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Jobin Higashikata

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Template:Character Info/pt-br

ALERTA DE SPOILERS: Spoilers da Parte 8 podem estar presentes abaixo.
Esse mundo, incluindo Morioh, é louco. E de uma coisa você pode ter certeza nesse mundo maluco... aquele que vence é o que está certo.
—Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 76: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 4

Jobin Higashikata (東方 常敏, Higashikata Jōbin) é um antagonista primário na oitava parte de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJolion.

Jobin é o excêntrico filho mais velho da família Higashikata. Ele é casado com Mitsuba Higashikata e tem um filho, Tsurugi. Além de seu trabalho na Companhia Frutífera Higashikata. Jobin era antigamente um dos membros da Organização Locacaca dos Humanos de Pedra. Jobin é um usuário e possui o Speed King.



Jobin é um homem de altura média à acima da média e um porte médio. Quatro linhas atravessam seu rosto verticalmente, sob o canto e o centro de seus olhos. Como uma criança, Jobin não possui essas linhas mas ao chegar aos seus dezesseis anos, um par delas misteriosamente surgiu.[1] As linhas são reduzidas para apenas uma em cada lado em suas aparições subsequentes.[2] Ele tem uma sobrancelha que se divide centralmente, onde ela se ondula para cima.

Com um corte degradê, o cabelo em seus lados é de tamanho médio e texturizado por curtos, espinhos bulbosos; enquanto o cabelo claro no topo édobrado para o lado direito de sua testa, onde ele é mantido com uma presilha.

Ele veste uma roupa de cor clara e um top com capuz com espinhos bulbosos. A parte com capuz é escura em cor; e o segundo dos dois botões nele possuem o símbolo da família Higashikata. Jobin também veste um pequeno colar tecido. Em aparições posteriores, suas mangas também são mais escuras em cor; e elas possuem abotoaduras semelhantes em design aos óculos de seu Stand.

Após perder sua aposta contra Josuke, Jobin raspa sua sobrancelha esquerda, fazendo com que ele pareça "estranho", como dito por ele mesmo.

Esquemas de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Mangá ColoridoEyes of Heaven
Skin(Fair, baby blue lipstick)
Hair(Mint Green, dark green-gray sides)
(White suit and golden spikes, black hood with crimson edges and golden accesories, brown shoes.)
Hair(Platinum Blond)
Eyes(Ocean Green)
(Lime suit and spikes, black hood with white edges and golden accessories, black shoes.)


Independente de caso clima ou a era em que estamos mude, ou como as regras e leis da sociedade mudam... ou caso um inimigo cruel que ponha seus pés na terra da família Higashikata... nós não temos piedade.
—Jobin, JoJolion Chapter 85: The Wonder of You, Part 2
Jobin sempre foi próximo de sua mãe Kaato

Quando criança, Jobin Higashikata era muito tímido e introvertido. Melancólico devido a sua doença, Jobin quietamente sofreu bullying de um de seus veteranos em seu movimento de escoteiros, não ousando se defender. Entretanto, é mostrado que Jobin teve a coragem de recusar a ordem do valentão de queimar a casa de alguém.[1]

Após o despertar do Speed King, Kaato tomou a oportunidade para mudar a mentalidade de Jobin para sempre, dizendo a ele que ele não poderia fazer algo de errado e que ele estava destinado a subir ao topo enquanto os outros ficariam abaixo. Influenciado pelas palavras de sua mãe, Jobin cometeu seu primeiro assassinato. Desde então, Jobin foi extrovertido e jovial; levando as palavras de Kaato para o coração.[1] Esse evento o ajudou a construir sua filosofia; que humanos nascem no nível "zero", independente das circunstâncias. Jobin acredita que por causa disso, humanos devem constantemente buscar por uma forma de subir na vida, e para ele, essa é a única maneira que eles, e ele mesmo, podem alcançar a felicidade. Por causa de sua ambição, Jobin despreza o resto da população. Jobin é mostrado possui uma certa arrogância e senso de direito, achando que a posição social de sua família seja um direito para tratamento especial, reclamando que vários negócios não favoreceram ele ou sua família.[3] Seu orgulho se estende ao nome da família Higashikata, sendo orgulhoso do alto status de sua família em Morioh e deseja elevá-la ainda mais. Jobin acredita apenas em força, alegando que boa ou má sorte, bom ou mau, legalidade ou ilegalidade não importam e que apenas a força importa na vida. Logo, em sua mente os Higashikata são fortes e impiedosos.[4]

Jobin ficando frustado quando Joshu não reconhece sua frase de "Mitsuo Aida".

