All-Star Battle R ★ Jean Pierre Polnareff

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His death's not gonna be in vain. I'm gonna fight for my life![2] (奴の気持ちを無駄にはしない。生きるために闘う…!)
ASBR Polnareff title call.png

Jean Pierre Polnareff (ジャン・ピエール・ポルナレフ, Jan Piēru Porunarefu) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]

His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.

Polnareff from Vento Aureo also makes an appearance as a non-playable guide character for both Arcade Mode (アーケードモード, Ākēdo Mōdo) and the Support Effect (サポート効果, Sapōto Kōka) menu in All-Star Battle Mode (オールスターバトルモード, Ōru Sutā Batoru Mōdo).

Fuminori Komatsu reprises his role as Polnareff's voice actor from the Stardust Crusaders anime, replacing Hiroaki Hirata. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Polnareff were either added or re-recorded.


Polnareff has 930 HP and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand Silver Chariot, dynamically changing his moveset in the process.

This section requires expansion.

Command List

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User Mode (本体)Stand Mode (スタンド)
Normals [Stand Off] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Polnareff jabs outward.

Attack type: High
Damage: 10

Standing Medium Attack
Polnareff steps forward and performs a hook at a downward angle.

Attack type: High
Damage: 18

Standing Heavy Attack
Polnareff briefly summons Silver Chariot to slash outward at a downward angle with its rapier. This attack does more damage while Polnareff's HHA is active.

Attack type: High
Damage: 29 (normal) / 29 + 7 × 2 (43) (Off comes the armor!)

Crouching Light Attack
Polnareff performs a crouching jab.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 9

Crouching Medium Attack
Polnareff pivots to perform a crouching kick.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 16

Crouching Heavy Attack
Polnareff briefly summons Silver Chariot to slash outward at a downward angle with its rapier while crouching. If the opponent is hit, they will be knocked to the ground in a hard knockdown. This attack does more damage while Polnareff's HHA is active.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 27 (normal) / 27 + 6 × 2 (39) (Off comes the armor!)

Jumping Light Attack
Polnareff jabs outward at a slight downward angle while airborne.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 13

Jumping Medium Attack
Polnareff performs an aerial kick at a downward angle.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 21

Jumping Heavy Attack
Polnareff briefly summons Silver Chariot to swing its rapier downward in front of them in a two-hitting attack while airborne. While the hitbox on this normal is quite large, it has a dead zone directly in front of him. This attack does more damage while Polnareff's HHA is active.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 10 + 17 (27) (normal) / 10 + 17 + 6 × 2 (39) (Off comes the armor!)

Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand Off] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Stand ON/OFF (スタンドON/OFF)
Switches between User Mode and Stand Mode. Doing so summons or dismisses Silver Chariot, changing the skills Polnareff has access to.
Sand Kick (砂かけ蹴り)
Polnareff steps forward and delivers a forceful high kick, knocking the opponent into the air if it hits. A command normal that can chain into Polnareff's skills. (Comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 25

Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード)
Activates below 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Polnareff falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills [Stand Off] (コマンド技)
Start packing for hell! (あの世へ行きやがれーッ)
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Polnareff summons Silver Chariot to fly at the opponent and cut them with a single swing of its sword. The distance Silver Chariot flies increases in ASBL.pngASBM.pngASBH.png order, but the greater the increase, the longer the recovery. This special has two follow-ups. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: Low
Damage: 20 (normal) / 20 + 4 × 2 (28) (Off comes the armor)

You have good sense! (いいカンしてるぜッ!)
(During "Start packing for hell!") ASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Silver Chariot instantly pulls away from the opponent by flying back to Polnareff while Polnareff himself hops backward to create distance from the opponent. This skill has a follow-up.
This skill can be used when an opponent is about to retaliate against Silver Chariot or a defenseless Polnareff in order to grant him the time needed to defend, or otherwise fool them into letting their guard down.
You miserable cur! (このドグサレがァーーーーーッ!)
(During "Start packing for hell!" or "You have good sense!") ASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Silver Chariot moves a short distance forward and repeatedly stabs at the opponent. The distance Silver Chariot moves and the amount of hits, and therefore damage, dealt increases in ASBL.pngASBM.pngASBH.png order. If the ASBH.png variant is used, the opponent will be knocked away into a soft knockdown. This skill can initiate Rush Mode. (Flash Cancel comboable)
If used after the ASBL.png variant of "Start packing for hell!", it will not combo. If Polnareff's HHA is active, this skill will deal more hits and damage.

Attack type: High
ASBL.png 5 × 5 + 10 (35) (normal) / 49 (Off comes the armor!)
ASBM.png 5 × 7 + 10 (45) (normal) / 63 (Off comes the armor!)
ASBH.png 5 × 8 + 15 (55) (normal) / 79 (Off comes the armor!)

Kiss my sword! (おれの(つるぎ)をしゃぶれッ!)
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png IN AIR OK
While in mid-air, Polnareff summons Silver Chariot as they dive at a downwards angle, skewering the opponent and knocking them into the air if hit. The distance Polnareff and Silver Chariot travel and the damage dealt increase in ASBL.pngASBM.pngASBH.png order, but the greater the increase, the longer the recovery. However, the landing recovery of this skill can be canceled with a normal, with the point at which the cancel can happen being earlier the stronger the variant. (Comboable)
All variants of this skill can be naturally comboed off of, but the weaker the variant used, the harder it is as, the weaker the variant, the later in the dive Polnareff has to hit the skill. If Polnareff's HHA is active, this skill will deal more hits and damage. It will also be easier to combo off of.

Attack type: Middle
ASBL.png 30 (normal) / 30 + 7 × 2 (44) (Off comes the armor!)
ASBM.png 40 (normal) / 40 + 9 × 2 (58) (Off comes the armor!)
ASBH.png 50 (normal) / 50 + 12 × 2 (74) (Off comes the armor!)

