All-Star Battle R ★ Narancia Ghirga

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Back down? You think I'd back down from something like this?[2] (ひるむ………と! 思うのか…… これしきの………


Narancia Ghirga (ナランチャ・ギルガ, Narancha Giruga) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initical announcement trailer.[1]

His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay tweaks that All-Star Battle R brought.

In the English version of All-Star Battle R, Narancia's Stand, Aerosmith, is localized as "Li'l Bomber", carried on from it first official usage in All-Star Battle.

Replacing Yūko Sanpei, Daiki Yamashita reprises his role as Narancia's voice actor from the Golden Wind anime adaptation. As with the majority of the game's roster, voicelines for Narancia were either added or re-recorded.


Narancia has 850 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, fighting foes with Aerosmith. During a fight, he can use several different attacks that were featured in Vento Aureo.

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Command List

Expand/Collapse All

User Mode (本体)Stand Mode (スタンド)
Normals [Stand Off] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Narancia slaps outward with the back of his hand.

Attack type: High
Damage: 13

Standing Medium Attack
Narancia slides forward and slashes upward with his knife.

Attack type: High
Damage: 23

Standing Heavy Attack
Narancia steps forward and kicks straight out.

Attack type: High
Damage: 35

Crouching Light Attack
Narancia performs a crouching backhanded slap.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 14

Crouching Medium Attack
Narancia moves forward and slashes up and inward with his knife while crouching.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 12

Crouching Heavy Attack
Narancia shifts his weight and performs a stationary crouching kick. If it connects, it will knock the opponent to the ground in a hard knockdown.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 37

Jumping Light Attack
Narancia kicks at a downward angle while airborne.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 18

Jumping Medium Attack
Narancia stabs directly below himself with his knife while airborne.
Because Narancia stabs straight down, this attack will not hit aerial opponents unless they are below him.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 28

Jumping Heavy Attack
Narancia briefly summons Aerosmith to shoot four bullets at a downward angle.
Because of how disjointed and short-lived the hitbox is, this normal can only hit an aerial opponent four times. Only a maximum of three bullets will hit on grounded ones, with only two hitting being more likely.

Attack type: High
Damage: 10 × 4 (40)

Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand Off] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Stand On/Off (スタンドON/OFF, Sutando ON/OFF)
Switches between User Mode and Stand Mode. Doing so summons or dismisses Aerosmith, changing the skills Narancia has access to.
You bastard!
Narancia steps forward and performs a high kick that launches the opponent into the air. A command normal that can chain into Narancia's skills. (Comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 50

Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード, Gogogo Mōdo)
Activates when under 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Narancia falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills [Stand Off] (コマンド技)
You're not going anywhere!
+ //
Narancia delivers a straight punch while simultaneously using his arm as a runway to summon Aerosmith, which shoots a volley of bullets forward. The bullets fired by this attack only travel a very short distance before expiring. When using the and variants, Narancia will slide forward a small distance. The distance both he and Aerosmith move as well as the number of hits increases in order, but the greater the increase, the more vulnerable Narancia becomes. This skill can activate Rush Mode. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Because of the disjointed hitbox of the bullets, the last two hits of the variant can often miss when used in neutral.

Attack type: High
Damage: 40 + 4 × 8 (72) / 50 + 5 × 10 (100) / 60 + 5 × 10 + 2 × 5 (120)

I'll shoot you through!
+ //
Aerosmith is summoned to shoot at an upwards angle, functioning as a reversal and anti-air. If struck, the opponent is lifted into the air and held there by the bullet volley until it ends. Repeatedly tapping the attack button extends Aerosmith's shooting time, increasing the attack's number of hits and total damage. The number of hits possible increase in order, but the greater the increase, the more vulnerable Narancia becomes.
If using the variant, the skill can be Flash Canceled and comboed off of. If using the or variants, the skill will have invulnerability, allowing for it to be a good, but very punishable if whiffed or blocked since they cannot be Flash Canceled, reversal option.

