Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli (シーザー・アントニオ・ツェペリ, Shīzā Antonio Tseperi) jest głównym sprzymierzeńcem występującym w drugiej części serii JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Battle Tendency.
Caesar jest włoskim użytkownikiem Fali i uczniem mistrza Fali, Lisy Lisy. Jest wnukiem Willa Anthonio Zeppeli i walczy z Ludźmi Filaru u boku Josepha Joestara i jego innych, aby uhonorować swoje dziedzictwo jako Zeppeli.
Caesar A. Zeppeli jest młodym mężczyzną o muskularnej budowie, którego charakterystycznymi cechami są dwie kolorowe plamy na obu policzkach (które są jego znamionami) i blond zaniedbane włosy. Zauważono również, że ma jamę.[1]
Podstawowym strojem Caesara jest marynarka na koszuli wsuniętej w spodnie. Nosi długi szalik, pasek, rękawiczki obciążeniowe, nakolanniki i buty.
Znakiem rozpoznawczym Cezara jest jego długa cienka opaska na głowę z rzędem mozaikowanych trójkątów. Jest ozdobiony dwoma piórami po każdej stronie głowy.
Schematy kolorów
Caesar Zeppeli jest gorącokrwistym, ale skupionym człowiekiem, oddanym walce z Ludźmi Filaru.
Kiedy był młody, Caesar i jego rodzeństwo zostali pozornie porzuceni przez ojca, co uczyniło go zgorzkniałym i niezwykle brutalnym przestępcą. Kiedy został uratowany przez ojca z pułapki Ludzi Filaru za cenę życia, Caesar zmienia swoją nienawiść w wielką dumę ze swojego nazwiska.[2]
Caesar zostaje przedstawiony jako arogancki użytkownik Fali, który patrzy z góry na słabą zdolność Fali Josepha Joestara[3] i nie traci okazji, aby go wyśmiać i zantagonizować w ogóle. Jednak okazuje się być człowiekiem honoru, dumnym z rodzinnej tradycji walki ze złem, a także pragnącym pomścić śmierć swojego przyjaciela, Marka, z rąk Ludzi Filaru.[4] Kiedy Joseph okazuje się być również osobą honorową, ich relacje znacznie się poprawiają. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, Caesar szanuje swoich starszych i przełożonych, w szczególności swoją mistrzynię Lisę Lisę. Jeśli chodzi o jego rówieśników, podczas gdy utrzymuje w najlepszym razie płytkie relacje z otaczającymi go ludźmi, kiedy naprawdę troszczy się o kogoś, jest to prawdziwa miłość, najlepiej potwierdzona przez jego związek z Josephem (oraz wskazanie przez Messinę).
Inną cechą definiującą Caesara jest jego porywcza osobowość. Szybko rzuca się do walki, mimo że wie, że jest to szkodliwe. Będąc dumnym ze swojego nazwiska, kiedy Joseph powiedział mu, że go to nie obchodzi, Caesar uderzył go bez zastanowienia.[5] Ta wada charakteru okazała się fatalna, gdy popełnił błąd, pędząc samotnie do legowiska Wamuu, a następnie próbując go wykończyć z bliska.[6] Mając wielką determinację, Caesar kontynuował walkę, mimo że został śmiertelnie ranny i wygłosił głośną pochwałę ludzkiego ducha tuż przed śmiercią.[7] Caesar jest jednak bardzo poważną osobą przez większość czasu, gorliwie walczącą z Ludźmi Filaru i jest zirytowany wybrykami Josepha.
Caesar jest kobiecym mężczyzną i ma zwyczaj flirtowania z pięknymi kobietami, kiedy tylko może, przywołując głęboko romantyczne gesty. Dzięki swojemu urokowi i charyzmie, a także własnym słowom, jest w stanie ukraść pocałunki wielu kobiet, z niektórymi lub minimalnymi interakcjami. Ma wiele dziewczyn. Mówi się, że jeśli widzi samotną dziewczynę, myśli, że musi do niej podejść. Stwierdzono również, że okłamuje dziewczyny, które uwodzi, ale nie uważa tego za złe.[8] Jedynym wyjątkiem od tego zabiegu jest Lisa Lisa, pomimo jej godnej uwagi urody. Jest instruktorką Caesara, którą twierdzi, że szanuje tak samo jak własną matkę.
Według JoJo6251, Caesar nie lubi niewyrafinowanych, nieodpowiedzialnych ludzi i robaków. Ma też "Mamma Mia!" jako hasło.[8]
Zdolności fizyczne
Jako umiejętnie wyszkolona osoba, Caesar posiada bardzo wysokie zdolności fizyczne: wraz z ogromną siłą fizyczną i biegłością w walce wręcz, Caesar wykazał się niesamowitym zmysłem równowagi, będąc nawet w stanie wykonać "seated jump", który wcześniej wykonał jego dziadek.
