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Template:Character Info/pt-br

Nós não precisamos falar "Eu vou te matar"... porque no momento que essas palavras nos vem em mente... nosso alvo já está morto e o trabalho está feito!
—Prosciutto, Chapter 486: Express Train to Florence, Part 1

Prosciutto (プロシュート, Puroshūto) é um antagonista menor na quinta parte de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Vento Aureo, especificamente nos arcos "Trem Expresso para Florença" e "The Grateful Dead".

Prosciutto é um assassino da La Squadra Esecuzioni, que junto ao Pesci, batalha contra a Equipe Bucciarati dentro de um trem de alta-velocidade em direção à Florença. Ele é um usuário de Stand e envelhece todos no trem com seu The Grateful Dead para prender os protagonistas.


Prosciutto anime.png

Prosciutto é um homem de porte magro, tendo cum cabelo loiro curto e mantendo-os trançados em três pedaços pequenos na parte de trás de sua cabeça. Seus cílios debaixo são mais grosso do que o normal, e seus dentes de cima são um tanto grandes, sendo retratados com uma pequena ênfase sempre que ele abre sua boca.

Prosciutto veste um terno de duas peças com um padrão de teia de aranha nele, debaixo do qual ele usa uma camisa clara. Prosciutto usa um colar escuro e um pingente grande estilizado no seu pescoço

Esquemas de Cores

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaGioGioEyes of HeavenAnime
Main Outfit
(Black suit with purple web design, yellow shirt. Light steel blue pendant with a brown lace.)
Main Outfit
(Purple suit with lavender web design, yellow shirt. Violet pendant with black lace.)
Main Outfit
(Dark indigo suit with white web design, gold shirt. Dark silver pendant with brown lace.)
Eyes(Dark Blue)
Main Outfit
(Dark Gray suit with light gray web design, yellow shirt. Bronze pendant with a purple lace.)


Eu vou virar esse lugar do avesso! Eles devem estar aqui em algum lugar! Além do mais, isso não é tão importante, não é? Tem acidentes de vôo todo ano de qualquer forma. Esses são bem piores do que vai acontecer aqui!
—Prosciutto ao Pesci sobre sua missão, Chapter 488: The Grateful Dead, Part 1
Prosciutto atirando na cabeça de Mista à sangue frio
Prosciutto é um homem sério. Ele sempre aparece focado em sua missão e aderindo ao lema da Squadra de manter sua posição, até quando mortalmente ferido. Ele põe isso em prática e espera que seus subordinados façam o mesmo. Ele não tolera qualquer desvio dessa atitude, especialmente quando isso vem de seus companheiros e subordinados, e a falha de aderir a esse ideal como no caso de Pesci, resulta em um breve espancamento como lembrete. Prosciutto é normalmente muito calmo, vendo qualquer obstáculo com uma eficácia fria, e cumprindo seus objetivos sem hesitação. A adaptação de anime expande sua severidade, chamando a atenção de Formaggio por ter causado uma morte desnecessária em um de seus assassinatos e regularmente discutindo com Pesci por ele não demonstrar virilidade.

Apesar de sua atitude séria e fria, ele também possui um lado carinhoso com seus companheiros. Como o superior da dupla de assassinos, Prosciutto frequentemente fala com seu companheiro Pesci sobre sua falta de confiança em suas próprias habilidades, e em várias ocasiões tenta confortá-lo e convencê-lo de seus poderes. Essa confiança entretanto não é sem fundamento, já que Bruno Bucciarati determina de sua batalha com Pesci que as suas habilidades eram muito mais perigosas que as de Prosciutto. Embora ele seja rigoroso, Prosciutto é capaz de reconhecer o valor de seus oponentes. E então, ele castiga Bucciarati durante sua batalha por uma falha em seu julgamento, Prosciutto rapidamente percebe a determinação de Bucciarati em se sacrificar por seus homens e elogia sua habilidade como um capo.

