All-Star Battle R ★ Hol Horse

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Don't be No. 1, be No. 2! That's how Hol Horse rolls! Got it?![2] (「一番よりNo.2!」 これがホル・ホースの人生哲学。モンクあっか!)
ASBR Hol Horse title call.png
—Chapter 146: Empress, Part 1

Hol Horse (ホル・ホース, Horu Hōsu) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]

His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.

Hidenobu Kiuchi reprises his role as Hol Horse's voice actor from the Stardust Crusaders anime, replacing Hōchū Ōtsuka. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Hol Horse were either added or re-recorded.


Hol Horse has 1000 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style. Unlike most other characters with the Stand Battle Style, Hol Horse uses his Stand Emperor at all times, with some moves also making use of J. Geil's Stand Hanged Man.

This section requires expansion.

Command List

Expand/Collapse All

Normals (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Hol Horse performs a jab.

Attack type: High
Damage: 6

Standing Medium Attack
Hol Horse hops forward and kicks straight out.

Attack type: High
Damage: 15

Standing Heavy Attack
Hol Horse steps forward and jumps to kick the opponent, falling to the ground afterwards. Despite appearances, Hol Horse is treated as if he is grounded throughout the duration of this attack, regardless of whether he's in the air or lying on the ground. This means that, if his animation is interrupted for any reason, he will instantly be transitioned to his standing pose.

Attack type: High
Damage: 25

Crouching Light Attack
Hol Horse elbows outward while crouching.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 7

Crouching Medium Attack
Hol Horse performs a crouching kick towards the opponent's feet.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 13

Crouching Heavy Attack
Hol Horse briefly summons Emperor to shoot at the ground while crouching. If the opponent is hit, they are knocked to the ground in a hard knockdown.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 36

Jumping Light Attack
Hol Horse knees upward while airborne.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 13

Jumping Medium Attack
Hol Horse performs an aerial kick downward.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 18

Jumping Heavy Attack
Hol Horse performs an aerial kick at an upward angle.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 27

Style/Specials/Etc. (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Gun beats sword. (銃は剣よりも強し)
Hol Horse stylishly spins Emperor around, powering up the next skill marked with a star () and causing them to deal more hits and damage while also gaining new properties.
Any bullet enhanced by this ability will possess the highest priority of any projectile in the game, meaning that it will defeat most other projectiles, and those it does not will be canceled out instead.

Because the ability can be canceled with skills, Hol Horse can freely chain it into a skill at any point during its execution whilst retaining the enhancement. This allows him to utilize this Style Ability liberally in combos.

I'll be right back! (よし見てこよう!)
ASBDPad4.pngASBDPad4.png (Hold to extend duration) ON GROUND
Hol Horse turns around and runs away from the opponent, being one of only a few characters able to do so. His run speed while running away is slower than his run speed while running towards an opponent.
Hol Horse loves the ladies! (おれは女を尊敬してる)
Passive against a female opponent
This ability passively goes into effect whenever Hol Horse faces off against a female opponent (Foo Fighters excluded). During battle, Hol Horse generates Heart Heat at a slightly reduced rate, but he passively deals 10% more damage.

An icon will automatically display above his Heart Heat Gauge to indicate that this effect is active, showing a yellow silhouette of his head as a pink heart appears in the smoke of his cigarette.

Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード)
Activates below 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Hol Horse falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills (コマンド技)
You lose, loser! (てめーの負けだッ!) []
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND IN AIR OK
Hol Horse fires a high-speed bullet while grounded or in the air. The attack button inputted results in different effects on the bullet's flight. However, if he takes damage, the bullet will disappear. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Ground versions:

  • Light (ASBL.png): The bullet flies straight forward.
  • Medium (ASBM.png): The bullet curves upward, acting as a form of anti-air starting from mid-range.
  • Heavy (ASBH.png): The bullet suddenly flies back towards Hol Horse after traveling a set distance forward, disappearing just short of him. This variation can be used to hit opponents that jump over the initial shot, but Hol Horse cannot act for longer as he needs to manually bring the bullet back.

Aerial versions:

  • Light (ASBL.png): The bullet is fired at a downwards angle towards the ground.
  • Medium (ASBM.png): The bullet is fired at a downwards angle, then curves up to fly forward, parallel to the ground.
  • Heavy (ASBH.png): The bullet is fired at a downwards angle, then curves back upwards, flying in a rough "V" shape.

This skill can be enhanced with "Gun beats sword.'" to make the bullet hit two times for higher overall damage, launch the opponent in the air with the first hit, and knock them to the ground with the second in a hard knockdown.