Caesar szczyci się również wysokim poziomem wytrzymałości znacznie przewyższającym normalnych ludzi, będąc w stanie przetrwać kilka dni bez jedzenia i przyjmując duże ilości kar fizycznych, jednocześnie będąc w stanie wstać i kontynuować walkę. Jego wytrzymałość została najlepiej zademonstrowana, gdy nawet po otrzymaniu Boskiej Burzy Piaskowej Wamuu, nadal był w stanie wstać i kontynuować walkę przez krótki czas, nawet udało mu się wytworzyć Falę po utracie ogromnych ilości krwi.
Caesar ma również wysoką precyzję, udaje mu się złapać spaghetti ulepszone Falą rzucone przez Josepha za pomocą dziór w tortiglioni, które jadł.
Będąc urodzonym użytkownikiem Fali poprzez linię krwi swojego dziadka, Caesar był w stanie projektować swoją moc od najmłodszych lat, choć tylko pod kierunkiem Lisy Lisy nauczył się, jak prawidłowo z niej korzystać. Caesar jest w stanie używać bardziej zaawansowanych technik, takich jak skupianie Fali w koniuszkach palców, i podobnie jak Joseph może kierować Falę przez przedmioty, takie jak broń, jedzenie, a nawet żywe istoty. W jednym szczególnym przypadku wprowadził młodą kobietę w hipnozę, ładując Falę przez nią poprzez pocałunek.
Podstawą większości jego ataków są rękawice, które są naładowane specjalną substancją podobną do mydła. Z tego powodu jest w stanie uwolnić bąbelki z rąk w dowolnym momencie i połączyć je z Falą, aby stworzyć śmiercionośne pociski.
Caesar can hypnotize people and animals by using the Ripple on them. The process can involve a kiss or simply touching one's head with their hands. The hypnotized person will act according to his demands and be stronger than an ordinary being, being imbued with the Ripple. Caesar uses it on a woman so she could fight Joseph.
Caesar is able to use the Ripple as a repellent and to adhere either himself or objects to other objects and liquids. Joseph and Caesar manage to climb a pillar covered in oil with adhesion, and Caesar uses it to deflect a high pressured oil jet. Later, Caesar and Joseph force Esidisi out of Suzi Q's body. Joseph sends the positive repellent ripple into various points across Suzi Q's body while Caesar focuses attractant negative ripple on only her heart, forcing Esidisi to leave after he can't handle it anymore.
Based on his grandfather's Ripple Cutter, this technique is a direct improvement on the Bubble Launcher, and creates bubbles with the ability to slice. Unlike the original attack, the bubbles spin at high speed and use centrifugal force, but are able to stay intact due to the Ripple. This causes them to form shapes much like saucers with a small blade-like ring surrounding each bubble. These bubbles move at a higher velocity and have higher tractability, allowing the user to fire them in any direction with ease.
Caesar produces Ripple-infused bubbles that have the ability to refract light and focus them into beams, much like a magnifying glass. After launching them, the bubbles become stationary and any light source passing through will cause a domino effect, connecting the bubbles together and eventually shooting multiple beams at their target.
Caesar Zeppeli was born on May 13, 1918 in Genoa, Italy.[8] As a child, Caesar idolized his father, Mario Zeppeli. When he was 10, however, his father left him and his siblings with no explanation or warning. As a result, Caesar grew to hate his father, thinking he was out living a new and carefree life without them. His mother had passed away years prior for unknown reasons, and relatives soon stole everything left from his now-orphaned family. Although the family's neighbors took care of Caesar's family, Caesar himself became a violent youth who had to be sent to the orphanage. Due to the poor state of orphanages in the 30's, it is said that his life in there was worse than prison, which only emphasized his delinquent ways. He eventually ran away and became a homeless vagrant sleeping in the streets. Caesar made a name for himself committing every crime imaginable short of murder, and was widely feared. He used a wrench to start all his fights and quickly finished them. Back then, Caesar wasn't aware that his Ripple energy had fully awakened, and that he was using it in his battles.
When he was 16, Caesar spotted his father walking in Rome; he tailed him with the intention of killing him, going through a secret passage under the Colosseum that leads to the Pillar Men. Caesar saw a jewel in the wall they'd been encased in. Not knowing that it was part of a trap set up by Wamuu, he accidentally activated it, but his father pushed him out of the way before he could be killed himself. Having sacrificed himself despite not recognizing his own son, Caesar regained his respect toward his father and swore revenge on the Pillar Men.
