Death Thirteen
Death Thirteen is the stand of Mannish Boy, an antagonist featured in Part III: Stardust Crusaders.
Death Thirteen appears as a mix between a clown and the Grim Reaper holding a scythe. in place of a skull, it has a clown face with downwards curved eyes and an eerie smile. Its mouth never moves as it talks, though it can move its mouth and face independently. Outside of its head and arms, Death Thirteen has no physical body, meaning any attacks aimed at its clothing simply passes through the emptiness under its mantle. This gives him immunity to most of bodily attacks, even those launched by a stand, and efficiently takes the enemy by surprise. Death Thirteen is also an extremely unique stand, because it is controlled by an 11 month-old user. It represents the Tarot Card Death.
Master of Dreams: This ability actually comes in two parts. The first is when anything alive (human or otherwise) falls asleep near Mannish Boy, Death Thirteen's User. They are then drawn into Death Thirteen's dream world, which appears as a massive carnival, complete with Ferris wheels and roller coasters. Death Thirteen has full control in his dream world, sans the people who dream themselves into it. He is able to make death machines out of mechanical items, make objects out of nothing, or even trick a person into thinking they have summoned their stand, though this is actually Death Thirteen, as nothing besides those who are asleep can enter Death Thirteen's world.
If the victim dies in the dream world, he stays dead even in the real world, and any injuries the person receives are transferred to the real world as well. The corpse of anyone he kills stays where it was killed in the dream, becoming a part of it, and thus under Death Thirteen's control. If, by some miracle, the person manages to survive Death Thirteen's assault, they forget what happened when they wake up, and only remember once they return to Death Thirteen's world, making attacking his relatively weak user very hard to do. The only way someone may remember what happened in the dream world is if he sleeps with his stand active beforehand. Doing this the person is also able to summon the stand inside the dream, otherwise he is unable to do so.
- Death Thirteen's powers are similar to those of horror icon Freddy Krueger.
- Death Thirteen appears as a bonus boss in the Capcom arcade game, who can only be faced by the heroes if the player has attained a number of super combo victories and not lost a round.
- In the Monster Rancher games, there is a monster called Joker whose design is based on Death Thirteen.