Keicho Nijimura/fr

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< Keicho Nijimura
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Template:Character Info/fr

Imbécile... ! Mon plan se déroule exactement comme je l'avais annoncé !
—Keicho Nijimura, Chapter 280: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 7

Keicho Nijimura (虹村 形兆, Nijimura Keichō) est un antagoniste secondaire de la quatrième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Diamond is Unbreakable, apparaissant dans l'arc narratif "Le Frères Nijimura".

Keicho est le grand frère d'Okuyasu Nijimura. Dans l'espoir d'euthanasier son père Mansaku Nijimura, Keicho tire sur plusieurs habitants de la ville de Morioh avec la Flèche dans l'espoir d'obtenir un manieur de Stand qui saurait tuer son père. Keicho est lui-même un manieur de Stand et son Stand est l'armée miniature, Bad Company.


Keicho est un jeune homme de taille moyenne moyenne-haute, et une carrure plutôt standard. Il a une face aux traits marqués avec un menton fort et le visage plutôt angulaire, fronçant presque constamment les yeux.

Keicho a de longs cheveux coiffés en une colonne droite et au sommet plat, avec des cheveux un peu long à l'arrière comme un mulet, et une mèche rebelle devant. Il porte des boucles d'oreille en formes de flèches.

Keicho porte un uniforme scolaire sombre modifié et à double boutonnage. Sa blouse est marquée des mots "BAD CO." sur le col avec des plaquette métalliques; sur l'épaule droite il porte le kanji "兆" qui veut dire "un trillion", et son épaule gauche est marquée par la traduction romanisée "TRILLION", les manches étant aussi décorée d'une fine rayure claire finissant en flèche. Il porte aussi deux ceintures plutôt relâchées et un pantalon ample.


Les palettes changent souvent entre les médias. L'information ci-dessous ne devrait pas être considérée comme canonique.
Manga CouleurAnime
(Uniforme noir, accessoires dorés, ceintures et chaussures bleues)
(Uniforme noir, accessoires dorés, ceintures magenta et chaussures marons)


Comparé à son frère Okuyasu, Keicho est d'un naturel rationnel et calme. Les deux frères sont d'accord pour dire que Keicho est le cerveau de leur opération et est beaucoup plus intelligent que Okuyasu. Keicho est sans merci, car il est près à laisser son frère se faire tirer dessus s'il peut attaquer Josuke, et ne s'excuse pas d'ailleurs d'avoir blessé son frère, disant simplement que Okuyasu a été assez bête pour se mettre dans son champ de tir. Keicho exprime un certain darwinisme social, prétendant que les gens qui ne grandissent pas ne méritent pas de vivre. Il n'a aucun remord envers ceux qu'il a tué avec la Flèche (notamment il se fiche de ce qui pourrait arriver à Koichi), ni pour le fait qu'il donne à des criminels comme Anjuro Katagiri des pouvoirs fantastiques qu'ils abuseront. Il est assez impitoyable pour essayer d'utiliser Koichi comme otage et appât pour attirer Josuke dans un piège. Keicho est méthodique et aime faire les choses dans un certain ordre, comme il le dit. De plus, il aime l'ordre et a exprimé son agacement quand Josuke a ruiné sa parade militaire en détruisant quelques soldats de son Stand car ils n'étaient alors plus alignés parfaitement. Il méprise les gens bête, et dit que ceux qui ont un Stand mais ne le maîtrisent pas sont comme des personnes qui ont une moto puissantes mais conduisent mal.

Keicho réprimande souvent son petit frère et le regarde de haut à cause de la relative bêtise d'Okuyasu. Quand ils étaient plus jeune, on voit que Keicho était protecteur envers son frère quand leur père les battaient, et qu'il détestait son père. Cependant, il ressent tout de même une affection familiale pour lui, bien qu'elle soit un peu tordue. De fait, le père de Keicho avait été transformé en monstre difforme et stupide par le germe de chair de DIO, et Keicho voulait trouver un manieur de Stand qui pourrait le tuer pour le libérer de ce tourment. Même s'il était brutal et abusif envers Okuyasu, et dit même une fois qu'il le tuerait s'il se mettait en travers de son chemin, il a tout de même sauvé Okuyasu de Red Hot Chili Pepper au prix de sa vie, montrant qu'il aimait son frère en fin de compte, ce que reconnaissent Josuke et Okuyasu.