Slices and dices! (剣で切るのは…………たやすい!)
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Polnareff summons Silver Chariot to move forward and deliver a large downward swing of its rapier, knocking the opponent down hard enough for them to bounce. The distance Silver Chariot moves and damage dealt increases in ASBL.pngASBM.pngASBH.png order, but the greater the increase, the longer the recovery. (Comboable)

Attack type: Middle
ASBL.png 40 (normal) / 40 + 9 × 2 (58) (Off comes the armor!)
ASBM.png 50 (normal) / 50 + 12 × 2 (74) (Off comes the armor!)
ASBH.png 60 (normal) / 60 + 14 × 2 (88) (Off comes the armor!)

My secret weapon! (奥の手)
ASBDPad4.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Polnareff summons Silver Chariot to fire off its rapier's blade as a projectile, launching the opponent into the air if it hits. The blade will also ricochet off the ground, sending it upwards and allowing it to function as an anti-air. The attack button inputted alters Silver Chariot's aim.
  • Light (ASBL.png): Silver Chariot shoots the rapier directly in front of itself, nearly directly down.
  • Medium (ASBM.png): Silver Chariot shoots the rapier a short distance in front of itself, at about a 45° angle.
  • Heavy (ASBH.png): Silver Chariot shoots the rapier at a great distance in front of itself, almost straight out.

If timed with a taunt on a downed opponent, this skill can allow Polnareff to do a taunt combo as the rapier can hit the opponent right as they are forcibly restood.

Attack type: High
Damage: 80

Normals [Stand On] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Silver Chariot pokes outward with its rapier. This attack deals more damage while Polnareff's HHA is active.

Attack type: High
Damage: 9 (normal) / 9 + 2 × 2 (13) (Off comes the armor!)

Standing Medium Attack
Silver Chariot swings its rapier downward. This attack deals more damage while Polnareff's HHA is active.

Attack type: High
Damage: 17 (normal) / 17 + 4 × 2 (25) (Off comes the armor!)

Standing Heavy Attack
Silver Chariot slashes outward at an upward angle with its rapier. This attack deals more damage while Polnareff's HHA is active.

Attack type: High
Damage: 28 (normal) / 28 + 6 × 2 (40) (Off comes the armor!)

Crouching Light Attack
Silver Chariot thrusts its rapier out at a downward angle. This attack deals more damage while Polnareff's HHA is active.

Attack type: High
Damage: 8 (normal) / 8 + 1 × 2 (10) (Off comes the armor!)

Crouching Medium Attack
Silver Chariot performs an inward swinging slash at the opponent's feet. This attack deals more damage while Polnareff's HHA is active.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 15 (normal) / 15 + 3 × 2 (21) (Off comes the armor!)

Crouching Heavy Attack
Silver Chariot moves forward and slashes at the opponent's feet with its rapier. If it hits, it will knock the opponent to the ground in a hard knockdown. This attack deals more damage while Polnareff's HHA is active.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 26 (normal) / 26 + 6 × 2 (38) (Off comes the armor!)

Jumping Light Attack
Silver Chariot stabs outward with its rapier while airborne. The attack will miss short opponents while they are standing and crouching opponents unless they are on a horse entirely. This attack deals more damage while Polnareff's HHA is active.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 13 (normal) / 13 + 3 × 2 (19) (Off comes the armor!)

Jumping Medium Attack
Silver Chariot stabs at a downward angle with its rapier while airborne. This attack deals more damage while Polnareff's HHA is active.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 12 (normal) / 12 + 2 × 2 (16) (Off comes the armor!)

Jumping Heavy Attack
Silver Chariot spins around and swings its rapier downward in a large arc while airborne, covering a large area in front of and below it. Despite its animation being one continuous attack with a large slash effect following the rapier, there are several dead zones throughout the attack. This attack deals more damage while Polnareff's HHA is active.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 31 (normal) / 31 + 7 × 2 (45) (Off comes the armor!)

Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand On] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Stand ON/OFF (スタンドON/OFF)
Switches between User Mode and Stand Mode. Doing so summons or dismisses Silver Chariot, changing the skills Polnareff has access to.
I'll cut you up! (ブッた切ってやるッ!)
Silver Chariot swings its rapier downward in a delayed attack that bounces opponents off the ground if it connects. A command normal that can chain into Polnareff's skills. The attack deals more damage if Polnareff's HHA is active. (Comboable)

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 40 (normal) / 40 + 9 × 2 (58) (Off comes the armor!)

Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード)
Activates below 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Polnareff falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills [Stand On] (コマンド技)
You shall be shish kabob! (「針串刺し」の刑だッ!)
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Silver Chariot thrusts its sword forward in a fencing stab, covering a decent frontward range. If it hits, the Stand moves in and rapidly stabs the opponent before knocking them away. The distance Silver Chariot moves and the damage dealt increases in ASBL.pngASBM.pngASBH.png order, but greater the increase, the longer the recovery.
If Polnareff's HHA is active, this skill deals more hits and damage.

Attack type: High
ASBL.png 102 (normal) / 150 (Off comes the armor!)
ASBM.png 117 (normal) / 165 (Off comes the armor!)
ASBH.png 132 (normal) / 180 (Off comes the armor!)

Cuts everywhere else! (そこ以外をきり刻む!)
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Silver Chariot moves forward a distance and swings it rapier around in swift, wild strikes, ending in an upwards slash. The distance Silver Chariot moves and the number of hits, and therefore damage, is increased in ASBL.pngASBM.pngASBH.png order. If the ASBH.png variant is used, it has the added effect of sending the opponent flying on the final hit. (ASBH.png variant Flash Cancel Comboable)
This attack can initiate Rush Mode and is a Stand Rush skill that Polnareff can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing. This skill also deals more damage if Polnareff's HHA is active.

Attack type: High
ASBL.png 10 × 5 + 20 (70) (normal) / 108 (Off comes the armor!)
ASBM.png 10 × 6 + 20 (80) (normal) / 124 (Off comes the armor!)
ASBH.png 10 × 6 + 30 (90) (normal) / 142 (Off comes the armor!)

