All-Star Battle R ★ Esidisi
Esidisi (エシディシ, Eshidishi) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]
Although his moveset remains fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, a few tweaks have been made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought along.
As Keiji Fujiwara, Esidisi's voice actor in the Battle Tendency anime, All-Star Battle, and Eyes of Heaven, passed away in April 2020,[3] Esidisi is one of the few characters to re-use voice lines from his past appearances.
Esidisi has 800 health and uses the Mode (モード, Mōdo) Style, which allows him to toggle use of his unique Mode at any time during battle, at the cost of draining his Heart Heat Gauge. Furthermore, as a Pillar Man, part of the damage Esidisi receives from non-Ripple attacks is automatically converted into recoverable gray health.
This section requires expansion.
Command List
Expand/Collapse All
Attack type: High
Damage: 13
Attack type: High
Damage: 23
Attack type: High
Damage: 36
Attack type: Low
Damage: 12
Attack type: Low
Damage: 22
Attack type: Low
Damage: 35
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 16
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 25
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 37
Attack type: High
Damage: 25
While "Heat Control" or "The Burning King" (the install) is active, the attack is changed to Esidisi launching veins from his whole upper body in a forward barrage, massively increasing the attack's general range. "The Burning King" will increase the range more than "Heat Control". The follow-up skill "Simmer like a stew!" also becomes available while either mode is active.
Attack type: High
Damage: 25 /
10 + 25 (35) /
10 × 2 +25 (45)
While "Heat Control" or "The Burning King" (the install) is active, the attack is changed to Esidisi launching veins from his whole upper body in an entanglement, now hitting multiple times and capable of also hitting a standing opponent.
Attack type: High
Damage: 52 (normal) / 14 × 3 + 24 (67) (Heat Control) / 20.3 × 3 + 24 (85) (The Burning King)
60 (normal) / 16 × 3 + 26 (75) (Heat Control) / 22.3 × 3 + 26 (93) (The Burning King)
68 (normal) / 18 × 3 + 28 (83) (Heat Control) / 24.3 × 3 + 28 (101) (The Burning King)
- Light (
): Esidisi unleashes veins in a forward attack immediately upon leaving the ground, launching the opponent. (Flash Cancel comboable)
- Medium (
): Esidisi jumps high into the air before his somersault and unleashes veins in a downwards attack after reaching the apex of his leap, locking the opponent in place for a moment before they crumple to the ground. (Comboable)
- Heavy (
): Esidisi leaps forward and unleashes veins in a backwards attack as he somersaults, knocking the opponent off their feet. Esidisi doesn't leap as high as he does with the
, resulting in him passing through the opponent if they are close enough. This is a cross-up attack meant to suddenly switch to the opponent's other side and strike before they can properly guard. (Flash Cancel comboable)
While "Heat Control" or "The Burning King" (the install) is active, this skill will deal more damage.
Attack type: High /
Damage: 10 × 3 + 30 (60) (normal) / 10.3 × 3 + 30 (61) (Heat Control and The Burning King)
10 × 3 + 20 (50) (normal) / 10.3 × 3 + 20 (51) (Heat Control and The Burning King)
Damage: 30
While "Heat Control" or "The Burning King" is active, the opponent will be burned if they are hit, causing them to take damage over time. Damage of the skill overall is also increased with the increase being greater in "The Burning King" mode than "Heat Control" mode.
Attack type: Low
Damage: 20 × 2 (40) (normal) / 20 + 27 (47) (Heat Control) / 22 + 29 (51) (The Burning King)
20 + 22 (42) (normal) / 20 + 29 (49) (Heat Control) / 22 + 31 (53) (The Burning King)
20 + 25 (45) (normal) / 20 + 31 (51) (Heat Control) / 22 + 33 (55) (The Burning King)
Attack type: High
Damage: 30 × 3 (90) (Heat Control) / 30 × 7 (210) (The Burning King)
This skill cannot be used if either "Heat Control" or "The Burning King" are active.
Attack type: Counter
Attack type: Throw
Damage: 110
Attack type: High
Damage: 170
This GHA is an enactment of Esidisi's failed attack on Joseph Joestar, before being interrupted by Joseph's winning move. Although the attack was never completed in the story, the game shows the possible sequence in full.
Attack type: High
Damage: 340 / 408 / 520 (depending on HH gauge)
Attack type: High
Damage: 60
Attack type: High
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle
- Light (
: This variant does not launch opponents as far as it did in All-Star Battle.
- Medium (
: Esidisi does not jump as far forward as he did in All-Star Battle. When an opponent is hit, they are now held in place for a moment before suffering a crumple rather than a groundbounce.
