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Template:Character Info/fr

SPOILER WARNING: Part 5 spoiler details may follow.
Pour son autre personnalité, voir Vinegar Doppio.
Je dois écraser mes craintes ! C'est le moment ou jamais... je dois les surpasser maintenant ! C'est ainsi qu'on survit !
—Diavolo, Chapter 552: Pronto! On the Phone, Part 2

Diavolo (ディアボロ, Diaboro) est l'antagoniste principal de la cinquième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Vento Aureo, et le cinquième antagoniste principal de la série.

Surtout connu comme le "Boss"du gang Passione qui corrompt Néapolis en vendant de la drogue dans les rues, Diavolo est le supérieur et l'ennemi juré de Giorno Giovanna and Blono Buccellati. Diavolo est très secret et personne ne connait son vrai nom, son apparence et son passé. Diavolo est le père de Trish Una et ordonne à l'équipe de Buccellati de l'amener à lui en la protégeant des traîtres de la Squadra Esecuzioni.

Diavolo a secrètement une autre personnalité nommée Vinegar Doppio, et est un manieur de Stand qui peut effacer le temps avec son King Crimson.


Diavolo anime.png

Diavolo est un homme de grande taille (195 cm dans l'anime) dans la trentaine avec une silhouette maigre mais un corps musclée. Dans la plupart du temps et particulièrement durant sa première, il est totalement caché par les ténèbres sauf ses yeux brillants, il semble avoir les cheveux raides courts et peignés et porte un costume et une cravate.

Son apparence est radicalement modifiée lorsqu'elle est pleinement révélée: Diavolo a les cheveux longs, à motif de léopard avec diverses taches, les mèches séparées en zigzag; dont la frange est calée et légèrement écartée sur le côté. Le reste de ses cheveux descend directement sur ses épaules. Dans les représentations précédentes, différentes quantités de cheveux de Diavolo étaient coupées droites, allant de petites mèches à l'ensemble de ses cheveux. Sa chemise, cachée sous le pull de Doppio, semble être faite de mailles complexes: elle couvre ses épaules et son torse mais le long de son dos et de son abdomen sont des cercles liés qui sont rentrés sous sa ceinture, qui à l'arrière dans deux à trois longs "queue de manteau". Sur ses bras, des manches florales élégamment conçues mènent à une paire de bracelets. Il partage également une un pantalon clouté et des mocassins sans chaussettes avec Doppio. Dans la plupart de ses apparitions, Diavolo a une posture légèrement voûtée en position debout.

Ses yeux sont uniques car ses iris sont "fragmentés", formant des taches et des éclats d'iris entiers avec un reflet de forme triangulaire. Cependant, alors que Bucciarati contrôle son corps, ses yeux deviennent normaux avec des reflets circulaires.

Son apparence diffère grandement lorsqu'il opère comme son alter-ego, Doppio. Diavolo rapetisse notamment, perd sa musculature, et Doppio à le visage d'un jeune garçon avec des taches de rousseur.


The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaGioGio (PS2)All-Star BattleEyes of HeavenAnime
Peau(Claire, rouge à lèvres noir)
Cheveux(Rose à taches rouge vin)
(Chemise en maille noire avec un pantalon violet et des bracelets, des chaussures et une ceinture marron.)
Peau(, rouge à lèvres rouge bordeau)
Cheveux(Rose à taches noires)
(Chemise en maille noire avec pantalon violet, bracelets et ceinture marron et chaussures kaki.)
Peau(, rouge à lèvres violet)
Cheveux(Rose à taches écarlates)
(Chemise en maille noire avec pantalon et chaussures indigo, bracelets verts et ceinture grise.)
Peau(, rouge à lèvres magenta)
Cheveux(Magenta à taches rouge sang)
(Chemise en maille noire avec pantalon et chaussures violets, bracelets vert olive et ceinture grise.)
Peau(, rouge à lèvres violet)
Cheveux(Rose à taches vertes)
(Chemise en maille noire avec pantalon violet, bracelets et ceinture verts et chaussures bleues.)