Hurry up and die! (くたばりやがれッ!)
ASBDPad4.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Polnareff leaps a distance forward into the air, potentially over the opponent's head, as Silver Chariot stabs backwards. The opponent is bound if the attack hits. If the opponent is grounded, they'll then crumple to the ground. The distance Polnareff and Silver Chariot travel increases in ASBL.pngASBM.pngASBH.png order, but the greater the increase, the longer the recovery. This skill is used as a cross-up, made for switching to the opponent's other side and striking at a surprise angle before they can guard. The landing recovery can be canceled with a normal attack, allowing the skill to be relatively safe on whiff or block. (Comboable)
If Polnareff's HHA is active this skill will deal more hits and damage.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 40 (normal) / 40 + 9 × 2 (58) (Off comes the armor!)

Reap as you sow! (切断はじき返してェェェェェェェ)
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Silver Chariot suddenly spins its rapier in a circle twice, knocking the opponent into the air if hit. This attack inflicts little damage, but is instead suited as a utility special, functioning as both an anti-air and a skill that can reflect non-HHA/GHA projectiles. The duration of the skill increases in ASBL.pngASBM.pngASBH.png order, but the greater the increase, the longer the recovery.
While Polnareff's HHA is active, this skill will deal a little more damage.

Attack type: High
Damage: 10 (normal) / 10 + 2 × 2 (14) (Off comes the armor!)

Throw (投げ技)
Move and I'll skewer you! (動くな! ブスリといくぜ)
2 ATK buttons near opponent or ASBT.png (ASBDPad4.png to back-throw) ON GROUND
Silver Chariot picks the opponent up with its free hand, before hitting them hard with the hilt of its rapier, sending them to the ground.

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 100

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
Off comes the armor! (カッチュウをぬぎ捨てればッ!)
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND
Polnareff smiles as Silver Chariot temporarily sheds its armor and creates afterimages of itself. This causes the Stand to attack faster and multiplies its hits for every one of its attacks, resulting in an increased overall damage output and ability to pressure the opponent. All of the afterimages' attacks will be Highs, even if Silver Chariot executes a Low or Middle. The HHA's effect will last until the stock is used up, wherein Polnareff will be forced into an animation where he gives a pained thumbs up. This animation leaves him vulnerable, but it can be Flash Canceled, allowing him to possibly catch opponents who were looking to punish the HHA's ending off guard. Polnareff will be forced into User Mode once the stock times out, regardless of what mode he was in when it did.

As Heart Heat Attacks can be universally canceled into from most attacks including specials, this gives Polnareff a means to extend combos by chaining into its activation, instantly canceling an attack, not unlike a Flash Cancel, and allowing him to continue his offense in his enhanced state from there. Polnareff's GHA can be used while this effect is active if he has enough Heart Heat to spare, but it will have no special effect and results in it always being a Lvl 1 GHA, even if the HHG timer is more than half full.

The armor is off of my Silver Chariot! Tsk! (甲冑をはずしたスタンド、「銀の戦車(シルバーチャリオッツ)」! チッ)
Seems I intimidate you, non? (「ゾッ」としたようだな)
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 3 ATK Buttons or ASBG.png ON GROUND
Polnareff sends Silver Chariot to lunge forward in a wide fencing stab. If it connects, Silver Chariot will then knock the opponent into the air with a second strike before shedding its armor. The Stand produces afterimages, then proceeds to assault the opponent from every direction with speed great enough to appear as if they were being attacked by a group. Silver Chariot then circles Polnareff and 'merges' with its afterimages, finishing its attack by delivering a final, powerful stab that pierces through the opponent.

If the initial stab misses, Polnareff withdraws Silver Chariot and laments, "Guess I got sloppy!" (あせり過ぎたか).

Attack type: High
Damage: 322 / 386 / 483 (depending on HH gauge)

Silver Chariot! Let me show you my true speed! How about that swordplay? Impressed non? Non non non non non non! (銀の戦車(シルバーチャリオッツ)」! 本来のスピードをお見せしよう! こんどの剣さばきはどうだァアアアアアーーーッ!? ノンノンノンノンノンノン)
Assist System (アシストシステム)
Assault Assist (アサルトアシスト)
* The attached media is outdated and displays an older version of the game.

A two-stock assist. Polnareff lands in and summons Silver Chariot to shoot its blade into the ground so that it deflects onto the opponent. If hit, the opponent will be launched into the air.
Because of the angle the blade is shot at and the fact that it launches on hit, this assist can be used for taunt combos if a taunt on a downed opponent is timed properly.

Attack type: High
Damage: 80

Reversal Assist (リバーサルアシスト)
A two-stock assist. Polnareff jumps into the enemy, slashing down at them them with Silver Chariot and knocking them back. He then de-summons his Stand and poses before jumping back off-screen.