Sometime after the event, Caesar finds Lisa Lisa in Venice at the dying request of his father. He trains with her to use the art of the Ripple but apparently has learned little more than the fundamentals, since he still has to go through the final part of the Ripple training in order to master it fully, alongside Joseph. At one point, Caesar travels to Germany and befriends Mark a German soldier. He notably helps him in getting a girlfriend.
Battle Tendency
Caesar meets Joseph in Rome at a restaurant. While he's trying to woo, Joseph is disgusted by Caesar's romantic attitude and decide to play a prank by flinching spaghetti at the Italian. However, Caesar blocks the spaghetti with the three maccheroni stuck on his fork and sends it back at Joseph's glass. At the Toritone fountain, Caesar meets with Joseph and Speedwagon and expresses all the disdain he has for the Joestar Family, which angers Joseph. Caesar tells Joseph that he couldn't even beat a random woman that Caesar seduces and kiss. The woman then suddenly overpowers Joseph and throws him into the fountain thanks to the Ripple hypnosis. In there, Caesar shows his special technique, the Bubble Launcher. Sending a flurry of Ripple-infused bubbles at Joseph, Caesar traps his foe inside of a bubble. However, when Caesar releases the woman by kissing her again, a pigeon suddenly comes out of her mouth into his, knocking him into the fountain too. The fight ends in a draw but the two hate each other more.While waiting for the Nazis to bring them to the Pillar Men, Caesar and Joseph decide to play poker. However, both of them cheat and another fight erupts. It is thankfully interrupted when the soldier Mark, one of Caesar's friends, arrives. Mark then drives the three to the Colosseum. When they arrive, they are horrified to find that all the soldiers that were there had been killed. One of the Pillar Men, Wamuu, casually walks through Mark and absorbs half of his body and Caesar must kill him with the Ripple as a mercy. Enraged at his friend's death, Caesar attacks the Pillar Men, but Wamuu's headgear renders his 'Bubble Launcher' useless and he is injured in the face. Caesar attacks again, swearing to avenge his friend, but the Pillar Men mock his meaningless determination and Wamuu fingers him in the throat, blocking his breathing and taking him out. Joseph then steps in and while he manages to wound Wamuu, the Pillar Men uses his Divine Sandstorm to heavily wound Joseph. In order to protect Caesar and Speedwagon from Wamuu, Joseph feigns cowardice to lead him away. Caesar eventually finds Joseph and witnesses him bluffing Wamuu and Esidisi into leaving and having the Wedding Rings implanted inside him. Finding newfound respect for Joseph, Caesar decides to help him get stronger in order to defeat the Pillar Men. Afterward, Caesar tells Joseph to hold a glass of water upside down with the Ripple, demonstrating his lack of training.
Caesar thus brings him to Venice to go meet his master. Lisa Lisa appears to them in the canals of Venice and tests Joseph before putting on a Ripple-breathing mask on him. Lisa Lisa then brings the two to Air Supplena Island and immediately forces them to tackle 'Hell Climb Pillar', a pillar covered with oil that requires expert control of the Ripple to climb. Caesar is able to climb the tower by concentrating the Ripple on his fingertips but expresses concern for Joseph, who is less experienced than him. Near the top, Joseph inadvertently activates a powerful jet of oil that is so powerful it can cut clean through a pen. Caesar nonetheless passes through by also concentrating his Ripple in the body parts the jet will touch to protect himself. When Joseph nearly reaches the peak but slips, Caesar grabs his arm, saving him.
After weeks of training, the two reached the final phase where Caesar had to defeat Messina. He manages to win after Messina admits defeat, saying that continuing the fight would result in either one or both of them dying and acknowledging how far Caesar has developed his abilities. Caesar checks on Joseph to see his progress, only to be dismayed when he finds him fighting Esidisi. Despite wanting to help his friend, Messina advises they head back to protect Lisa Lisa and the Red Stone of Aja since they were too far away to reach Joseph in time. When he returns, he finds out Esidisi's remains have possessed Suzi Q. Worse, Esidisi has sent the Super Aja away in a package. Caesar and Joseph manage to save Suzie Q by using their combined Ripple to neutralize the damage to her body, while still forcing Esidisi out. Joseph and Caesar head to the postman's office and make a scene because they want the package that Esidisi sent back. However, Lisa Lisa still discovers that the package is headed for Switzerland and thus the four remaining Ripple User drive together there. However, the package is intercepted by the Nazis, who invite the group to their chalet. Kars infiltrates the chalet and almost steals the Super Aja but Joseph manages to retrieve it. Caesar helps Joseph get out of a cliff by using stalactites as a makeshift rope for his partner.