Attack type: High
Damage: 52 ~ 76 / 76 ~ 100 / 100 ~ 124 (depending on number of hits)

I don't need bullets to kill you!
+ //
A command Throw. Narancia summons Aerosmith to fly straight forward a distance. If it connects with the opponent, Aerosmith shreds them with its propeller as Narancia takes the chance to run up to them and jump-kick them high into the air. The distance Aerosmith travels and its travel speed increase in order, but the greater the increase, the more vulnerable Narancia becomes. (Flash Cancel Comboable)

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 87

Normals [Stand On] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Aerosmith moves down and shoots two bullets straight out.

Attack type: High
Damage: 6.5 × 2 (13)

Standing Medium Attack
Aerosmith moves down and shoots a volley of six bullets straight out.

Attack type: High
Damage: 3.5 × 6 (21)

Standing Heavy Attack
Aerosmith flies forward to ram the opponent while performing an aileron roll.

Attack type: High
Damage: 5 × 5 + 15 (40)

Crouching Light Attack
Aerosmith moves down and shoots two bullets straight out while Narancia is crouching.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 6 × 2 (12)

Crouching Medium Attack
Aerosmith moves down slightly and shoots a volley of six bullets straight out while Narancia is crouching.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 3.5 × 6 (21)

Crouching Heavy Attack
While Narancia is crouching, Aerosmith flies forward to ram the opponent while performing an aileron roll. If it connects with the opponent, they'll be knocked to the ground in a hard knockdown.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 32

Jumping Light Attack
Aerosmith shoots two bullet out while airborne.
While there are two bullets visually, this attack will only hit once.

Attack type: High
Damage: 6

Jumping Medium Attack
Aerosmith shoots a barrage of six bullets out while airborne.
The attack does not stop Narancia's momentum, and as such, the bullets will be shot from wherever Aerosmith is at the moment. This results in the bullets not all coming out at the same height. Because of this, it is not possible to hit grounded or crouching opponents with the entire barrage.

Attack type: High
Damage: 3.5 × 6 (21)

Jumping Heavy Attack
Aerosmith performs an aileron roll, hitting the opponent multiple times as it does.
While the attack can hit up to six times, it will only hit grounded opponents two or three times.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 10 × 6 (60)

Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand On] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Stand On/Off (スタンドON/OFF, Sutando ON/OFF)
Switches between User Mode and Stand Mode. Doing so summons or dismisses Aerosmith, changing the skills Narancia has access to.
Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード, Gogogo Mōdo)
Activates when under 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Narancia falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills [Stand On] (コマンド技)
+ //
Narancia orders Aerosmith to fly a distance forward, placing it into a position ready to attack. The attack button inputted determines how far Aerosmith travels before stopping. If it hits the opponent, it will deal damage and push them back.
This skill has a variety of different follow-up skills that can be chained together up to three times in a looping series of attacks, plus three possible finisher skills to end the series at any time; The follow-up attacks are determined by directional buttons (minus ) for standard skills, and attack buttons for finisher skills. This effectively gives the player direct control over Aerosmith until the series ends. However, as Aerosmith is being controlled, Narancia himself is stationary and vulnerable.

Every time a new skill in the series is executed, Aerosmith will always readjust its aim towards the opponent, automatically correcting its orientation should they have Sidestepped/Dodged it in order to once again send the attacks in their direction. This ability and every possible follow-up is a Stand Rush skill that Narancia can disconnect from to freely act while it is executing.

Attack type: High
Damage: 13

I'll shoot!
(During "Attack" loop)
A standard skill that continues the "Attack!" loop. Aerosmith performs an upward loop and shoots downwards from a high angle.