Attack type: High

Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

User Mode (本体)Stand Mode (スタンド)
Normals [Stand Off] (通常技)
Standing Medium Attack
Polnareff steps farther forward than he does in All-Star Battle, giving this normal more range.
Standing Heavy Attack
Silver Chariot's rapier has a shorter hitbox now, leading to this normal having less range than it did in All-Star Battle.
Crouching Medium Attack
Polnareff moves forward while he twists now, giving this normal more range.
Jumping Heavy Attack
This normal hits twice now, with its damage redistributed across the two hits. Because it can be difficult to connect both the hits against grounded opponents, this normal sometimes does lower damage against them.
Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand Off] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Sand Kick
This command normal's input has changed. It now uses ASBDPad6.png instead of ASBDPad3.png. The kick also now knocks opponents into the air rather than causing normal hitstun. Additionally, Polnareff moves a much greater distance forward when he steps forward than he did in All-Star Battle.
Skills [Stand Off] (コマンド技)
Start packing for hell!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Silver Chariot does not move as far forward as it did in All-Star Battle. This is especially apparent with the weaker variants of the skill as the ASBH.png variant is comparable. If no follow-up attack is used, Silver Chariot also now immediately starts to return to Polnareff once it completes its attack before disappearing rather than lingering at the end of its travel distance, making it more difficult to punish this attack being whiffed. Additionally, this attack is now a Low rather than a High. Furthermore, using the ASBH.png variant when the opponent is pointblank no longer results in Silver Chariot passing through the opponent and whiffing its attack. However, it can still happen occasionally when the opponent is against a wall.
You have good sense!
(During "Start packing for hell!") ASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Silver Chariot now fully returns to Polnareff, regardless of how far away it is when this skill is used. Polnareff also jumps back a farther distance than he did in All-Star Battle.
You miserable cur!
(During "Start packing for hell!" or "You have good sense!") ASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
The delay between Polnareff's initial skill and this one has been increased. This leads to the ASBL.png variant of "Start packing for hell!" to not combo into this follow-up.
Kiss my sword!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png IN AIR OK
Polnareff dives forward a farther distance than he did in All-Star Battle. Because the distance he travels now increases with button strength, this becomes even more apparent with the stronger strength variants. Additionally, instead of crumpling the opponent, this skill now knocks the opponent into the air and causes a hard knockdown. This makes the skill more difficult to combo off of. However, because the landing recovery of the skill can be canceled with a normal now, it no longer needs to be Flash Canceled to combo off of. The combo potential now depends more on how close Polnareff was to landing when the skill connects and what variant was used than it does available HH.
Slices and dices!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Silver Chariot now moves forward a varying distance based on what attack button is inputted rather than staying in place for all the variants. The recovery of the skill is also significantly shorter as Silver Chariot does not linger after delivering its attack. Furthermore, this skill is now a Middle rather than a High.
My secret weapon!
ASBDPad4.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Instead of causing a hard knockdown on hit, this skill now launches the opponent into a soft knockdown. When fired, the rapier now travels slower than it did in All-Star Battle, but as a trade off, the startup is now much shorter, leading to the skill activating sooner.
Normals [Stand On] (通常技)
Standing Heavy Attack
Silver Chariot moves farther forward than it did in All-Star Battle, giving this normal more range.
Crouching Heavy Attack
Silver Chariot slides farther forward than it did in All-Star Battle, giving this normal more range.
Jumping Medium Attack
The hitbox for Silver Chariot's rapier extends farther inward than it did in All-Star Battle, meaning that this normal will no longer miss opponents when they are directly in front of Polnareff.
Jumping Heavy Attack
While Silver Chariot's animation remains unchanged, it has been slowed down, and the hitbox now appears earlier in it. Because of this, the slash effect that follows Silver Chariot's rapier covers a different area, leading to this normal looking different than its All-Star Battle counterpart. It also causes the hitbox to cover a larger area directly in front of Polnareff, meaning that it will no longer miss against airborne opponents that are higher in the air than he is.
Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand On] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
I'll cut you up!
This command normal's input has changed. It now uses ASBDPad6.png instead of ASBDPad3.png. It also now causes a groundbounce rather than normal hitstun.
Skills [Stand On] (コマンド技)
You shall be shish kabob!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Silver Chariot moves farther forward than it did in All-Star Battle. However, this move now has longer startup, and Silver Chariot's movement speed is slightly slower, making this attack last longer overall. This is more apparent the stronger the variant of the skill.
Cuts everywhere else!
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Silver Chariot now moves forward a varying amount based on what attack button is inputted. This results in the ASBL.png variant moving forward less, the ASBM.png variant a similar distance, and the ASBH.png variant a greater distance. Additionally, the attack no longer pushes opponents away. Instead, it will pull opponents in until the attack finishes. When it does, Polnareff and Silver Chariot are now pushed back (ASBL.png and ASBM.png variants only), resulting in the distance between Polnareff and the opponent being greater now than it was in All-Star Battle, though it's more apparent with the ASBL.png variant than the ASBM.png one.
Hurry up and die!
ASBDPad4.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Polnareff and Silver Chariot move forward a greater distance, when using the ASBH.png variant. While Polnareff's HHA is in effect, the skill no longer causes a hard knockdown, instead keeping it's crumple property, which is canceled by the extra hits the HHA causes, resulting in the effect being more akin to normal hitstun. Additionally, this skill's landing recovery can be canceled with a normal attack, making this move safer to use overall and easier to combo off of.
Reap as you sow!
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
This skill now launches the opponent on hit rather than causing normal hitstun. This causes it to knock the opponent to the ground in a soft knockdown when it hits an aerial opponent now too. The attack's duration also depends on the strength of the button inputted now rather than being the same for all variants. Additionally, it has lost its ability to be Flash Canceled.
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
Off comes the armor!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND
Silver Chariot's after images' attacks will no longer copy the attack type of the attack Silver Chariot executes, instead always being High attacks, meaning that if Silver Chariot executes a Middle or a Low, the after image's attacks will be Highs. When the HHA times out, the same animation plays, but it no longer plays as a cinematic that interrupts combat. This makes him much more vulnerable to being attacked while it is playing, though it now has the benefit of being able to be Flash Canceled. It will now also force him into User Mode once it times out.
Seems I intimidate you, non?
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 3 ATK Buttons or ASBG.png ON GROUND
This GHA's startup is a bit longer than it was in All-Star Battle. Silver Chariot's lunging stab is also slower. When combined, it makes it much easier for the opponent to react to its activation if not in hitstun now.

General Changes

  • Polnareff's run speed in User Mode has been decreased.

Medal List

Costumes & Tints

This section requires expansion.

Polnareff has two special costumes in the game, Special Outfit A and Special Outfit B. His default costume includes one color tint by default, and two more can be purchased through the Gallery Shop. It should be noted that the fourth color for the costume is the original color from All-Star Battle.