Attack type: High
Damage: 50 (normal) / 50 + 20 (70) (enhanced)

Even my bullets are part of my Stand! (弾丸だってスタンドなんだぜ~~っ) []
Hol Horse fires a special, stronger, but slower bullet that deals more damage. As long as the Style button is held, the bullet's trajectory can be manually changed up to 2 times as Hol Horse spins Emperor, though he cannot act while controlling it. (Flash Cancel comboable)

This skill can be enhanced with "Gun beats sword." to make the bullet hit more times for higher overall damage and launch the opponent into the air. It also grants Hol Horse the ability to manually change the trajectory of the bullet up to 4 times if the Style button is held. (Comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 60 (normal) / 35 + 15 × 2 + 20 (85) (enhanced)

Come get us! (オレたちにかかってこいよ!)
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png for ½ HH ON GROUND TRAP
Spending half a stock of the HHG, Hol Horse tosses a glass bottle full of water into the air before shooting it. Upon the bottle breaking, a puddle of water is left on the floor directly below. The attack button inputted determines how far the bottle is lobbed. If close enough, the opponent can be hit by both the bottle and the bullet, and if they are, they will be launched into the air. If the opponent is airborne, they can collide with the bottle and break it directly, the bullet to allow the bottle to break on landing, or both for substantial damage, allowing the skill to function as an anti-air attack. The puddle will disappear after fifteen seconds if the follow-up skill "You're up, J. Geil!" is not used. (Comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 25 (bottle) 50 (bullet)

You're up, J. Geil! (J・ガイルのだんな!)
(While puddle from "Come get us!" is deployed) ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND IN AIR OK
Hanged Man appears out of the water puddle and delivers a hefty stab while leaning towards the opponent, causing them to crumple to the ground. The stab tracks in 3D space, allowing Hanged Man to attack at any angle so long as the opponent is within range. Hol Horse's inputted normal attack will also be delivered simultaneously. (Comboable)

This skill can executed even if Hol Horse is in the middle of being attacked or is down, giving it the unique ability to break combos as long as the opponent happens to be in range.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 54

Throw (投げ技)
Now I've got ya! (ついにとらえたぞ…)
2 ATK buttons near opponent or ASBT.png (ASBDPad4.png to back-throw) ON GROUND
Hol Horse hoists the opponent up by their collar before Hanged Man appears to stab them and send them flying in the desired direction.

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 120

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
Eat this! (ブチまけやがれ) []
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND
Hol Horse spits his cigarette up into the air shortly before firing a volley of 4 to 10 bullets, dependent on whether or not an attack input was rapidly pressed. Each bullet comes back around to hit once more before disappearing for a total of 8 to 20 hits. The last hit will knock the opponent to the ground as Hol Horse catches his cigarette back in his mouth.

This HHA will deal more damage if "Gun beats sword." is in effect. It also does not require the first bullet to connect in order to work and will not stop until it finishes or Hol Horse is interrupted.

Attack type: High
Damage: 73 ~ 193 (normal) / 84 ~ 219 (enhanced) (depending on number of hits)

Eat this! (ブチまけやがれ)
Hol Horse is gonna kill ya! (このホル・ホースがあんさんを始末するからな)
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 3 ATK Buttons or ASBG.png ON GROUND WHEN DOWNED
Hol Horse throws a group of glass bottles into the air and shoots to shatter them. If the opponent is caught by the shockwave created by the bottles shattering, Hanged Man will appear in the mirror world within the glass shards and stab them in the shoulder, immobilizing them while the Stand prompts Hol Horse to fire. Complying happily, he fires off a single high-speed bullet that excessively curves around and between the falling glass shards before finally flying straight at its target: the opponent's forehead, sending them flying backwards.
This GHA can strike a downed opponent, causing it to do slightly less damage in exchange for the opponent not being able to react to it.

If the initial attack misses, Hol Horse recoils in shock and yells, "What the?!" (なんじゃあ!).

Attack type: High
Damage: 320 / 384 / 480 (depending on HH gauge)

Emperor! I'm inside the mirror... Fire... Aye aye sir! We're the unbeatable duo! It's over. (皇帝(エンペラー)』 おれは鏡の中にいる…… 撃て… アイ! アイ! サー おれたちは無敵のコンビだぜーっ!! 終わりだ)
Assist System (アシストシステム)
Assault Assist (アサルトアシスト)
A two-stock assist. Hol Horse lands in and throws a bottle full of water into the air before shooting it to shatter it. When the puddle lands on the ground, Hanged Man appears out of it and stabs in the opponent's direction. If they are hit, they will crumple to the ground. While Handed Man is attacking, Hol Horse poses and then runs back off-screen.
If close enough to the opponent or if they are airborne, they can be hit by any combination of the bottle Hol Horse throws, Emperor's bullet, and Hanged Man's stab. If hit by the bottle while they are grounded, the opponent will be launched into the air.

