All-Star Battle R ★ Narancia Ghirga
Narancia Ghirga (ナランチャ・ギルガ, Narancha Giruga) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initical announcement trailer.[1]
His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.
In the English version of All-Star Battle R, the name of Narancia's Stand, Aerosmith, is localized as "Li'l Bomber", the same name used in the original All-Star Battle.
Daiki Yamashita reprises his role as Narancia's voice actor from the Golden Wind anime, replacing Yūko Sanpei. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Narancia were either added or re-recorded.
Narancia has 850 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand Aerosmith, dynamically changing his moveset in the process.
This section requires expansion.
Command List
Expand/Collapse All
Attack type: High
Damage: 13
Attack type: High
Damage: 23
Attack type: High
Damage: 35
Attack type: Low
Damage: 14
Attack type: Low
Damage: 12
Attack type: Low
Damage: 37
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 18
Because Narancia stabs straight down, this attack will not hit aerial opponents unless they are below him.
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 28
Because of how disjointed and short-lived the hitbox is, this normal can only hit an aerial opponent four times. Only a maximum of three bullets will hit on grounded ones, with only two hitting being more likely.
Attack type: High
Damage: 10 × 4 (40)
Attack type: High
Damage: 50
Because of the disjointed hitbox of the bullets, the last two hits of the variant can often miss when used in neutral.
Attack type: High
Damage: 40 + 4 × 8 (72) /
50 + 5 × 10 (100) /
60 + 5 × 10 + 2 × 5 (120)
If using the
Attack type: High
Damage: 52 ~ 76 /
76 ~ 100 /
100 ~ 124 (depending on number of hits)
Attack type: Throw
Damage: 87
Attack type: High
Damage: 6.5 × 2 (13)
Attack type: High
Damage: 3.5 × 6 (21)
Attack type: High
Damage: 5 × 5 + 15 (40)
Attack type: Low
Damage: 6 × 2 (12)
Attack type: Low
Damage: 3.5 × 6 (21)
Attack type: Low
Damage: 32
While there are two bullets visually, this attack will only hit once.
Attack type: High
Damage: 6
The attack does not stop Narancia's momentum, and as such, the bullets will be shot from wherever Aerosmith is at the moment. This results in the bullets not all coming out at the same height. Because of this, it is not possible to hit grounded or crouching opponents with the entire barrage.
Attack type: High
Damage: 3.5 × 6 (21)
While the attack can hit up to six times, it will only hit grounded opponents two or three times.
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 10 × 6 (60)
This skill has a variety of different follow-up skills that can be chained together up to three times in a looping series of attacks, plus three possible finisher skills to end the series at any time; The follow-up attacks are determined by directional buttons (minus
Every time a new skill in the series is executed, Aerosmith will always readjust its aim towards the opponent, automatically correcting its orientation should they have Sidestepped/Dodged it in order to once again send the attacks in their direction. This ability and every possible follow-up is a Stand Rush skill that Narancia can disconnect from to freely act while it is executing.
Attack type: High
Damage: 13
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 8 × 4 (32)
Attack type: Low
Damage: 10 × 4 (40)
Attack type: High
Damage: 15 × 8 (120)
Attack type: High
Damage: 10 × 4 + 12 (52)
Attack type: Low
Damage: 60
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 60
- Light (
): Aerosmith shoots its volley at a downward angle.
- Medium (
): Aerosmith shoots its volley at a slight downward angle, almost straight out, with the bullets spreading out as they travel.
- Heavy (
): Aerosmith shoots straight out as it performs an aileron roll and travels upward. These bullets will disappear after traveling a moderate distance.
This is a Stand Rush skill that Narancia can disconnect from to freely act while it is executing.
Attack type: High
Damage: 8 × 6 (48) /
8 × 8 (64) /
8 × 10 (80)
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 60
Attack type: High
Damage: 10 + 3 × 8 + 15 (49) /
10 + 2.8 × 10 + 20 (58) /
10 + 2.66 × 12 + 25 (67)
Attack type: Throw
Damage: 120
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 180
Attack type: High
Damage: 330 / 395 / 495 (depending on HH gauge)
Attack type: High
Damage: 124
Attack type: High
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle
General Changes
- Narancia's run speed in Stand Mode has been greatly decreased.