The group subsequently singles out an abandoned hotel that must be Kars's lair. During the pursuit of Kars, Caesar goes ahead of the rest of the group after having an argument with Joseph about waiting any longer to attack. As he approaches the hotel, Caesar then sees a nearly invisible man stepping out of the building. When Messina appears, the invisible man is revealed to be Wamuu, cuts Messina's arm and drags him into the hotel. Wamuu reappears, expecting a good fight, but Caesar surpasses his expectation by unveiling a technique: the Bubble Cutter. Inspired by Will Anthonio Zeppeli's Wine Cutter technique, Caesar makes his bubbles spin to turn them into floating buzzsaw and the wind Wamuu generates draws them toward him automatically. Wounding Wamuu, Caesar takes the advantage. Wamuu tries to run inside but Caesar cuts his leg and breaks his balance with gliding bubbles. Seizing the opportunity, Caesar jumps to deal a coup-de-grâce but Wamuu lets himself fall backward to complete a flip and kicks Caesar to propel himself back in the hotel. Caesar steps into the main hall of the hotel where Wamuu confronts him. However, Caesar then reveals that his bubbles are now acting like lenses refracting the sunlight inside of the hall. Wamuu is exposed to sunlight and burns, but when Caesar closes in for his final attack, his shadow is taken advantage of by Wamuu to hide from the sunlight, and so he is dealt a deathblow by the Divine Sandstorm. Despite losing most of his blood and cannot generate any more Ripple for attacks, he rips off Wamuu's lip piercing, which holds the antidote for Joseph's remaining wedding ring. Falling down the stairs into a puddle of his own blood, he encases it - along with his headband - in a Ripple bubble made of his blood and last reserves of Ripple energy for Joseph to take before his body is crushed by a cross-shaped rock.
In the aftermath of the battle, Wamuu admits that Caesar was the most powerful opponent he had ever faced. His death was capable of making the stoic Lisa Lisa break down in tears.
Before Joseph's chariot battle with Wamuu, he asks Caesar to give him strength as he dons his headband. During the battle's climax, Joseph sets the headband ablaze as he screams for Caesar's aid once more, using it in conjunction with his own bottle of oil to defeat Wamuu's Final Mode: Atmospheric Rift and win.
- Will Anthonio Zeppeli: Caesar believes the bonds between an Italian family such as the Zeppelis are stronger than most people. According to him, because of their pride, Zeppelis can handle their problems on their own and have the will to pull through. When he first meets Joseph, he says that it was because Jonathan needed so much help to fight his own battle, that Will ended up dying because of it.
- Mario Zeppeli: Caesar initially thought of his father as the greatest carpenter in Naples and considered him as the incarnation of an ideal man. After Mario suddenly left him and his siblings when they were children, Caesar had hated his father. As he grew up, he was determined to kill his dad and eventually found Mario in Rome. However, Caesar activates Wamuu's trap by touching a gem on the wall. Mario saves Caesar's life at the cost of his own by pushing Caesar out of the way. Since then, Caesar's hatred for his father disappeared and was instead replaced with a desire for revenge against the Pillar Men.
- Brothers: Though not much is known about them, we can infer the 3 were younger than him and looked up to Caesar after their orphanage.
- Joseph Joestar: Due to the rough history behind Will Anthonio Zeppeli's death and Joseph's lack of skill - along with his overall personality - the two did not get along at all at first. Caesar found Joseph to be a delinquent who would usually fool around at all the wrong times. However, after Joseph received the wedding rings from the Pillar Men after saving Speedwagon and Caesar, his respect for Joseph grew. Upon completing the Ripple Training together, Caesar found Joseph to be both a reliable ally and a good friend. When he fought against Wamuu, even though he was dying from being hit by the Divine Sandstorm attack, he still used the last bit of his strength and Ripple to rip the lip ring containing the antidote for Joseph's remaining wedding ring and placed it in a Ripple bubble made from his own blood to give to him. When Joseph realized Caesar had died, he immediately broke down crying his friend's name in agony. He immediately sought revenge against the Pillar Men for his defeat.
- Lisa Lisa: Presumably having met after the death of Mario Zeppeli, she is introduced as Caesar's mentor in the Ripple. As such, Caesar respects her, having asked for her help to train Joseph in the proper usage of the ripple. He has stated he looks at her as his own mother and she is perhaps one of the few beautiful women he has never flirted with, showing great reverence for her as a person. Joseph even states that Caesar revered her as a goddess. When he died, Lisa Lisa tried to stay calm and pretended to be indifferent, but later broke down showing how much she cared for him as a student and friend. Despite their closeness, she likely never told Caesar she is Joseph's mother.
- Robert E. O. Speedwagon: After beginning his training of the Ripple, Caesar devoted his life to revenge against the ones who killed his father. Having been friends with his grandfather, Speedwagon informed Caesar of the events that led to Will Zeppeli's death. Other than this, their relationship is unknown aside from being acquaintances in the fight against the Pillar Men. However, it is possible that the hat Caesar is seen wearing during his first appearance was the same hat Speedwagon inherited from Will after he died.