Attack type: High (bottle and bullet) Low (Hanged Man)
Damage: 25 (bottle) 50 (bullet) 54 (Hanged Man)

Reversal Assist (リバーサルアシスト)
A one-stock assist. Hol Horse jumps into the opponent, kicking them away. He then summons and spins Emperor while posing before dismissing it and running back off-screen.

Attack type: High

Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

Normals (通常技)
Standing Medium Attack
When Hol Horse hops forward to perform his kick, he now stays moved forward when he finishes his attack rather than returning to his original position.
Standing Heavy Attack
This entire attack executes faster than it did in All-Star Battle. However, Hol Horse does not move as far forward, giving this attack less range now.
Crouching Medium Attack
This attack executes much faster than it did in All-Star Battle.
Skills (コマンド技)
You lose, loser! []
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND IN AIR OK
The recovery of the ASBM.png variant is significantly shorter than it was in All-Star Battle. The startup of all grounded variants is also shorter, so the bullet is shot earlier now.
Even my bullets are part of my Stand! []
The number of times that Hol Horse can redirect Emperor's bullet has changed. For the normal bullet, he can only change its direction two times instead of four. For the enhanced version, he has a maximum of four times he can redirect the bullet instead of an infinite amount. Additionally, the normal bullet travels slower than it did in All-Star Battle.
Come get us!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png for ½ HH ON GROUND TRAP
This skill now costs half a stock of the Heart Heat Gauge instead of a little more than a seventh, meaning this skill has to be used much more sparingly. However, now, if the bottle hits a grounded opponent, it will launch them into the air, allowing Hol Horse to combo off of it. Furthermore, Hol Horse does not toss the bottle as far as he did in All-Star Battle when using the ASBM.png variant.
You're up, J. Geil!
(While puddle from "Come get us!" is deployed) ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND IN AIR OK
Hanged Man's attack is now a Low rather than a High.
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
Eat this! []
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND
Hol Horse shoots faster now than he did in All-Star Battle, shortening the overall duration of the attack. However, this is not very noticeable unless the HHA is extended.
Hol Horse is gonna kill ya!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 3 ATK Buttons or ASBG.png ON GROUND WHEN DOWNED
When Hol Horse breaks the bottles, they now shatter into shards so small that they can only be seen by the light reflecting off of them, causing them to sparkle. These shards are scattered in a large area in front of Hol Horse. This is opposed to them being mainly large chunks of glass that are concentrated in a relatively small area directly below where the bottles were broken. Along with this, the shockwave created when the bottles are shattered is larger now, almost completely covering the created cloud of broken shards. Because of this, the hitbox for this GHA is much larger, making it able to now hit opponents that are close to Hol Horse while simultaneously giving the GHA more range.

General Changes

Medal List

Costumes & Tints

This section requires expansion.

Taunts & Victory Poses

Medal Taunt A.png Taunt A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 142: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 3

Medal Taunt B.png Taunt B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 142: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 3

Medal Taunt C.png Taunt C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 143: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 4

Medal Taunt D.png Taunt D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 143: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 4

Medal Taunt E.png Taunt E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Cover A of Chapter 146: Empress, Part 1

Victory ABCDE
Medal Victory A.png Victory A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 141: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2

Medal Victory B.png Victory B
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 210: Shooting DIO?!

Medal Victory C.png Victory C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 142: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 3

Medal Victory D.png Victory D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 141: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2

Medal Victory E.png Victory E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 141: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2


Hol Horse's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for ASBR Coins.png 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for ASBR Coins.png 300 G. Hol Horse's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for ASBR Coins.png 140 G.

Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag LinesMisc.
Quote.png Medal Speech.png Taunt Lines
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • I couldn't help but laugh, heh heh! (おもわず笑っちまったぜ、ヒヒ)
  • Dying before getting to say goodbye is the lay of the land, amigo. (さよならの一言もなく死んでいくのが普通なんだろーねえー)
  • That's a real bad joke! (じょーだんきついぜ、ヒヒ)
  • I'm gonna blow your brains out! (脳みそ床にブチまけやがれ)
  • Lucky! (ラッキー!)
  • It's my lucky day! (こいつぁついてるぜ!)
  • C'mon! (カモォ~ン)
  • Stop screwin' with me! (テメーッ、ザけんじゃあねーーーッ)
  • I'll split your skull! (ドタマブチ割るぞーーッ)
  • I'm gonna beat you silly! (てめーーっ、ブッ殺すっ)
  • You're not bad! (やりおるぜッ!)
  • Just try and escape! (必死に逃げんかい!)
  • Give it up... (観念しな………)
  • It's the end of the line! (てめーの人生の最後だ!)
  • I can do this! (おれならやれるッ!)
  • Cocky little punk! (かってなヤローだ)
  • Oh, it's on now! (やってやるゥー)
  • Let's throw down! (やりゃあいいんだろォォォォッ)
  • Now I'm super pissed! Die! (チクショォー、頭きたぞ! こ……殺してやるッ。死ねッ!)
  • Don't do anything stupid! (バカな気はおこすなよ)
  • Don't get cocky! (甘くみたな)
  • Hold your horses! (待ちな)
  • Stop being a wimp! (甘ったれんなよ)
  • What the hell?! (にゃんじゃああ~~~ッ、これは!?)
  • This... This is totally nuts! (正気の沙汰じゃあねーーー、こっ、こんなこと!)
  • No one beats us! We're the unbeatable duo! (おれたちは無敵だッ! 無敵のコンビだぜーっ!!)
Quote.png Medal Speech.png Victory Lines
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • I guess death is pretty anticlimactic most of the time, huh? (ま! 人生の終わりってのはたいてーの場合 あっけない幕切れよのォー)
  • Even my bullets are a Stand! You didn't realize that, and it cost you bad! (弾丸だってスタンドなんだぜ~~っ。 オレをナメきって、そこんとこを予想しなかった あんさんの命とりなのさぁー)
  • We will meet again... Assuming you aren't dead! (また会おうぜ。もっともおたくが死んでなけりゃあな)
  • I'm going all out here...! (おれも必死なんだぜ…!)
  • I... I can't beat this guy! I can't do a thing all by myself! Better run for now! (こ…こいつはかなわんぜッ! おれひとりじゃ完璧不利! ここは逃げて次の機会を待つぜ!)
  • The treasure's mine, too! (財宝もおれのものだーーッ)
  • Hol Horse... That's my name. (ホル・ホース。おれの名前だぜ………)
  • I stick by the strongest guy I find. That's it! I won't sell my soul for nothin'! (おれは強い方につくだけの男! 魂までは売らねえ!)
  • Bye bye. Hol Horse loves ya! (じゃあな。愛してるぜ)
  • I'm running because I love you, baby. Forever! (逃げるのはおめーを愛しているからだぜ、ベイビー。 永遠(フォーエバー)にな!)
  • I may lie to women, but I never hit them! Beauties and beasts, I respect all of them! (女にうそはつくが、女だけは殴ったことはねえ!  ブスだろうが美人だろうが女を尊敬しているからだ!)
  • I'm on your side... Don't worry. Relax, okay? Relax. (おれはおまえの味方だ…安心しろ… リラックスだぜ、リラックス…)
  • This makes me wanna cry! I knew I shoulda just sniped you out! (あ~ッ泣きたくなってきた!!  こんな事なら最初からこの銃で狙撃すりゃあよかったぜ!)
Quote.png Medal Speech.png Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • I... I can't beat this guy! I can't do a thing all by myself! (こ…こいつはかなわんぜッ! おれひとりじゃ完璧不利!)
  • Don't be No. 1, be No. 2! That's how Hol Horse rolls! Got it?! (「一番よりNo.2!」 これがホル・ホースの人生哲学。モンクあっか!)
  • You signed your own death warrant when you decided to take me for a fool! (オレをナメきってそこんとこを予想しなかったあんさんの命とりなのさぁー)
  • The gun is mightier than the sword! (「銃は剣よりも強し」)
  • Dying before getting to say goodbye is the lay of the land, amigo. (さよならの一言もなく死んでいくのが普通なんだろーねえー)
  • I'm gonna blow your brains out, DIO! (脳みそ床にブチまけやがれ、DIOさんよーッ)
  • Ain't no one in the world love the ladies as much as Hol Horse! (おれは世界一女にはやさしい男なんだ)
  • I'm running because I love you, baby. Forever! (逃げるのはおめーを愛しているからだぜ、ベイビー。永遠(フォーエバー)にな!)
  • My Stand's a goddamn gun! Ain't no sword I ever saw can match a bullet! (おれの「スタンド」は拳銃(ハジキ)だ。拳銃(ハジキ)に剣では勝てねえ)
  • C'mon, Pol-Pol! (カモォ~ン、ポルポルくぅ~ん)
Quote.png Misc.
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • Those tricks don't work on me! (このおれにハッタリは通じねーよ)
    —Round Win 1
  • Whew! (フーッ)
    —Round Win 2