Attack type: High
Damage: 8 × 4 (32)

Now's my chance!
(During "Attack" loop)
A standard skill that continues the "Attack!" loop. Aerosmith loops downwards and shoots straight forward while flying low to the ground.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 10 × 4 (40)

Gonna send you flying!
(During "Attack" loop)
A standard skill that continues the "Attack!" loop. Aerosmith flies overhead in an arc while shooting towards in the inside of the arc. This fires the most bullets in a single volley and functions as an anti-air attack.

Attack type: High
Damage: 15 × 8 (120)

Perfect timing!
(During "Attack" loop)
A finisher skill that ends the "Attack!" loop. Aerosmith advances straight forward while shooting bullets before hitting the opponent with its propeller if close enough. If the propeller attack hits, the opponent will be launched into the air. (Flash Cancel Comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 10 × 4 + 12 (52)

I know how to waste you!
(During "Attack" loop)
A finisher skill that ends the "Attack!" loop. Aerosmith swiftly flies backward, positioning itself low to the ground before flying quickly forward, launching the opponent into the air with its propeller if it hits them. It then performs a looping aileron roll before quickly orienting itself back towards the opponent. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: Low
Damage: 60

I'm gonna kill you!
(During "Attack" loop)
A finisher skill that ends the "Attack!" loop. Aerosmith performs a loop maneuver and drops a bomb towards the ground, generating an explosion that deals damage and launches the opponent. The bomb's fire that lingers for a short moment is still able to damage the opponent if they step in it, launching them. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 60

I'll make you swiss cheese!
+ //
Aerosmith is sent to shoot a volley of bullets outward. The button inputted changes the angle the bullets are shot at. (Flash Cancel comboable)
  • Light (): Aerosmith shoots its volley at a downward angle.
  • Medium (): Aerosmith shoots its volley at a slight downward angle, almost straight out, with the bullets spreading out as they travel.
  • Heavy (): Aerosmith shoots straight out as it performs an aileron roll and travels upward. These bullets will disappear after traveling a moderate distance.

This is a Stand Rush skill that Narancia can disconnect from to freely act while it is executing.

Attack type: High
Damage: 8 × 6 (48) / 8 × 8 (64) / 8 × 10 (80)

Blast off!
+ //
Aerosmith travels forward, performing a loop maneuver and dropping a bomb towards the ground. If it hits the ground it will generate an explosion that deals damage and launches the opponent. The bomb's fire that lingers for a short moment is still able to damage the opponent if they step in it, launching them. Unlike with "I'm gonna kill you", the bomb can hit the opponent as it travels towards the ground, preventing the bomb's fire from lingering on the ground. The distance forward Aerosmith travels to drop the bomb increases in order. A Stand Rush skill that Narancia can disconnect from to freely act while it is executing. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 60

Shoot, shoot, shoot it up!
+ //
Aerosmith loops back around a long distance, crumpling the opponent if it hits them, before firing off a volley of bullets forward, knocking the opponent off their feet upon connecting. The amount of damage dealt increases in order, but the greater the increase, the more vulnerable Narancia becomes. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 10 + 3 × 8 + 15 (49) / 10 + 2.8 × 10 + 20 (58) / 10 + 2.66 × 12 + 25 (67)

Throw (投げ技)
Take that! And that!
2 ATK buttons near opponent or ( to back-throw)
Narancia relentlessly kicks the opponent multiple times, with the final kick sending them flying. If a back-throw was performed, Narancia will grab the opponent and swing them around to the other side of himself before kicking them away.

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 120

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
I'll make it even bigger!
+ 2 ATK Buttons
Narancia sends out Aerosmith to carpet bomb the whole area in front of him with a series of five dropped bombs. The attack knocks the opponent off their feet, dealing more damage the closer they are (as they are struck by more of the bombs) and knocking them a long distance away from Narancia. This HHA does not require an initial hit to connect in order to work, and will not stop until it finishes. This HHA can also hit a downed opponent.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 180

Volare Via
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
Narancia commands Aerosmith to attack as it swoops low to the ground in an attempt to knock the opponent off their feet. If the attack is successful, Aerosmith will start hailing the opponent with an extended volley of bullets from below, carrying them high into the air. Narancia war cries "VOLAVOLAVOLA!!!" during the assault for a prolonged period, before shouting "Volare via!". On cue, Aerosmith finishes the attack by dropping a bomb on the falling opponent that generates a massive, point-blank explosion.