- Heavy (
: Esidisi does not jump as far forward or as high as he did in All-Star Battle. This results in Esidisi often passing through the opponent rather than jumping over them if he's close enough. The hitbox has been extended backward, meaning that even if Esidisi does not manage to cross onto the other side of the opponent, they can still be hit by part of the attack (up to three hits) if they're close enough to Esidisi's back. However, they will not be launched.
Additionally, the translation for this skill has changed. Previously it was "Erratic Blaze King: Wheel of Pain" in place of "The Burning King: Wheel of Pain".
Medal List
Costumes & Tints
All-Star Battle Mode: Battle Tendency Esidisi vs. Muhammad Avdol Extra Battle Land the "Burning King Mode" skill
This section requires expansion.
- “Scared, are we? Aha, you've grown all pale! I called you on it, didn't I? HMMMM?! (おっ、青ざめたな。図星だろう? ズバリ当たってしまったか…………………なァーーッ!?)”
- “Those who meet me with an attitude like yours don't live long! (そのようなまなざしを持つ者がおれに会った時… そいつは早死にする)”
- “All war is deception! (「兵は
詭道 なり!」)” - “Heh heh heh heh heh! (フフフフフフフフ)”
- “The antidote is right here, in my nose ring! (おれの解毒剤はこの鼻のピアスにある!)”
- “Have you grown afraid of me? (このおれに今恐怖をおぼえただろう)”
- “How long can you escape my battle techniques? (このエシディシの
流法 からいつまで逃げまわれるかな)” - “What do you think you're doing?! (おのれッ、何をするかッ!)”
- “Here's a present from me. (このエシディシからもプレゼントだ)”
- “I have no time to deal with the likes of you right now. (いま…おまえを相手しているひまはない)”
- “All this talk is just you trying to come up with a plan, right?! (そんなへらず口をたたくふりをして 実は心の中で作戦を考えているのだろう)”
- “A clever dodge indeed... (味な方法でかわしやがった…)”
- “That sharp look in your eyes... That's the intensity I crave! (ほう…鋭い…いい目をするようになったな…)”
- “Scared, are we? Aha, you've grown all pale! I called you on it, didn't I? (おっ、青ざめたな。図星だろう?)”
- “HMMMMMM?! (なァーーッ!?)”
- “Heh heh heh heh! (くっくっくっくっくっ)”
- “Don't worry: Your life is in my hands, now! (きさまは今、生死をおれにつかまれている)”
- “Has your fear driven you mad yet? (恐怖のあまり気でも違ったか!)”
- “Your chase ends here! (追わせはしねーッ!!)”
- “If you insist on going after me, you'd better kill me first! (追うんならこのオレを殺してからにしやがれッ!)”
- “Gah hah hah hah! C'mon! Take me on! (グシャシャシャシャシャアーッ。こいよ、 きなよッ!!)”
- “Try and kill me! (おれを殺してみろッ!)”
- “Enough with your stupid tricks! (つまらんハッタリはやめろォ!…)”
- “You're a long way away from being ready to fight me. (おれと闘う資格にゃあ まだほど遠かったなぁ~~~~~~)”
- “I think I'll go outside and see how the outside world has changed over the years! (今はとりあえず人間世界の変化ぶりを見学に外界に出るとしよう)”
- “I can already see right through your plans! (きさまの作戦なんぞすでに見切っているぜーーッ!!)”
- “Your arms will be taken in by my body! (きさまの腕はおれの肉体にとり込まれていく!)”