Pouvoir et Compétences


Main article: Bad Company

Le Stand de Keicho est Bad Company, une armée miniatures qui suit ses ordres à la lettre. Elle est composée d'une troupe de petits soldats avec des fusils, de tanks et même d'hélicoptères qui tirent des missiles.

Bad Company (バッド・カンパニー (極悪中隊))Link to this section
Puissance de feu militaire



La famille Nijimura

En 1987 environs, la mère de Keicho et d'Okuyasu mourut, ce qui fit entrer leur père dans la dépression. De plus, le Japon traversait une crise économique et la famille fut ruinée quand la compagnie de leur père fit faillite. Le père battait alors souvent ses enfants.

Cependant, deux ans plus tard, leur père commença à recevoir des enveloppes remplies d'argent et de bijoux. Plus tard, Keicho réalisa que son père travaillait pour DIO, ayant vendu son âme au vampire qui alors recherchait des manieurs de Stand.

DIO, however, distrusted Keicho's father and implanted a seed of his undead body within him. When Jotaro defeated DIO, the seed burst, causing their father to slowly mutate into a monstrous form, and later lost the ability to speak. In this form, Keicho's father would automatically and quickly heal any wounds inflicted upon him.

For many years afterward, Keicho searched for someone capable of killing his father - he had used his father's Bow and Arrow to shoot random people throughout Morioh in order to find someone with a Stand powerful enough to put his father out of his misery.

Among the people he shot are Yukako Yamagishi, Anjuro "Angelo" Katagiri, Rohan Kishibe, Tamami Kobayashi, Toshikazu Hazamada, and Akira Otoishi.

Diamond is Unbreakable

Les frères Nijimura

Koichi hit by an Arrow

Soon after Anjuro Katagiri is defeated, Josuke and Koichi pass near his house. When his brother Okuyasu antagonizes the pair as he slams his house's gate shut on Koichi, Keicho, hiding inside, uses the occasion to shoot Koichi with the Arrow. Okuyasu summons The Hand to attack Josuke but his Crazy Diamond manages to land a punch, causing Keicho to chastise his brother on his stupidity and tell him to fight seriously. While Josuke and Okuyasu fight, Keicho drags Koichi inside to retrieve his Arrow. Josuke, who's stunned Okuyasu, enters the house and meets Keicho face-to-face. When Keicho pulls the Arrow out of Koichi's throat, the act angers Josuke who is baited further inside the house. Keicho has deployed his Bad Company to attack from the dark, but Okuyasu barges in and unwittingly warns Josuke about the incoming attack. Josuke thus evades Bad Company's first shots while Okuyasu is hit. Keicho attacks again, forcing Josuke to retreat out of the house with Okuyasu.

Keicho uses the reprieve to drag Koichi into a room on the second floor to act as bait. However, Josuke has healed Okuyasu and to repay his debt, Okuyasu teleports Koichi near him so that he's safely retrieved. Using a lighter to see clearly, Josuke discovers Bad Company. Keicho uses his infantry to drive Josuke and Okuyasu into a room where his helicopters and tanks lie in ambush but Josuke is saved from being hurt by a shell when Koichi warns him about the tank. Keicho surrounds Josuke and Koichi with his Bad Company. When Josuke sends a couple of nails at him, Bad Company effortlessly shoots down the projectiles. Since Koichi has become a Stand User, Keicho is now interested in his ability tells him to summon his Stand. When Koichi takes too long, sends a green beret to stab Koichi in the neck. Panicking, Koichi summons an egg. The egg is underwhelming but Keicho's interest is piqued enough. He thus decides to finish off Josuke.