Le passe... quand bien même je pourrais le briser et l'enterrer dans la pierre, il reviendrait me hanter tout de même.
—Diavolo, Chapter 570: His Name is Diavolo, Part 2
Personne n'interagi directement avec le "Boss"

Le plus grand trait de caractère que Diavolo montre est son obsession à effacer toute trace de son histoire et à garder son identité secrète au monde, une contrainte qu'il essaie de satisfaire par tous les moyens. Comme il croit que les erreurs du passé ou simplement le passé lui-même sont quelque chose à vaincre et à détruire pour que les êtres humains grandissent, il est exceptionnellement anxieux à propos de son passé, le liant à la peur et craignant que quiconque l'apprenne. Même dans la hiérarchie déjà secrète de Passione, Diavolo va très loin pour cacher son identité et son visage, donnant des ordres par procuration ou par ordinateur afin que personne ne le rencontre jamais personnellement. Diavolo vit la plupart de sa vie dans l'ombre, et semble voyager perpétuellement à travers l'Italie caché derrière Doppio, sa double personnalité, et de dormir exclusivement dans des chambres d'hôtel. Cette compulsion à effacer son passé est également une allégorie de l'imperfection inhérente de King Crimson, en particulier la capacité d'Epitaph. Bien qu'il puisse voir dans l'avenir afin d'éviter toute erreur, la capacité du Stand de Diavolo ne peut pas effacer les malheurs de sa vie qui se sont déjà produits, le forçant à essayer de corriger ses erreurs par lui-même.

Diavolo protège violemment ses secrets

Diavolo va violemment pourchasser et à tuer ceux qui tentent de découvrir quelque se soit sur lui, ou sont simplement susceptibles de conduire ses ennemis vers lui, comme le montre sa volonté de tuer même sa propre famille si cela signifie garder son identité secrète (il tente d'assassiner sa fille, qui n'a même jamais rencontré Diavolo et ne savait que les choses que sa mère avait transmises). Cela est cependant partiellement justifié, car les membres de la famille de l'univers JoJo's Bizarre Adventure partagent un lien spirituel mystique, Diavolo et Trish étant en mesure de ressentir l'âme de l'autre et de savoir où se trouve l'autre. Néanmoins, Diavolo est suffisamment pragmatique pour ne pas juste tuer ) chaque fois qu'il est sur le point d'être découvert, notamment en utilisant son pouvoir pour confondre une femme de ménage de l'hôtel aussi longtemps qu'il doit effacer toute trace de sa présence. Dès qu'il apprend qu'un membre de Passione tente de l'enquêter, ils seront marqués comme traîtres et seront exécuté pour démontrer l'étendu de son pouvoir absolu et sa colère. Les plus notables sont Sorbet et Gelato, que Diavolo avait tués et dans le cas de Sorbet en particulier, coupé en morceaux et encadré dans du formol, puis livrés à La Squadra Esecuzioni comme avertissement du sort qui attend les traîtres potentiels. Diavolo s'obstine également à garder le secret, même vis-à-vis de Doppio, son subordonné et alter ego le plus fiable.

Sa fierté mise en jeu, Diavolo décide de combattre Giorno

Son deuxième trait de caractère le plus important est sa fierté et sa confiance en soi, d'abord en son King Crimson, puis en lui-même. Comme il pense que King Crimson le rend invincible parce qu'il lui permet de voir les "pièges" de l'avenir et de les éviter, et lui permet de manipuler le destin et la réalité en choisissant d'annuler des événements arbitrairement, il se vante à juste titre mais régulièrement du pouvoir de King Crimson. Diavolo affirme notamment que les actions de quiconque devant King Crimson sont vaines, ce qui est vrai dans une certaine mesure. De plus, Diavolo est intimement convaincu de sa supériorité innée sur l'humanité. Il utilise des épithètes telles que "Empereur" ou "Roi des rois", ou comme les autres principaux antagonistes de la série, et utiliser le préfixe Moi (この, kono) pour s'annoncer en signe de supériorité sur les autres.

Le parrain de la mafia ne doute pas qu'il est destiné à rester au sommet pour toujours. Cette fierté disproportionnée ne dérive pas seulement de son idée que les gens grandissent en défaisant leur passé (et par conséquent, il a grandi beaucoup en raison de ses tentatives constantes d'effacer son histoire), il a également la ferme conviction qu'il est béni par le destin; le passé de Diavolo a impliqué des circonstances extrêmement inhabituelles telles qu'une grossesse anormalement longue dans une prison entièrement réservée aux femmes, faisant de sa naissance rien de moins qu'un miracle, puis lui trouvant six flèches qui lui ont donné son Stand extraordinairement puissant ainsi que sa richesse énorme. Dans le prolongement de l'idée qu'il est béni par le destin, Diavolo se considère lui aussi extrêmement chanceux.