Attack type: High
Damage: 330 / 395 / 495 (depending on HH gauge)

Assist System (アシストシステム)
Assault Assist (アサルトアシスト, Asaruto Ashisuto)
A two-stock assist. Narancia lands in and summons Aerosmith to shoot a volley of bullets at an upward angle. If hit, the opponent will be lifted into the air and held there until the volley ends, launching them away after. Narancia then dismisses his Stand and poses before jumping back-off screen.

Attack type: High
Damage: 52

Reversal Assist (リバーサルアシスト, Ribāsaru Ashisuto)
A one-stock assist. Narancia jumps into the opponent as Aerosmith shoots the opponent away. He then dismisses his Stand and poses before jumping back-off screen.

Attack type: High

Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

User Mode (本体)Stand Mode (スタンド)
Normals [Stand Off] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
When hitting a jumping opponent, this normal will now cause a soft knockdown rather than basic hitstun that the enemy will automatically recovery out of.
Standing Heavy Attack
Narancia moves significantly farther than he does in All-Star Battle when kicking.
Crouching Medium Attack
Narancia now moves forward before attacking.
Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand Off] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
You bastard!
The input for this command normal has changed. Previously it was in place of . It also launches on hit now rather than only causing basic hitstun.
Skills [Stand Off] (コマンド技)
You're not going anywhere!
+ //
Narancia now slides forward a short distance when using the and variants. Additionally, all variants of this skill deal significantly more damage than their All-Star Battle counterparts.
I'll shoot you through!
+ //
This skill no longer pushes the opponent away from Narancia, instead holding them in place in the air while they are hit by the barrage of bullets. This makes it much easier to Flash Cancel and combo off of. However, the and variants can no longer be Flash Canceled. The variant has lost its invincibility as well. Furthermore, all variants deal significantly more hits, resulting in the damage being higher, especially on the variant.
I don't need bullets to kill you!
+ //
The distance Aerosmith flies forward now varies based on which attack button is inputted, which results in the variant's range being significantly shorter and the variant's being longer. This change also affects Aerosmith's travel speed as the duration of the skill is comparable. Additionally, the translation of this skill's name has changed. Previously it was "Don't shoot if you ain't got the stones!" in place of "I don't need bullets to kill you!".
Normals [Stand On] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Aerosmith now quickly moves down before it shoots, leading to the bullets traveling forward at a lower height, though the move still remains a High. This makes it more difficult to hit aerial opponents now. The bullets also do not travel as far as they did in All-Star Battle before disappearing. As a trade-off, the attack does not have as much pushback now.
Standing Medium Attack
Aerosmith now quickly moves down before it shoots, leading to the bullets traveling forward at a lower height, though the move still remains a High. This makes it more difficult to hit aerial opponents now. The bullets also do not travel as far as they did in All-Star Battle before disappearing. As a trade-off, the attack does not have as much pushback now.
Standing Heavy Attack
Aerosmith flies a farther distance forward while attacking, giving this attack more range. It also can hit up to six times now instead of only three.
Crouching Light Attack
Aerosmith's bullets don't travel quite as far as they did in All-Star Battle before disappearing. As a trade-off, the attack does not have as much pushback now.
Crouching Heavy Attack
Aerosmith flies a farther distance forward while attacking, giving this attack more range.
Jumping Heavy Attack
This attack can hit up to six times now instead of only three times, though these extra hits can only be connected on aerial opponents.
Skills [Stand On] (コマンド技)
+ //
The variant travels a significantly greater distance forward than it did in All-Star Battle. However, the variant now travels a significantly shorter distance. Furthermore, this skill now has a hitbox that deals damage and pushes the opponent back. Also, if the input for a follow-up skill in the loop is held, it will now repeat itself rather than having to be inputted multiple times.
I'll shoot!
(During "Attack!" loop)