Taunts & Victory Poses

Medal Taunt A.png Taunt A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 144: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 5

Medal Taunt B.png Taunt B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 179: High Priestess, Part 1

Medal Taunt C.png Taunt C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Cover of Chapter 179: High Priestess, Part 1

Medal Taunt D.png Taunt D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 142: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 3

Medal Taunt E.png Taunt E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Cover A of Chapter 240: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 3

Victory ABCDE
Medal Victory A.png Victory A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Cover of Chapter 176: Judgement, Part 3

Medal Victory B.png Victory B
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Cover of Volume 19

Medal Victory C.png Victory C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 145: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 6

Medal Victory D.png Victory D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 140: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 1

Medal Victory E.png Victory E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 175: Judgement, Part 2


Polnareff's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for ASBR Coins.png 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for ASBR Coins.png 300 G. Polnareff's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for ASBR Coins.png 140 G.

Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag LinesMisc.
Quote.png Medal Speech.png Taunt Lines
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • I will banish you to the abyss of despair. (『この俺が貴様を絶望の淵へブチ込んでやる』)
  • Why so startled? (おい!! 驚くなよッ!)
  • You scoundrel! (ドブ野郎~~~ッ)
  • My Stand will give you your just reward! (おれの『スタンド』がしかるべき報いを与えてやるッ!)
  • Hey, you bumpkin! (おい、イナカもん)
  • Hey! I told you to stop! (こら! 待てといっとるんだよッ、てめーーーーッ!)
  • Are you an idiot? (てめー頭脳がまぬけか?)
  • Mean to kill moi, do you? (なかなかするどい殺気をしているな…)
  • Do something, huh?! (何とかしてみろよ! あ!?)
  • You're such a pain. (迷惑なんだよ)
  • Hmm? Something funny? (ホォ~、おかしいか?)
  • C'mon! I'm right here! What's the matter? (こいよ! ここだぜ。さあどうした)
  • So we finally meet. (ついに会えたな)
  • Death awaits you! (死刑!)
  • You lunatic! (イカレポンチがッ!)
  • I'll kill you! (てめーは殺す)
  • Ridiculous. (アホらしい)
  • You! What do you think you're doing?! (おのれーーーッ、どうしてくれようか!)
  • Let me show you hell! (地獄をみせてくれるぜッ!)
  • Yeaaah! (YEAAAH)
  • You sure got balls, don't you? (ずいぶん肝っ玉がでかいじゃあねーか……)
  • You stupid bastard! (このド低ゾクヤローが~~~~~~~)
  • Move, moron! (どけッ! トンチキ)
  • You gotta FEEL it out! (感覚の目でよーく見てろ!)
  • I'm not afraid at all. I am filled with fighting spirit! (今……恐怖はこれっぽっちも感じない。 おれにあるのは闘志だけだ)
Quote.png Medal Speech.png Victory Lines
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • Have fun in hell! (地獄でやってろ)
  • The devil won't get the honor of doing you in! I'm gonna skewer you right here! (ひとつだけ地獄の番人にまかせられんことがある……… それは! 「針串刺し」の刑だッ! この瞬間(とき)を長年待ったぜッ!)
  • Make me a manga artist! I always wanted to be one, and then build Polnareff Land! (マンガ家にしてみろッ! 子どものころから なりたかったんだッ! みじめなヤツはヤだぞッ。 『ポルナレフランド』をおっ立てるんだ)
  • Don't make other people do your dirty work! What kind of sniveling coward are you?! (自分がいやなものをひとにやらせるなッ!  どおーゆー性格してんだ、てめーーッ!)
  • You're a troublesome one! (メンドくせえ野郎だゼ!)
  • We're travelers here... and we need to get going to the next town. (おれたちは旅人なんだ…始めて来た場所だし もう出発しなくてはならない…………次の町へな……)
  • Love wins over glory and honor! (富や名声より愛だぜッ!(力説))
  • You aren't dead... but with those wounds, you've certainly been retired! (ま……死んじゃあいねーがこのキズじゃあ再起不能(リタイヤ)だな)
  • Now to just let the devil sort 'em out! (あとは、閻魔さまにまかせたぜ)
  • Yeah, I'm hurting a bit, but there's no time for crying! (痛みはあるが気にしたりヘコたれてるヒマはねーーーーー)
  • I'm always like this. I don't know what I have until it's gone. (おれっていつもそうだ …いなくなってはじめてわかるんだ(・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・))
  • I... I'm gonna tell everyone about what just happened! (あ…ありのまま今起こった事を話すぜ!)
  • Well, that was disappointing. (あっけねえヤツだぜ)
  • I've got the worst luck with friends. (おれには悲しい友情運があるぜ)
  • Ororoooon! (オロロ~~ン!)
  • Leaving me out... *sniffle* (仲間はずれにしやがって、グスン)
  • Uh... no comment! Don't look! All your teeth are busted anyways! (ノ…ノーコメント。や…やめろ、見るのはやめろッ!  歯が全部折れてるから見てもしょうがねー。ヒーーーッ)
  • There's no time to grieve. (今のおれには悲しみで泣いている時間なんかないぜ)
Quote.png Medal Speech.png Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • I'm telling you exactly what just happened! (あ…ありのまま今起こったことを話すぜ!)
  • His death's not gonna be in vain. I'm gonna fight for my life! (奴の気持ちを無駄にはしない。生きるために闘う……………!)
  • There's no time to grieve. (今のおれには悲しみで泣いている時間なんかないぜ)
  • I will banish you to the abyss of despair. (『この俺が貴様を絶望の淵へブチ込んでやる』)
  • How about that swordplay? Impressed, non? (こんどの剣さばきはどうだァアアアアアーッ!?)
  • Oh how I've waited for this! You shall be skewered! (「針串刺し」の刑だッ! この瞬間(とき)を長年待ったぜッ!)
  • Bravo! Oh, bravo! (ブラボー! おお…ブラボー!!)
  • I've got the worst luck with friends. (おれには悲しい友情運があるぜ)
  • So, at last! At last we meet, J. Geil! (ついに! ついに! ついに会えたなJ・ガイル)
  • I don't really understand it myself, but I truly have no idea what happened to me. (な…何を言っているの(・・・・・・・・)わからねーと思うが(・・・・・・・・・)おれも何をされたのかわからなかった(・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・))
Quote.png Misc.
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • Heh. (フッ)
    —Round Win 1
  • Whatever. (あばよ)
    —Round Win 2

