing a single round: 1000 G
2. Land a Stylish Evade: Caesar Publicity Artwork
3. Land the "Snake Muffler" skill: Lisa Lisa's Theme
Entrance Dialogue
Joseph: Now, how should I pick on you? Heh heh heh!
Lisa Lisa: I will not live a life so in vain that it invites pity from children!
Victory Dialogue
Lisa Lisa: I've always wanted to test that amazing talent of yours...
Defeat Dialogue
Joseph: Just how old are you, really?!
Normal Battle (★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
Stage: Battlefield
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
500 G
Special Conditions
The battle only lasts one round.
Secret Missions
1. Execute a taunt: 1000 G
2. Land a 5-hit combo: Caesar Reference Sketch
Entrance Dialogue
Caesar: Forget it! Your Ripple could never even beat this girl!
Joseph: Ha ha ha! A guy like you couldn't even beat a pigeon!
Victory Dialogue
Joseph: I'll say it one more time. You still couldn't even beat a pigeon!
Defeat Dialogue
Caesar: I'll say it once more! You can't even beat that girl!
Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
Stage: Battlefield
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1000 G
Special Conditions
The player's Heart Heat Gauge continuously refills. The opponent's defense and attack power are increased.
Secret Missions
1. Land a counterattack: 1000 G
2. Land a 10-hit combo: Gyro Reference Sketch
3. Land the "Bubble Cutter" skill: Caesar Color Tint C
Entrance Dialogue
Gyro: Say, have we met somewhere? I feel like I haven't met you... but you don't seem like a stranger.
Caesar: A Steel Ball? That's an unusual style. Care for a round?
Victory Dialogue
Caesar: I feel... some sort of connection here. To you, to that Steel Ball...
Defeat Dialogue
Gyro: You're so impatient. Try taking the scenic route sometime. You might find something good that way.
Boss Battle (★★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Clear three panels on the same page.
Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
Stage: Battlefield
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
- 1500 G
- Several JoJo Glossary entries[a]
Special Conditions
The player's attack power is decreased.
Secret Missions
1. Use the "Ripple Breathing" style: 1000 G
2. Land the "Gliding Bubble Cutter" skill: Wamuu Publicity Artwork
3. Land the "Cat Stance" skill: Wamuu's Theme
4. Win with a Great Heat Attack: Caesar Special Outfit A
Entrance Dialogue
Wamuu: Very well! You are deemed worthy to be killed by the great Wamuu!
Caesar: I feel so tense! This is just like how it was back in the slums! Your defeat will be cold and cruel!
Victory Dialogue
Caesar: Your Vapor Barrier is like a giant fan, sucking my bubbles right into your body!
Defeat Dialogue
Wamuu: Strength is honor... and a hero deserves respect! You will always have mine, Caesar!




Caesar's theme is Lonely Youth (孤独の青春, Kodoku no Seishun), and can be unlocked in-game by buying it from the Gallery Shop for 1000 G.

Its name is taken from the title of the story arc featuring Caesar's past and death, Caesar: A Lonely Youth.

JoJo Glossary

Unlock Condition: Win in the Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli vs. Wamuu All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
A character from Part 2: Battle Tendency. He is a Ripple user and grandson of Will Anthonio Zeppeli. He does not take to the flighty Joseph at first, but warms to him once they fight Wamuu. Lisa Lisa is his mentor. He finally dies when fighting Wamuu, after he creates a blood Ripple bubble.[5]
A Hamon user, and grandson of Will A. Zeppeli. He does not take to the flighty Joseph at first, but warms to him once they fight Wamuu. Lisa Lisa (Elizabeth) is his mentor. He finally dies when fighting Wamuu, after he creates a blood Hamon bubble.
Unlock Condition: Unlocked by default
A technique whereby the energy of life is accumulated in the practitioner's blood through special breathing techniques. In the East, it is known as Sendo. This "life energy" is much like waves of sunlight, and harms both Vampires and Pillar Men.
A technique whereby the energy of life is accumulated in the practitioner's blood by breathing in a special way. In the East, it is known as Sendo. This "life energy" is much like rays of sunlight, and harms vampires and Pillar Men.

Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

Stylish EvadesCut-insMisc. GameplayOther
Stylish Evade 1Stylish Evade 2Stylish Evade 3Stylish Evade 4Stylish Evade 5
Stylish Evade Pose 1
Stylish Evade Pose 2

Chapter 62: The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 9

Stylish Evade Pose 3
Stylish Evade Pose 4
Stylish Evade Pose 5
TalkingTauntedRumble Mode
Talking Cut-in

Chapter 88: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 1

Taunted Cut-in
Rumble Mode Cut-in

Chapter 88: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 1

Reference SketchRenderMatch EntranceRound Win 1Round Win 2
Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Battle Tendency Joseph Joestar vs. Caesar Normal Battle
Land a 5-hit combo


Chapter 63: Joseph Joestar of Rome and Chapter 88: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 1

Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Battle Tendency Lisa Lisa vs. Joseph Joestar Normal Battle
Land a Stylish Evade


Cover A of Chapter 91: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 4

Match Entrance
Round Win Pose 1
Round Win Pose 2


Update History

Balance Changes Comparison


  • "Bubble Launcher" skill
    • Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)
  • "Bubble Cutter" skill
    • Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)
  • "Bubble Lenses" skill
    • Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)


  • "Ripple Kick" skill
    • Increased recovery when move misses or is guarded.
    • Increased damage.
  • "Ripple Kick" skill [Ripple version]
    • Removed ability to Flash Cancel and cancel with HHA.


  • "Seated Jump" special
    • When using this special to jump backwards, the "Bubble Launcher" skill can no longer be activated.
  • "Bubble Launcher" skill (aerial version)
    • Reduced duration of the projectile.
    • Increased landing recovery time.
  • "Gliding Bubble Cutter" skill
    • Increased spawn speed of projectiles.
    • Reduced recovery time.
  • "Ripple Kick" skill
    • Delayed attack start-up
    • Increased landing recovery time when attack is guarded.
    • Increased number of hits.
    • Increased damage.
    • These changes are meant to increase the risk/reward of this skill while making counter hits punish less.


  • "Ripple Kick" skill
    • Fixed a bug where the , , and variants weren't building Heart Heat.
    • Removed the ripple damage from the , , and variants.


  • Crouching Medium Attack
    • Increased the distance Caesar moves forward slightly.
  • "Bubble Lenses" skill
    • Decreased recovery time.
    • Decreased startup time.
  • "Ripple Kick" skill
    • Decreased startup for the Ripple-enhanced variant.
  • "One-Fisted Uppercut" skill
    • Decreased recovery time.
    • Increased damage of and variants.


  • "Bubble Lenses" skill
    • Changed so that when the skill is activated repeatedly, previously spawned Bubble Lenses that have not already started their attack will disappear. Lenses that have begun to attack will remain.
  • "Ripple Kick" skill
    • Increased the duration of the invincibility on the Ripple variant through the second hit.


  • "Ripple Kick" skill
    • Added the ability to use this skill while airborne.


  1. These include Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Battlefield, Messina & Loggins, Lisa Lisa, and Rudol von Stroheim.


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