The Style button () no longer needs to be held while this skill is executing to shoot. It is also now a High attack rather than a Middle. Aerosmith's loop is slightly different now as well, as instead of moving forward when it loops upward, it now loops almost straight up. This causes Aerosmith to drop to a position that is farther away from where it started once this skill completes. This isn't too much of an issue if Aerosmith ends up behind the opponent, but if this skill is used when Aerosmith in front of them, then the later skills in the loop after this one are less likely to hit due to the increased distance. Also, this attack is no longer the highest damaging skill in the loop, now being the lowest.
Now's my chance!
(During "Attack!" loop)
The Style button () no longer needs to be held while this skill is executing to shoot. This skill is also no longer the lowest damaging skill in the loop, now being the middle damaging one of the three.
Gonna send you flying!
(During "Attack!" loop)
The Style button () no longer needs to be held while this skill is executing to shoot. This skill is also now the most damaging skill in the loop, with its damage being significantly higher than it was in All-Star Battle.
Perfect timing!
(During "Attack!" loop)
This skill is now a finisher for the loop rather than one of the skills that can be looped up to three times. It also now launches the opponent if Aerosmith's propeller hits them, allowing this skill to be comboed off of if Flash Canceled.
I know how to waste you!
(During "Attack!" loop)
The input for this skill has been changed. Previously it was in place of .
I'm gonna kill you!
(During "Attack!" loop)
The input for this skill has been changed. Previously it was in place of . The skill is also now a Middle rather than a High. Futhermore, the bomb can no longer hit the opponent, with only the explosion actually having a hitbox. As for the explosion itself, it now launches opponents into a hard knockdown (the same hit effect the bomb hit used to have) rather than causing a groundbounce. Additionally, this skill can now hit a downed opponent.
I'll make you swiss cheese!
+ //
The bullet pattern for all the variants is different. The variant now shoots at a downward angle rather than straight out. The variant's bullets don't stay as grouped together as they did in All-Star Battle. The is largely the same, but the last couple shots shoot at a more of an upward angle.
Blast off!
+ //
Aerosmith now will drop its bomb farther forward the stronger the attack button inputted. Additionally, the explosion now launches opponents into a hard knockdown (the same hit effect the bomb has) rather than causing a groundbounce. Furthermore, this skill can now hit a downed opponent.
Shoot, shoot, shoot it up!
+ //
This skill is now its own skill rather than being part of the "Attack!" loop. As such, its input has changed from to + //. This also means that it has three different variants instead of only having one. Additionally, this skill is now a High rather than being Unblockable.
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
I'll make it even bigger!
+ 2 ATK Buttons
This attack is now a Middle rather than a High. It also can hit up to six times rather than five, though Aerosmith still only visually drops five bombs.

General Changes

  • Narancia's run speed in Stand Mode has been greatly decreased.

Medal List

Costumes & Tints

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Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


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Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag Lines
Taunt Lines
  • Ha ha ha! Your name dooms you to an eternity in the lowest hell!
Victory Lines

Special Interactions

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Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Narancia has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

Match Entrance
  • Who are you, you bastard!
    —Narancia (Player 1)
    Now I got it! So you’re the enemy, huh?!
    —Narancia (Player 2)
  • You’re at least two years younger than I am!
    That must be the Aerosmith. I’m in trouble if he gets outta my range!
  • Let me see your Aerosmith. Come at me with all you got!
    I don’t like this much, but these are my orders, Bucciarati!
  • Why don’t we test our stands against each other?
    Ain’t no way a pistol could beat a machine gun, idiot!

All-Star Battle Mode

All missions in All-Star Battle Mode starring Narancia as either the Player or Enemy, in order of appearance.