Ele também possui uma determinação forte, demonstrado quando ele sofre ferimentos quase fatais ao ficar preso nas rodas do trem e usa o restante de sua força para manter a habilidade de seu Stand em efeito por mais tempo que ele consiga.



Artigo principal: The Grateful Dead

Prosciutto usa seu Stand The Grateful Dead para envelhecer pessoas em uma grande área, discriminando entre indivíduos por diferenças quase impercebíveis em sua temperatura corporal.

The Grateful Dead (ザ・グレイトフル・デッド)Link to this section
Aceleração de Envelhecimento



O Chefe usa Sorbet de exemplo

Prosciutto was a member of La Squadra Esecuzioni, a team of nine assassins working within Passione. However, the team was frustrated they only received compensation for each kills while the rest of the gang was getting rich from the drug trade. One day their teammates Sorbet and Gelato disappeared while they were trying to investigate the Boss' past. They found Gelato choked on a gag in his house, with a piece of paper on which was written the word "punishment". Later, the team received the sectioned body parts of Sorbet encased in formaldehyde, showing the team the power of the Boss. They despaired of ever finding about the Boss. However, they then heard about Trish Una, and thought that she would be the key to discovering the Boss' Stand ability. The team rebelled and began searching for her. Just after Trish was taken in by Pericolo, La Squadra Esecuzioni ransacked Donatella and Trish's appartment in search for clues, missing a crucial picture of Donatella that was taken by the Boss himself.

The anime adaptation expands on his activities. The night Sorbet and Gelato disappeared, he was on an assignment with Melone, Pesci and Formaggio. Formaggio's method resulted in an unnecessary kill of the target's date and he called Formaggio out on this.

Vento Aureo

Prosciutto and Pesci's first appearance.

At Naples train station, Prosciutto and Pesci find Bucciarati looking around on the platform. While Pesci expresses a wish to avenge his fallen comrades, Prosciutto chastises his junior for expressing empty threats and tells him that such words should only enter his mind after he's murdered his targets. Prosciutto and Pesci split to corner Bucciarati; Prosciutto walks on the platform while Pesci walks in the train to cover all possible ways of approach. Bucciarati grabs something and rushes inside the train, but Prosciutto loses his trace and Pesci has not seen anything out of the usual. Moreover, it seems only the driver is in the cabin. Unbeknownst to them, the team is hiding in a turtle named Coco Jumbo. Unbeknownst to Prosciutto, Trish and her bodyguards are now inside the boss's turtle, Coco Jumbo, whose Stand, Mr.President, creates a room inside its shell.

In order to flush the gang out, Prosciutto decides to use his Stand, The Grateful Dead, to age everyone on-board the train and then goes into hiding. This forces Guido Mista to emerge from the turtle to try and stop the aging. As Mista confronts Pesci, Prosciutto disguises himself as an old man and prevents Pesci from flying by grabbing him. When Mista is about to shoot Pesci, Prosciutto also distracts the gunman and then reveals himself, rapidly aging him and taking him out. Prosciutto reverts himself and yells at Pesci for the second time, scolding him for his cowardice. Showing him what a real hitman ought to be, Prosciutto takes Mista's gun and shoots him three times in the head.

Prosciutto dragged out of the speeding train

Recalling that Pesci has detected a suspect life-form in the driver's cabin, Prosciutto decides to check inside of it. Pesci express self-doubt but Prosciutto reassures him and tells him that he must have confidence in his Stand. Pesci mentions that he was about to check under the seat and the duo does see recent droppings. Prosciutto breaks through the machinery and discovers Coco Jumbo. However, Bucciarati ambushes him from above the ceiling and Prosciutto is forced into a close-range fistfight. At first, Sticky Fingers proves itself more powerful. When Bucciarati positions himself to kick Pesci, Prosciutto attacks, thinking that the capo has made a bad move, but Bucciarati splits his head to avoid The Grateful Dead's fist and counter-attacks. However, Bucciarati is exerting himself and thus his body temperature rises. Thanks to The Grateful Dead, Prosciutto gains a physical advantage over Bucciarati, but the capo then grabs Prosciutto and throws himself off of the fast-moving train.