- “How amazing that I meet such a strange person in a strange place! (意外だ………実に意外な場所で意外な人間に出会ったものだ)”
- “Almost there! Once the Red Stone of Aja is placed here, the stone mask will be complete! (あとひと息よ! エイジャの
赤石 をこれにはめこめば 石仮面は…完成するッ!)” - “I supposed you planned to flee from here. So much for that, right? (このまま逃げ出すつもりでいたのだろうが、あてがはずれたな)”
- “I'm a little more passionate than Kars or Wamuu. I have to cry my eyes out to chill out! (おれはカーズやワムウに比べるとチと荒っぽい 性格でな~~~~~。激昂してトチ狂いそうになると 泣きわめいて頭を冷静にすることにしているのだ)”
- “I said MOVE, damn you! If I so much as touch you, you can say goodbye to half your body! (もう一度だけ言う…どけい! おれに触れたら、きさまは肉体を半分以上失うことになる)”
- “I'm taken aback by how skilled you've become! (ちょいとおどろいたぞ。おまえの成長には…………)”
- “Now I'm alone...? I guess Kars and the rest don't realize the Red Stone is still nearby. (オレひとりか…(別行動をとった)カーズたちは まだ
赤石 がこの地にあることをつきとめておらぬようだ)” - “To fight is to deceive! Think you can shake me by getting angry?! I won't fall for that. (戦いとは
詭道 (あざむくこと)! 敵を怒らせて心を動揺させれば その力にスキが生じる! きさまがやろうとしているのは それだろう?……………その手には乗らん…)” - “Your improvement is indeed praise-worthy! I haven't had a good rival in ages. (きさまの成長には驚がくした…きさまを讃美しよう! 久しく好敵手がなかったのでな)”
- “You got scared, eh? Your heart grew panicked... and your attacks became predictable. (やっぱり恐怖してたな。心の動揺でアセリができ…………… 安易な方法で攻撃してきたのはきさまの方だった)”
- “My hot blood will flow into you and turn your face into a bubbling stew! (顔に
血管針 をつきさして沸騰血 を体内に送りこみ、 おまえの顔面をグツグツのシチューにしてやる……………)” - “"Victory is fully decided before the battle starts." Isn't that right?! (おまえ……さっきこういっていたな。 「勝利とは戦う前にすでに決定されているッ!」とかァ~~)”
- “Absotively posolutely yes yes YES! You are correct, sir! (まさにィ、まさにまさにまさにィィィィィィィィー、 まさに! きさまのいうとおりよなぁぁぁぁ~~~~~っ!!)”
- “It looks like my strategy beats yours! That's all victory really means! (もっとも上を行き勝利を決定していたのは おれの策の方ではあったがなあ!!)”
- “You're gonna burn like a candle on a birthday cake! (バースデーケーキのろうそくのようにきれーに火をともして焼いてくれるぜ!)”
- “How could youuuuuu! (あァァァんまりだアァアァ)”
- “Ripple?! Please, it's all about my Needle Vein Strike! (貧弱な波紋より先におれの
血管針 をブチ込んでくれるわ!)” - “Scared, are we? Aha, you've grown all pale! I called you on it, didn't I? HMMMM?! (おっ、青ざめたな…図星だろう? ズバリ当たってしまったか…なァーッ!?)”
- “All war is deception! (「兵は
詭道 なり!」)” - “Gah hah hah hah! C'mon! Take me on! (グシャシャシャシャシャアーッ。こいよ、 きなよッ!!)”
- “Aah, that feels good... (フー、スッとしたぜ)”
- “Despair! Now let's hear the twisted cries of torment and pain! (絶望のォ~!! ひきつり、にごった叫び声をきかしてみせてくれ~!!)”
- “The Burning King: Wheel of Pain! (
怪 焔 王 大 車 獄 の流法 !)” - “I said MOVE, damn you! If I so much as touch you, you can say goodbye to half your body! (もう一度だけ言う…どけい! おれに触れたら きさまは肉体を 半分以上失うことになる)”
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Esidisi's face references his expression when crying to relieve stress.[4]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Esidisi sits on the ground with arms limp and head turned upward, as he does when crying over his lost arm.[4]
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Esidisi has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.
- “Hohh... Sharp. You have good eyes. (ほう…鋭い…いい目だ…)”—Default dialogue
- “Live as long as I have and strange things like this are nothing! (ほお~! 長く生きるとおかしなことに出くわすものよ…)”—Esidisi (Player 1)“You look just like me... but how hot does your blood run? (外見はそっくりだが…血の温度はどうかな?)”—Esidisi (Player 2)
- “Outta the way! I don't have time to deal with you. (どけい! いま…おまえを相手しているひまはない)”—Esidisi
“So that's Ripple, huh? I like it! C'mon! Let's play. (きさまの「波紋」、ちょいと気に入ったぞ。 来い! 遊んでやる)”—Esidisi
- “Come at me, woman! I'll make your pretty little face simmer like a stew! (来い、女! その顔をグツグツのシチューにしてやろう…)”—Esidisi
- “The "genius of battle"... A worthy opponent! I'm going to enjoy this! (「戦闘の天才」…相手にとって不足なし! 久しぶりに楽しませてもらうぞ!)”—Esidisi
- “My fire and your light... Let's see how they clash with each other! (俺の「炎」とお前の「光」…たまにはぶつけあうのも一興ッ!)”—Esidisi
- “You gotta get to boiling if you wanna take me out! (そんな温度では話にならぬ!)”—Esidisi (Player 1)“Burn away, and fall into ashes... (燃えつきて塵と化すがいい…)”—Esidisi (Player 2)
- “Your next line is: "I'll wipe that smile off your face!" Oh wait, you're done? (おまえの次のセリフは 『消してやるぜ、そのニヤついた顔を!』だ…… おっと、もう終わっていたか…)”—Esidisi“You may think you're above me, but I'm so high you'll never touch me! (おれの上をいったつもりでも、そのさらに上をおれがいってたのよ)”
- “Those bubbles of yours were a lot of fun! (きさまのシャボンには楽しませてもらったぞ)”—Esidisi“I can feel the strength... Lisa Lisa's training has paid off! (強さを実感できる…リサリサ先生の特訓のたまものだ!)”
