All-Star Battle R ★ Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)

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Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) (空条承太郎(4部), Kujo Jotaro (4-Bu)) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R as a playable character alongside Yukako Yamagishi and Foo Fighters during the game's Parts 4, 6, & 8 Reveal Trailer.[1]

His model is the same as Eyes of Heaven, however he uses his first outfit from the Diamond is Unbreakable anime adaptation, unlike in Eyes of Heaven where he uses his third outfit. As with Part 3 Jotaro, this Part 4 Jotaro is voiced by Daisuke Ono.


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Command List

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During a fight, Part 4 Jotaro can use several different attacks that were featured in Diamond Is Unbreakable, with some lingering abilities from Stardust Crusaders.

Stand On/Off

Jotaro can summon or dismiss Star Platinum, altering his available abilities.

Star Platinum, The World!
ASBDPad2.pngx2 + ASBS.png ON GROUND

If Jotaro has a minimum of one and a half stocks of the Heart Heat Gauge, he can use his signature Stand ability "Star Platinum, The World!". If the lengthy start-up animation completes, Jotaro will stop time for 3.4 ~ 6.9 seconds depending on how much of the HHG he has; The ability normally takes several seconds to activate and leaves Jotaro especially vulnerable to being interrupted, but executes drastically faster if he has a full three stocks of Heart Heat when performing it.

All animations, including the HHG flame and the countdown on the battle timer, will temporarily cease, and the opponent in frozen in place and completely unable to act. Damage dealt to the opponent that is not a Throw, "So I'm gonna bust you up!", HHA, or GHA is reduced, but the opponent is otherwise absolutely vulnerable. When the ability ends and time resumes, the opponent will suffer all damage dealt to them at once.
Any ball bearings shot using "If I throw this bearing..." hang in the air, notably doing more damage if they hit the opponent after time resumes than if they were to have connected immediately. Jotaro may use his HHA or GHA with impunity if he has enough Heart Heat to do so. He is even capable of hitting opponents that were down when the ability was activated, 'resetting' them into a standing position once hit. The ability is best used with normal attacks in mind in order to deal the most damage within the stopped time, as they execute quickly and their damage reduction within stopped time is insubstantial.
If Jotaro's Throw, "So I'm gonna bust you up!", HHA, or GHA is used, time will immediately resume with the HHG drained to zero.
If fighting against DIO or either version of himself, Jotaro can use this ability to move within the other fighter's stopped time, and may even outlast his opponent if their Heart Heat depletes before his.

Just shut up!

Jotaro steps forward to delivers a high side kick, knocking the opponent off their feet. This is a command normal that can chain into Jotaro's other skills. (Comboable)


Star Platinum moves a great distance forward and delivers a downwards punch, knocking the opponent off their feet. This is a command normal that can chain into Jotaro's other skills. (Comboable)

Special Moves (Stand Off)
If I throw this bearing...
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Jotaro summons Star Platinum to flick a ball bearing straight forward as a high-speed projectile, sending the opponent flying upon impact. The attack button inputted affects the number of ball bearings launched but inversely affects Jotaro's recovery afterward. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Star Finger
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Star Platinum is summoned as it explosively extends its fingers out to pierce the opponent, knocking them into the air and towards Jotaro. This attack deals immense Guard damage, making it useful when trying to Guardbreak the opponent. The attack button inputted affects the damage dealt, the angle the opponent is launched, and the speed that Jotaro recovers, but inversely affects the skill's start-up length. (Comboable)

I'm going to break you into pieces.
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Jotaro summons Star Platinum to unleash an upward barrage of punches, sending the opponent flying far on the final hit. This skill functions as an anti-air. The attack button inputted affects the hit counts and damage of the attack, but inversely affects Jotaro's recovery afterward. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Special Moves (Stand On)
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Star Platinum unleashes a forward barrage of punches; The attack button inputted determines the amount of punches thrown while inversely affecting Jotaro's recovery afterward. This skill can initiate Rush Mode, and has several possible follow-up attacks. (Flash Cancel comboable)

(After "ORA, ORA!") ASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

After its barrage, Star Platinum winds up and deliver a finishing punch that is determined by the attack button inputted:

  • Light (ASBL.png): Star Platinum finishes with a high-hitting uppercut, launching the opponent upwards into a soft knockdown. This is a Stand Rush variation that Jotaro can disconnect from to freely act while it is executing. (Comboable)
  • Medium (ASBM.png): Star Platinum finishes with an overhead punch in a middle attack that cannot be blocked crouching, bouncing the opponent off the ground. (Flash Cancel comboable)
  • Heavy (ASBH.png): Star Platinum finishes with a punch that sweeps the opponent's feet in a low attack that cannot be blocked standing, knocking them down for moderate damage. If blocked, this deals significant Guard damage as well.
Where'd all that time go?
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad2.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png
(After "ORA, ORA!") ASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Expending 1/5th of a bar of Heart Heat, Jotaro suddenly stops time and reappears in another location. The ability is useful for closing the distance on the opponent, or for positional or evasion purposes. This skill can be chained into from "ORA, ORA!" to interrupt the attack, but consumes 2/5th of a bar of Heart Heat instead to do so. The attack button inputted determines where Jotaro reappears:

