All-Star Battle R ★ Vanilla Ice

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One by one, my void will destroy each and every one of you.[2] (ひとりひとり、順番に順番に、このヴァニラ・アイスの暗黒空間にバラまいてやる)
ASBR Vanilla Ice title call.png

Vanilla Ice (ヴァニラ・アイス, Vanira Aisu) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]

His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.

The English localization of the game spells his name as "Cool Ice", the same name used in the original All-Star Battle.

Sho Hayami reprises his role as Vanilla Ice's voice actor from the Stardust Crusaders anime, replacing Hiroyuki Yoshino. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Vanilla Ice were either added or re-recorded.


Vanilla Ice has 950 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand Cream, dynamically changing his moveset in the process. In addition, as a vampire, Vanilla Ice has access to several moves that drain either health or Heart Heat Gauge from his opponent while restoring his own.

This section requires expansion.

Command List

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User Mode (本体)Stand Mode (スタンド)
Normals [Stand Off] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Vanilla Ice attacks outward with the back of his fist.

Attack type: High
Damage: 14

Standing Medium Attack
Vanilla Ice moves forward and kicks straight out.

Attack type: High
Damage: 23

Standing Heavy Attack
Vanilla Ice briefly summons Cream to grab at the opponent with both of its arms in a two hitting attack.

Attack type: High
Damage: 15 + 20 (35)

Crouching Light Attack
Vanilla Ice performs a crouching chop downwards.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 13

Crouching Medium Attack
Vanilla Ice shifts forward slightly and performs an uppercut.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 21

Crouching Heavy Attack
Vanilla Ice briefly summons Cream to swipe out with both of its arms. If it hits the opponent, they'll be knocked to the ground in a hard knockdown.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 34

Jumping Light Attack
Vanilla Ice briefly summons Cream to perform an aerial chop downwards.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 17

Jumping Medium Attack
Vanilla Ice briefly summons Cream to slap upwards with the back of its hand.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 26

Jumping Heavy Attack
Vanilla Ice briefly summons Cream to chop downward with both of its hands.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 32

Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand Off] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Stand ON/OFF (スタンドON/OFF)
Switches between User Mode and Stand Mode. Doing so will cause Vanilla Ice to summon or dismiss Cream, jumping into or out of its mouth as he does so and altering the attacks available to him. While in Stand Mode, the guard gauge will not regenerate.
You foul creature! (ド畜生がァーーーーーーッ)
This attack can only be used when the opponent is down. Vanilla Ice viciously kicks the downed opponent repeatedly, recreating his assault on an injured Iggy. If the attack happens to hit a standing opponent, they will be launched away into a hard knockdown by the final kick.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 5 × 6 + 10 (40)

Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード)
Activates below 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Vanilla Ice falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills [Stand Off] (コマンド技)
How dare you! (よくも!)
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Vanilla Ice moves forward a distance and delivers a fast rising uppercut in a classic "Shoryuken"-style maneuver. Like one, it knocks the opponent off their feet, and functions as a reversal and anti-air. The height the opponent is launched into the air and the hits, and therefore damage, dealt increases in ASBL.pngASBM.pngASBH.png order, but the greater the increase, the more vulnerable Vanilla Ice becomes. The distance forward he moves decreases in the same order. The ASBM.png and ASBH.png variants have invincibility during startup, with the ASBH.png variant having the longest period of invincibility between the two. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: ASBL.png 45 / ASBM.png 15 + 45 (60) / ASBH.png 15 × 2 + 45 (75)

This vicious arm! (悪いのはこの腕か!)
ASBDPad4.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Vanilla Ice summons Cream to deliver a variable number of chopping attacks while advancing forward. The number of chops increases in ASBL.pngASBM.pngASBH.png order, but the higher the number, the more vulnerable Vanilla Ice becomes. If the second chop of the ASBM.png variant hits, it will cause a groundbounce. If the third chop of the ASBH.png variant hits, it will cause the opponent to crumple to the ground. (Flash Cancel Comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: ASBL.png 45 / ASBM.png 15 + 45 (60) / ASBH.png 15 × 2 + 45 (70)

Lord DIO! (DIO……様)
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Vanilla Ice stabs his fingers into the opponent and drains their blood, dealing damage and healing Vanilla Ice for a small portion of health, before kicking them away. The amount of damage dealt and health regained increases in ASBL.pngASBM.pngASBH.png order, but so does the vulnerability.

