Last Survivor ★ Caesar A. Zeppeli

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I feel so tense! This is just like how it was back in the slums![2] (おれの 精神テンションは今! 貧民街時代にもどっているッ!)

Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli (シーザー・アントニオ・ツェペリ, Shīzā Antonio Tseperi) is a playable character in Last Survivor. He was announced during the SOLO SURVIVOR CHAMPIONSHIP 2024 live stream on the official Last Survivor YouTube channel on November 23, 2024. He was released as a playable character on December 4, 2024.


Caesar is a Ripple Type (波紋タイプ, Hamon Taipu) character. He is rated two out of three stars in difficulty.


Skills (スキル)
Bubble Launcher (シャボン・ランチャー)
Caesar continuously fires soap bubbles imbued with Ripple energy. The soap bubbles explode upon impact, dealing increased damage the closer the target is to the center of the explosion. Damage is further increased against vampires.
Ripple Breathing (波紋の呼吸)
Caesar performs Ripple breathing. When the L2 button is held down, a Ripple Gauge appears in the center of the screen. When the button is released at a specific position, the Ripple gauge accumulates. When it's at maximum, his movement speed and attack power will increase. The enhanced state can be maintained as long as "Ripple Breathing" continues.
Bubble Cutter (シャボン・カッター)
(Hold) (Level 2)
Caesar creates disc-shaped soap cutters and fires them at enemies. While holding the R1 button, the number of soap cutters increases one by one (up to a maximum of 3). By aiming at an enemy while holding the R1 button, the soap cutters lock onto the target. When the R1 button is released, the soap cutters fly toward the locked-on enemy. The lock-on is canceled if the enemy leaves the field of view or hides behind obstacles. Damage is increased against vampires.
Zeppeli Spirit (ツェペリ魂)
Activates in pair battles when the player becomes incapacitated while their ally is still alive. Seals a soul chip inside a red soap bubble imbued with Ripple energy and entrusts it to the ally. The red soap bubble damages enemies it touches and releases the soul chip only when touched by the ally.
Bubble Lens (シャボン・レンズ)
(Level 4)
Suspends soap bubbles in the air around the user to act as lenses, concentrating light onto a single point in front. This creates an area of effect damage at the point of light concentration. Damage is increased against vampires. Can be used up to 2 times per game.

Cosmetic Items

Color Variations

Color Variation 123456789
Normal (ノーマル)
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default.


Battle Tendency design.

Attacking Orange (攻勢のオレンジ)
Unlock Condition
  • Collect 10000 EXP during the Challenge Event: Caesar's Lonely Youth to receive as a Class 7 reward.
  • Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 20: Caesar: A Lonely Youth Color Shift[3]

Green (グリーン)
Unlock Condition
  • Login during the Caesar A. Zeppeli Participation Commemorative Campaign.
  • Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

Standard Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli Super Action Statue

Cobalt (コバルト)
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


Second Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli Super Action Statue

Yellow (イエロー)
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

Red (レッド)
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

Purple (パープル)
Unlock Condition
  • Weekly Medal Exchange.
  • Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

Mint (ミント)
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

Black (ブラック)
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


Pose 12345678
Concentration! (一点集中!)「★★☆☆」
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


Chapter 71: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 16: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa

Ripple to attract and Ripple to repel (くっつく波紋とはじく波紋)「★★★☆」
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


Chapter 74: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 4
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 16: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa

Breathing in Sync (阿吽の呼吸)「★★☆☆」
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


Chapter 82: The Remains Lurk, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 18: Stroheim's Unit Strikes Back

The "Cat" Stance (「ネコ足立ち」のかまえ)「★★★☆」
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


Chapter 90: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 20: Caesar: A Lonely Youth

Bubble Cutter Gliding! (シャボンカッターグライディン!)「★★★☆」
Unlock Condition
  • Weekly Medal Exchange.
  • Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

Chapter 91: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 4
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 20: Caesar: A Lonely Youth

Reminiscing the slums (貧民街時代の感覚)「★★☆☆」
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


Chapter 91: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 4
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 20: Caesar: A Lonely Youth

ザン (ザン)「★★★☆」
Unlock Condition
  • Collect 4500 EXP during the Challenge Event: Caesar's Lonely Youth to receive as a Class 4 reward.
  • Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

Chapter 91: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 4
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 20: Caesar: A Lonely Youth[3]

Inherited Spirit (受け継がれる魂)「★★★★」
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


Battle Tendency Promotional Artwork




PromotionalGameplaySoul ChipsProfile Cards


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