Il accepte volontiers toute difficulté comme un «test» qu'il devra surmonter pour prouver qu'il se tient au-dessus de tout le monde, et bien qu'il puisse être sujet à l'anxiété ou au désespoir, sa fierté l'emportera et il choisira constamment de faire face directement aux problèmex qu'il rencontrera. Cela l'amène à affronter de face Gold Experience Requiem, même s'il avait prévu la mort de Giorno Giovanna et n'avait aucune idée de ses nouveaux pouvoirs. Contre Requiem Diavolo, la confiance s'est effondrée lorsque celui-ci a contré ses capacités d'effacement et de prédiction du temps et l'a laissé impuissant. Quand il s'est retrouvé pris au piège dans une boucle de mort sans fin, incapable de faire quoi que ce soit, Diavolo a paniqué et sa dernière apparition dans l'histoire le montre effrayé par une petite fille. Sa fierté, sa confiance et, à des degrés divers, sa santé mentale étant complètement détruits par ses décès répétés.

Outre sa propre philosophie de vaincre le passé pour mûrir, Diavolo vit également selon une autre philosophie qui dicte que les résultats sont les seules choses qui comptent dans le monde. En tant que patron du crime décisif et affirmé, Diavolo n'hésite pas à s'impliquer directement dans des affaires problématiques si ces actions sont les voies les plus rapides et les plus faciles pour y mettre fin. La capacité de King Crimson est un écho de cela, et peut-être la source de cela, ne laissant que les résultats des situations, en particulier celles qu'il juge bon de garder. Il abuse du pouvoir de son Stand comme un moyen d'atteindre les conclusions les plus favorables à ses problèmes, et en même temps prouve sa philosophie à quiconque l'affronte. Diavolo aime aller au but : lors de sa rencontre avec Polnareff qu'il pensait avoir tué il y a des années, il ne fait que lui demander pourquoi il aurait une Flèche avant de l'attaquer à nouveau, plutôt que comment il appris son nom, ou même comment il a réussi à survivre après avoir été jeté d'une falaise dans des eaux rocheuses.

File:Sorbet cut up.png
Les punitions du Boss horrifient même d'autres gangsters

Pour Diavolo, maintenir la stabilité au sein de Passione est secondaire au maintien de son pouvoir et de son statut de patron. Cette mentalité finit par corrompre presque tout Néapolis, aggrave le problème de la drogue dans la ville, et amène Giorno Giovanna à se joindre au gang pour détrôner son Boss. Diavolo n'obtient l'obéissance de ses subordonnés que par la cupidité ou la peur, provoquant même la corruption de l'organisation en elle-même. Des membres se retournent les uns contre les autres et plusieurs personnes ont comploté contre lui. Diavolo est également impitoyable envers ceux qu'il considère comme des ennemis, en particulier les traîtres. Si quelqu'un essayait de s'approcher de son alter ego Doppio et de trop fouiner sur son passé, Diavolo les repoussera violemment. Par exemple, il a presque arraché l'œil du chauffeur de taxi qui a volé Doppio et l'a harcelé, et a carrément assassiné un diseur de bonne aventure qui a correctement deviné son histoire.

Diavolo a également démontré qu'il est incapable d'avoir de l'empathie et à comprendre les émotions et la morale des autres, en particulier les hommes justes, ainsi qu'une incapacité à interagir correctement avec quiconque, en grande partie à cause de sa fierté et de son côté antisocial. Lorsque Buccellati se révolte, Diavolo pense que Buccellati voulait simplement le renverser sans considérer que blesser sa propre fille avait rendu Buccellati furieux. Lorsqu'il interagit avec les autres, Diavolo agit plutôt avec respect pour ses adversaires et ses subordonnés s'ils sont obéissants et compétents. Il complimente Risotto et Bucciarati pour leur ingéniosité lors de leurs combats respectifs, et offre à Risotto une mort honorable. Il complimente aussi un diseur de bonne aventure capable de deviner avec précision son passé et lui a infligée une mort brutale mais indolore. Cependant, Diavolo est aussi dominateur et agressif, prenant ses pensées pour des vérités absolues et donne surtout des ordres à ses interlocuteur. Lorsqu'il est en colère, il est enclin à crier des insultes et à proférer des menaces de mort.