- Messina: While not shown to be particularly close, Caesar showed Messina a certain level of respect as a fellow Ripple warrior and teacher under Lisa Lisa. After being defeated during Caesar's final test, Messina admitted that he had surpassed him.
- Mark: Mark was Caesar's Nazi friend during the war, driving Caesar to the Roman Colosseum to the excavation site of the Pillar Men's location. During that ride, Caesar reveals that he was Mark’s wingman when Mark first asked his soon to be fiance out, showing how loyal he is to his friend. When half of Mark is promptly eaten by the Pillar Men, Caesar uses the Ripple on his heart in order to ease his pain and his last moments. Caesar is also shown to be very much enraged when he sees that Mark wanted to return home to see his fiance, but was robbed of that chance with his death.
- Wamuu: As one of the Pillar Men that killed his father along with the Pillar Man who killed his friend Mark, Caesar greatly hated Wamuu. In the end, Wamuu killed Caesar but stated that Caesar had earned his respect and that he would've done better against Kars.
- Kars: As the man who created the stone masks, Kars is essentially responsible for the deaths of Caesar's father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. Caesar despised him even more than the other Pillar Men.
- Esidisi: While Caesar wasn't as enthusiastic about killing Esidisi as he was Kars or Wamuu, Caesar despised him all the same. Caesar would later destroy him with help from Joseph, and showed disgust for Esidisi taking over Suzi Q's body.
- Jonathan Joestar: Caesar held a great grudge against Jonathan and blames him for his grandfather's death. However, he has still shown respect towards him on some cases.
Rozdziały / Odcinki
- Chapter 61: The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 8 (Mentioned only)
- Chapter 62: The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 9
- Chapter 63: Joseph Joestar of Rome
- Chapter 64: The Red Stone of Aja
- Chapter 65: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 1
- Chapter 66: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 2
- Chapter 67: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 3
- Chapter 68: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 4
- Chapter 69: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 5
- Chapter 70: An Engagement with Death: The Wedding Ring
- Chapter 71: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 1
- Chapter 72: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 2
- Chapter 73: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 3
- Chapter 74: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 4
- Chapter 75: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 5
- Chapter 76: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 6
- Chapter 79: Flame Mode Esidisi, Part 2
- Chapter 80: Flame Mode Esidisi, Part 3
- Chapter 81: The Remains Lurk, Part 1 (Cover only)
- Chapter 82: The Remains Lurk, Part 2
- Chapter 83: Stroheim's Unit Strikes Back, Part 1
- Chapter 84: Stroheim's Unit Strikes Back, Part 2
- Chapter 85: Stroheim's Unit Strikes Back, Part 3
- Chapter 86: Light Mode Kars, Part 1
- Chapter 87: Light Mode Kars, Part 2
- Chapter 88: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 1
- Chapter 89: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 2
- Chapter 90: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 3
- Chapter 91: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 4
- Chapter 92: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 5 (Death)
- Chapter 93: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 6 (Cover only)
- Chapter 94: Climb Out of the Fortified Hotel (Mentioned only)
- Chapter 95: The Wind, the Chariot, and Wamuu, Part 1 (Mentioned only)
- Chapter 96: The Wind, the Chariot, and Wamuu, Part 2 (Mentioned only)
- Chapter 101: The Wind, the Chariot, and Wamuu, Part 7 (Mentioned only)
- Chapter 103: The Wind, the Chariot, and Wamuu, Part 9 (Mentioned only)
- Chapter 104: The Warrior Returns to the Wind (Mentioned only)
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 13: JoJo vs. the Ultimate Being (Mentioned only)
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 14: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 15: A Hero's Proof
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 16: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 17: Laying a Deeper Trap!
