JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (OVA) - Episode 1
The Evil Spirit (悪霊, Akuryō) is the first episode of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OVA. It adapts Chapter 114 through Chapter 117, along with a scene from Chapter 121 of the manga.
Japanese high school student Jotaro Kujo locks himself in a jail cell, claiming to be possessed by an evil spirit. At his mother Holy's request, Jotaro's grandfather, Joseph Joestar, and his friend Muhammad Avdol pay Jotaro a visit. Despite Jotaro's reluctance, Joseph and Avdol demonstrate the true nature of his "evil spirit"—and reveal the cause behind its awakening.
Jotaro Kujo refuses to leave his jail cell, believing that he is possessed by an evil spirit (later revealed to be a "Stand"). When Jotaro's mother, Holy, his grandfather Joseph Joestar and the mysterious Muhammad Avdol come to try to coax him out, a battle erupts between two Stands—Jotaro's "Star Platinum" and Avdol's "Magician's Red". Afterwards, the gang travel back to Jotaro's house where Joseph tells them the story of their ancestor, Jonathan Joestar and the Joestar family's fate against Jonathan's adopted brother and eternal enemy-DIO. Joseph demonstrates his Stand, Hermit Purple and hands Jotaro a spirit photo of DIO, informing the group of DIO's subsequent resurrection after his coffin was discovered in the ocean. Jotaro uses Star Platinum to scan the photo and uncovers a fly native to Egypt, a vital clue to finding DIO's lair, although he is still unconvinced by Joseph’s attempts to recruit him against the Vampire who has long eluded him.
Meanwhile, DIO drains a woman of her blood to begin recovering his strength while a mysterious young fortuneteller uses tarot cards to read the futures of the Joestar group.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 1 (OVA): The Evil Spirit |
Manga/OVA Differences
- The episode begins with Jotaro having a familiar dream, implied to be the opening.
- The initial description of Jotaro's circumstances now occurs without Holy present. As such, Jotaro attempting to shoot himself is moved later, during the scene with Joseph.
- There is an added scene of Joseph landing at Narita Airport and driving to the prison.
- Instead of meeting with Joseph at the airport, Holy meets him in front of the jail.
- Joseph learns of Jotaro's alleged "evil spirit" through a phone call with Holy instead of from her in person at the airport.
- Joseph is present in the scene where Jotaro grabs the guard's gun and shoots himself.
- The Joestars head to the Kujo estate after leaving prison to discuss DIO, rather than a café.
- One of DIO's female captives is shown being drained of her blood, rather than only appearing as a corpse.
- Star Platinum recognizing and drawing a fly in DIO's photograph occurs after the group first discusses the photograph's location, rather than after Holy falls ill. The drawing is sent to the Speedwagon Foundation for investigation, allowing time for the fight with Noriaki Kakyoin.
- A scene of Enya reading the fortunes of the Joestar group is added.
- In addition, Enya is depicted in the disguise of a young woman, rather than her normal form in the manga.