Jobin mantêm um senso de humor quieto e gosta de citar Mitsuo Aida. Quando ele está se divertido, ele é propenso a escalar ou mudar as circunstâncias das situações apenas para torná-las mais 'interessantes', como quando ele repreende Joshu por torcer por ele e ordena que ele 'troque de equipe' para a de Josuke.[5] No contexto do teste de personalidade de Norisuke,[6] ele parece gostar de bonecos robóticos.. Ele também é mostrado ser bastante esperto quando ele usou seu Stand para derreter a cera de seu besouro, assim como detectar o plano de Josuke.[7]

Em contraste, Jobin às vezes demonstra a personalidade de um crianção, com até mesmo seu próprio filho Tsurugi Higashikata notando. Em seu quarto, ele guarda uma grande unidade de prateleiras cheia de mostruários de besouros exóticos.[8] É sugerido que seu gosto por besouros seja pelo jeito que eles simbolizam força. Ele cruza besouros para fazê-los lutar[9] e os considera gladiadores quando na arena.[10] Ele toma grande cuidado de seus besouros, mas está pronto para sacrificá-los em uma batalha de besouros. Por exemplo, ele enche um de seus besouros com cera para que seu Speed King possa controlar seus movimentos, despreocupado com o fato de que eles morrerão logo depois.[11] Esse comportamento infantil se estende além disso, com Jobin frequentemente fazendo referências a 'férias de verão' ou outras indulgências correlacionadas a uma infância típica.[12][13][14]

Jobin enfurecidamente assume a liderança de sua família

Embora Jobin não tenha sido visto tendo muitas interações com seus irmãos pode ser observado que enquanto Joshu se espelha em seu irmão amis velho, Jobin é indiferente a ele. Jobin entretanto, possui grande estimação por sua mãe e é seu único aliado dentor da família Higashikata. Kaato e Jobin tem um relacionamento especial como mãe e filho, mas também parceiros no crime.[1] Jobin ama seu pai Norisuke mas discordou com ele em como gerenciar a Companhia Frutífera Higashikata. Enquanto Norisuke estava contente com o atual estado de negócios, Jobin queria expandir o negócio para obter mais riquezas, status, e poder e ficou frustado quando Norisuke desaprovou de sua ideia.[14] Jobin também ama sua esposa, e possuem um relacionamento forte e um objetivo comum em salvar seu filho Tsurugi à qualquer custo. Finalmente, ele ama Tsurugi e seus esforços para tomar a Locacaca são para salvar ele da doença de pedra.

Jobin por final deseja o poder da Locacaca, desejando obtê-la para livrar sua família da maldição dos Higashikatas.[15] Esse desejo o leva a valorizar a Locacaca e eliminar qualquer um em seu caminho e acima de tudo, sendo despreocupado se a própria cidade de Morioh fosse destruída no processo. Jobin toma grandes medidas para proteger a fruta, matando Ojiro Sasame e Maako Kitani enquanto as frutas crescem,[16] tentando matar Yasuho Hirose quando ela infiltra sua casa[17] mas também ataca seu pai Norisuke para assumir controle da família quando Norisuke descobre dos assassinatos prévios de Jobin e está prestes a desafiá-lo, porém arrependidamente.[18] Apesar de sua inescrupulosidade e confiança aparente, Jobin possuia dúvidas secretas e medos por Tsurugi durante a fase de amadurecimento, apenas os confessando a sua mãe Kaato.[19]



Artigo principal: Speed King

Como os outros membros de sua família, Jobin possui um Stand, chamado Speed King. Ele é capaz de produzir pequenos pontos de calor intenso dentro de um raio de 10cm, o qual ele usa estrategicamente para trapacear em uma batalha de besuros, e mais ocmumente, para induzir um AVC com o calor.