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 18: Stroheim's Unit Strikes Back
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 19: Race Toward the Cliff of Death
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 20: Caesar: A Lonely Youth (Death)
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 21: The Hundred vs. Two Strategy (Mentioned only)
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 23: The Warrior Returns to the Wind (Mentioned only)
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 26: The Man Who Became a God (Flashback)
- “I'll place a charm on the necklace so you'll fall under a magic spell of love [kisses necklace]. And now to cast that magic on your lips.”—Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 62: The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 9
- “We Italian families have stronger bonds than people. Because we have that pride, we can carry on!”—Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 63: Joseph Joestar of Rome
- “Special Ripple attack: Bubble Launcher! Take this and go back to the countryside, Joestar”—Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 63: Joseph Joestar of Rome
- “My friend was killed! I'm not gonna get down by losing a mere eye!”—Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 67: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 3
- “I respect the master as much as my own mother! Disrespect her and I'll make you pay!”—Caesar Zeppeli about Lisa Lisa, Chapter 72: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 2
- “As you know, this business has to do with my lineage! A business dealing with the Zeppeli Family! I am forced to go and avenge my family when I know where Kars is hiding! I can't stay here and patiently wait for him to strike!”—Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 88: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 1
- “It is a cruel and wild Caesar that will bring you down!”—Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 90: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 3
- “You can't move anymore! You're a film! You're a photographic film! Let the light expose and burn you, Wamuu!”—Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 91: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 4
- “I shall breathe my last while glorifying the mind focused toward the future I inherited from my ancestors, the Zeppeli's mind! A human mind!”—Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 92: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 5
- “JoJo! This is my ultimate Ripple! Receive it! (
JOJO ーーーーー おれの最後の波紋だぜーーーー うけとってくれーーーッ)”—Caesar Zeppeli's last words, Chapter 92: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 5
Tworzenie i rozwój
Hirohiko Araki believes that there are infinite possibilities that can come of a spherical shape like a bubble, considering it to be a very important aspect of JoJo and a contrast to an "unbeatable weapon" common in other shonen. He equipped Caesar Zeppeli with bubbles as they are weapons with faults, and it was fun to write them having to cover for them through strategy, dealing with the different merits and demerits that each of them have. In a narrative sense, Araki chose the bubbles because they are 'fleeting', a perfect representation of his destiny. Gyro Zeppeli and Josuke inherit these spheres, and his stance on that hasn't changed from when he originally drew Caesar.[9]
During Battle Tendency's original publication in Weekly Shonen Jump, fans complained of Caesar's existence as his grandfather, Will Anthonio Zeppeli, had stated that he did not marry or have a family. Will Zeppeli's line was fixed in the Tankoban version, with earlier editions including an apology from Araki himself.[10]
Gry Wideo
Heritage for the Future (PS1/DC/Arcade)
Caesar is not playable in Heritage for the Future, however when Young Joseph ("JOJO") does one of his special attacks, instead of whispering Lisa Lisa's name (who appears on Part 3 Joseph's special move), he screams out Caesar's name and pictures of Caesar appear in the background, along with several manga moments from Part 2, as Young Joseph blasts the opponent with a Ripple Overdrive.
All-Star Battle (PS3)
Caesar makes his first playable appearance in the PS3 title. He was confirmed along with Esidisi. As a Ripple-user character (along with Jonathan Joestar, Will A. Zeppeli, Joseph [Both Parts 2 and 3], and Lisa Lisa), Caesar can recharge his Heart Heat Gauge through "Ripple Breath" by holding down the Style button, performing a famous JoJo pose, as well as deliver enhanced versions of skills if Style is inputted in place of normal attack buttons. Caesar has 950 HP.
Caesar won first place in his League Group in the All-Star Battle League, beating Polnareff, Esidisi, and even Jotaro. He also made his way to the semi-finals matches, but ultimately lost to DIO.
Command List
During a fight, Caesar can use several different attacks that were featured in Battle Tendency.
Caesar breathes out to produce the Ripple, charging his Heart Heat Gauge.
A 'Super Jump' skill. Caesar leaps higher into the air with his knees alone. This skill can be used to better evade attacks, or even extend time for air-based skills.
Caesar rapidly unleashes a small group of projectile bubbles from his hands. The bubbles slowly home in on the opponent and deliver multiple hits, but can only travel a certain distance before popping. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Caesar conjures disc-shaped projectile bubbles that he then launches straight forward, striking the opponent with multiple hits. If the button inputted is held, Caesar will delay launching the Cutters. If Ripple-enhanced, the number of Cutters and the attack's total damage is increased. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Caesar conjures disc-shaped projectile bubbles that he then launches low to the ground straight forward, striking the opponent with multiple hits. If the button is held, Caesar will delay launching the Cutters. This attack has slight homing capabilities, but remains as a High-hitting attack that can be blocked standing.
This skill in particular is capable of hitting Wamuu while his Wind Protector is active, bypassing his projectile immunity. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Caesar conjures his Bubble Cutters, but rather than him launching them forward, the Cutters instead remain stationary. After a delay, they suddenly refract solar rays in the form of lasers before popping. The attack button inputted, as well as if Caesar performs this skill on the ground or in the air, determines the possible trajectories of the lasers. (Comboable)
If Ripple-enhanced, the number of Lenses and the attack's total damage is increased; The Lenses will now always aim their lasers at the opponent and immediately fire if they get within range.
Caesar delivers a straight uppercut imbued with Ripple energy, shocking his opponent and sending them flying. This skill functions as an anti-air (Flash Cancel comboable).