- “Amazing! So you're Lisa Lisa... Your Ripple is like nothing I've seen before! (リサリサと言ったな… 感服したぞ! まぎれもなく最強の波紋使い…!)”—Esidisi
- “Impressive, Wamuu of the Wind! Such strength! Such resolve! (見事なり、風のワムウ! その強さ、頼もしいぞ!)”—Esidisi“Lord Esidisi... Forgive my rudeness. Please, punish me as you see fit. (エシディシ様…無礼を働きました…なんなりと罰をお与えください)”
- “Sharp as always, I see! Thanks for the inside look into your light power! (相変わらず見事な切れ味よ…光の
流法 、堪能させてもらったわッ!)”—Esidisi“Just as hot as you were 2,000 years ago... I'm glad to see that, Esidisi! (二千年前と変わらぬ熱さ…嬉しいぞ、エシディシ!)”—Kars
- “Scared, are we? Aha, you've grown all pale! I called you on it, didn't I? HMMMM?! (おっ、青ざめたな。図星だろう? ズバリ当たってしまったか…………………なァーーッ!?)”—Esidisi, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
- “I'll burn that stupid weave so fast off your damn head! (そのマヌケな髪を焼いてやる!)”—Esidisi, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Esidisi as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Battle Tendency
2. Land the "Clacker Boomerang" skill:
Esidisi: You got spunk. But those who meet me with such an attitude... always die quickly!
2. Land the "I can't take it anymore!" skill:
3. Land the "Burning King Mode" skill:
Avdol: Ggh... I'm being overwhelmed... by heat?
Esidisi's theme is The Disturbing Esidisi (エシディシの不気味, Eshidisi no Bukimi), and can be unlocked in-game by buying it from the Gallery Shop for
1000 G.
Its name is taken from the original title of Chapter 34 of Battle Tendency in its Weekly Shonen Jump and tankobon releases, The Eerie Esidisi.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks
Chapter 67: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 3, page 4
(modified to remove ear rings and changed turban)
Chapter 80: Flame Mode Esidisi, Part 3, page 9
(modified to extend hair and remove string)
Chapter 76: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 6, page 19
(modified to extend hair, remove ear rings, remove stitches on eye lids, change pattern on turban)
All-Star Battle Mode: Battle Tendency Esidisi vs Muhammad Avdol Extra Battle Land the "I can't take it anymore!" skill
Chapter 79 and Chapter 78
Update History
- "Heat Control Mode" special
Sped up move.
- "To hell with you!" skill
Removed invincibility.
Sped up start-up.
Increased amount of float.
Increased damage.
- These changes are intended to make the move easier to Flash Cancel and combo off of.
- "To hell with you!" skill
Adjusted hitbox to fix issue where the move would not hit crouching opponents if they were against a wall.
- "To hell with you!" skill [Mode]
Increased amount of blockstun.
Adjusted to increase the distance between characters when move is guarded.
- These changes are meant to make the move safer to use when the attack misses or is guarded.
- "The Burning King: Wheel of Pain" skill
Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)
- "Simmer like a stew!" follow up skill
Fixed bug where the move could still hit even if an opponent had been downed by getting hit by the same move the maximum number of times in a combo (IPS).
- "Think fast!" HHA
Increased amount of health absorbed on hit.
- Jumping Heavy Attack
Sped up when hitbox manifests.
Increased duration of hitbox.
- "The Burning King: Wheel of Pain" skill
Made the skill usable in the air.
Increased the knockback on the
Decreased the landing recovery when the
variant hits.
Fixed an issue where the hurtbox would extend downwards when using the
Decreased the landing recovery of the
Removed Esidisi's collision on the
- The changes to the
variant of the skill also apply to the Assault Assist as this is the skill used for it.
- "Heat Control Mode" special
Increased the range that the proximity fire damage starts applying.
Increased the range that the maximum proximity fire damage starts applying.
- "The Burning King" special
Increased the range that the proximity fire damage starts applying.
Increased the range that the maximum proximity fire damage starts applying.
Increased fire damage.
- "Think fast!" HHA
Increased the amount of health this HHA drains.
- Assault Assist
Increased number of stocks from two to three.