Eyes of Heaven ★ Narancia Ghirga

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Do you really think that...... this will make me wince......! Something like thiiiiiiis[1] (ひるむ••••••!と、思うのか••••••これしきの•••••• これしきの事でよオオオオオオオ)

Narancia Ghirga (ナランチャ・ギルガ, Narancha Giruga) was confirmed for Eyes of Heaven alongside Giorno Giovanna, Guido Mista, and Pannacotta Fugo.

Narancia is of the Stand user Style, but more specifically is he a Mode User. The player can switch control between Narancia and Aerosmith to alter the character's abilities, with Stand Mode being the more powerful of the two.


  • Style Action - I can suss 'em out with Aerosmith!/Deactivating Aerosmith!: Control is switched between Narancia and Aerosmith. Aerosmith deals the majority of Narancia's damage, has above-average mobility, and can freely ascend and descend to any height as it pleases. Normal Attacks and Powerful Attacks done while in Aerosmith Mode will result in the Stand firing strings of bullets and dropping bombs directly below, respectively. If Aerosmith is attacked while under the player's control, Narancia himself will not take any damage, rendering attacks dealt to the Stand futile. This way, it is also possible for Aerosmith to defend Narancia from projectiles by intercepting them. However, the use of Aerosmith leaves Narancia near defenseless if it is not nearby to defend his body. Narancia's stamina gauge slowly depletes while in Aerosmith Mode, automatically canceling control over the Stand if it empties. Actions such as destroying stage objects and performing Dual Combos and DHAs are only available while in Host Mode.

While in Host Mode:

  • I don't need bullets to kill you!: Narancia summons Aerosmith to fly a considerable distance forward, using its propeller to slice opponents it makes contact with. Aerosmith has some homing capabilities while moving. If his Style Action is inputted during the move, control will seamlessly switch over to Aerosmith Mode from the Stand's current location.
  • There's no way in hell I'm gonna let you escape!: Narancia summons Aerosmith to shoot a volley of 12 bullets while advancing. If the activating button is rapidly pressed, the attack can be extended to add up to 6 more bullets. The final shot will cause opponents to collapse.
  • EX - I don't need bullets to kill you!: Aerosmith's homing capabilities are given a boost, and Narancia is granted super armor until Aerosmith stops moving.
  • EX - There's no way in hell I'm gonna let you escape!: Aerosmith fires 3 more bullets, and Narancia is granted super armor until Aerosmith stops firing.

While in Aerosmith Mode:

  • Now I won't have to set the whole town on fire to find you!: Aerosmith begins flying around, dropping 5 bombs over a wide area in a rough "X" formation. The bombs' explosions knock opponents off their feet if they hit directly. They also create patches of fire that linger for several seconds, igniting opponents and causing them to gradually lose health if they come in contact. If Aerosmith makes contact with a wall or obstacle during the skill's progression, it will immediately cancel its attack and teleport back to its starting point.
  • It's definitely worth a shot!: Aerosmith fires a volley of 6 bullets while advancing, performs a somersault, then fires another 6 bullets for a total of 12. The final shot causes opponents to collapse. The attack can be angled vertically to a slight degree if Narancia is locked on, but the bullets themselves will curve forward if aimed.
  • You little rat!: Aerosmith flies around in a circle, firing bullets in all directions with short range. The individual bullets deal heavy damage and knock opponents off their feet if they connect. If Aerosmith makes contact with a wall or obstacle during the skill's progression, it will immediately cancel its attack and teleport back to its starting point.
  • EX - Now I won't have to set the whole town on fire to find you!: The bombs and fires deal more damage.
  • EX - It's definitely worth a shot!: Aerosmith fires 2 more bullets and deals more damage.