Medal List
Costumes & Tints
Taunts & Victory Poses
Buy from Medal List 450 G
Cover of Chapter 476: Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 7
Buy from Medal List 450 G
Chapter 472: Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 3, page 11
- “You! I hope you're prepared to die here! (てめえ! 覚悟はできてんだろーなあァー)”
- “Let me tell you something! (あのですねェーーー)”
- “Yeah! That's right! (うん! そう!)”
- “What the hell are you going on about?! Wait up, damn it! (てめ~~~、何フザけた事言ってんだ。 待てボゲ!)”
- “You wanna do this? Huh? (てめーッ!!
やる気 かッ、あんッ!?)” - “Ha ha ha! Your name dooms you to an eternity in the lowest hell! (ぎゃははははーーッ。 こいつ、名前占いで『
大地獄 』行きだぜェーーッ)” - “Sneaky bastard! (なめやがって!!)”
- “I'll kill ya! I'll straight up kill ya! (殺してやる! 殺してやるぜ~~~~)”
- “It's all right, it's all right... (大丈夫、大丈夫)”
- “I'm gonna rip you apart! (てめーーッ、ブッ殺してやるッ!)”
- “This feels weird... (何か妙な感じだ……)”
- “Now you've done it! (よくも! よくも!)”
- “Yes! Right on time! (やったッ! タイミングが合ったぞッ!)”
- “Damn it! He got away! (しまったアアアア、逃げられたああああああ)”
- “Hmph! Quit struggling! (ふん! じたばたしやがって!)”
- “Your shopping list... I can't finish it. All the money and the stuff got burned. (『買い物して来い』って、ハァーハァー、命令…………… 『未』完了………カネも品物も…全部燃えちまった………)”
- “I'm going to school once I get back home. I'm sick of people saying I'm stupid! (オ…オレ…故郷に帰ったら学校行くよ… 頭悪いって他のヤツにバカにされるのもけっこういいかもな…)”
- “A stapler! Ha ha ha! But it's closed like an old book! (『ホッチキス』だあーーッ! ハハハ。 でもマンガ本閉じるみてーにちゃんと止まってらァーッ)”
- “Hey, mind if I touch you? Or smell you, at least? (ちょ…ちょっとさわらしてもらえます? ニオイだけでも……)”
- “We're gonna get out of here safe. All of us. Got that? (オレたちはよォ………何事もなく…みんなで脱出するぜ。 それじゃあな……)”
- “We didn't have to set the town on fire... (街中によォォーーーー、火つけずには済んだなあ~~~~っ)”
- “It's nice outside. Why should I sit and study all day? I'm really not into this... (
何 か外、天気いいしさあー。一日ぐらい勉強しなくたってさあー。何 か今日は乗り気じゃあないんだよー)” - “Can you look the other way? I'll be done in five more minutes! (あと5分ぐれーで済むから ちょっと向こう行っててくれねーか!?)”
- “Once I'm done shopping, I wanna go around and around the vineyard... (買い物が済んだらワイン畑をぐるぐる回ってェ……)”
- “So I just gotta keep from being tailed as I get back, right? (だからよーするに尾行されねーで帰ってくりゃあいいんだろーッ。 「尾行」によォーーッ)”
- “The pain you feel means you're healing... But don't look forward to your future yet! (痛みを感じるってのは、治るって事…… いい前兆で喜ぶ事じゃあないのよォ~~)”
- “I want to bathe in the sun while reminiscing about my childhood years! (日なたぼっこしながら、子ども時代のこと思い出して ノスタルジイにひたりたいなあ~~~~~)”
- “Ah! I got junk in my eye! I can't see! I can't tell if you're two people or not! I can't see a thing, not at all! (あれッ! 急に目にゴミが入った! 見えないぞッ。 2人なのかよくわからないぞッ!! 見ていない! オレは見てないぞ、なあーんにも見てないッ!)”
- “Oh man, I just remembered how hungry I am! (オレ、スゲー腹
空 いてんの思い出したよ)” - “Alright, let's go back to everyone else. (さ…さあ…みんなのところへ戻ろうぜ)”
- “Not even the rabbits in the fields are coming near me. (芝生に住んでいるウサギさえも近づいてはいねーぜ)”
- “You're definitely dead. I had to shoot you in the head, so I doubt anyone can ID you. (まちがいなく死んでいるのは確かだ。 やむをえず顔を撃っちまったんで 誰かわからなくなったとは思うけどな)”
- “Still no one takes me seriously! (今も誰も反応はねえ!!)”