This attack is similar to what DIO did to Joseph Joestar during his fight with Jotaro Kujo, but is something Vanilla Ice has never done himself, with the only other places it appears being All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven, other CyberConnect2 titles.

Attack type: Throw
Damage: ASBL.png 93 / ASBM.png 105 / ASBH.png 117

Now I've taken your legs! (まず足をうばった!)
Vanilla Ice summons Cream in its void form above him and sends it into the ground. It then comes back up in a moving assault before burrowing into the ground once more. All variants deplete a portion of the Stand Power Gauge (approximately a fifth) meaning that if the gauge is not sufficiently full, Vanilla Ice will be unable to use this skill. As Cream can damage the opponent upon its sudden initial appearance in the air, this skill can double as an anti-air attack. (Flash Cancel comboable)
The attack button inputted determines where Cream will appear from when coming back up out of the ground and what flight path it will take during its attack:
  • Light (ASBL.png): Cream reappears right in front of Vanilla Ice and moves backward towards him before disappearing back into the ground.
  • Medium (ASBM.png): Cream reappears at mid-range and shoots straight up, functioning as an anti-air before disappearing back into the ground.
  • Heavy (ASBH.png): Cream reappears at long-range and moves forward before disappearing back into the ground.

Attack type: High (first hit) Unblockable (reappearance)
Damage: 35 + 40 × 3 (155)

Throw (投げ技)
I swear I'll kill you! (必ず仕留めてやる)
2 ATK buttons near opponent or ASBT.png (ASBDPad4.png to back-throw) ON GROUND
Vanilla Ice lifts the opponent by the neck and holds them still as Cream is summoned in its void form to collide with them, sending them flying. When forward-throwing, Vanilla Ice will hold the opponent in front of him, but while back-throwing, he will hold them behind himself.

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 130

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
The great void rises! (暗黒空間にバラまいてやる)
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND
Vanilla Ice enters Cream as it flies forward with its arm outstretched. If it connects, Cream grabs the opponent and violently shoves them into its mouth before spitting them out, reminiscent of Vanilla Ice's devouring of Avdol's severed arms. If successful, Vanilla Ice's Stand Power Gauge will be completely refilled.

Attack type: Unblockable
Damage: 190

Ahhhhhhhhhh! The great void rises! (くわぁあああああああーー!! 暗黒空間にバラまいてやる)
Miasma of the Void (亜空の瘴気)
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 3 ATK Buttons or ASBG.png ON GROUND
Vanilla Ice enters Cream as it swallows itself and flies in a vertical circle with its void form. If it connects, Cream will knock the opponent off-balance. When they regain footing, they will have realized too late that the Stand's void form is carving an inescapable closing spiral on them. When the void reaches them, it viciously and mercilessly thrashes them into the air before a final upward hit sends them away (in the exact same fashion Vanilla Ice nearly consumed an injured Polnareff and his earring, as well as in the Capcom game).

Attack type: Unblockable
Damage: 340 / 407 / 510 (depending on HH gauge)