Speed King (スピード・キング)Link para essa seção
Heat Accumulation

Esse poder requr que ele entre em contato com o que quer que seja que ele deseja aplicar o calor em, como é o caso com Josuke; Jobin o oferece lenços para limpar seu nariz, apenas para que o contato com o lenço seja o meio necessário para que Jobin aumente a temperatura dentro da cabeça de Josuke, fazendo com que seus vasos sanguíneos explodam e causem um sangramento nasal.



É conhecido através da explicação de seu filho Tsurugi das crenças supersticiosas da família Higashikata de espantar os "demônios da doença" que Jobin, sendo o primeiro filho de sua família, foi criado como uma garota até que ele fizesse doze anos de idade.[20]

Kaato & Jobin sacrificam um garoto

During his youth, Jobin suffered from the Rock Disease, causing his skin to crack and suffer short-term memory loss, forgetting whatever happened the last day. Two of his seniors at a local scouting movement he was part of, bullied and coerced him to steal a set of Kaato's underwear and take a photo of her under the shower. Coincidentally, a fellow scout spotted Jobin being bullied and denounced the bullies to their school and the police. One of the bullies dragged Jobin to the scout's house one night and tried to coerce him further to set the denouncer's house on fire, Jobin refused and punched the bully in retaliation. Furious, he drenched Jobin's head in oil as a threat; at this moment, Jobin awakened his Stand, Speed King, and heated the blood inside the bully's head, stunning him gravely. Going to his mother for help, Jobin went to the hole under the lone pine tree with the unconscious bully and Kaato. There, Kaato told him that he was destined to climb further up despite his unfair birth, and told him to go bury the bully inside the hole. Jobin thus performed an equivalent exchange. Since then, Jobin had taken Kaato's words to heart and became more assertive.

Em certo ponto, Jobin atendeu ao funeral do pai de Rai Mamezuku.[21]

Jobin met the Rock Humans of the Locacaca Organization one day as he and Norisuke were watching a game of baseball at Morioh Stadium. He was frustrated by the lack of recognition the Higashikata Family should have, and ambitioned to expand the business to cheap products. However, Norisuke objected to these plans. Frustrated, he was then contacted by Yotsuyu Yagiyama and became a member of the Locacaca Organization, using his trades as a cover for the organization's operations.


He is mentioned by Joshu Higashikata during the attempt at a family photo, apparently having left shortly before. The mention of his absence is enough for his father to call off the welcoming photo for Josuke. During his trip, Jobin goes to Vietnam and the Philippines to scout for fruits but also brings a Locacaca tree with him. Before coming to the Higashikata Fruit Parlor, Jobin hands the potted tree to Aisho Dainenjiyama.

Conhecendo Josuke Higashikata

Jobin formalmente conhece Josuke

Josuke first encounters Jobin in the Higashikata Fruit Parlor after the events surrounding Yotsuyu. Josuke spills some ice cream on his foot. As Jobin cleans it up, he sees his father and they share a happy welcoming back. He formally meets Josuke and offers him several gifts as a welcome to the family, including a prized Dorcus titanus palawanicus (giant stag beetle). Norisuke and Jobin leave the place, but Josuke discovers that Norisuke's King Nothing has detected the scent of the Locacaca on his handkerchief, suggesting that Jobin may know something regarding the fruit capable of healing the family's disease and may possibly be involved with Yotsuyu. Jobin then returns to the house and gives the family souvenirs from his trips.