- “I'm in real bad shape. Let me rest a bit. (今オレまじにやばいよ。少し休ませてくれ)”
- “I want a nice, hot pizza! A wood-fired margherita pizza with porcini mushrooms! (アツアツのピッツァも食いてえ! ナラの木の薪で焼いた故郷の本物のマルガリータだ! ポルチーニ茸ものっけてもらおう!)”
- “Back down? You think I'd back down from something like this?! (ひるむ………と! 思うのか……これしきの………これしきの事でよォォォオオオオ)”
- “Volare via! (ボラーレ・ヴィーア(飛んで行きな))”
- “I'm carrying out my orders! (命令は守る!)”
- “Damn it! He got away! (しまったアアアア、逃げられたああああああ)”
- “I'm sick of this! (オレはヤダよオオオオオオオオオ)”
- “Heaven, hell, and heller! (天国・地獄・大地獄ッ!)”
- “Don't order me to stay! Don't! (オレに「来るな」と命令しないでくれーッ!)”
- “I don't need bullets to kill you! (撃てねえーーーーんなら撃てねぇーでよオオオオオ)”
- “I'm going to school once I get back home. I'm sick of people saying I'm stupid! (オ…オレ…故郷に帰ったら学校行くよ…頭悪いって他のヤツにバカにされるのもけっこういいかもな…)”
- “I'm carrying out my orders! (命令は守る!)”—Round Win 1
- “Yes! Direct hit! (よし命中ッ!)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Narancia's expression mirrors his when Fugo stabs him with a fork for answering a math question incorrectly.[3]
- Narancia's projectiles are one of four types of projectiles that can hit Risotto Nero when he is invisible, the other three being Muhammad Avdol's "Flame Detector" skill, Mariah's "Sorry, but you'll have to die now" skill, and Yuya Fungami's "I got you!" skill.
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Narancia squats on the ground and rubs his eyes, as he does when pretending not to see Giorno heal Mista.[4]
- When summoned as an Assist by Jean Pierre Polnareff ("Mr. Polnareff!"), Giorno Giovanna, Bruno Bucciarati, Guido Mista, Pannacotta Fugo, or Trish Una, Narancia calls out his ally's name.
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Narancia has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.
- “You're a bad guy, huh? (敵だなてめー)”—Default dialogue
- “Who're you, you bastard?! (何者だてめぇー! このボゲッ!)”—Narancia Ghirga (Player 1)“Now I got it! So you're the enemy, huh?! (わかったぞ! 敵だな、てめー!)”—Narancia Ghirga (Player 2)
- “Hey, wait a minute! Aren't you Polnareff the turtle?! (あー! あんた! 亀のポルナレフだろぉー? なあ、そうだろー?)”—Narancia Ghirga“C'mon... I'll make your Stand into a hanging ornament! (来いよ…おめーのスタンドをジオラマにして飾ってやるぜ!)”
- “You're at least two years younger than I am! (おまえ、オレより2コも下なのかよ)”—Narancia Ghirga“That must be Aerosmith. I'm in trouble if he gets outta my range! (エアロスミス…距離を取ると不利だな…)”
“I don't like this much, but these are my orders, Bucciarati! (あんまり気が進まねーけど…命令ならやるぜ! ブチャラティ!)”—Narancia Ghirga
“Ain't no way a pistol could beat a machine gun, idiot! (「拳銃」がさぁー、「機銃」に勝てるわけねぇーんだよ!)”—Narancia Ghirga
- “You messing with me, punk?! Guess I'll have to beat you till you finally get it! (このチンピラが。オレをナメてんのかッ! 何回教えりゃあ理解できんだコラァ!)”“I'm going to kill you, Fugo! I swear by god I'm gonna kill you! (殺す。殺してやる! 殺してやるぜ~~~~、フーゴ)”—Narancia Ghirga
- “Hey, Trish, you're a Stand user now too, right? Can I see? (トリッシュも「スタンド」使えるようになったんだってなーッ! 見せて見せて!)”—Narancia Ghirga“Perfect timing, Narancia. I was looking for a sparring partner. (ちょうどよかったわ、ナランチャ… 練習相手を探しているところだったの)”
- “What's up, Narancia? You want to test yourself against me? (何だ、ナランチャ…… つまり、オレと腕試しがしてーってことか?)”“Yeah! That's right! (うん! そう!)”—Narancia Ghirga
- “What the heck's going on here? My fingers... My hand... They're withering away... (どおおおなっちまってんだよオオーー お…おれの指が…手が……ボ…ボロボロになっていくんだァ)”—Narancia Ghirga“The Grateful Dead won't stop... Not until you're dust, Narancia! (