You cannot escape it! My mouth becomes a void... You'll be blown to bits! All too easy. (かわせはしない! わたしの口の中は暗黒の空間になっている……………… こなみじんになれッ! たわいもない…)
Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand On] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Stand On/Off (スタンドON/OFF, Sutando ON/OFF)
Switches between User Mode and Stand Mode. Doing so will cause Vanilla Ice to summon or dismiss Cream, jumping into or out of its mouth as he does so and altering the attacks available to him. While in Stand Mode, the guard gauge will not regenerate.
Stand Power Gauge (スタンドパワーゲージ)
Above Vanilla Ice's Heart Heat Gauge is another gauge with an icon of Cream next to it. This displays how much Stand power Vanilla Ice currently possess, and therefore how much he can use Cream to perform Unblockable attacks. Each Unblockable attack will deplete a portion of the gauge. Vanilla Ice will temporarily lose access to these attacks if he lacks the necessary Stand power to perform them. The gauge will slowly refill while Vanilla Ice is in User Mode.
If in Stand Mode, along with portions of the gauge being used by all of Cream's attacks, the gauge will also be reduced when Cream blocks or is hit by the opponent's attacks. When the gauge is completely depleted, Vanilla Ice will be forced back into User Mode, leaving him vulnerable while the animation plays.
Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード)
Activates below 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Vanilla Ice falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills [Stand On] (コマンド技)
Once and for all! (けりをつけてやる!)
Spending a one-fourth of the Stand Power Gauge, Cream swallows itself to switch into its moving void form and flies forward, dealing damage on-contact and knocking the opponent into the air. The directional button combined with attack button inputted alters Cream's path and speed.
  • Backwards (ASBDPad4.png): Cream travels slower.
    The grounded ASBL.png and ASBH.png and aerial ASBH.png and ASBM.png variants will cover less distance.
    The grounded ASBM.png and aerial ASBL.png variants will travel at a steeper angle.
  • Forwards (ASBDPad6.png): Cream travels faster.
    The grounded ASBL.png and ASBH.png and aerial ASBM.png and ASBH.png variants will travel farther.
    The grounded ASBM.png variant will travel forward before curving upwards.
    The aerial ASBL.png will travel at a less steep angle.

Attack Button:

  • Light (ASBL.png): Cream moves a short distance forward. This variant can be jumped over, but is more controlled when trying to juggle the opponent or approach with relative caution. It has the most tracking capability. If used in the air, Cream travels at a steep downward angle until it reaches the ground, where it travels forward a short distance.
  • Medium (ASBM.png): Cream moves upward at an angle, making this variation function as an anti-air. This variant can be avoided if the opponent is distant enough. Its tracking is slightly less than the Light variant. If used in the air, Cream travels downward at a 45° angle.
  • Heavy (ASBH.png): Cream rapidly moves forward a great distance. This variant is easily jumped over and is less controlled when trying to juggle the opponent, but is otherwise the most aggressive version of the attack. This variant has little to no tracking capabilities. If used in the air, Cream travels straight forward.

The attack can be freely re-inputted multiple times in succession to juggle the opponent or hit them multiple times in a single continuous motion. It grants invincibility while in effect, is unblockable, can be used in the air, and can hit a downed opponent, making it a great round ender as it can be difficult to deal with the attacks.

Attack type: Unblockable
Damage: 80

Assist System (アシストシステム)
Assault Assist (アサルトアシスト)
A one-stock assist. Vanilla Ice lands in and summons Cream, jumping into its mouth as he does so. Cream then swallows itself to turn into its void form and quickly moves a great distance forward, knocking the opponent into the air if hit. It then spits itself back up so Vanilla Ice can pop his head out to look around before swallowing itself again and disappearing.

Attack type: Unblockable
Damage: 80

Reversal Assist (リバーサルアシスト)
A two-stock assist. Vanilla Ice jumps into the opponent as Cream chops down at them with both of its arms to knock them away. Vanilla Ice then dismisses his Stand and poses before backflipping back off-screen.