Diavolo tue Polnareff d'un coup de poing

Diavolo approche les combats avec la tête froide, ne les considérant que comme des tâches à accomplir pour maintenir sa suprématie. Diavolo favorise l'élimination rapide de ses victimes en utilisant son King Crimson pour les confondre et les tuer d'un seul coup. Comme avec Bucciarati, Diavolo (ou du moins son Stand) peut être amusé par les efforts futiles de ses adversaires, et se vante régulièrement de son invincibilité. Diavolo est pragmatique et aborde toujours la situation avec précaution, surtout lorsque Doppio est aux commandes et ne peut pas utiliser tout son pouvoir. Dans une situation désavantageuse, Diavolo est patient, sapant soigneusement l'ennemi avant d'utiliser une attaque critique, ce qui fait de lui un ennemi très dangereux au combat, indépendamment de l'effacement du temps de King Crimson.

Pendant sa jeunesse, l'adolescent nommé Diavolo a été décrit comme lent et timide, mais bien intentionné. Il a également exprimé son souhait de devenir marin et avait une petite amie Donatella, ils étaient suffisamment proches pour avoir un enfant ensemble. En raison du manque d'informations supplémentaires et du trouble de la personnalité alternative de Diavolo, on ne sait pas s'il s'agissait d'une façade ou s'il était vraiment comme ça auparavant. Quoi qu'il en soit, son obsession du secret et sa violence étaient déjà présents, ayant caché sa mère sous terre et ayant brûlé son village natal pour cacher simplement son passé.

Pour des raisons inconnues, Diavolo a gardé sa mère en vie coincée sous terre, et sa vieille petite amie Donatella, malgré sa volonté de tuer sa fille.

Pouvoirs et compétences

King Crimson anime.png


Main article: King Crimson

Diavolo's Stand is King Crimson, an extremely powerful Stand with tremendous physical strength and the ability to erase time up to a 10 seconds time frame as well as predict anything that happens over the following 10 seconds. Although it has some limitations, King Crimson renders him essentially invincible in a fight as he can either foresee and counter the enemy's actions or render them meaningless by erasing the timeframe in which they happen.


Double Personality

Doppio turning into Diavolo

Despite (likely) being human, Diavolo and Doppio share many minor abilities in changing their physical appearance. Doppio looks to be around 17 years of age and shorter than Bucciarati. However, while attacking that same man as Diavolo, he appeared to be a head taller, if not more, as well as being muscular. Furthermore, when Diavolo takes over, Doppio's freckles disappear and his voice deepens, and it may be possible that his hair can become longer or shorter than Doppio's. According to Diavolo, it takes him roughly 10 seconds to completely take over Doppio's body, but the transformation back to Doppio is instant.

While Doppio is in control, Diavolo has quite a few abilities, border-lining omniscience. He was able to tell that the taxi driver didn't see the picture of Donatella that Doppio was carrying, despite his subordinate's beliefs, and was later able to see the lurking Risotto. Diavolo also seems to be able to manipulate Doppio's memories, as Diavolo remembers everything and can see everything that happens to Doppio but not vice versa, although it's unknown how much of this is based off Doppio's possible poor memory.
Diavolo communicating with Doppio

Diavolo can communicate with Doppio through any kind of object while not in control, granting his subordinate the belief that his alter ego is another person all together. Although we haven't heard the quality of these "calls" yet and whether or not the objects alter the quality of Diavolo's voice, Doppio can always hear his alter ego's voice through the object. Doppio also, on occasion, forgets that he's been able to communicate with Diavolo, but he consistently has never realized he's been using a broken or non-phone object. These "phones" have ranged from ice cream to frogs, to cigarettes to toys, and of course Doppio always carries on him a broken or dismantled phone headset.

Soul Manipulation

Diavolo is for unknown reasons, exceptionally knowledgeable about souls and their mechanisms, and is also equally skilled at manipulating his own soul.

Diavolo shows uncommon knowledge about souls, for instance being able to tell the near dying Bucciarati's state and then correctly guess that he can only see souls. Knowing that souls of family members have the same "scent", Diavolo is able to grant a shard of his soul to Doppio to disguise himself as Trish's soul. Moreover, under Chariot Requiem's influence, Diavolo has been able to control in which body he could go, although he otherwise couldn't freely control it.

Although Diavolo could exert subtle control of his own soul, he remains subject to the powers of soul-manipulating Stands such as Chariot Requiem.