Josuke comes to ask for advice concerning raising a beetle but when he inspects the live beetles Jobin keeps in a terrarium, he nonchalantly mentions that his Palawanicus could beat it in a straight fight. Interested, Jobin then challenges Josuke to a beetle fight. Josuke uses the opportunity to raise the stacks with a bet. Setting a fighting arena made of cork circled with soft rush plant, Jobin explains the rules of a beetle fight:

  • According to the apparent 45-second memory of the beetles, during which they are eager to fight, a determining factor in a fight can be raised by brushing them with female beetle pheromones.
  • The contestants make the beetles fight for a period of 45 seconds. The beetle that is killed, is lifted up for 10 seconds, or leaves the ring loses.

Jobin then demonstrates the fighting proficiency of his own Palawanicus by making it kill a Japanese hornet and proposes that the loser shaves his eyebrow, to which Josuke accepts.

Josuke desafia Jobin a uma batalha de besouros

The first round begins between the two Palawanicus. At first, Jobin's beetle gets the upper hand due to its sharpened mandibles and planted female pheromones from a brush, making it push Josuke's beetle to the border of the arena. However, Josuke's beetle then somehow makes Jobin's beetle flee out of the arena. Josuke is shown to have planted pheromones on the arena and released then at an opportune moment to boost his beetle. A frustrated Jobin shaves off his left eyebrow. Despite his loss, Jobin is enjoying himself and challenges Josuke to another beetle fight, and again Josuke accepts. Josuke then proposes his true goal; the Lamborghini Jobin owns. Jobin accepts and also orders Joshu to cheer Josuke on. Jobin takes a second opponent: a golden stag beetle, also known as a Rosenbergi. As the match begins, Jobin tells Josuke that if he wins, he is allowed to lick Josuke's eyeball.

Jobin usa seu Stand durante a batalha de besouros

The Palawanicus' superior size and weight enables it to push the Rosenbergi to the border of the ring. However, the Rosenbergi suddenly moves in an unnaturally precise manner, knocking the Palawanicus over and biting off one leg. The Palawanicus is almost pushed over the border as Josuke reads from an encyclopedia that stag beetles instinctively play dead when feeling strong vibrations at their legs. As the Rosenbergi chomps off another leg, Josuke notices liquid oozing from its head. The Palawanicus falls from the ring, but since the clock went over 45 seconds, Josuke has not lost. Before the second bout, Josuke inquires about the liquid. Jobin reveals that it's wax, that when melted will cause convulsions in the beetle and eventually kill it, but not before Jobin wins. The second bout begins and the Rosenbergi slowly overwhelms the Palawanicus with its precise movement. Suddenly Joshu knocks his foot on the tank where the hornet was killed and asks where the lower half of it's body with the stinger went. The abdomen is shown to be near Josuke who is now showing confidence as the Rosenbergi goes mad and convulses. Josuke had planted some of the hornet's poison in Jobin's brush, which eventually killed his beetle, making Josuke the winner.

As Josuke takes the Lamborghini's keys with him and leaves the room, Jobin stops him, having realized that Josuke went there for an ulterior motive. Using Speed King, Jobin induces a heavy nosebleed in Josuke and tries to interrogate him. However, the fire alarm activates and Josuke flees in the confusion. Jobin decides not to immediately follow Josuke and checks on the garage, but sees nothing out of the ordinary.

Doobie Wah

While Jobin is cleaning up his room, he is contacted by Aisho Dainenjiyama who asks if he knows why he's being tailed. Jobin connects the event to Josuke but chose to reveal nothing. However he allows Aisho to kill the pursuers, not knowing that his own son is being targeted.

In the aftermath of Tamaki Damo's attack on the Higashikata House, Jobin is shown in his car nearby, where he witnesses Damo's death at the hands of Josuke. He is then called by his mother, Kaato Higashikata, who he promises to pick up from prison, but is asked to keep her release a secret from the family as she wants it to be a surprise. Following Kaato's arrival and shortly after her sudden departure to the hotel, Jobin enters the family room. He nonchalantly reveals that he was the one to let her in, and goes to examine his breakfast. This causes Norisuke to become suspicious of Jobin.

