Daniel J. D'Arby/fr

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Template:Character Info/fr

Mon nom est D'Arby, D-A-R-B-Y. Il y a un apostrophe après le "D". (̺わたしの名はダービー。D.(ディー) A.(エイ) R.(アール) B.(ビー) Y(ワイ)D(ディー)の上にダッシュがつく。)
—D'Arby, Chapter 212: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 2

Daniel J. D'Arby (ダニエル・J・ダービー, Danieru Jei Dābī) est un antagoniste secondaire figurant dans la troisième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders, sépcifiqueemnt l'arc "D'Arby the Gambler".

D'Arby est un joueur et parieur invétéré mais de talent. C'est aussi un manieur de Stand et son Osiris vole les âmes d'autrui. Il est un membre des Egypt 9 Glory Gods et rencontre le Groupe Joestar au Caire dans un bar, et force les héros à parier leurs âmes dans une série de paris et de jeux. Il est le grand frère de Telence T. D'Arby.


D'Arby est un homme de taille supérieure à la moyenne et de constitution apparemment athlétique, cachée par ses vêtements amples.

Il a des cheveux sombres courts peignés vers l'arrière et une moustache fine. Ses joues sont couvertes par des stries horizontales espacées régulièrement et sa peau ici est grisée.

Il porte une chemise claire sous une veste arborant des motifs de spirales. Il porte un pantalon et des chaussures ordinaires.


The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaHeritage for the FutureOAVAnimeEyes of Heaven
Peau(Claire, taches grises)
Cheveux(Rouge, rose après défaite)
Tenue (haut)
(Gilet magenta avec spirales jaunes et dos beige, chemise de ville blanche, cravate violet foncé)
Tenue (bas)
(Pantalon de costume noir, chaussures grises)
Peau(Bronzé, taches grises)
(Magenta vest with yellow spirals, tie, and shoes, white dress shirt, grey pants)
Peau(Clair, taches grises)
Tenue (haut)
(Gilet sarcelle foncé avec spirales jaunes, chemise de ville blanche, cravate rouge)
Tenue (bas)
(Pantalon de costume noir, chaussures marron foncé)
Peau(Bronzé, taches grises)
Cheveux(Noirs, gris après défaite)
Tenue (haut)
(Gilet en velours avec spirales roses et dos gris, chemise de ville blanche, cravate rose)
Tenue (bas)(Ceinture en cuir marron, pantalon noir)
Peau(Claire, taches grises)
Tenue (haut)
(Gilet bordeaux avec spirales rose clair et dos gris, chemise blanche, cravate en velours)
Tenue (bas)(Pantalon noir, chaussures marron foncé)


Je pense que le jeu est la même chose que les relations sociales ... c'est un jeu de faux et de triche. Celui qui pleure le premier est le perdant.
—Daniel J. D'Arby, Chapter 212: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 2
D'Arby parle de son amour du jeu

Daniel J. D'Arby a une personnalité sournoise derrière une façade affable. Son trait de personnalité le plus marquant est son amour des paris. Il dit qu'il vit pour le frisson de jouer même s'il reconnaît que c'est une passion inutile. Son amour du jeu est complété par sa compulsion à tricher et il admet fièrement que la triche est l'une de ses plus grandes compétence. Par conséquent, il triche dès que possible et à chacun de ses jeux en se justifiant que tant qu'il n'est pas pris la main dans le sac, le jeu compte toujours.

L'addiction au jeu de D'Arby est tel qu'il peut se souvenir de parties de jeu spécifiques. De plus, il a développé une philosophie particulière centrée autour du jeu. Pour D'Arby, les relations sociales sont fondés sur la tromperie comme les paris. Selon lui, ceux qui sont assez stupides pour se faire tromper le méritent et n'ont pas le droit de ce plaindre, montrant un certain d'esprit darwiniste chez D'Arby. D'un autre côté, D'Arby accepte rapidement que Jotaro Kujo lui ait brisé le doigt car il s'est fait prendre à tricher au cartes et considérait sa blessure comme une punition pour avoir sous-estimé son ennemi.
D'Arby panique quand Jotaro Kujo lui demande le secret du Stand de DIO

D'Arby se considère comme le meilleur parieur au monde et a confiance en ses capacités de joueur, et en est très fier. Il est assez confiant pour se révéler après avoir volé l'âme de Polnareff et défie le groupe des héros en entier. Quand il considère que sa fierté est en jeu, D'Arby dit ouvertement qu'il ne se bat plus pour DIO mais pour sa fierté de joueur. D'Arby aime d'ailleur narguer ses opposants et les rabaisser dès qu'il gagne contre eux. Malgré sa confiance, D'Arby a perdu la raison lorsque la pression de devoir potentiellement révéler le pouvoir de The World dans une partie de poker s'est révélée trop grande. En effet, il était déjà déstabilisé par Jotaro et le risque d'être exécuté par DIO l'a rendu fou.