If Ripple-enhanced, the attack will deal much less damage, but the opponent will instead be shocked multiple times and be left stunned and vulnerable to attack. (Comboable)
Caesar suddenly launches a moderate distance forward in a flying kick, sending the opponent flying while becoming invulnerable to basic strike attacks during the attack; He may only be interrupted by Throws and HHA/GHA. This skill functions as a reversal. If Ripple-enhanced, Caesar will travel much farther, and the amount of time in which he is strike-invulnerable is increased. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Caesar assumes a special defensive stance for a very brief instance. If struck with a non-Throw/HHA/GHA in that moment, he will automatically perform a Stylish Evade without consuming the Guard Gauge. If Ripple-enhanced, the active period of the stance lasts slightly longer.
Caesar places both of his hands on his opponent's torso, and sends them flying with a blast of Ripple energy.
Scoffing at his opponent, Caesar rapidly launches a dense group of bubbles that float a short distance. If they connect, Caesar continues creating bubbles that rapidly form into a singular, massive, floating Bubble Barrier that traps the opponent, carrying them into the air. The bubble then explodes with a potent Ripple surge, dealing damage to and knocking the opponent to the ground as Caesar taunts them.
Caesar conjures a high amount of Bubble Lenses that he then launches forward at high speeds. If the attack connects, the opponent is knocked off-balance as the massive number of Lenses suddenly surround them on all sides, and begin to refract light from the sun (regardless if it is daytime or not on the stage). Caesar tells his foe that the light will expose and burn them before jumping into the air as the Lenses focus all their solar beams onto the opponent, causing them to slowly, painfully ignite and eventually burst into flames.
Gameplay Overview
Caesar is a technical, well-rounded character with an emphasis on projectile abilities, giving him zoner-like qualities. Of the projectile skills in the game, his Bubble Cutters are highly effective as he can quickly launch multiple, large Cutters repeatedly. He is also capable of handling himself well in close-quarters combat with several reversal/anti-air skills, and a parry that triggers Stylish Evade.
Most importantly, much of his potential in battle lies within his Bubble Lenses, stationary Cutters that unleash solar beams after a delay; Because of said delay, different possible angles and timings, and good range, Caesar is able to take great advantage of their versatility for a wealth of purposes. He can use the Lenses to assist in an offensive approach or defensively deter his foe from approaching in kind. Most dangerously, however, he may use them to help pressure an opponent recovering from being downed ("okizeme") with their modular timing and ability to cover Caesar's own attack.
However, Caesar tends to deal lower-than-average combo damage compared to most characters, even amongst Ripple Users in the absence of Heart Heat to enhance his various abilities. As he also generates less Heart Heat naturally, he is more inclined to use Ripple Breathing at times, forcibly creating ebb and flow in his momentum. With both major weaknesses in mind, he must win more interactions and manage Heart Heat to a greater degree than other Ripple Users.
Caesar's potential and utility is highly formidable, and utilizing his plethora of Bubble projectiles affords him impressive ranged ability. His greatest strength arises at the moment he delivers a knockdown, where his Bubble Lenses work in tandem with other possible attacks to heavily assault a disadvantaged opponent getting up.
All-Star Battle R
Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli (シーザー・アントニオ・ツェペリ, Shīzā Antonio Tseperi) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer[11]
Command List
This section requires expansion.
Stardust Shooters (ANDROID/IOS)
Caesar appears as one of the several characters who possess a Metal Striker in the game. During his FINISH move, Caesar shoots several Ripple Bubble Cutter into the defeated opponent.
Also, Caesar's Level 2 ability allows his Metal Striker to drop a single Bubble each time he hits an enemy. During the opponent's turn, if an enemy hits the bubble, its Metal Striker loses a certain amount of Health Points.
Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)
Caesar was one of the first characters confirmed for the game, alongside Joseph, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Diego, and Stroheim. Since the game recycles several animations and copies a large portion of the move set from All-Star Battle, his gameplay remains mostly the same: Utilizing his bubbles in an almost exclusively-ranged play style.
As a Ripple User, Caesar has a Ripple Gauge that determines the strength of his attacks. Filling up the gauge will automatically empower his Normal and Powerful Attacks, and enhance/alter the properties of all his skills. It will also shorten the cooldown time on said skills. Using skills will drain a portion of the Ripple Gauge until there's an insufficient amount to use.
- Style Action - Ripple Breathing: Caesar performs a pose and Ripple Breathes, filling up the Ripple Gauge. He cannot move and is vulnerable to attacks while doing so.
- Bubble Lens: Caesar summons a Bubble Cutter, but does not launch it at opponents, instead of leaving it suspended as a trap. The Cutter will reflect solar rays in the form of lasers at opponents that get too close before popping. If Ripple-enhanced, the skill will execute quicker and Caesar will summon two Cutters.
