After 25 years of it's publication JoJo's Bizarre Adventure received a faithful adaptation by David Production, which continues to work on the series to this very day. Like in every anime character designs were altered either to make them easier to animate, fix some problem with their original look (such as inconsistencies) or other.
Thick patches of feathers around its wrists instead of bracelets. The feathers on its head also sprout further down its neck and it has a shorter beak. His design is closer to his early appearance.
While the Stand's lower body is never shown in the manga, different media depicts it uniquely. PS2 game depicts it as a lined, slug-like foot that releases mold from cylinders on the foot, while the anime adaptation depicts Green Day with segmented legs.
In its inital appearance, the larger middle dots on its head are circular while later appearances depict them as slots instead. For the anime, the two designs were interpreted as it changing expressions.[5]
While the anime may have reasons to change certain designs, JOJO-D, responsible for digital colored scans are tend to occasionally change character designs, usually as an error.
While Jotaro's eyes are listed as green[7] (making it one of few canonical colors in the series), his eyes in colored scans are blue (probably due to them being a borrowing Capcom Fighters' color palette).