D'Arby est fier de son nom. Il prend l'effort de l'épeler durant son introduction et est offensé alors que Joseph Joestar se trompe sur son nom plusieurs fois. Ceci est à relativiser car pour un lectorat japonais, se tromper sur un nom est offensant. Sa colère a aussi pu être jouée pour induire Joseph en erreur.

Pouvoirs et compétences

Main article: Osiris

Le Stand de D'Arby est Osiris, lequel a le pouvoir de voler des âmes. Lorsqu'une cible qui parie son âme perd au jeu, son âme est affaiblie et Osiris peut aller la voler et transformer celle-ci en jeton de casino, tuant instantanément sa victime bien qu'il puisse restituer l'âme après.

D'Arby is understandably agile with cards

Jeu et triche: D'Arby est un joueur professionnel avec du flair pour la tromperie et la triche. Il est très fort aux jeux, n'importe lesquels et lui a confiance en sa capacité à tricher au nez et à la barbe de ses adversaires. Son jeu de prédilection est le poker. D'Arby a par exemple pu payer un bar entier pour l'aider à tricher contre le groupe Joestar, montrant une prédilection à planifier en avance. Mais il peut aussi penser à des moyens de tricher sur le coup lorsque Joseph le défie à son propre jeu.

Tour de passe-passe: D'Arby possède une motricité fine et un sens du toucher exceptionnel, ce qui lui permet de pratiquer la cardistry (l'art de manipuler des cartes de jeu). Il est agile et précis au point qu'il peut déterminer sur quelle page d'un livre il se trouve simplement en le touchant avec ses doigts, et peut mémoriser l'ordre des cartes dans un jeu en les touchant. Son agilité lui permet d'effectuer des tours de cartes dans le but de tricher et a tenté d'utiliser une technique de "second dealing" durant une partie de poker, un tour avancé au poker requérant une bonne manipulation des cartes.



D'Arby is a man who seems to have a predatory desire for tricking people into his seemingly innocuous games just to steal their souls with his Stand. He then begins goading the loser's friends and family to try winning back the soul, giving him even larger winnings. With this, he has collected several souls, including those of the Moor Family. He shares this interest in collecting souls with his younger brother, Telence, though D'Arby has no interest in keeping the souls conscious in captivity, instead of having them in a deep sleep inside his collection. In addition, his collection is meticulously detailed, with every soul's name listed, as well as area and date of capture.

At some point in the past, D'Arby had tried to hit on his brother's girlfriend, prompting Telence to savagely beat him up. D'Arby would never challenge Telence due to his ability to read minds.

Stardust Crusaders

D'Arby's initial appearance, asking the Stardust Crusaders that he knows where DIO's Mansion is

The Joestar group encounter D'Arby while searching Cairo for DIO's mansion. After asking around in a cafè he is sitting in, D'Arby tells them he knows the location of the mansion, but refuses to share the information for money. Instead, he tries to convince the group to try winning the information from him in games of chance. He first quickly sets up a game to see which one of two pieces of beef a nearby cat would take first. An impatient Polnareff accepts his bet, as well as the condition that Polnareff bets his soul in return, thinking it is all nonsense. D'Arby wins the bet and takes Polnareff's soul with his Stand, Osiris, as well as revealing himself to be one of DIO's men and the owner of the cat involved in the game.

Because of his Stand's nature, the Joestar group had to beat him at his own game to win back their friend's soul. Joseph tries outsmarting D'Arby in a game where they put coins in a glass of liquor until someone loses by causing the glass to spill over, but D'Arby turns out to be the better cheater thanks to a piece of melted chocolate under the glass.