Prosciutto keeps The Grateful Dead active despite his injuries

Prosciutto is nonetheless saved by Pesci's Beach Boy, which manages to hook his hand. Bruno has grabbed hold of Prosciutto's leg. Prosciutto changes his mind and compliments Bucciarati on his skill and valor, but nonetheless tries to kick him out. Bucciarati is aged and throws both of Sticky Fingers' fists at Prosciutto. However, The Grateful Dead deflects them into Beach Boy's line, as Bucciarati predicted, and the damage is directed towards the assassin. Prosciutto's hand is zipped out; he thus lands into the machinery of the train and is heavily injured, but true to his word maintains The Grateful Dead. Encouraged by his example, Pesci carries on the fight.

Bruno Bucciarati looks at Prosciutto's corpse
Agonizing, Prosciutto witnesses Pesci and Bucciarati's battle and uses the distraction to call Melone and inform him of their location. He finally dies from his wounds soon after.

Capítulos / Episódios

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
  • Hey, could you shut up already? Talking about "killing this" and "killing that".... what's the big idea, huh? We don't use those words in our world, those words are for dogs to use. We don't need to say "I'll kill you"... because by the moment those words come into our minds... our target's already dead and the deed is done!
    —Prosciutto, Chapter 486: Express Train to Florence, Part 1
  • I'm gonna ransack this place! They must be in here somewhere! Besides, this isn't a big deal, is it? We got tourist flights crashing every year anyway. Those are far worse than what's about to happen here!
    —Prosciutto, Chapter 488: The Grateful Dead, Part 1
  • I'm angry at your spiritual weakness, Pesci. I can't blame you for getting shaken up when they shot up your ice! You'd start aging too, after all! (Even I agree that was a tough spot there.) But! If it were anyone else on our team, they wouldn't dispel their Stand when it was so close to grabbing the enemy by the throat! Not even if they got their arms blasted off or their legs ripped apart!
    —Prosciutto, Chapter 491: The Grateful Dead, Part 4
  • I'm gonna say it straight. Our team! We're nothing like those fools trying to pick up girls on the street or partying at the club. Those pathetic losers just scream and shout, going "I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" just to soothe their wounded egos. When we truly think "I'll kill you!" from the bottom of our hearts...! By that time, the deed has already been done!
    —Prosciutto, Chapter 491: The Grateful Dead, Part 4
  • Glory... to you... Pesci... Kill him... Kill him, Pesci... watching... over you...
    —Prosciutto, Chapter 498: The Grateful Dead, Part 11

Video Games

GioGio's Bizarre Adventure (PS2)

Prosciutto appears in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure during Chapter 5-1 of Super Story Mode as the main enemy, and during Chapter 5-2 as one of only two supporting enemies in the game (the other being Cioccolata in Chapter 10-1). Though Prosciutto can attack normally, all of his special attacks require Grateful Dead to be active; as a matter of fact, Prosciutto cannot withdraw Grateful Dead unless a Stand Break is triggered. Throughout the fight, the player character's health will slowly drain as long as Grateful Dead is active, and the effect can only be deactivated via either triggering a Stand Break on Prosciutto or attacking the ice dispenser in the stage. Grateful Dead can accelerate the aging process either by using more power, requiring it to stand still, or by grabbing the player directly.

In Chapter 5-2, a dying Prosciutto will activate Grateful Dead thirty seconds into the battle. Unlike in Chapter 5-1, Grateful Dead does not physically appear, and the only way to deactivate the effect is to Stand Shoot Prosciutto, putting him out of commission permanently.

Prosciutto / Grateful Dead
Normal Mode
Stand Mode
PS Square.png
Normal Punch Attack (3x)
Tackle (while moving)
Too slow!
You can't escape! (Moving left)
PS Cross.png
Grow old!
Directly is fastest! (Moving left)

Non-Playable Character

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Prosciutto and The Grateful Dead appear as the first stage hazard in the "Naples Train Station" stage, wandering around the center area. When he appears, all fighters will be slowed to a walk and unable to dash or dodge due to his aging ability. Both he and his Stand have a health bar and will disappear from the battlefield if beaten. The only way for players to undo the aging effect is by either defeating Prosciutto or grabbing ice tray pick-ups scattered around the stage.

