JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! ★ Rudol von Stroheim

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Rudol von Stroheim (ルドル・フォン・シュトロハイム, Rudoru fon Shutorohaimu) is a playable character in JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! with two different units. All of his units are Gold Rarity (GR).

Stroheim's first unit was released on February 8, 2019, followed by a Voiced GR unit on September 17, 2019.

Proud Soldier

Proud Soldier ver.
誇り高き軍人 ver.
Max Power: 1601 (Lvl 50) / 2771 (Lvl 80)
Release Date: February 8, 2019
Skill: Resolution to Blow Himself Up
Replaces random Panels with Stroheim panels and erases all of them. Stroheim panels won't appear anymore. (Can only be used once per battle)
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 2
Cooldown: 100
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 3
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 3
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels: 4
Cooldown: 50
Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels: 4
Cooldown: 40
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: September 11, 2020 - September 2, 2021

Proud Soldier ver.
Cost: 0
After 50% of time passes, Enhanced panels will fall for 10 seconds (once per battle).
German Soldier's Hat
Type: Decoration
Availability: Part 2 Campaign (10 Part 2 Points)
Date: December 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020

Cost: 0
No effect.

Multi-Tech Machine Body

Skill: Ultraviolet Irradiation Equipment
Replaces random panels with any single cheer panel, then erases all of them and that character's panels will no longer appear. The appearance rate of partner panels is doubled, except in Rush Time (Can only be used once per battle)
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 1
Cooldown: 100
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 2
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 2
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels: 4
Cooldown: 50
Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels: 4
Cooldown: 40
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: April 27, 2021 - September 2, 2021

Multi-Tech Machine Body ver.
Cost: 0
After clearing 100 Partner Panels, Intensified Panels will appear for 20 seconds (once per battle).

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