Special Interactions


Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Polnareff has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

EntranceVictoryEnemy Taunts
Quote.png Match Entrance
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • I'll skewer you just like those coins! (てめーもコインみてーに串刺しにしてやるぜ)
    —Default dialogue
  • You think you can take MOI in a sword fight? (剣の勝負でおれにかなうと思ってんのか?)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff (Player 1)
    I don't get what's going on, but this is serious! (なんだかわからねーがッ! ただ者じゃあねーなッ!)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff (Player 2)
  • Chariot, huh? Guess I'd better get serious. (戦車(チャリオッツ)」は手かげんして闘える相手ではない………)
    I'm gonna go full speed, Jotaro! (フルスピードでいくぜ、承太郎…!)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
  • Monsieur Joestar, your left hand isn't by chance a right, is it? (ムッシュジョースター。 まさかあなたの『左』腕は『右』腕ではあるまいな?)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
    "Is my left hand a right?" What a strange question... Why would he ask that? (『左』腕が『右』腕。奇妙な質問じゃ… いったいどういうことかな?)
  • You're enough to make a tomb raider wish he was a mummy! Don't mess with me, Polnareff! (こいつはミイラとりがミイラになるな! ポルナレフ、勝手なまねはゆるさんぞッ!)
    You think I'm gonna lose?! (おめーおれが負けるとでも!)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
  • A fight's about more than directly hitting each other. (戦いというのは、なにも直接斬り合うだけじゃないんだよ)
    Your Hierophant isn't suited for battle, is it? (お前のハイエロファント、戦闘には向いてないんじゃないのか?)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
  • What are you supposed to be, French or something?! (オマエほんとにフランス人かよぉー?)
    Now you're really gonna get it, you snarling cur! (てめえ本当にブッた切るぞッ!)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
  • If I gotta beat you before I can see that bastard, then that's what I'll do. En garde! (きさまを先に倒さなきゃ「ヤツ」に会えねえってなら そうしてやる…かかって来い)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
    "The gun is mightier than the sword." Damn if that ain't the truth! (「銃は剣よりも強し」。名言だな、これは)
  • Polnareff, you can overcome much... But you won't overcome me. (ポルナレフ…は自分の生命危機や恐怖を克服した 精神力を持っている…………確実に追いつめて倒す………)
    Come at me, you cur! I'll slice you up! (どっからでもこい! チクショオオオーーーーーッ!! ブッた切ってやるッ!)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
  • The sense I feel... I am in the light. The white of courage, of justice! (今…感じる感覚は…おれは「白」の中にいるということだ… 勇気が湧いてくる。「正しいことの白」の中におれはいるッ!)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
    You only have one option: Die, Polnareff! (死ぬしかないな、ポルナレフッ!)
  • Polnareff? Is that really you? (ポルナレフさん? あなた、ポルナレフさんですか?)
    Who are you? I don't think I've seen you before! (誰だお前? 知らねえな!)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
  • Are you... Polnareff, from the Colosseum? (おまえは…コロッセオにいたポルナレフか…?)
    I get the feeling those zippers of yours are more than just for show! (あのジッパー…見かけ以上にやばいにおいがするぜ…)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
  • P-Polnareff?! (ポ…ポルナレフかよッ!!?)
    Is that the same type of Stand as Hol Horse's? (ホル・ホースの野郎と同じタイプのスタンドか?)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
  • Hey, wait a minute! Aren't you Polnareff the turtle?! (あー! あんた! 亀のポルナレフだろぉー? なあ、そうだろー?)
    C'mon... I'll make your Stand into a hanging ornament! (来いよ…おめーのスタンドをジオラマにして飾ってやるぜ!)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
  • Y-You're... Are you... Polnareff? (あ、あなたはッ…! まさか…ポルナレフさん?)
    Huh? Have we met somewhere before? (ええーっ、どこかで会ったかぁ…?)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
  • I will always remain on the top! (『絶頂』のままでいられる(・・・・・・・)。 わたしは!……)
    This time controlling power... It must be... Diavolo?! (この……能力は…!! 『時』を…ディアボロ、きさま!)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
Quote.png Victory
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • Guess I was the stronger one. And certainly the most handsome! (おれの方がもっと強くて、もっとハンサムだったってことだな)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff (Player 1)
    Nice sword work. That was a little dangerous... (なかなかの剣さばきだ…ちょっと危なかったかもな…)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff (Player 2)
  • Phew! I'm beat! (……………つ、つかれた…)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
    I don't think I've ever been this exhausted. (初めてだ。こんなに疲れるとは…)
  • I shouldn't have asked in the first place. Pardonnez-moi! (…失礼な詮索であった。ゆるしてくれ)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
    I earned this scar on my left arm in a fight about 50 years back... (この『左』腕は…50年前の闘いによる名誉の負傷じゃ)
  • Be a man, Avdol! Show me what you got! (あんたはいつものように大人ぶってドンとかまえとれや! アヴドゥル)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
    I told you! Your ego is too much, Polnareff. (いったことじゃあない! うぬぼれが強すぎるぞ、ポルナレフ)
  • Don't worry... It was but a flesh wound! (安心しろ、みねうちだぜ)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
    As long as I stay out of range, I've got the decisive advantage. (距離をとって闘うなら、ぼくの方がずっと有利なんだ)
  • Quite the stubborn one! It's about time you learn to be a bit more obedient! (ったく! つっぱった野郎だぜ! もう少し愛想よくしろよなァー!)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
    Gotta hand it to ya, you're not half bad! (なかなかやるな…ちょびっとだけ見直してやるぜ)
  • Swords beat guns any day! Well, they do if you're me, that is! (剣は銃よりも強いんだよ…このポルナレフに限って言えばな…)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
    You made fun of me... and you paid for it with your life! (オレをナメきったあんさんの命とりなのさぁーー)
  • Your very soul is as empty as a void! (こいつの精神こそ暗黒空間だッ! こいつの心の中がバリバリ裂けるドス黒いクレバスだ!)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
    Your sword is but a child's toy in the eyes of my Stand... (わがスタンドの前にはキサマの剣など無意味だ…)
  • That was scarier than death! Imagine, living only to serve the likes of you... (死よりも恐ろしいぜ!! てめーに利用されることへの欲求だけの人生なんてな)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
    Once I kill you, I suppose that'll be the end of the Joestar Egyptian Tour, eh? (「ジョースター・エジプト・ツアー御一行様」は きさまにとどめを刺して全滅の最後というわけだな…………)
  • I feel like I know you from somewhere... have we met? (奴の雰囲気…覚えがあるような…どこかで会ったか…?)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
    No doubt about it: You're Polnareff, before he was put out of commission. (間違いない…再起不能になる前のポルナレフさんだ…)
  • That power, that speed, AND those zippers... You're just too strong! (パワーとスピードに加えてジッパーかよ… ちょいと強すぎるんじゃねぇの?)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
    Your Chariot was a formidable foe... before I retired it, that is! (リタイア前のチャリオッツ… なるほど、手ごわい…)
  • Don't call me by name. I don't know who the hell you are. (気安く呼ぶなよ。おめーのことなんか知らねーぜ)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
    So that's how Polnareff's stand used to be. (あれがポルナレフの本来のスタンドかよ…)
  • T-Turtle?! How can you say that to this handsome face? (亀だとぉ? このハンサムに向かって何をいいやがる)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
    Who knew that Polnareff the turtle would turn out to be this strong? Color me impressed! (うそぉ~! 亀のポルナレフって、こんなにすごかったのかよ! 強ええー!)
  • I'd never forget a cute girl like you. (君みたいな可愛い子、一度会ったら忘れないはずだぜ、オレは)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff
    But Polnareff, I thought your soul was inside the turtle... Why are you here? (ポルナレフさんの魂はいま、亀の中にいるはず…どうして?)
  • That was close... That power is almost as unfair as The World! (あ、危なかった… こいつはマジでザ・ワールドなみに危険な能力だぜ…)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, against Diavolo
Quote.png Enemy Taunts
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • I will banish you to the abyss of despair. (『この俺が貴様を絶望の淵へブチ込んでやる』)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
  • Shall I trim your hair into something less like a Cro-Magnon man? (まともなヘアスタイルにカットしてやるぜ)
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair

All-Star Battle Mode

All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Polnareff as a combatant, in order of appearance.

Stardust Crusaders

Normal Battle (★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
SCSymbol.png Jean Pierre Polnareff
Stage: Cairo Streets
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
ASBR Coins.png 500 G
Special Conditions
The player's defense is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Land a First Attack: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Down your opponent: ASBR 2D Art.png Polnareff Publicity Artwork
Entrance Dialogue
Iggy: I'm gonna tear out your hair and fart in your face!
Polnareff: You foul beast! Just you wait! I'll teach you to heel!
Victory Dialogue
Polnareff: Dirty dog! Perhaps now you understand!
Defeat Dialogue
Iggy: All right! Time to tear some hair!
Boss Battle (★★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Clear three panels on the same page.
SCSymbol.png Jean Pierre Polnareff
SCSymbol.png Iggy (Assist)
Stage: DIO's Mansion
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
- ASBR Coins.png 1500 G
- Several JoJo Glossary entries[a]
- The ability to use Vanilla Ice in all battle arenas
Special Conditions
The player cannot guard. The player's Heart Heat Gauge continuously refills. The opponent's attack power is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Call an Assist: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Land the "Start packing for hell" skill: ASBR 2D Art.png Silver Chariot Publicity Artwork
3. Land the "You miserable cur!" skill: ASBR 3D Model.png Silver Chariot 3D Model
4. Land the "Kiss my sword!" skill: ASBR Costume.png Polnareff Special Outfit A
Entrance Dialogue
Polnareff: Vanilla Ice! Stop and listen!
Vanilla Ice: Polnareff! Let's settle this once and for all!
Victory Dialogue
Polnareff: You ain't quick and nimble, Vanilla Ice!
Defeat Dialogue
Vanilla Ice: Mark my words! I'm going to kill Joestar and the rest!
Normal Battle (★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
SCSymbol.png Jean Pierre Polnareff
Stage: Cairo Streets
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
ASBR Coins.png 500 G
Special Conditions
The player's fire damage is decreased.
Secret Missions
1. Turn your Stand on: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Attack the opponent's Stand: ASBR 2D Art.png Polnareff Reference Sketch
Entrance Dialogue
Polnareff: I got a prediction, Avdol. You're gonna be done in by your own Stand's power!
Avdol: Such amazing swordsmanship... But you think you can beat me? That's your ego talking!
Victory Dialogue
Avdol: You've gotta put in more effort than that to out-prophet me! You're way out of your league!
Defeat Dialogue
Polnareff: Ha ha! Just as predicted. You're burned to death by your own fire.
Normal Battle (★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
SCSymbol.png Jean Pierre Polnareff
SCSymbol.png Noriaki Kakyoin (Assist)
Stage: Cairo Streets
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
ASBR Coins.png 700 G
Special Conditions
Hol Horse can't use J. Geil moves. The player's defense is decreased.
Secret Missions
1. Call 3 Assists in a single round: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Land the "You shall be shish kabob!" skill: ASBR 2D Art.png Emperor Publicity Artwork
3. Block shots with the "Reap as you sow!" skill: ASBR Music.png Hol Horse's Theme
Entrance Dialogue
Polnareff: Your buddy J. Geil's corpse is 200 or 300 meters ahead. Wanna go see it?
Hol Horse: I... I can't beat this guy! I can't do a thing all by myself!
Victory Dialogue
Polnareff: I hereby sentence you... to death!
Defeat Dialogue
Hol Horse: Don't be No. 1, be No. 2! That's Hol Horse's credo. Any questions?!