- Bubble Cutter/Bubble Cutter Gliding: The attack unleashed is dependent on whether or not the activating button is held. If pressed Caesar summons five disc-shaped bubbles that he sends at an opponent with very slight homing capabilities. If held, the attack is similar to Bubble Cutter, except Caesar launches the projectiles at a low angle, and has better homing capabilities than Bubble Cutter. If Ripple-enhanced, Caesar will summon seven Cutters for both attacks.
- Bubble Barrier: Caesar leaps into the air and summons a large unblockable Ripple Bubble, immobilizing opponent caught and shocking them with Ripple surges before exploding. If Ripple-enhanced, the damage and range of the bubble is increased and it gains some homing capabilities.
- EX - Bubble Cutter/Bubble Cutter Gliding: Caesar recovers faster from both attacks, and both attacks have increased homing capabilities and remain for much longer at the cost of some speed.
- EX - Bubble Barrier: Caesar gains invincibility until the bubble is unleashed.
- Control them both inside your body at the same time!: Caesar must completely fill his Ripple Gauge. (200 Points)
- Gonna beat your ass back to the boonies!: Caesar must connect "Bubble Barrier". (200 Points)
- Right now, my mind is back in the slums!: Caesar must perform a combo with at least 30 hits. Landing either of his DHAs will automatically achieve this. (300 Points)
- Some of my bubbles can cleave the wind itself...: Caesar must connect Ripple-enhanced "Bubble Cutter" 10 times. (500 Points)
- Your defeat will be cold and cruel!: Caesar must Retire an opponent with a Dual Heat Attack. (800 Points)
Dual Heat Attacks
- Solo - Burn black!: It works the same as the one from All-Star Battle, though Caesar does not explain how the lenses reflect light due to the animation being sped up.
- With Joseph - Dual Ripple!: The two start off by attacking the opponent from opposite sides with an array of Ripple-infused bubbles from Caesar and a series of Ripple-charged punches and kicks from Joseph, before Joseph invites Caesar to initiate the Positive/Negative Overdrive they used on Suzi Q to save her from Esidisi's control, attacking the enemy from both sides with said move and shocking them with extreme power.
If Caesar is paired with Joseph and falls in battle before him, a special animation will play where they recreate the scene involving Caesar's final words and creation of the blood bubble (hommage of Chapter 92 or Episode 20, which pops in an anti-climactic fashion shortly after conception), along with Joseph's iconic "CAESAR!!!" scream as tears stream down his face.
In the game's Story Mode, Caesar is encountered by Jotaro and Joseph along with his younger counter training at Air Supplena Island with the Ripple. Initially meeting the two with mistrust, Caesar and the others are soon attacked by Lisa Lisa and Rudol von Stroheim, who are affected by a strange phenomenon that Jotaro and Joseph encountered as with many others throughout their travels through time.
After defeating the two, Lisa Lisa is left unconscious, while Stroheim escapes. While Caesar took his master inside to rest, but not before she's presented a Corpse Part to heal her affliction, the other three are soon attacked by Hol Horse, another one of DIO's assassins.
In the Story Mode's credits, Caesar is shown fighting Esidisi and Wamuu alongside Joseph. It is unknown how his survival affected Parts 3 through 6.
Unlike the previous game, his main color scheme is now based on his anime appearance.
He is paired with Shigekiyo Yangu in the Eyes of Heaven tournament but was eliminated in the preliminaries by Joseph and Dio Brando.
Diamond Records (Android/iOS)
Caesar appears in Diamond Records as both a playable character and an assist character. His playable character is based on his appearance in Battle Tendency, whereas his assist is based on his younger self seen in his flashback.
JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)
Cooldown: 60
Cooldown: 60
Cooldown: 55
Cooldown: 55
Cooldown: 50
Cooldown: 105
Cooldown: 105
Cooldown: 100
Cooldown: 100
Cooldown: 90
Cooldown: 90
Cooldown: 90
Cooldown: 85
Cooldown: 85
Cooldown: 75
Puzzle & Dragons (Android/iOS)
Caesar Zeppeli was obtainable for a limited time as a collaboration character in the mobile game Puzzle & Dragons.
- ↑ Chapter 74: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 4 str.1
- ↑ Chapter 89: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 2
- ↑ Chapter 63: Joseph Joestar of Rome
- ↑ Chapter 66: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 2
- ↑ Chapter 88: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 1
- ↑ Chapter 94: Climb Out of the Fortified Hotel
- ↑ Chapter 92: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 5
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Chapter 73: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 3 tailpiece
- ↑ JoJonium Volume 6 (Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli) - Special Interview
- ↑ ジョジョの奇妙な研究所 - あの時ツェペリさんはなんと語ったのか!?
- ↑ ASBR initial announcement trailer