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Diamond is Unbreakable - Volume 5 [33]

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Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food (イタリア料理を食べに行こう, Itaria Ryōri o Tabe ni Ikō) is the fifth volume of Diamond is Unbreakable and the 33rd volume of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga. It covers the "Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food" story arc and most of the "Red Hot Chili Pepper" story arc.


Author's Note

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
I've always thought of the Academy Awards as prestigious, but their selections are not always particularly entertaining movies. When Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven won Best Picture, I was as happy as if it were my own movie—so happy, in fact, that I couldn't sleep. I chortled in bed, even though Clint Eastwood was no acquaintance of mine, and I gained nothing personally from the prize. Why was I so happy? Fans are strange creatures.
リッパだけど、そんなにオモシロイ作品が選ばれるわけではないと思っていた「アカデミー賞」。C(クリント)・イーストウッドの「赦されざる者」が選ばれた時は、もうまるで自分のことのように嬉しくて、眠れませんでした。フトンの中で「ムフフ笑い」をしたりして、別に知り合いでもないし何か得するわけでもないのに、どうしてこんなにうれしいのだろう? 「ファン」とは不思議だよね。



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