Special Interactions

  • When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Hol Horse's cigarette is knocked out of his mouth as it goes agape, referencing his expression when warning Polnareff about Justice.[3]
  • When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Hol Horse's pose mirrors that drawn by Tohth as the two plot against the Joestar group.[4]
  • When summoned as an Assist by DIO ("Lord DIO!"), Hol Horse calls out his ally's name. If summoned by a female character, Hol Horse declares, "I ran all this way for you!" (君のために飛んで来たぜ).


Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Hol Horse has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

EntranceVictoryEnemy Taunts
Quote.png Match Entrance
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • You know how I work by now. Right, J. Geil? (おれのやり方はわかっているよな。J・ガイルのだんなよ)
    —Default dialogue
  • Whoa whoa whoa whoa! (おいおいおいおいおいおいおいおい)
    —Hol Horse (Player 1)
    Let's see who's quicker on the draw! (抜きな…どっちが早いか勝負って奴だぜ…)
    —Hol Horse (Player 2)
  • Ain't no one in the world love the ladies as much as Hol Horse! (おれは世界一女にはやさしい男なんだ)
    —Hol Horse
    Just try and lay a hand on me. I'll make you pay for it with your life. (抱きしめるというのならためしてみなさい。 後悔しながら死んでもいいならね)
  • I'll burn away all of your bullets! (弾丸など焼き落としてやるッ!)
    I'll put a hole right between your eyes, Avdol! (眉間に風穴開けてやるぜ、アヴドゥルよぉ~!)
    —Hol Horse
  • You cowards! You're going down! (なんて卑劣な奴らだ! ゆるさん!)
    Kakyoin the Hierophant user, huh? Death to the betrayer! (ハイエロファントの花京院だな…裏切り者は消すぜ!)
    —Hol Horse
  • If I gotta beat you before I can see that bastard, then that's what I'll do. En garde! (きさまを先に倒さなきゃ「ヤツ」に会えねえってなら そうしてやる…かかって来い)
    "The gun is mightier than the sword." Damn if that ain't the truth! (「銃は剣よりも強し」。名言だな、これは)
    —Hol Horse
  • I never get tired of seeing those legs! (相変わらずイイ脚してるぜ)
    —Hol Horse
    Oh right, Hol Horse... The Stand user who never manages to be of any help to Lord DIO... (ホル・ホース、だったかしら?  DIO様のお役に立てないスタンド使いの名前は…)
  • Emperor's forte is close-quarters assassination! We got 'em now! (接近での暗殺こそ「皇帝(エンペラー)」の独壇場ッ!  おれならやれるッ! やれるぞッ!)
    —Hol Horse
    Are you really trying to shoot me? (本当にオレを撃とうとしているのか?)
  • Whoa there, little lady... What are you in such a hurry for? (おっとお嬢さん…そんなに急いでどこに行くんだい?)
    —Hol Horse
    Shut up! I just saw Koichi over there. Now stay out of my way! (うるさいわね、さっき向こうに康一くんがいたのよッ! ジャマしないでッ!)
  • Let's see who's quicker on the draw! (抜きな…どっちが早いか勝負って奴だぜ…)
    —Hol Horse
    I'll show you who's Stand is all that! (どっちのスタンドが強ぇーか思い知らせてやる!)
  • The organization must have sent you after me! (あんたも組織の追手ってわけね!)
    Hold on a minute! That's not what I came here for! (ちょ、ちょっと待てよ! オレはそんなつもりはないぜ?)
    —Hol Horse
  • Ain't no one in the world love the ladies as much as Hol Horse! (おれは世界一女にはやさしい男なんだ)
    —Hol Horse
    Good grief... (やれやれって感じだわ…)
  • Ain't no one in the world love the ladies as much as Hol Horse! (おれは世界一女にはやさしい男なんだ)
    —Hol Horse
    Oh my god! (オーマイガッ!)
  • You got a gun just like mine, huh? Must be fate. (オレと同じ銃使いだなんて、運命を感じるねぇ)
    —Hol Horse
    You're speakin' in gobbledygook! (変なことを言うヤツだぜッ!)