Spiritual Connection

As Trish Una's father, Diavolo has a spiritual connection to her. By instinct, he can sense that she is indeed his daughter and was able to feel that she was alive despite being informed that the plane she was on had crashed.


Diavolo's status as the Boss in the Passione hierarchy

Diavolo is a gifted tactician and is generally more intelligent than average.

As the proofs of Diavolo's abilities, the Boss has built a powerful gang with influence spreading across Italy in a matter of years. To avoid his enemies spying on him, Diavolo has proved to be imaginative in delivering his orders, using proxies, computers, dead drops, or even exploiting his subordinates' Stand abilities so only they could access the messages.

During a fight, Diavolo usually relies on his King Crimson's power and favors straightforward tactics like erasing time and positioning himself for a fatal strike. However, Diavolo has also shown to be rather observant, taking note of any event and keeping tabs on his enemies' abilities. He notably predicted that Giorno Giovanna's wit would become a real nuisance to his plans and treaded carefully with him. Diavolo also kept observing the apparently defeated Team Bucciarati from afar and managed to correctly analyze their state of mind and subsequently roughly guess their goals. Finally, Diavolo was the first and only one person to be observant enough to see the mechanisms of Chariot Requiem and guess its weak points, enabling him to disable the Stand effortlessly.

Diavolo has shown to be able of thinking on his feet, not panicking when he was chased by Bruno Bucciarati and Narancia Ghirga in a body deprived of hemoglobin and quickly using the surrounding fauna to replenish his blood. He also subsequently exploited this opportunity to assassinate Leone Abbacchio. Likewise in Rome, an accidental meeting with Bruno was exploited by him to approach Polnareff and assassinate him. Diavolo's arguably most effective tactic was during his confrontation against Risotto Nero, during which he exploited both the presence of Team Bucciarati, Risotto's own scalpels, and his own weakened state to manipulate Aerosmith into shooting only Risotto and turn the tables against the assassin.


You are the very definition of nauseating evil! You abuse the innocent and unknowing! All for your own personal benefit!
Bucciarati to Diavolo
  • With Alter Ego:
    • Diavolo to Doppio: Although in most cases it's self-preservation and survival (assuming killing Doppio would kill Diavolo, or vice versa), Diavolo seems to have a lot of affection for Doppio: he put Doppio in a very dangerous position of being the underboss instead of a usual subordinate, he often gave Doppio directions to being successful and even warned him to keep away from Nero and encouraged him to flee, and most peculiar of all, he has a habit of sometimes calling Doppio "[his] (cute) Doppio" with the more down-to-earth "watashi wa" pronoun.  Noticeably, when Chariot Requiem activates and Doppio is shot multiple times by Mista, Diavolo almost immediately destroys and impales Narancia on a gate, instantly killing him, and begins to attempt more murders - before it happened, Diavolo was perfectly hidden away and everyone assumed Diavolo was in Bucciarati's body. On the other hand, Diavolo doesn't spend a single thought for Doppio whom he left for dead in Bucciarati's body.
    • Doppio to Diavolo: While Doppio never learned the truth between themselves, he highly respects Diavolo and always called him "Boss" - though, whether or not Doppio knew Diavolo's name is unknown. Doppio also seems to be Diavolo's gopher, something he takes pride in considering how loyal he was to a point of stubbornness, and he seemed heed most of Diavolo's orders when he remembered them. According to Doppio himself before his death, Diavolo had told him that staying in Bucciarati's body would be dangerous and decided to move, leaving Doppio to his fate.
  • Donatella Una: Although it's unknown how their relationship went, outside of Diavolo refusing to give her a name and never talking about himself, it can be inferred that it was largely positive. He took a picture of Donatella and she kept it throughout the years (although Diavolo becomes enraged upon learning that it still exists). Interestingly enough, Diavolo also never attempted on Donatella's life despite his ruthlessness. Likewise, Donatella loved Diavolo and told her daughter good things about him (albeit all lies Diavolo said before hand), and it's known that as Donatella died from her illness, she wished to see her lover again.
  • Trish Una: It's inferred that Diavolo was never actually aware of Trish's existence until Donatella passed away and Squadra Esecuzioni begun looking for clues on their former employer's identity. Diavolo realizes that their bond of blood allows him to sense her presence (the bonds of family being a reoccurring supernatural force in the world of JoJo). Immediately realizing that she could sense him as well and jeopardize his anonymity, he set in motion a plan to kill her with his own hands and used Bucciarati's group as pawns to bring her to him without letting the traitors capture her. In the final battle, Diavolo disowns Trish, wishing she never had been born. When she stops him from getting the Arrow during the final battle, he responds by having King Crimson punch clean through her stomach in a final attempt to kill her. However, she would survive due to Bucciarati's interception. Afterward, Diavolo would at the very least thank Trish for giving him the courage to attack Giorno Giovanna, as she revealed to her allies that Diavolo was attempting to run away, tempering his pride.