Golden Wind

Normal Battle (★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Stage: Rome
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
500 G
Special Conditions
The player's Heart Heat Gauge continuously refills. The player's defense is decreased.
Secret Missions
1. Down your opponent: 1000 G
2. Land a Stylish Evade: Pannacotta Fugo Publicity Artwork
3. Use the "Purple Haze Distortion" special: Fugo's Theme
Entrance Dialogue
Narancia: Fugo... I thought you said you'd help me study!
Fugo: But you always end up forgetting no matter how many times I teach you...
Victory Dialogue
Fugo: Well then, let's hear you repeat the seven steps I taught you. Go on!
Defeat Dialogue
Narancia: Keep your promises! Once a liar, next a thief, ya know!
Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Stage: Naples Train Station
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1000 G
Special Conditions
Both the player and the opponent's attack power are increased.
Secret Missions
1. Win without losing a single round: 1000 G
2. Execute a Flash Cancel: Narancia Ghirga Publicity Artwork
3. Land a Great Heat Attack: Narancia Color Tint C
Entrance Dialogue
Joseph: You think you can beat me with that little toy jet?
Narancia: Aerosmith ain't no toy plane!
Victory Dialogue
Narancia: You know what they call people like you? Cheaters, that's what!
Defeat Dialogue
Joseph: Heh heh! I'm pretty good at shooting planes down!




Narancia's theme is Volare Via! (ボラーレ・ヴィーア(飛んで行きな), Borāre Vīa (Tonde Iki na)), and can be unlocked in-game by buying it from the Gallery Shop for 1000 G.

Its name is in reference to Narancia saying the line "Volare Via!" at the end of his Stand Rush in Chapter 92 of Vento Aureo while shooting Squalo.

JoJo Glossary

Unlock Condition: Win in the Trish Una vs. Diavolo All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
An ally in Part 5: Vento Aureo, and the user of the Stand Aerosmith. He is childish and naive, but harbors an inferiority complex about his lack of education and flies into a rage when teased about it. In the final battle, he is the first to be targeted and killed by Diavolo, who is wary of his Stand's radar ability.[3]
User of the Stand Li'l Bomber, he is a little childish and naive, with an inferiority complex about his lack of education. He flies into a rage if teased about it. He is Diavolo's first victim in the final battle.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Trish Una vs. Diavolo All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
Narancia's Stand. It takes the form of a fighter plane, and can attack with machine guns and missiles. It is also equipped with a radar that can detect carbon dioxide.
Narancia's Stand. Shaped like a fighter plane, built to attack with machine guns and missiles. It is also equipped with a radar that's sensitive to carbon dioxide.

Art & Misc Moveset Callbacks

Stylish EvadesCut-insMovesetMisc
Stylish Evade 12345
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Stylish Evade Pose 1
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Stylish Evade Pose 2
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Stylish Evade Pose 3
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Stylish Evade Pose 4
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Stylish Evade Pose 5
TalkingTauntedResolve Mode
Talking Cut-in
Taunted Cut-in
Resolve Mode Cut-in
Reference SketchStand Ref SketchMatch EntranceRound Win 1Round Win 2
Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

Buy from Gallery Shop
1500 G


Cover of Volume 51

Aerosmith Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

Buy from Gallery Shop
1500 G


Chapter 471 and Chapter 470

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Match Entrance
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Round Win Pose 1
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Round Win Pose 2


Update History

Balance Changes Comparison


  • Health
    • Reduced health from 950 to 850.
  • Aerosmith's projectiles
    • Fixed issue where combo scaling would not apply. (unintended bug)
  • Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
    • Decreased damage.
  • Jumping Heavy Attack [Stand On]
    • Decreased damage.
  • "You're not going anywhere!" skill
    • Decreased damage.
  • "I'll shoot you through!" skill
    • Changed so move can no longer be Flash Canceled.
  • "I don't need bullets to kill you!" skill
    • Sped up start-up.
  • "I'll make it even bigger!" HHA
    • Fixed issue where combo scaling would not apply. (unintended bug)