Dolomite's Blue Lagoon

Jobin se encontra com Dolomite

Working directly with Kaato, Jobin begins to investigate Norisuke's garden at night as he searches for a Locacaca Branch. He is accidentally caught by one of his father's security surveillance cameras, which Josuke quickly discovers. The event confirms Norisuke and Josuke's suspicions of his treachery while Jobin remains unaware of his detection. Kaato calls Jobin, informing him of his father's suspicious behavior and the fact that Norisuke has given Josuke a private cell phone to contact him with.

Worried by this, Jobin drives to a nearby shrine where he summons a disfigured Rock Human named Dolomite using fried chicken. He informs Dolomite of the deaths of the previous Rock Humans that were defeated by Josuke and company, all before asking Dolomite for a favor. Jobin shows Dolomite the evidence that through the power of the Locacaca, Josefumi Kujo and Yoshikage Kira fused to become the current Josuke. Jobin then proposes that Dolomite help him find a Locacaca.

Jobin takes out Yasuho

Jobin compliments Dolomite on his choice to cooperate, stating that everyone needs to overcome obstacles to be happy. Showing the photo of Josuke again to Dolomite, he announces his intention to stop him from finding the unknown ally who will let him find the Locacaca. As Jobin carefully puts Dolomite's tooth into an envelope, Dolomite asks if it's fine if anything dire happens to Josuke or even Morioh as a whole because of his Blue Hawaii. Jobin simply responds that he doesn't care and leaves Dolomite to eliminate Josuke. As Yasuho Hirose investigates the identity of who Blue Hawaii's user could be, Jobin tracks her down. While Yasuho is distracted using Paisley Park, Jobin uses Speed King to touch her temple. The blood within her veins begins to boil, rendering her unconscious. Jobin ponders killing her to deal a crippling blow to Josuke, however he decides against it as the murder would confirm Norisuke's suspicions. Instead, Jobin leaves Yasuho on the sidewalk and dumps the only evidence of Dolomite's true identity into a sewer drain. However he does not return to Dolomite.

Poor Tom e Ozon Baby

Jobin & Tsurugi são atacados pelo Ozon Baby

Jobin receives a phone call from a certain "Poor Tom", who asks to meet him inside a parking lot. At the meeting, Jobin sees that this Poor Tom is another Rock Human, and proposes him to cooperate in order to stop Josuke from getting the fruit. The baby-like Poor Tom gives him a toy house which he presents as his own Stand Ozon Baby and instructs him to bury it inside his orchard.

Jobin complies and sneakily buries Ozon Baby in the garden of his house, and soon after Tsurugi confronts him about his goals. Their conversations are interrupted when the air pressure decreases dramatically. When he tries to escape out of the shed they were in, Tsurugi begins to suffer depressurization sickness and is gravely injured. Jobin manages to save him, and realizes that he has been tricked by Poor Tom. Ozon Baby will indiscriminately attack anyone in its range through its air pressure ability. Determined, Jobin decides to use Josuke and the plant appraiser, whom he guesses are present in the garden.

Jobin & Tsurugi adquirem o galho de Locacaca

Eventually, Jobin has Tsurugi use Paper Moon King on Poor Tom to have him mistake a pear-tree branch for the Locacaca Branch. Once Poor Tom is killed and the fake branch is retrieved, Jobin takes the real Locacaca branch. Afterwards, Jobin is disguised as a cactus by Paper Moon King while Tsurugi talks to Norisuke about the branch being lost. After he leaves, Jobin reveals himself and announces his and Tsurugi's victory over everyone.

Some time after Poor Tom and Ozon Baby's attack in the Higashikata household, Kaato meets with Jobin to talk about the inevitable danger coming to the family. Jobin explains to her that his Miyama stag beetle has performed an equivalent exchange with his Hercules beetle. He shows the pot of the grafted New Locacaca branch that Josuke Higashikata and plant appraiser Rai Mamezuku had been searching for. Kaato advises against telling Norisuke about their plans and expresses her pride in Jobin. She tells him to continue growing the plant using her Stand to store a part of the potted plant in between her cards. Later on, he asks her to bring his favorite cream stew for her next visit in the following day.[22]

A Colheita Se Aproxima

Jobin esconde a Locacaca

Hiding the Locacaca in his vivariums, Jobin talks with his wife Mitsuba and ominously declares that the Higashikata Family is becoming stronger. Mitsuba catches a glimpse of the Locacaca, causing Jobin to suspect that she is up to something.