Team Bucciarati

  • Giorno Giovanna: Giorno planned to take down Diavolo since the beginning due to Passione's corruption of Naples, which included an agenda of drug trafficking affecting even children. Because of this, Diavolo retaliated and made Giorno a high-priority target. The two became bitter enemies over the course of Part 5, with Diavolo having invoked Giorno's anger during their confrontation after the death of Narancia, and Giorno helping to rouse Team Bucciarati's betrayal. During the race for the Arrow, Giorno alone figured out that Diavolo was residing in one of the group's bodies, causing the Boss to realize that Giorno was his greatest threat. With Bucciarati's demise, Diavolo confirms that Giorno was in fact the more dangerous individual due to his cunning, as well as the fact that he had planned to usurp him the moment the boy entered Passione.
  • Bruno Bucciarati: Prior to meeting Giorno, Bucciarati was loyal to Diavolo, even though he was aware of the gang's involvement in the drug trafficking within Naples. Although Bucciarati initially had no power to take action, with urging from Giorno, he became determined to take the boss down as well. While this eventually led to Diavolo's killing him, Diavolo had declared his respect for Bucciarati, complimenting him on his prowess and valor.
  • Narancia Ghirga: Although not directly interacting with Narancia, he was a threat nonetheless once he turned traitor. After Chariot Requiem was activated and Doppio was shot by Mista, Diavolo retaliates by killing Narancia, whom had a radar capable of finding anyone attempting to attack Chariot Requiem.
  • Leone Abbacchio: Diavolo feared Abbacchio as he could easily find out whom Passione's Boss was with his powers. As such, Diavolo personally went back to Sardinia to intercept Abbacchio, and when given the opportunity, assassinated him while posing not only as Doppio, but also as a simple child playing soccer.
  • Guido Mista: While Diavolo lacks a connection with Mista, Mista on the other hand shares his teammates hatred and fear of the boss. Diavolo likewise regarded him as a threat just for betrayal. In the end, after the final battle with Diavolo, Mista was the last original member of Bucciarati's team before Giorno intact.
  • Pannacotta Fugo: Fugo, even with all the evidence given to him, was torn between swearing loyalty to Bucciarati or staying on Diavolo's good side. Understanding the extreme danger of betraying Passione and Diavolo, Fugo ultimately chose to remain on Diavolo's side. In a rejected story line, Fugo was also sent to kill his former friends, and if that was kept, Araki admits that Giorno would have needed to give the killing blow, which he felt would be too heartbreaking.


  • Jean Pierre Polnareff: Polnareff is one of Diavolo's many enemies, though Diavolo did not have any interest in Polnareff particularly. As soon as Diavolo found out Polnareff had been investigating him, he made a personal and brutal attempt to dispose of him, but unknowingly left him alive. During their second confrontation, Diavolo did not care much that Polnareff was still alive, nor that he knew his name, but rather wanted to know immediately why Polnareff would possess an Arrow, displaying a sense of urgency on the matter of his familiar foe. Nonetheless, Diavolo would, without much effort, successfully put an end to Polnareff once more, stepping on his neck in order to check his pulse and confirm his death. However, Diavolo did not know that Chariot Requiem would save its former master by preserving his soul in the body of the turtle Coco Jumbo.
  • Squadra Esecuzioni: Diavolo not only refused to give La Squadra a territory and higher pay, but when the first signs of betrayal started showing, also killed two of their members, one of whom was sectioned into 36 individual pieces, which were then mailed individually back to the group. It should be noted that it took La Squadra two years to form a retaliation plan, which Diavolo immediately found out about and retaliated against. Diavolo disdained these assassins, but came to respect their leader, Risotto Nero to a degree, considering him a worthy opponent and granting him the dubious "honor" of a painless death if he obeyed his command of restoring his iron level during their fight.
  • Cioccolata and Secco: As immoral Diavolo was, he considered both of them complete monsters and only kept them in his organization as part of his personal guard squad due to their powerful combination and individual abilities alike. On their part, Cioccolata and Secco only obeyed Diavolo because he let them torture people and planned to overthrow him eventually.