After Prosciutto is defeated, Pesci will take his place.

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Aging EverythingGrateful Resolve
Aging Everything ver.
Skill: The Grateful Dead
Erases Cheer panels by color. At lower SLs, the Cheers which are erased are prioritised by the highest number of panels
Skill Lv 1
# of Erased Panels: 2
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 2
# of Erased Panels: 3
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 3
# of Erased Panels: 3
Cooldown: 75
Skill Lv 4
# of Erased Panels: 4
Cooldown: 75
Skill Lv 5
# of Erased Panels: 4
Cooldown: 70
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: November 19, 2020 - Present

Aging Everything ver.
Cost: 0
After clearing 80 Cheer Panels, intensifies all Prosciutto Panels (up to 10 times per battle).
Skill: It's faster when I do it directly
Erases partner panels
If there aren't sufficient partner panels to erase then he replaces random panels, except for block panels, with Prosciutto panels
Skill Lv 1
# of Erased Panels: 6
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 2
# of Erased Panels: 10
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 3
# of Erased Panels: 10
Cooldown: 75
Skill Lv 4
# of Erased Panels: 16
Cooldown: 75
Skill Lv 5
# of Erased Panels: 16
Cooldown: 70


A informação abaixo é derivada de uma fonte que não foi escrita pelo Araki. Como tal, ela pode ou não ser considerada canônica.

In the light novel JORGE JOESTAR, an iteration of Prosciutto lives in the 37th universe, named Prosciutto Cappano (プロシュート・ケッパーノ, Puroshūto Keppāno). Prosciutto appears similarly to his original universe counterpart and is a member of Passione. He is not actually mentioned in the novel by name but he is drawn in the illustrations and named in the captions.

Prosciutto Cappano has a Stand named Twister, which appears similar to The Grateful Dead but its abilities are unknown.

Twister (ツイスター)Link to this section
Prosciutto Cappano and Twister

Nero Nero Island, where the base of Passione is located, suddenly grows legs and starts moving through the ocean headed toward Morioh. Some ordinary citizens panic and attempt to escape at the island's harbor. Prosciutto, Cioccolata (Universe 37), Secco (Universe 37), Pesci (Universe 37), Ghiaccio (Universe 37), and Melone (Universe 37) ambush and murder them. Secco's Evil Dead conceals the harbor, making their actions invisible to those within the island, such as Bruno Bucciarati (Universe 37). One man manages to escape and tries waving desperately toward Morioh for help before he is killed as well.

Jumping into Morioh

The Mafia members move the bodies out of sight by dropping the bodies in the water between the boats, or by tossing them into the tall grass by the side of the road to the harbor. Nero Nero Island suddenly crashes into the barrier surrounding Morioh and flips upward. Its propulsion causes it to tear through the barrier and lands into Morioh Harbor.

Cioccolata and the others start firing bullets and rocket launchers at random civilians and houses in Morioh, attempting to shoot Jorge Joestar as well when he runs by underneath them. The mafia members then jump off the island and head to Budogaoka gymnasium with several weapons.[1]


MangaAnimeVideo GamesFigurinesOther
StoryChapter CoversSketches
StoryOpenings/EndingsDesign Sheets
GioGioEyes of Heaven


  • Ele é chamado de Irmão mais velho (兄貴, Aniki) pelo seu parceiro de crime Pesci.
  • Em uma entrevista de 2019 com a VIZ Media, Hirohiko Araki disse que seu personagem favorito da Squadra Esecuzioni é o Prosciutto. Ele aprecia o bate-papo fraternal de Prosciutto e o mais novo, Pesci. Ele também disse que achou divertido como o Stand de Prosciutto acelerava o envelhecimento.[2]


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