Jotaro takes on D'Arby in a game of poker

Jotaro then challenges D'Arby at poker, which the gambler comments on is his strongest game. After Jotaro foils his attempt at second dealing by breaking his finger, D'Arby is visibly shaken and declares that he is no longer fighting for DIO, but for his pride as a gambler. He splits Polnareff's and Joseph's souls into five chips each for them to use. They then get a nearby boy to deal the cards for them. Jotaro loses with his pairs of eights and nines to D'Arby's queens and jacks. As it turns out, D'Arby has the entire café and "everyone within a stone's throw of it" on his payroll. He confidently tells himself that no matter who Jotaro picks to deal the cards, he will only get bad hands.

In the second round of the game, Jotaro refuses to look at his cards, saying he will play with the ones he has. D'Arby is disturbed, but dismisses Jotaro's decision as a cheap bluff. However, Jotaro then keeps D'Arby with his remaining "soul chips", as well as Avdol's and Kakyoin's souls, without a single twitch. This, along with Star Platinum fetching Jotaro a cigarette and a drink without D'Arby noticing at first. D'Arby's thus begins to wonder if Jotaro could have used his Star Platinum to cheat and switch the card. Despite his own four of a kind, kings, D'Arby is nervous about the outcome of the game.
D'Arby admits defeat
D'Arby decides to accept Jotaro's challenge and tries to call, but then Jotaro raises his mother's soul, demanding D'Arby meet his raise with information on DIO's Stand. This causes D'Arby to panic, knowing that if he were to tell, DIO would have him killed for betraying him. D'Arby tries to force himself to call Jotaro's bet, but he falls apart completely and becomes a hysteric mess, admitting defeat in his heart. Polnareff, Joseph and the hundreds of other souls D'Arby had collected over the years are freed from his collection.

After D'Arby's defeat, Jotaro mentions how strong of an opponent he was, and that they were lucky to defeat him as he could've beaten all four of them.

Chapters / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


Quote.png Citations
  • All right... we had a deal. Give it to me! Your soul.
    —Daniel J. D'Arby, Chapter 211: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 1
  • My name is D'Arby. D'-A-R-B-Y the "D" has an apostrophe.
    —Daniel J. D'Arby, Chapter 212: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 2
  • Cheating? Didn't you know? If you can't detect when someone is cheating, you can't detect failure. I think gambling is the same as social relations... it's a game of fakes and cheats. The one who cries first is the loser.
    —Daniel J. D'Arby, Chapter 212: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 2
  • My name is D'Arby! Not barbie! Not obi! D'Arby! Don't make that mistake again!
    —Daniel J. D'Arby, Chapter 213: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 3
  • Go ahead, Mr Joestar!
    —Daniel J. D'Arby, Stardust Crusaders Episode 34: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 1
  • Open the game!
    —Daniel J. D'Arby, Chapter 214: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 4
  • J'adore le jeu, tous les jeux. C'est une sorte d'obsession chez moi, voyez-vous. Le jeu est une telle passion que j'en ai fait mon métier, je suis un joueur professionnel. Ma raison de vivre, c'est de jouer.
  • -Si vous voulez bien passer à l'encaissement, je vous en serais reconnaissant.

    -De quoi? Payer? Mais quoi?

    -Me donner votre âme, cher adversaire malheureux. C'était bien l'enjeu de notre petit pari. Je suis propriétaire d'un Stand qui trouve les âmes à son goût. Grâce à mes petits paris, j'extrais les âmes des joueurs malheureux et mon Stand s'en empare plus facilement.
  • La tricherie au fond, qu'est ce que c'est ? C'est la vie, rien d'autre. Je considère que les paris sont à l'image de toutes les relations humaines, ils ne sont basés que sur le mensonge et la tromperie, tout comme la tricherie, d'ailleur.
  • [M. Moor] a appris, lui, qu'on ne joue pas impunément avec son âme, comme vous l'apprendrez vous aussi car maintenant, vous allez parier avec moi !
  • Tout pari comporte des risques, c'est d'ailleur tout l'intérêt d'un pari. Dites-vous simplement que vous prenez un risque supplémentaire en me croyant, monsieur. Ca rendra votre partie plus excitante.
  • La tricherie est une illusion subtile dont les ficelles sont invisibles pour les âmes naîves et crédules.
  • Eh bien, puisque tu sembles joueur, Jotaro, accroche-toi bien à tes cartes ! Parce que maintenant, on va vraiment jouer... Hein !? Quoi ?! Il a un jus d'orange !!!