However, his plans are thrown into disarray as his son, Tsurugi approaches him. Informing Jobin of a man named Ojiro that knows about the Locacaca. Jobin doesn't know the man and hastily checks on his Locacaca, only to realize that Tsurugi's hand has been put under the influence of Ojiro's Stand Fun Fun Fun. Tsurugi inadvertently leaked the location of the Locacaca to Ojiro who yearns to possess the fruits, so Jobin tries to think of a counterattack.

Ojiro uses his Stand to send Tsurugi crashing through a window, forcing Jobin to grab Tsurugi to prevent him from being injured further. However, this allows Ojiro to mark Jobin's hands, and he forces Jobin to start choking Tsurugi. Jobin reveals to Ojiro that the New Locacaca can be harvested in three days, to the man's delight. Ojiro orders Jobin to reveal his Stand, to which Jobin complies. However, Tsurugi reveals his Stand as well, causing an annoyed Ojiro to swipe it out of the way. Believing that Jobin's Stand looks too dangerous for him to be left alive, Ojiro slams the window closed on the duo's necks and steals the New Locacaca (as well as some of Jobin's cash). Ojiro believes both were killed but the duo's wounds were merely an illusion created by Paper Moon King, and Jobin reassures Tsurugi that he will take the New Locacaca back. This promise is soon fulfilled, as Jobin proceeds to follow Ojiro to his girlfriend Makorin's apartment, mercilessly eliminating both of them using Speed King, and steals back the New Locacaca.

The Wonder of You (O Milagre de Seu Amor)

Tsurugi's condition is worsening. As Mitsuba holds him, Jobin approaches them both from a hall-way, shocked to see the rock disease's development.

Jobin tenta matar Paisley Park que está investigando a Locacaca

On the day of the Harvest, Jobin surprises Paisley Park in a cell phone talking to Tsurugi. He immediately grabs the phone and tosses it into a toilet to let Paisley Park drown. Watching over Paisley Park, Jobin also dissuades Mitsuba from helping Yasuho. However, when Mitsuba tries to use Awaking III Leaves to kill Yasuho, Satoru Akefu's ability manifests itself. A drip of water pierces Mitsuba's hand and she misplaces one of the arrows, which directs the force into a wall and destroys it, revealing the new Locacaca to the rest of the Higashikata Family.

When Norisuke arrives at Tsurugi's bedroom, he immediately saves Paisley Park from drowning and demands to know what is happening. Jobin tries to sway Norisuke to his side. He explains how he's gotten a hold of and grown the new Locacaca, claiming that he is following the right path, a path where Tsurugi can be saved without any sacrifice and that the family is now too committed to turn back. However, Norisuke then investigates the fruits: thanks to King Nothing, he materializes Ojiro Sasame and exposes the link between Jobin and Sasame's death. Tearful, Jobin induces a heat stroke in Norisuke with Speed King. Norisuke collapses as Jobin asks for forgiveness and Jobin cradles his father's body for a moment before recomposing himself. When his siblings rush to see Norisuke, he wards them off using Speed King and tells them to prepare themselves for the future. Jobin covers Norisuke with a tarp and expects victory, but he notices that Paisley Park's phone has been moved near an electrical outlet, allowing the Stand to escape. Jobin crushes the phone. With his siblings' attention, he reveals the nature of the Locacaca and its importance. He adds that they will protect the fruit from all enemies, including Josuke and Yasuho. Jobin then reassures them, stating that some unfortunate things may happen, but they won't be letting Norisuke die.