Keicho fights Josuke

Bad Company fires at Josuke who is pushed through a wall and into another room. Confident, Keicho thus announces his meticulous plan to disble Josuke's legs and then arms to make him unable to protect himself. Koichi wishes to intervene, but Keicho knocks him away. This spurs Josuke into action and Keicho unleashed an onslaught of bullets, shells and missiles at Josuke. Josuke slowly advances towards Keicho but steps on a strategically placed mine, taking out his leg. Keicho orders his helicopters to fire at Josuke and Crazy Diamond only manages to deflect some of them. Josuke is on the ground and immobilized. Keicho surrounds Josuke and fires in unison to finish off Josuke, but Josuke then reveals his plan: he's used Crazy Diamond on a pair of missiles to repair them and send them at Keicho, who's unable to defend himself because Bad Company is busy attacking Josuke. Keicho is hit by the missiles and is defeated.

Keicho is killed by Red Hot Chili Pepper

When Josuke and Koichi discover Keicho's father in the attic, he comes in and tearfully explains everything to them. When his father plays with chest again, Keicho kicks him in anger but Josuke uses Crazy Diamond on the chest, revealing that a family photo was torn down inside of it. The sight of the former Nijimura Family makes the father cry and everyone realizes that deep down, Keicho's father is still there. Josuke asks Keicho to relinquish the Arrow; Okuyasu also comes in to plead in favor of seeking a way to cure their father instead of trying to kill him. However, Keicho considers that they've gone too far to abandon and disown his brother. However, the Stand Red Hot Chili Pepper appears from an electrical outlet. Keicho punches his brother aside, leaving himself vulnerable to Red Hot Chili Pepper who punches through his chest, takes the Bow and Arrow, and drags Keicho into an electrical outlet. As his last words, Keicho chastises Okuyasu again. Keicho dies, and his corpse if last seen resting on power lines.

Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable

Keicho's spirit talks to Okuyasu

During the final battle with Yoshikage Kira, he appeared as a ghost to the near-dying Okuyasu, questioning where he wanted to go and thus, convincing him to live on.

Diamond is Unbreakable (film)

The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.
Keicho's role in the movie is similar to his role in the manga, but his death is different. As Akira is absent from the film, Keicho is suddenly killed by Yoshikage Kira after stopping Okuyasu from being blown up by Sheer Heart Attack.

Chapitres / Episodes

Book Icon.png Apparition dans le Manga
Chapitres (ordre chronologique)
TV Icon.png Apparitions dans l'Anime
Episodes (ordre chronologique)


Quote.png Citations
  • Using a Stand is like driving a car. No matter how fast the car is, one can only drive as fast as one is capable.
    —Keicho Nijimura, Chapter 275: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 2
  • Okuyasu, how many times have I told you? If you don't train your mind, your life will be worthless.
    —Keicho Nijimura, Chapter 272: Josuke Higashikata! Meets Angelo, Part 4
  • Everyone! Get in position! JoJo! Say hello to my Stand "Bad Company", the invincible army!
    —Keicho Nijimura, Chapter 278: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 5
  • My army is like a steel wall protecting me, anything that tries to attack me, they will destroy. Heh, no matter how mych you want to beat me, you can't. Your "Crazy Diamond" couldn't even tough my hair.
    —Keicho Nijimura, Chapter 279: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 6
  • My plans are on a level beyond your comprehension. Just you wait, in the end, it will all go according to my plan.
    —Keicho Nijimura, Chapter 280: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 7
  • My only wish is for my father to die like a normal human being. When I was a child, I swore that I would end his misery, and because of that, I have to protect this Bow and Arrow.
    —Keicho Nijimura, Chapter 281: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 8

Jeux Vidéo

Diamond Records (Android/iOS)

Keicho makes his game debut as a playable character in Diamond Records.

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Military Salvo ver.
Skill: Bad Company
Erases panels in a checkerboard pattern
Skill Lv 1
# of Erased Panels: 8
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 2
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 3
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 4
# of Erased Panels: 15
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 5
# of Erased Panels: 15
Cooldown: 50