偉大なる死 は止まらねぇ! ナランチャァ、オメーが朽ち果てるまでなッ!)” -
“Yikes, that guy's tough as hell... W-Was he a Stand user? (やばい、こいつやばいぞ…… ス…スタンド使いだろうか?)”—Narancia Ghirga
- “Scouting only matters if you don't get caught, Narancia. (偵察ってのは気付かれないようにやるものだぞ、ナランチャ)”“Sneaky bastard! (なめやがって!!)”—Narancia Ghirga
- “I can do this! I don't care who's boss you are, you're outta here! (や…やってやるぜ! ボスだろうがぶっ飛ばす!)”—Narancia Ghirga
- “That'll teach you to bite my style, jerk! (てめー、オレの真似なんかしやがって! ボゲッ!)”—Narancia Ghirga (Player 1)“No way some fake could ever beat me! (オレのニセモノがオレに勝てるわけねぇ)”—Narancia Ghirga (Player 2)
- “Who knew that Polnareff the turtle would turn out to be this strong? Color me impressed! (うそぉ~! 亀のポルナレフって、こんなにすごかったのかよ! 強ええー!)”—Narancia Ghirga“T-Turtle?! How can you say that to this handsome face? (亀だとぉ? このハンサムに向かって何をいいやがる)”
- “That's "mister" to you! I'm the older one here, damn it! (「さん」を付けろよなー! オレの方が年上なんだからさー)”—Narancia Ghirga
- “I'll do anything you order me to. (あんたの命令ならなんでもできるぜ)”—Narancia Ghirga
- “Heh heh! Aerosmith wins again! (へへへ、エアロスミスの勝ちだぁー!)”—Narancia Ghirga
- “Sorry, Fugo. I promise to study hard. Just teach me some more! (ごめんな、フーゴ。オレ、いっしょうけんめい勉強するよ。 だからまた教えてくれ)”—Narancia Ghirga“You're really something. Just do as you were taught, and you can make it happen. (あなたはりっぱだ…教えたとおりやればできます。 あなたならできるんですよ…)”
- “Yeah, I win! I'll help you practice any time you want! (よっしゃ、オレの勝ちー! 練習くらいなら、また付き合ってやってもいいぜーッ)”—Narancia Ghirga
- “Ugh, his Stand made me old? Yikes... (お…おれ、老化したのかァーーッ。野郎のスタンドのせいでッ! あっぶねぇなァーー)”—Narancia Ghirga“It's gonna get harder from here! We have to keep tearing through them! (ここが正念場だぜ! このままオレたちでヤツらを追いつめる!)”
- “Aw man, that armor's hard enough to deflect Aerosmith's machine gun fire? (エアロスミスの機銃を弾くなんてとんでもねー装甲だぜ…)”—Narancia Ghirga
- “I didn't know what you could do before, boss... but I guess it's no match for me! (オレにはボスの能力がよくわからなかったけど… 勝ったから問題なしだぜー!)”—Narancia Ghirga, against Diavolo
- “You! I hope you're prepared to die here! (てめえ! 覚悟はできてんだろーなあァー)”—Narancia Ghirga, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
- “That hair's awful! I wouldn't be caught dead with it! (ひっでー髪の毛だぜ! ついていけねぇぜ!)”—Narancia Ghirga, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Narancia as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Golden Wind
2. Land a Stylish Evade:
3. Use the "Purple Haze Distortion" special:
Fugo: But you always end up forgetting no matter how many times I teach you...
2. Execute a Flash Cancel:
3. Land a Great Heat Attack:
Narancia: Aerosmith ain't no toy plane!
Narancia's theme is Volare Via! (ボラーレ・ヴィーア(飛んで行きな), Borāre Vīa (Tonde Iki na)), and can be unlocked in-game by buying it from the Gallery Shop for
1000 G.
Its name is taken from the closing line of Narancia's Stand Rush against Squalo in Chapter 92 of Vento Aureo.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks
Update History
- Health
Reduced health from 950 to 850.
- Aerosmith's projectiles
Fixed issue where combo scaling would not apply. (unintended bug)
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Decreased damage.
- Jumping Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Decreased damage.
- "You're not going anywhere!" skill
Decreased damage.
- "I'll shoot you through!" skill
Changed so move can no longer be Flash Canceled.
- "I don't need bullets to kill you!" skill
Sped up start-up.