  • Light (ASBL.png): Jotaro reappears directly in front of the opponent from anywhere, regardless of range or orientation.
  • Medium (ASBM.png): Jotaro reappears directly behind the opponent from anywhere, regardless of range or orientation. Depending on the opponent and their stature, this variation may not function correctly, instead placing Jotaro in front of them or to their side.
  • Heavy (ASBH.png): Jotaro reappears a set distance backwards from where he's standing, allowing him to create distance and evade.
So I'm gonna bust you up!
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

A command Throw. Star Platinum moves forward and extends its hand outward. If it successfully grabs the opponent, Star Platinum will pick them up with one hand and pummel their face with the other, before delivering an uppercut to knock them away. The attack button inputted determines Star Platinum's travel distance and the damage dealt while inversely affecting Jotaro's recovery afterward if the attack fails to connect.

2 ATK buttons at close range or ASBT.png ON GROUND

Star Platinum picks the opponent up, before spinning and slamming them into the ground.

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack
I'm gonna break it... And by "it," I mean your face.
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND

Star Platinum flies a moderate distance forward to throw a heavy punch. If it connects, the Stand unleashes a barrage of punches on the opponent, before reeling back and letting loose a powerful hook to knock them away.

I hate things that are a pain in the ass...
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 3 ATK Buttons, or ASBG.png ON GROUND

Jotaro sends out Star Platinum flying forward in an overhand superman punch. If the attack connects, the opponent is harshly knocked to the ground. The Stand relentlessly pummels them as they lay, before furiously punching them with enough force to bounce them off the ground and high into the air. Sliding his finger along the rim of his hat, Jotaro points at the opponent as Star Platinum moves back in to complete the attack with an extended barrage of blows on the airborne foe, finishing with an intense straight punch that sends them flying.

All-Star Battle Mode

All missions in the All-Star Battle Mode starring Part 4 Jotaro as either the Player or Enemy, in order of appearance.

Diamond is Unbreakable

Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Stage: Rome
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
Special Conditions
The opponent's attack power is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Use the "Star Platinum, The World!" style: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Land a 20-hit combo: ASBR 2D Art.png Star Platinum Publicity Artwork
3. Land a Great Heat Attack: ASBR Tint.png Jotaro 4 Color Tint C
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro 4: I sense... You've got some connection to the Arrow, don't you?
Diavolo: Who... Who are you? You know about the arrow? About me?
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro 4: Good grief, no one linked to that Arrow is a decent person.
Defeat Dialogue
Diavolo: A friend of Polnareff's... But no, it's over. I've erased every last trace of my past!
Boss Battle (★★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Clear four panels on the same page.
DUSymbol.png Koichi Hirose (Assist)
Stage: Morioh
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
ASBR Coins.png 1500 G
Special Conditions
The player starts with 50% health. Each round lasts only 60 seconds.
Secret Missions
1. Use the "Star Platinum, The World!" style: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Call an Assist: ASBR 2D Art.png Echoes ACT3 Publicity Artwork
3. Land the "I'm going to break you into pieces" skill: ASBR Music.png Jotaro 4's Theme
4. Win with a Heart Heat Attack: ASBR Costume.png Kira Special Outfit A
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro 4: Koichi... If you hadn't been there... I'd be dead.
Kira: Astonishing... Even with those wounds, you're attempting to stand. If you would have just stayed down, you could have had a peaceful sleep...
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro 4: You did well to fight this long on your own... You've really grown.
Defeat Dialogue
Kira: Your Stand feels very weak... You didn't think my Killer Queen would fall over to something like that, did you?

Stone Ocean

Extra Battle (★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Stage: Everglades
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
ASBR Coins.png 500 G
Special Conditions
The player's attack power is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Down your opponent: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Attack the opponent's Stand: ASBR 2D Art.png Jolyne Reference Sketch
Entrance Dialogue
Jolyne: Hey! I nearly got killed over here, and you're off playing around in Japan?!
Jotaro 4: You... It can't be...
Victory Dialogue
Jolyne: I always wanted to give you a good fist to the face!
Defeat Dialogue
Jotaro 4: I don't expect you to understand, but...
Extra Battle (★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Stage: Everglades
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
ASBR Coins.png 700 G
Special Conditions
The player's attack power is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Land a Stylish Evade: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Do a normal attack with Stand on: ASBR 2D Art.png Diver Down Publicity Artwork
3. Land the "Meat and Bone Suspension" skill: ASBR Music.png Anasui's Theme
Entrance Dialogue
Anasui: Please, Jotaro! Give me Jolyne's hand in marriage!
Jotaro 4: What are you saying...?
Victory Dialogue
Anasui: Thank you, Jotaro! I promise to cherish Jolyne with all my heart!
Defeat Dialogue
Jotaro 4: Are you nuts? Jolyne's only 6 years old.


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User of the Stand Star Platinum. He came to Morioh to meet Josuke Higashikata, Joseph's secret son. He is a marine biologist and spent his spare time in Morioh writing "On Starfish" for his doctorate.
Jotaro Kujo's Stand, boasting such astronomical power, speed, precision, eyesight, and visual acuity that it can catch flying bullets in its fingers. Coupled with Jotaro's flawless skills, its awesome stats could make it the greatest Stand in history.


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