Quote.png Victory
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • The gun is mightier than the gun... Wait, how did that go? (銃は銃よりも…ああん?)
    —Hol Horse (Player 1)
    Too slow! That draw was enough to make me yawn! (おせえおせえ! そんな抜き撃ちじゃああくびが出るぜ!)
    —Hol Horse (Player 2)
  • I love you, now and FOREVER! (愛しているぜ! 永遠(フォーエバー)にな!)
    —Hol Horse
    What am I to make of all this? My opponents get stranger by the day! (わたしってどうしてこう… 変な相手ばかり寄ってくるのでしょう……)
  • The pieces of your little game no longer frighten me! (この「軍人将棋」はもうこわいコマはねえぜッ!)
    —Hol Horse
    What's wrong? Your smoke's burnt out. Need a light? (どうした? 煙草の火が消えてるぞ。つけてやろうか?)
  • Well, the end of someone's life is usually a pretty sudden curtain call. It may seem like I'm talking as though I know everything but... (ま! 裏切り者の末路ってのはたいてーの場合 哀れな幕切れよのぉー。悟ったようなことを ゆーよーだがよォ~~~~~~)
    —Hol Horse
    What a bunch of clowns. Don't you realize we know exactly how you work? (おめでたい奴らだ… 自分たちのやり口がばれていることに気付かなかったのか…)
  • You made fun of me... and you paid for it with your life! (オレをナメきったあんさんの命とりなのさぁーー)
    —Hol Horse
    Swords beat guns any day! Well, they do if you're me, that is! (剣は銃よりも強いんだよ…このポルナレフに限って言えばな…)
  • I sure do love a girl with a sharp tongue like yours, baby! (キツいところも可愛いぜ、ベイビー)
    —Hol Horse
    This is why you never win your battles... (そんなんだから勝てないのよ、あんたは)
  • I stick by the strongest I find. That's it! I never swore loyalty to the likes of you! (おれは強い方につくだけの男!  心の底からてめーにゃあ忠誠を誓ってねーぜ!  魂までは売らねえ!)
    —Hol Horse
    I like you. You never sweated, never lost your rhythm. You are cool as ice, Hol Horse. (気に入った…殺そうとする一瞬……… 汗もかいていないし呼吸もみだれていないな。 冷静だ………さすがホル・ホース)
  • A young girl's innocent love... So cute! (恋する乙女ってやつか…かわいいねェ~)
    —Hol Horse
    Now you made me lose sight of him! How are you going to apologize for this?! (あんたのせいで見失っちゃったじゃないッ! どーしてくれんのよッ!)
  • Even my bullets are part of my Stand! (『弾丸だってスタンド』なんだぜ~~っ)
    —Hol Horse
    Ha ha ha! You... You're pretty funny! (わははっ! お…おまえ、おもしろいな!)
  • I don't know the details, but relax. I'm always gentle with women... (事情は知らねェが…安心しな、オレは女には優しいんだ…)
    —Hol Horse
    He changed his bullet's trajectory! Maybe his ability works like Sex Pistols? (…弾丸の軌道を曲げた…ッ! ピストルズと似たような能力なのッ?)
  • Who loves ya, baby? (愛してるぜベイビー)
    —Hol Horse
    The only part of me that loves you is my middle finger! Get screwed, creep! (世界のフィンガー、『くたばりやがれ』よ)
  • Hol Horse loves the ladies! (おれは女を尊敬している)
    —Hol Horse
    Shut it, snotface. (うるせーーぞ、ハナくそッ!)
  • Wild and crazy... I like it! (その野生味あふれる感じ、嫌いじゃあないぜ)
    —Hol Horse
    I don't sense any intellect from you, worthless fool. (「知性」が感じられねー品のないヤローだったぜ)
Quote.png Enemy Taunts
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • I couldn't help but laugh, heh heh! (おもわず笑っちまったぜ、ヒヒ)
    —Hol Horse, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
  • I can lend you a hat if you wanna cover that disaster up! (帽子でもかぶって隠したほうがいいぜぇーその頭…)
    —Hol Horse, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair

All-Star Battle Mode

All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Hol Horse as a combatant, in order of appearance.