Stone Ocean

Extra Battle (★★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
SCSymbol.png Jean Pierre Polnareff
Stage: Green Dolphin Street Prison
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
ASBR Coins.png 1500 G
Special Conditions
The player's Heart Heat Gauge does not fill while their Stand is active.
Secret Missions
1. Use the "Here's where ya stick it!" skill: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Land a counterattack: ASBR 2D Art.png Ermes Publicity Artwork
3. Land a Great Heat Attack: ASBR 3D Model.png Kiss 3D Model
4. Win with a Heart Heat Attack: ASBR Costume.png Ermes Special Outfit A
Entrance Dialogue
Polnareff: What's a girl like you doing in a prison like this? There must be a reason. I can see the determination in your eyes.
Ermes: Butt out. That's none of your business.
Victory Dialogue
Ermes: So it wasn't just me... You smell just like me.
Defeat Dialogue
Polnareff: I'm not going to lecture you. If it'll do you good, then go get it done.




Polnareff's theme is ASBR Music.png Aggression and Victory (〝侵略と勝利〟, "Shinryaku to Shōri"), and can be unlocked in-game by buying it from the Gallery Shop for ASBR Coins.png 1000 G.

Its name is in reference to the meaning of Polnareff's tarot card, The Chariot, as he describes it in Chapter 12 of Stardust Crusaders.

JoJo Glossary

Unlock Condition: Win in the Jean Pierre Polnareff vs. Vanilla Ice All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
An ally from Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. He is the user of the Stand Silver Chariot. He is a chivalrous knight and a chirpy ladies' man. On his travels, he defeats J. Geil and avenges his sister.[6] Later, he fights a fierce battle with Vanilla Ice in DIO's Mansion. After his hard journey, he finally returns to France.
User of the Stand Silver Chariot, at once a chivalrous knight and a chirpy ladies' man. On his travels he defeats Centerfold and avenges his sister. After a fierce battle with Cool Ice, he finally settles back in France.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Jean Pierre Polnareff vs. Vanilla Ice All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
Jean Pierre Polnareff's Stand, with a sword and armor similar to those of a cavalier from the Middle Ages. Its power is unremarkable, but the rapier is amazingly keen, and it can shed its armor to increase its speed. As a last resort, it can also launch its blade very accurately as a secret technique.
Jean Pierre Polnareff's Stand, with a sword and armor like a cavalier from the Middle Ages. Its power is unremarkable, but the rapier is awesomely keen, and it can shed its armor to increase its speed. It can also hurl its blade very accurately.

Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

Stylish EvadesCut-insMisc. GameplayOther
Stylish Evade 12345
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Stylish Evade Pose 1
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Stylish Evade Pose 2
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Stylish Evade Pose 3
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Stylish Evade Pose 4
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Stylish Evade Pose 5
TalkingTauntedRumble Mode
ASBR Polnareff Talking CutIn.png
Talking Cut-in

Chapter 127: Dark Blue Moon, Part 1, page 12
(modified to extend head and change detail on hair)

ASBR Polnareff Taunted CutIn.png
Taunted Cut-in
ASBR Polnareff Rumble CutIn.png
Rumble Mode Cut-in

Chapter 145: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 6, page 2

Reference SketchStand Ref SketchMatch EntranceRound Win 1Round Win 2
ASBR 2D Art.png Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Stardust Crusaders Muhammad Avdol vs. Polnareff Normal Battle
ASBR Secret Mission.png Attack the opponent's Stand


Chapter 135: Devil, Part 3

ASBR 2D Art.png Silver Chariot Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

Buy from Gallery Shop
ASBR Coins.png 1500 G


Chapter 144: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 5

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Match Entrance
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Round Win Pose 1
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Round Win Pose 2


GameplayGallery Mode

Update History

Balance Changes Comparison
ArrowBuff.png Buffs
ArrowNerf.png Nerfs
ArrowChange.png Neutral


  • Dash
    • ArrowChange.png Fixed dash momentum.
  • Standing Medium Attack [Stand On]
    • ArrowBuff.png Extended hitbox to prevent attacks from not hitting under certain circumstances.


  • "My secret weapon!" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png Changed so that the move now launches the opponent.
    • ArrowBuff.png Increased damage.
    • These changes also apply to the Assault Assist since this is the skill used for it.
  • "Reap as you sow!" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png Sped up activation, standardizing the start-up of the ASBL.png, ASBM.png, and ASBH.png versions.
    • ArrowBuff.png Reduced all animation lead-ins while maintaining the reflect duration increase that occurs in ASBL.pngASBM.pngASBH.png order.
  • "Off comes the armor!" HHA
    • ArrowNerf.png Changed so all afterimage attacks are now Highs instead of copying Middles and Lows.
    • This change is intended to make it easier for opponents to guard against difficult to block mix-ups.


  • Standing Medium Attack [Stand On]
    • ArrowChange.png Fixed an issue where this attack would sometimes not hit an opponent if they were near a wall.
  • "Reap as you sow!" skill
    • ArrowChange.png Fixed a bug where if this skill was activated right as time was stopped, it would continue to reflect projectiles in stopped time.


  • "Start packing for hell!" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png Changed the attack's type from High to Low.
  • "You miserable cur!" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png Delayed the timing of when the skill can no longer be Flash Canceled.


  • "Kiss my sword!" skill
    • ArrowChange.png Fixed a bug where Polnareff would slide in the wrong direction when he was hit at the end of this skill's animation by an attack that draws him in.


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