- "I'll make it even bigger!" HHA
Fixed issue where combo scaling would not apply. (unintended bug)
- Standing Light Attack [Stand On]
Fixed issue where Aerosmith would not fire bullets if move was used after a Crouching Light Attack. (unintended bug)
- Stand hurtbox
Added hurtbox to Aerosmith.
- Standing Medium Attack [Stand Off]
Increased time hitbox is active.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand Off]
Increased time hitbox is active.
Increased amount of forward launching power when hitting an airborne opponent.
- Jumping Medium Attack [Stand Off]
Increased time hitbox is active.
- Standing Light Attack [Stand On]
Increased recovery time.
- Standing Medium Attack [Stand On]
Delayed activation time.
Increased recovery time.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Delayed activation time.
Increased recovery time.
- Couching Light Attack [Stand On]
Increased activation time.
This attack can no longer be canceled with light attacks.
- "Attack!" skill
Increased Aerosmith's movement speed.
Added hitbox to Aerosmith and damage.
Decreased recovery time.
- This results in Aerosmith returning to Narancia at the same time across all versions of the skill.
- Travel distance has been changed for the different versions.
Increased travel distance.
Increased travel distance (less than the
Decreased travel distance.
- "Perfect timing!" follow-up skill
Increased recovery time.
- "I know how to waste you!" follow-up skill
Decreased recovery time.
- "I'm gonna kill you!" follow-up skill
Decreased recovery time.
Changed so skill now causes a hard knockdown rather than a groundbounce.
Increased launching force.
- "I'll make you swiss cheese!" skill
Adjusted the firing angle of the
Increased recovery time of the
- "Blast off!" skill
Increased launching force.
Changed so the hit effect is the same for both the bomb and explosion portions of the attack.
- The bomb now causes a hard knockdown instead of a launch and the explosion causes a hard knockdown instead of a groundbounce.
- "Reversal Assist"
Decreased stocks from two to one.
- Aerosmith
Adjusted Aerosmith's collision box for the following attacks to prevent it from pushing certain characters away during their HHA/GHAs:
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
- Crouching Heavy Attack [Stand On]
- Jumping Heavy Attack [Stand On]
- "You're not going anywhere!" skill
- "Shoot, shoot, shoot it up!" skill
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand Off]
Reduced damage.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Adjusted the hitbox so characters with narrow hurtboxes won't slip through the middle of the attack under certain circumstances.
- Jumping Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Adjusted the hitbox so characters with narrow hurtboxes won't slip through the attack midway through under certain circumstances.
Increased the number of hits.
The damage of each hit has been decreased, but the total damage has been increased.
- "You're not going anywhere!" skill
Changed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed.
- "I'll shoot you through!" skill
Changed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed.
- "Attack!" skill
This skill will now automatically orient toward the opponent when activated.
Increased amount of backward movement.
- "Gonna send you flying!" skill
Fixed an issue where the attack would shoot extra projectiles if the
input was held.
- "I know how to waste you!" skill
Increased launching force.
- "I'll make you swiss cheese!" skill
Changed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed.
- "Shoot, shoot, shoot it up!" skill
Adjusted the launching force of Aerosmith's projectiles when hitting an airborne opponent.
- "I'll make it even bigger!" HHA
Adjusted the attack weight value that determines when a Clash occurs of the first hit so this HHA would no longer Clash against Heavy normal attacks.
- Crouching Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Fixed a bug where the attack could not be canceled if it hit an opponent during the later half of its duration.
- "Attack!" skill
Changed command input from
- "I'll shoot!" skill
Changed the attack's type from High to Middle.
- "Now's my chance!" skill
Changed command input from
during the "Attack!" loop.
- "I know how to waste you!" skill
This skill can now hit a downed opponent.
This skill now launches downed opponents.
Added icon that indicates this move can hit a Downed opponent in the Command List.
Increased the distance Aerosmith moves forward while attacking.
- "I'll make you swiss cheese!" skill
Changed command input from
- Assault Assist
Changed to use the
variant of "I'll shoot you through!" with the maximum extension, resulting in a longer duration and higher damage.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand Off]
Increased damage.
- This fixes an unintentional change made in patch 2.0.0 where it was halved.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Announcement Trailer", on Youtube, March 9, 2022.
- ↑ Narancia ASBR page
- ↑ Chapter 456: 5 Plus 1
- ↑ Chapter 515: White Album, Part 7
- ↑ The Requiem Quietly Plays (Story Arc)