Dual Heat Attacks

  • Solo - Volare Via: Identical to its performance in All-Star Battle, though executes faster for the sake of brevity.
  • With Fugo - Two people, two short fuses!: Fugo has Purple Haze assault the opponent, firing its Virus Capsules at them after sending them flying. He then prompts Narancia to attack, with the two watching as Aerosmith shoots both the opponent and the capsules surrounding them, causing the capsules to break open and the target to completely melt.
  • With Mista - I'm gonna send you flying!: Mista unloads his revolver on the opponent, each bullet carried by Sex Pistols and kicked into the foe at different angles; Narancia follows up by having Aerosmith unleash an extended barrage of machine-gun bullets into the opponent, turning upward to spear and carry them into the air as it's ridden by the Pistols. Performing a somersault, Aerosmith ends the attack by firing at the airborne opponent from above and sending them crashing into the ground while Sex Pistols cheer.

Narancia is given an alternate costume. The costume is based on the flashback from when he was tricked into disguising as one of his "friends", wearing a more casual outfit consisting of blond-dyed hair with no accessories, a striped button-up collar shirt, and normal pants with loafers.

Costumes & Tints

NormalSpecial A
EOH Narancia Ghirga Normal ABCD.png
Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Narancia's main Vento Aureo attire

EOH Narancia Ghirga Special A.png
Special Costume A
Unlock Condition

This section requires expansion.


Narancia's flashback in Chapter 472: Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 3

Tint ATint BTint CTint DSpecial A Tint A
EOH Narancia Ghirga Normal ABCD.png
Normal Costume Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Cover of Volume 49

EOH Narancia Ghirga Normal ABCD.png
Normal Costume Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Cover of Volume 51

EOH Narancia Ghirga Normal ABCD.png
Normal Costume Tint C
Unlock Condition

This section requires expansion.


JOJO A-GO!GO! Inside Illustration

EOH Narancia Ghirga Normal ABCD.png
Normal Costume Tint D
Unlock Condition

This section requires expansion.


Cover of Volume 63

EOH Narancia Ghirga Special A.png
Special Costume A
Unlock Condition

This section requires expansion.


Narancia's JOJO-D colors


  • All the money and the stuff got burned.: Narancia must connect "Now I won't have to set the whole town on fire to find you!" twice. (200 Points)
  • I'm gonna kick your ass!: Narancia must connect "It's definitely worth a shot!" 3 times. (200 Points)
  • I still have another way to kill you!: Narancia must break an opponent's health gauge while in Aerosmith Mode. (300 Points)
  • VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA: Narancia must achieve a total hit count of 200. (500 Points)
  • Volare via!: Narancia must Retire an opponent with a Dual Heat Attack. (800 Points)


He is paired with Diego Brando in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, defeating Robert E. O. Speedwagon and Ermes Costello in the first round, but eliminated by Mariah and Esidisi in the second.

Story Mode Battles

Main StoryMissions
The Gang in the Ruins
(遺跡のギャングたち Iseki no Gyangu-tachi)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Colosseum
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
7500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Narancia Costume A
A: Fugo Color Set
B: Player Card Quote Set 1
EX Bonus
1. Perform a 30-hit combo or greater. (Narancia Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Achieve a JoJolity. (Narancia Victory Pose D)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: I'm Jotaro Kujo. What's your name?
Giorno: Giorno...Giovanna...
Fugo: My virus will free you from your pain...
Narancia: Two beehives, coming right up!
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: You're not half bad.
Giorno: What a Stand... It has both overwhelming power and super-precise movements...
Defeat Dialogue
Fugo: If you catch this virus...you're done for. There's no cure.
Narancia: You're both going straight to hell!
A Lecture on Battle
(闘いのレクチャー Tatakai no Rekuchā)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 3.
Stage: Colosseum
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
13500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Giorno Costume D
A: Mista SFX Set C
B: Mista Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Activate a Dual Combo. (Narancia Dual Combo Pose E)
2. Connect with a Dual Heat Attack. (Narancia Victory Pose E)




Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

RenderStand Render

Cover of Chapter 476: Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 7

Stand Render

Cover of Chapter 476: Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 7



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