Chapitres/ Episodes

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Episodes in order of appearance


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  • Leave this place, Bruno Bucciarati... if you come out from behind that pillar... you will die.
    —Diavolo, Chapter 518: The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 1
  • This is the end of the line. So, why shouldn't I tell you..? What you have witnessed and laid hands upon was your own future self! The "you" of a few seconds past saw your future self. That is the ability of my King Crimson! I eradicated time and forced it to skip!
    —Diavolo introducing King Crimson, Chapter 519: The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 2
  • I shall not allow anyone, no matter who they may be, to threaten my everlasting climax. I will eradicate every last one of them.
    —Diavolo, Chapter 519: The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 2
  • I can forecast the trails left by your movements... the trails of your future actions. Within King Crimson's ability, time is erased from the world and none can remember the footprints they left during this time! The clouds in the sky do not realize they have been scattered by the winds! An extinguished flame is not aware of the moment it has been snuffed! It is only the results! Only the results that remain in this world! All the actions you take in a world where time is erased are meaningless! And I alone can react to these actions! I can see exactly how you will act! That is the ability of my King Crimson!
    —Diavolo explaining King Crimson, Chapter 520: The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 3
  • Even if you try to erase it, the past will always come back to lock true peace away from you.
    —Diavolo, Chapter 540: Spice Girl, Part 2
  • If anyone knows even the slightest fragment of my true nature!... They must not be allowed to live.
    —Diavolo, Chapter 541: Storm Warning in Sardinia Island!
  • Do you understand, Doppio!? I must crush my fear! Now is the time... I must overcome it right now! That is what it means to live!
    —Diavolo, Chapter 552: Pronto! On the Phone, Part 2
  • This is a trial... The trial of defeating my past... I accept it. In order to grow, we must defeat the mistakes of our past.
    —Diavolo, Chapter 570: His Name is Diavolo, Part 2
  • The past... even when you break it to pieces and emtomb it in stone, it crawls out like a worm.
    —Diavolo, Chapter 570: His Name is Diavolo, Part 2
  • Your grunts with your filthy abilities and your trifling intellects will neve be able to surpass King Crimson's forecasts... nor will you be able to circumvent them!
    —Diavolo, Chapter 583: Diavolo Surfaces, Part 4
  • I never predicted that anyone would be foolish enough to betray my gang, and I never imagined that anyone would discover my identity, ever. But, thanks to you, I have learned of this Arrow's true ability! This is a gift! A tribute that fate has given me for overcoming my past!
    —Diavolo, Chapter 583: Diavolo Surfaces, Part 4
  • Who once said that "we all are soldiers chosen by fate"? But.... the world has shown me one truth.... Fate granted me the ability to erase time and precognize. There is no mistaking it... that is an obvious truth... The fate that governs this world selected my King Crimson to stand upon the invincible apex. I am no soldier.
    —Diavolo, Chapter 585: King of Kings
  • I am the Emperor. What I see is to remain upon the climax.
    —Diavolo, Chapter 585: King of Kings
  • I, Diavolo, am the Emperor! This fact remains unchanged!
    —Diavolo, Chapter 585: King of Kings
  • Giorno Giovanna! I will not even allow you the time to lament your death!
    —Diavolo, Chapter 586: Gold Experience Requiem, Part 1
  • My ability stands upon the apex of reality!
    —Diavolo, Chapter 586: Gold Experience Requiem, Part 1
  • H... how many more times will I die!? Where will it come from next...? Wh...when will it strike next!? I... I...! Stay away from me!!!!
    —Diavolo, broken by Gold Experience Requiem, Chapter 588: Gold Experience Requiem, Part 3


  • Though never demonstrated, Diavolo can fluently speak Sardinian.[1]
  • Throughout the entirety of the battle against Chariot Requiem, Diavolo's soul takes the form of King Crimson, and speaks and emotes completely through it.
  • According to a Top 10 List published in Weekly Shonen Jump in 2000, Diavolo is Araki's second favorite antagonist and fourth favorite character overall.
  • Diavolo's voice actor in games developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment, Toshiyuki Morikawa, would later go on to also voice Yoshikage Kira/Sheer Heart Attack in the Part 4 TV Anime.


  1. Chapter 533: Notorious B.I.G. (1)


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