  • Standing Light Attack [Stand On]
    • Fixed issue where Aerosmith would not fire bullets if move was used after a Crouching Light Attack. (unintended bug)


  • Stand hurtbox
    • Added hurtbox to Aerosmith.
  • Standing Medium Attack [Stand Off]
    • Increased time hitbox is active.
  • Crouching Medium Attack [Stand Off]
    • Increased time hitbox is active.
    • Increased amount of forward launching power when hitting an airborne opponent.
  • Jumping Medium Attack [Stand Off]
    • Increased time hitbox is active.
  • Standing Light Attack [Stand On]
    • Increased recovery time.
  • Standing Medium Attack [Stand On]
    • Delayed activation time.
    • Increased recovery time.
  • Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
    • Delayed activation time.
    • Increased recovery time.
  • Couching Light Attack [Stand On]
    • Increased activation time.
    • This attack can no longer be canceled with light attacks.
  • "Attack!" skill
    • Increased Aerosmith's movement speed.
    • Added hitbox to Aerosmith and damage.
    • Decreased recovery time.
      • This results in Aerosmith returning to Narancia at the same time across all versions of the skill.
    • Travel distance has been changed for the different versions.
      • Increased travel distance.
      • Increased travel distance (less than the version).
      • Decreased travel distance.
  • "Perfect timing!" follow-up skill
    • Increased recovery time.
  • "I know how to waste you!" follow-up skill
    • Decreased recovery time.
  • "I'm gonna kill you!" follow-up skill
    • Decreased recovery time.
    • Changed so skill now causes a hard knockdown rather than a groundbounce.
    • Increased launching force.
  • "I'll make you swiss cheese!" skill
    • Adjusted the firing angle of the and versions.
    • Increased recovery time of the and versions.
  • "Blast off!" skill
    • Increased launching force.
    • Changed so the hit effect is the same for both the bomb and explosion portions of the attack.
      • The bomb now causes a hard knockdown instead of a launch and the explosion causes a hard knockdown instead of a groundbounce.
  • "Reversal Assist"
    • Decreased stocks from two to one.


  • Aerosmith
    • Adjusted Aerosmith's collision box for the following attacks to prevent it from pushing certain characters away during their HHA/GHAs:
      • Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
      • Crouching Heavy Attack [Stand On]
      • Jumping Heavy Attack [Stand On]
      • "You're not going anywhere!" skill
      • "Shoot, shoot, shoot it up!" skill
  • Crouching Medium Attack [Stand Off]
    • Reduced damage.
  • Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
    • Adjusted the hitbox so characters with narrow hurtboxes won't slip through the middle of the attack under certain circumstances.
  • Jumping Heavy Attack [Stand On]
    • Adjusted the hitbox so characters with narrow hurtboxes won't slip through the attack midway through under certain circumstances.
    • Increased the number of hits.
    • The damage of each hit has been decreased, but the total damage has been increased.
  • "You're not going anywhere!" skill
    • Changed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed.
  • "I'll shoot you through!" skill
    • Changed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed.
  • "Attack!" skill
    • This skill will now automatically orient toward the opponent when activated.
    • Increased amount of backward movement.
  • "Gonna send you flying!" skill
    • Fixed an issue where the attack would shoot extra projectiles if the input was held.
  • "I know how to waste you!" skill
    • Increased launching force.
  • "I'll make you swiss cheese!" skill
    • Changed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed.
  • "Shoot, shoot, shoot it up!" skill
    • Adjusted the launching force of Aerosmith's projectiles when hitting an airborne opponent.
  • "I'll make it even bigger!" HHA
    • Adjusted the attack weight value that determines when a Clash occurs of the first hit so this HHA would no longer Clash against Heavy normal attacks.


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