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All-Star Battle R ★ Gyro Zeppeli

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My heart and actions are utterly unclouded...! They are all those of justice.[2] (「納得」は全てに優先するぜッ!!)

Gyro Zeppeli (ファニー・ヴァレンタイン, Fanī Varentain) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1] He was 1 of 15 playable characters during the Evo 2022 Demo on August 5.[3]

His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay tweaks that All-Star Battle R brought.

As Gyro's voice actor since All-Star Battle, Shin'ichirō Miki reprises his role in All-Star Battle R as well. As with the majority of the game's roster, voicelines for Gyro were either added or re-recorded.


Gyro has 900 health and uses the Mounted (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, fighting foes on his horse, Valkyrie. He also uses his Steel Balls combined with Spin, utlizing his Scan (スキャン, Sukan) Stand ability which he temporarily gains in Steel Ball Run. Additionally, in his Great Heat Attack, he is able to make Ball Breaker manifest. During a fight, he can use several different attacks of his that were featured in Steel Ball Run.

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Command List

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Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

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Medal List

Costumes & Tints

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Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


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Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag Lines
Taunt Lines
Victory Lines

Special Interactions

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Outside of the All-Star Battle Mode, Gyro has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.


All-Star Battle Mode

All missions in the All-Star Battle Mode starring Gyro as either the Player or Enemy, in order of appearance.

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JoJo Glossary

The 23rd President of the USA, he is the main antagonist of Part 7: Steel Ball Run. He succesfully defeats Dio, Hot Pants, and Gyro and company. However, Johnny's perfected nail bullets overwhelm him, forcing him to surrender. He tries to use patriotism to win Johnny over, but soon reveals his true intentions and is killed. 第7部『スティール・ボール・ラン』の登場人物。第23代アメリカ合衆国大統領。Dio、ホットパンツ、ジャイロらを倒すが、完全なる黄金の回転エネルギーを身に付けたジョニィの爪弾を受け、敗北を認める。その後、愛国心に訴えてジョニィを説得しようとするが本心を見破られ、爪弾で射殺される。
Funny Valentine's Stand, its full title: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. It's able to move freely between parallel worlds, and take others with it. Those who end up in a parallel world will die if they come into contact with their doppelgangers. ファニー・ヴァレンタインのスタンド。『Dirty deeds done dirt cheap(いともたやすく行われるえげつない行為)』の略称。パラレルワールド間を自在に行き来する能力を持ち、その際に他者を引きずり込むこともできる。引きずり込まれた人間がその世界の本人と接触すると、身体が崩壊して死亡する。
A body in nine parts: heart, left arm, eyes, head, ears, spinal cord, right arm, torso, and legs. By absorbing them, Stand abilities are unleashed which have miraculous effects, such as allowing paraplegics to walk again. 心臓、左腕、両眼、頭、両耳、脊髄、右腕、胴体、両脚の9つの部位に分かれて存在している。手にした者の体内に入り込み、スタンド能力を発現させたり、下半身不随の者の足を動かしたりするなど、奇跡的な力を秘めている。


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Update History

Balance Changes Comparison

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