Jeux Vidéo


Daniel J. D'Arby is encountered in a bar earlier in the story and challenges the player to pick out a certain tarot card. The other player characters lose and have their spirit taken (Represented by their mental points dropping to 1) but the last player character wins on the final turn, restoring their mental points and moving the story on.

D'Arby does not cheat all in said game and no explicit mention is made of his Stand, nor does he go insane after being beaten.

Cult Jump (GB)

D'Arby appears as one of the ten characters from the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure franchise who appears on the game.

Heritage for the Future (PS1/DC/Arcade)

D'Arby , along with his cat and his Stand, makes a cameo in the game's continue screen, asking if the player wishes to continue (In the English locale, he asks 'Continue?' while in Japanese, 'Game no tsuzukeru ka?'). If the player lets the timer run down, Osiris takes their soul away compressing it into a poker chip. In the updated game and HD rerelease, D'Arby appears on the main menu. When the player selects a mode or when they continue, D'Arby shouts his signature phrase, "GOOD!"

In the PSX version's Super Story Mode, D'Arby is encountered as a boss with three different minigames, all of them the same as the manga. the first two games are rigged as they were in the manga, so the player will always lose, but the Poker minigame allows the player to win once they unlock and choose the "Bluff" option.

However, if the player replays the minigames via the Boingo Book menu, this time the player can win said minigames to see optional different endings, and can also win the poker game legitimately by forcing D'Arby to run out of coins to bet with.

All Star Battle (PS3)

D'Arby appears in the game as the host of the game's Customize mode. His taglines are available for use in Player Cards as well. He also appears as a support character in Campaign mode. When he appears, he challenges the player to pick a card from a set of ten. 9 of them have D'Arby on them whilst one has Iggy on it. Getting a D'Arby card will give the player a support item for free whilst getting an Iggy will get the player nothing.

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

D'Arby appears in the game's Story Mode twice, both of which are in Morioh. His first appearance sees him taking the soul of Jotaro's future daughter, Jolyne Cujoh, in a game of heads-or-tails before Jotaro could stop it from happening, in an act of revenge for his previous humiliation by him. Jotaro then defeats D'Arby in a poker game, forcing him to relinquish Jolyne's soul before disappearing. He later reappears back in Morioh, now holding a Saint's Corpse Part thanks to Heaven Ascension DIO. Defeated by Jotaro once again, he gives his corpse part to Jotaro and tells him that the only other person who knows DIO's weakness is Enrico Pucci, before disappearing once again.

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

D'Arby (Older)
Gambler Wagering Souls ver.
Skill: Osiris
Replaces the character panels in a horizontal line with D'Arby panels without changing the type of panel. Enhanced panels would become enhanced D'Arby panels and boxes would become D'Arby boxes
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 6
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 10
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 10
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels: 14
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels: 14
Cooldown: 75



  • Araki created the character of D'Arby to have a showdown between a well-established cheater like Joseph and someone else who could be his equal.[1]
  • Although his relationship with his younger brother is questioned and somewhat unexplained, he once was savagely beaten by Telence T. D'Arby after he tried to steal Telence's girlfriend.
  • The coin game he plays against Joseph is inspired by the 1968 movie Farewell Friend / Adieu l'ami by Jean Hermin where it is used multiple times by Charles Bronson's character.
  • In the colored editions of the manga, the cards D'Arby uses resemble a pack of blue-colored Bee Club Special No. 92 playing cards. In the OVA however, actual blue Bee No. 92 playing cards are used, while other adaptations instead have him use red-diamond back cards with standard white borders of an unknown brand despite resembling red Bee Stringers cards.
    • The card box and security seal used for the anime/manga's deck is referenced and used for the Prize D'Arby Poker set sold at Ichiban Kuji, though the cards inside are different.
    • Also in the OVA, the chocolate bar D'Arby is eating is a Hershey's brand.
  • In the TV anime, the animation for his hand movements was motion captured from an actual magician.[2]
  • Curiously, despite his right hand's fingers still being intact, he still grabs and holds cards with his left hand in his reapparance in Eyes of Heaven.


  1. JOJOVELLER: STANDS - Comments by Hirohiko Araki[1]
  2. Age_seeker tweets (576720712435507200)


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