Stardust Crusaders

Normal Battle (★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
SCSymbol.png Noriaki Kakyoin (Assist)
Stage: Cairo Streets
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
ASBR Coins.png 700 G
Special Conditions
Hol Horse can't use J. Geil moves. The player's defense is decreased.
Secret Missions
1. Call 3 Assists in a single round: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Land the "You shall be shish kabob!" skill: ASBR 2D Art.png Emperor Publicity Artwork
3. Block shots with the "Reap as you sow!" skill: ASBR Music.png Hol Horse's Theme
Entrance Dialogue
Polnareff: Your buddy J. Geil's corpse is 200 or 300 meters ahead. Wanna go see it?
Hol Horse: I... I can't beat this guy! I can't do a thing all by myself!
Victory Dialogue
Polnareff: I hereby sentence you... to death!
Defeat Dialogue
Hol Horse: Don't be No. 1, be No. 2! That's Hol Horse's credo. Any questions?!
Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
SCSymbol.png Hol Horse
Stage: DIO's Mansion
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
Special Conditions
The player's Heart Heat Gauge continuously refills. Each round lasts only 30 seconds.
Secret Missions
1. Execute a taunt: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Land the "Even my bullets are a Stand!" skill: ASBR 2D Art.png Hol Horse Publicity Artwork
3. Land the "You're up, J. Geil!" skill: ASBR Tint.png Hol Horse Color Tint C
Entrance Dialogue
Hol Horse: The President, huh? Can I trouble you for a job? I can make myself very useful.
Valentine: I don't recognize you. Are you in the race?
Victory Dialogue
Hol Horse: Patriotism? Fealty? That's a no thanks from me! I just soak up the spoils from whoever's strongest!
Defeat Dialogue
Valentine: You have good judgment in people, but you're a coward. You're not worthy to be a citizen of my country.

Golden Wind

Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
SCSymbol.png Hol Horse
Stage: Rome
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
Special Conditions
The opponent's Heart Heat Gauge continuously refills.
Secret Missions
1. Use a Heart Heat Attack: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Land a 5-hit combo: ASBR 2D Art.png Ghiaccio Publicity Artwork
3. Land the "What the hell! What the hell! Are you serious?" throw: ASBR Tint.png Ghiaccio Color Tint C
Entrance Dialogue
Hol Horse: I like your Stand. Do you put that on yourself?
Ghiaccio: Huh? Yeah, what about it? Come on, try and shoot! See how much good it does you!
Victory Dialogue
Ghiaccio: God freakin' DAMMIT! There were two of you? How about a real fight next time?
Defeat Dialogue
Hol Horse: Hee hee! Looks like J. Geil shot you right through!




Hol Horse's theme is ASBR Music.png Pistol Spin (メギャン, Megyan), and can be unlocked in-game by blocking shots with the "Reap as you sow!" skill as Jean Pierre Polnareff in All-Star Battle Mode's Polnareff vs Hol Horse.

Its name is in reference to the sound his Stand, Emperor, makes during its first appearance in Chapter 28 of Stardust Crusaders.

JoJo Glossary

Unlock Condition: Win in the Jean Pierre Polnareff vs. Vanilla Ice All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
An antagonist from Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. He is the user of the Stand Emperor, and one of DIO's henchmen. He dresses like a cowboy in a western movie. He lives by a maxim of "best to be Number Two," and has a keen eye for a good partner. He also claims to be the world's best lover, with girlfriends around the world.
User of the Stand The Emperor and one of DIO's henchmen, he looks like a Wild West cowboy. Lives by the maxim, "Don't be No. 1, be No. 2" and has a keen eye for a good partner. He also claims to be the world's best lover with girls worldwide.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Jean Pierre Polnareff vs. Vanilla Ice All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
Hol Horse's Stand that takes the form of a revolver. The bullets it fires are also part of the Stand, and their trajectories are able to be controlled.
Hol Horse's Stand that takes the form of a revolver. The bullets it fires are Stands in their own right, able to control their trajectories.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Jean Pierre Polnareff vs. Vanilla Ice All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
The Stand of J. Geil. It appears to exist only within a mirror, and does damage by stabbing reflected victims with a dagger. In actuality, it possesses the properties of light, allowing it to travel extremely fast between mirrors.
The Stand of Centerfold. It appears to exist only within a mirror, and does damage by stabbing reflected victims with a dagger. It can travel extremely fast between mirrors, just as light does.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Jean Pierre Polnareff vs. Vanilla Ice All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
An antagonist from Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. He is the user of the Stand Hanged Man, and one of DIO's henchmen. A man with two right hands who is Enya the Hag's son and the killer of Polnareff's sister, Sherry. He teams up with Hol Horse to beat Avdol, but dies at the hands of Polnareff and Kakyoin.[5]
User of the Stand The Hanged Man. A man with two right hands who is one of DIO's henchmen, Enyaba's son, and the killer of Polnareff's sister, Sherry. He teams up with Hol Horse to beat Avdol, but dies at the hands of Polnareff and Kakyoin.

Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

Stylish EvadesCut-insMisc. GameplayOther
Stylish Evade 12345
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Stylish Evade Pose 1
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Stylish Evade Pose 2
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Stylish Evade Pose 3
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Stylish Evade Pose 4
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Stylish Evade Pose 5
TalkingTauntedRumble Mode
ASBR HolHorse Talking CutIn.png
Talking Cut-in

Chapter 142: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 3, page 5

ASBR HolHorse Taunted CutIn.png
Taunted Cut-in

Chapter 219: Hol Horse and Boingo, Part 3, page 4
(modified to remove sweat, add hat buckle, and change pipe to cigarette)

ASBR HolHorse Rumble CutIn.png
Rumble Mode Cut-in

Chapter 142: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 3, page 6

Reference SketchStand Ref SketchMatch EntranceRound Win 1Round Win 2
ASB Hol Horse Reference Sketch.png
ASBR 2D Art.png Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

Buy from Gallery Shop
ASBR Coins.png 1500 G


Chapter 141: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2

ASBR 2D Art.png Emperor Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

Buy from Gallery Shop
ASBR Coins.png 1500 G

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Match Entrance
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Round Win Pose 1
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Round Win Pose 2


Update History

Balance Changes Comparison
ArrowBuff.png Buffs
ArrowNerf.png Nerfs
ArrowChange.png Neutral


  • Dodge (Background and Foreground)
    • ArrowChange.png The activation of the move has been standardized for all characters.


  • "You lose, loser!" skill Normal and Enhanced versions
    • ArrowBuff.png Attack sped up.


  • "Feed on these!" HHA
    • ArrowBuff.png Modified to apply combo scaling up to a maximum of 50%. (common rule not previously applied)


  • "Come get us!" skill
    • ArrowChange.png Fixed bug where the follow up skill could be activated multiple times in some situations.
  • "Reversal Assist"
    • ArrowNerf.png Decreased stocks from two to one.


  • Crouching Heavy Attack
    • ArrowBuff.png Made it so the hitbox expands slightly when the bullet hits the ground.
    • ArrowBuff.png Increased launching power when hitting an airborne opponent.
  • Jumping Heavy Attack
    • ArrowChange.png Reworked into a two-hitting attack and distributed the damage across the two hits.
    • ArrowBuff.png Made it so the first hit of the attack now knocks the opponent into the air.
    • ArrowBuff.png Decreased startup.
  • "Gun beats sword." style
    • ArrowNerf.png Made it so this skill now requires Heart Heat for activation.
  • "You lose, loser!" skill
    • Normal Grounded Versions
      • ArrowNerf.png Decreased the startup speed of the ASBL.png and ASBM.png variants.
      • ArrowNerf.png Decreased opponent's recovery when they guard the ASBL.png and ASBM.png variants.
      • ArrowBuff.png Decreased recovery.
      • ArrowNerf.png Reduced knockback of the ASBL.png variant.
      • ArrowChange.png Changed to now launch opponents away instead of causing normal hitstun.
    • Enhanced Grounded Versions
      • ArrowBuff.png Decreased recovery.
      • ArrowBuff.png Increased speed of projectile.
      • ArrowBuff.png Increased knockback on hit for the ASBL.png and ASBM.png variants.
    • Normal Aerial Versions
      • ArrowBuff.png Made it so Hol Horse will orient towards the opponent when activated before he shoots.
      • ArrowNerf.png Decreased opponent's recovery when they guard the ASBL.png and ASBM.png variants.
      • ArrowNerf.png Reduced knockback of the ASBL.png variant.
      • ArrowChange.png Changed to now launch opponents away instead of causing normal hitstun.
    • Enhanced Aerial Versions
      • ArrowBuff.png Made it so Hol Horse will orient towards the opponent when activated before he shoots.
      • ArrowBuff.png Increased speed of projectile.
      • ArrowBuff.png Increased knockback on hit for the ASBL.png and ASBM.png variants.
  • "Even my bullets are part of my Stand!" skill
    • ArrowChange.png Changed to now launch opponents away instead of causing normal hitstun.
  • "You're up J. Geil!" skill
    • ArrowChange.png Fixed a bug where Hanged Man wouldn't hit an opponent if they were projectile immune.


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