Jobin é atingido por uma calamidade e morre de perca de sangue, deixando a planta rolar até a porta

Jobin tells them to help him bring Norisuke to the second floor and the fruit in another hiding spot. Suddenly, Mitsuba warns him about Satoru Akefu's presence in the house. Seeing him approach Mitsuba and Tsurugi in the bed in impossible ways, Jobin summons Speed King to attack the head doctor who is seemingly hiding under the bedsheets. The head doctor can't be seen and Jobin finds a damaged hair spray that bursts under the damage Speed King caused it, with the blast being quite weak and seemingly harmless. As he's explained the nature of the attack by Mitsuba, Jobin refuses to let go of the fruit and goes to check the monitors of the security cameras, seeing Yasuho but also Tooru. Jobin suddenly realizes that he's bleeding and eventually sees that the dip tube of the hair spray has pierced his chest without him realizing it. Blood flows at an alarming rate from Jobin's body and he collapses, swiftly dying in the process[23], letting the potted plant rolling towards the door to the garage.



  • Kaato Higashikata: Jobin holds his mother in high regard and exhibits a submissive and obedient behavior around her, showing fear of upsetting her. He respects her greatly and adopts her mindset of climbing his way up while others would stay at the bottom. When Jobin was suffering from the Rock Disease, he assisted her in burying his bully alive in order to cure his disease.
  • Norisuke Higashikata IV: As his firstborn and eldest son, Jobin is close towards his father, though Norisuke disapproves of his ambitions to expand the Higashikata Fruit Company into a luxurious business that sells high-class fruits. However, following Kaato's arrival to the Higashikata household, Norisuke becomes highly suspicious of Jobin. Norisuke's suspicions come true as it is later revealed that Jobin uses his father's trust to his advantage so he can organize trades for the Locacaca Organization.
  • Mitsuba Higashikata: Mitsuba is Jobin's wife, whose modelling career helped boost their company's sales. Their union brought Tsurugi Higashikata. On the day of the Locacaca's harvest, Mitsuba assists Jobin in drowning Paisley Park in a bathroom, all for the sake of their son's well-being. During her visit at TG University Hospital, Mitsuba was revealed to be four weeks pregnant with Jobin's child.
  • Tsurugi Higashikata: As his only son, Jobin loves Tsurugi unconditionally and is willing to sacrifice his own life to save him. Jobin subsequently stole the Locacaca branch in an attempt to cure Tsurugi's worsening condition.
  • Joshu Higashikata: Joshu is Jobin's younger brother who holds him in high esteem. While Jobin seemingly doesn't notice Joshu's respect, they are on good terms. He cheers him on but unintentionally angers Jobin during his stag beetle fight with Josuke.
  • Hato Higashikata: Jobin's younger sister. They don't interact often because of Jobin's business trips, but he still brings her and their other siblings gifts when he returns back from one of his occasional trips.
  • Daiya Higashikata: Jobin's youngest sister and sibling. They don't interact often, but Jobin still brings her a gift along with her siblings.


  • Josuke Higashikata: Although they seem to have a cordial relationship and are in the same family, Josuke and Jobin are technically enemies and recognize each others as threats. Josuke was first interested in Jobin because of his mysterious relationship with the Locacaca. During his beetle fight against Josuke, Josuke faked a more friendly and smug demeanor, ultimately leading Jobin to suspect foul play.


Aparições no Mangá
Capítulos em ordem de aparição


Mostrar tudoPortuguêsJaponêsRomanizado
  • It's okay to make mistakes, right...? You're only human, after all. (つまづいたっていいじやないか⋯⋯(にん)(げん)だもの)
    —Jobin Higashikata quoting Aido Mitsuo, JoJolion Chapter 33: Josuke! Go to the Higashikata Fruit Parlor
  • I can rest easy... now that I've seen your face...
    —Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 33: Josuke! Go to the Higashikata Fruit Parlor
  • If you take something by force there is never enough. If you share it, there will always be something left oveeer.
    —Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 34: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 1
  • The one with superior muscle... body weight and fighting spirit always wins. Just like with human athletes.
    —Jobin Higashikata about his beetles, JoJolion Chapter 34: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 1
  • There's one more rule [to beetle fighting]. If it's killed, it loses. For 45 seconds, they are gladiators.
    —Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 34: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 1
  • Thrill is written with the characters for "feel" and "move".
    —Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 35: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 2
  • It feels like I'm a kid on summer vacation again!
    —Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 36: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 3
  • I just want to win. There's no window dressing in the world of gladiators. I want to make you surrender... I'm going to dominate.
    —Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 36: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 3
  • This place, Mutsukabe shrine, may have a pond, it may have frogs and fish, and it may even be a paradise. But... it is certainly not your blue lagoon. Humans... they're happy when they're trying to overcome something. Even for someone like me... someone fortunate enough to be born as the eldest son of a wealthy family, I need to keep climbing higher... or I will never be happy. It's all relative. Because the point we're born at... is zero for us. And people have to go upwards.
    —Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 61: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 3
  • Wait your turn by reserving a seat? Why do we have all these traditions and contributions to society, then?! Like hell I'm getting in line behind people like these! How is that fun? That's no summer vacation...
    —Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 72: North of the Higashikata House. The Orchard
  • Listen closely, when daddy was just a bit older than you are now, he got sick. And the one who set me on the road to getting better was my mother... your grandma Kaato. And... if someday, you get sick, too... if that time comes, then daddy will be the one to cure you. I promise I will.
    —Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 72: North of the Higashikata House. The Orchard
  • Speed King, ignite.
    —Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 73: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 1
  • I have a very different philosophy from grandpa Norisuke! But what I'm doing, I'm doing all of it for the future of the Higashikata Family. Whatever nice-sounding things my father says, the strong survive... and the weak disappear! That's all there is to it. No matter who you are, no one in this world can avoid that law. Listen, Tsurugi... I'll make any sacrifice I have to make are pay any price I have to pay. This curse on the Higashikata Family - your illness, I swear I'll cure it. The only bad thing is defeat! I'm going to get my hands on that Locacaca! And I'll keep them all for myself! I'm not letting anyone else have them.
    —Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 73: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 1
  • Let's savor this victory... you and I defeated everyone!
    —Jobin Higashikata to Tsurugi, JoJolion Chapter 76: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 4
  • This world, including Morioh, is crazy. And the one thing you can be certain of in this mad world... is that the one that wins is the one in the right.
    —Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 76: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 4
  • That nose... it's so cool and sexy! It's kinda like my pet hercules beetle! No, even better!
    —Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 85: The Wonder of You, Part 2
  • "There is good and bad luck in this world." That's something I've been told. There are situation where if you'd gotten somewhere one second sooner... you might have been in an accident or avoided an accident. Or you met or didn't meet someone important when you went somewhere... things where the result... is good or bad. And the cause is good or evil. There are situations like that... I've been told.

    But that is a misapprehension. A societal misunderstanding caused by large numbers of people living together. Once you clear away everything extraneous and view each individual and individual situations... what we find existing around us is ... simply... strength and weakness. Good luck and bad luck... good and evil, legal and illegal... you can forget all that. There exist simply the strong that survive and the weak which are destroyed. Those two, and nothing more.[...] And now, the Higashikata Family is in the process of becoming even stronger.

    Whether the climate or the era we're in changes, or how the rules and laws of society change... whatever cruel enemy has set foot on the Higashikata Family's land... we are without mercy. Because we always get our hands on strength. Tsurugi understands that. I can tell.
    —Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 85: The Wonder of You, Part 2
  • Okay, listen closely... heat always flows from where the temperature is higher to where it's lower. Even if it's just a few degrees warmer than the temperature of the body, that heat will always flow from higher to lower. But my Speed King can store up heat and its temperature in one place. Like the surface of paper money, or inside a battery... or a fingertip, or the semicircular canals in the inner ear. Not a large amount of heat, but it can store it up in a place like that and keep it from dispersing. And when that place is touched, it starts flowing again. Do you understand what I've said?
    —Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 88: The Wonder of You, Part 5
  • The Higashikata Family will shine on and on, this house will prosper to even greater heights.
    —Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 94: The Wonder of You, Part 11


Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Jobin makes a cameo appearance in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven. He appears inside the Higashikata House on the Part 8 stage, sitting alongside Daiya and Hato on the couch.


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