Attack type: High

Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

User Mode (本体)Stand Mode (スタンド)
Normals [Stand Off] (通常技)
Standing Heavy Attack
Cream moves forward a greater distance than it did in All-Star Battle when it attacks.
Crouching Medium Attack
Vanilla Ice now shifts forward when uppercutting, giving this normal more range.
Jumping Heavy Attack
This attack hits only once now instead of twice.
Skills [Stand Off] (コマンド技)
How dare you!
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
The height the opponent gets knocked into the air increases as the strength of the attack button inputted increases now instead of staying the same across all variants. Instead of the distance Vanilla Ice moves forward increasing in ASBL.pngASBM.pngASBH.png order, it decreases, meaning that the ASBL.png variant moves the farthest now instead of the ASBH.png variant as well. Additionally, this skill has lost its ability to be Flash Canceled, but has gained invincibility on the ASBM.png and ASBH.png variants.
This vicious arm!
ASBDPad4.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
The number of chops Cream delivers now increases in ASBL.pngASBM.pngASBH.png order instead of always being three. This means that only the ASBH.png variant causes a crumple now as it is the third chop that does so. However, the ASBM.png variant now causes a groundbounce. To go along with these changes, the skill no longer has an increasing delay before Cream attacks based on the variant used. As such, this skill no longer has a guard point effect on the ASBM.png and ASBH.png variants. Furthermore, Cream now moves forward farther when attacking, but due to the changed number of chops per variant, this is less obvious with the ASBL.png variant.
Lord DIO
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
This skill is no longer a follow-up skill to "How dare you!" and "This vicious arm!", now being its own skill, specifically a command throw. Because of this, its input has changed. Previously it was ASBS.png during one of the aforementioned skills in place of ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png. This change also means that there are multiple variants of the skill now.
Now I've taken your legs!
This skill has less options than it did in All-Star Battle. There is no follow-up input required to change how Cream appears out of the ground. Instead, how Cream attacks after disappearing into the ground is now set based on which variant is used. Additionally, this skill now utilizes the Stand Power Gauge meaning that if the gauge is too low, this skill cannot be used. The trade-off is that this skill now deals significantly more damage (more than 1.5 times as much). Furthermore, this skill will no longer trigger counters. The translation of the name of this skill has also changed. Previously it was "Start with the legs!" instead of "Now I've taken your legs!".
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
The great void rises!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND
When Cream lunges forward, it moves a greater distance than it did in All-Star Battle. Instead of being considered a Throw, this HHA is now an Unblockable. This serves as a technical difference more than anything as it does not change the HHA's functionality. Also, this HHA is now a part of Vanilla Ice's Easy Beat Combo, though its inclusion is due to changes to "How dare you!" rather than the HHA itself.
Skills [Stand On] (コマンド技)
Once and for all!
Cream's attacks now use one-fourth of the Stand Power Gauge rather than one-fifth. These attacks will also no longer trigger counters.

Medal List

Costumes & Tints

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Normal Costume

Taunts & Victory Poses

Medal Taunt A.png Taunt A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 238: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 1 (Vanilla Ice)
Chapter 240: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 3 (Cream)

Medal Taunt B.png Taunt B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 242: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 5

Medal Taunt C.png Taunt C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 238: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 1

Medal Taunt D.png Taunt D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 242: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 5

Medal Taunt E.png Taunt E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 245: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 8

Victory ABCDE
Medal Victory A.png Victory A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 238: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 1

Medal Victory B.png Victory B
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 242: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 5

Medal Victory C.png Victory C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 241: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 4

Medal Victory D.png Victory D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 240: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 3

Medal Victory E.png Victory E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
ASBR Coins.png 450 G


Chapter 240: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 3


Vanilla Ice's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for ASBR Coins.png 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for ASBR Coins.png 300 G. Vanilla Ice's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for ASBR Coins.png 140 G.

Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag LinesMisc.
Quote.png Medal Speech.png Taunt Lines
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • You're powerless before me... (きさまはこのヴァニラ・アイスの前では無力だ…)
  • I'll kill the whole lot of you! (必ず仕留めてくれよう)
  • I have no time to waste on pain. (苦痛を意に介しているヒマもない…………)
  • This is a gift! (お受けとりください!)
  • Trying to slip away and hide in the confusion, hmm? (どさくさにまぎれて隠れたな…)
  • I swear I'll kill you! (必ずきさまを仕留めるッ!)
  • Alright! It's time to settle this once and for all! (ハァァァーーーッ、けりをつけてやる(・・・・・・・・))
  • Sorry to disturb your slumber... (お休み中、失礼いたします)
  • This much is certain: I will find you... and I will kill you. (確実に追いつめて倒す………確実に……)
  • It's no use... You won't get far on those legs. (無駄だ…その足で遠くには行けない……)
  • Oh where oh where could you be...? (さて、どこかな…?)
  • Better watch it! (お気をつけくださいッ!)
  • How dare you do this to me! (よりによってこのわたしに(・・・・・・・・・・・・)! よくもッ(・・・・))
  • I'll stomp the life out of you! (蹴り殺してやるッ!)
Quote.png Medal Speech.png Victory Lines
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • DIO... I trust that I have not let you down. (DIO……様。あなたの期待は、満たされるでしょう………)
  • Please leave this to me. (ここはわたくしにおまかせください)
  • My Stand is vastly superior in every way imaginable. (わたしのスタンドは圧倒的に おまえより(まさ)っているのだ…………………)
  • It's just as DIO said... Nobody can hurt me. (このヴァニラ・アイスにキズを負わすとは、 たしかにDIO様のいったとおりだ…)
  • Start with the legs! Prevents both sudden movements and escape! (まず足をうばった!  チョコマカと動いたり逃げたりできなくするためにな!)
  • You brought this on yourself! This is all your fault! (キサマが悪いんだ! キサマがッ!)
  • One by one, my void will destroy each and every one of you. (ひとりひとり、順番に順番に、 このヴァニラ・アイスの暗黒空間にバラまいてやる)
  • Another problem, huh? You know I'll solve it! (吹っ飛ばしてやったのだ。次はおまえだ……)
  • Looks like I've blown you away! (こなみじんになって死んだ(・・・・・・・・・・・・))
  • You're not worthy to face the great DIO! (DIO様が出るほどのことではございませぬ)
  • The real DIO would never come down from his room for a trifle such as this! (本物のDIO様がご自分の部屋から ここへ降りてこられるはずがない)
  • DIO told me that he believes in me, that he trusts me! (DIO様はこのわたしを信頼されて 「まかせる」とおっしゃったのだ!!)
  • I could have you sucked into a void in an instant, but it's better than you deserve! (暗黒空間にのみ込むのは一瞬だッ!  それでは(わたし)の怒りがおさまらんッ!)
  • I'll defeat them all for you... I swear it. (必ずや仕留めて…………ごらんに……………いれます)
  • You! You're the ones who enraged me so! (わたしを怒らせたのはキサマだッ!)
  • This blood isn't on your hands... (この血はおまえの手柄ではない…)
  • I may have been wounded, but it takes more than a few scratches to kill me... (傷は負ったが、わたしが死ぬにはまだ時間がかかる………)
Quote.png Medal Speech.png Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • One by one, my void will destroy each and every one of you. (ひとりひとり、順番に順番に、このヴァニラ・アイスの暗黒空間にバラまいてやる)
  • You damn mutt! How DARE you make me destroy something in Lord DIO's image! (よくも! このクソ犬がッ! わたしにDIO様の(・・・・・・・・・)姿()』を破壊させたな(・・・・・・)ああっーーッ!)
  • Not even I know where the void in my mouth leads... (わたしの口の中はどこに通じているのか自分でも知らぬが暗黒の空間になっている………………)
  • Polnareff, this blood isn't on your hands. It's on Avdol's! (ポルナレフ…この血はおまえの手柄ではない…アヴドゥルの手柄だ)
  • Mark my words! I'm going to kill Joestar and the rest! (ジョースターども3人をこれから()るッ! 必ず仕止めてくれよう)
  • Now do you understand?! Well, do you?! Do you?! DO YOU?! (思い知れッ! どうだッ! 思い知れッ! どうだッ! どうだッ!)
  • So sorry to disturb your slumber... (お休み中失礼いたします)
  • I'll defeat them all for you... I swear it. (必ずや仕止めて…………ごらんに…………いれます)
  • That does it! Time to settle this once and for all, Polnareff! (ハァァァーーーッ、けりをつけてやる(・・・・・・・・)! ポルナレフ!)
  • Bastaaaaaaard! (キサマなああんぞにィィィィィィーッ……)
Quote.png Misc.
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • Heh heh heh... (フフフ)
    —Round Win 1
  • Death to the intruders! (邪魔者は必ず仕留める)
    —Round Win 2

Special Interactions

  • When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Vanilla Ice's screaming expression mirrors his immediately prior to his destruction at Polnareff's hand.[3]
  • When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Vanilla Ice fully slumps over while clenching his fists, as he does when decapitating himself on DIO's orders.[4]
  • When summoned as an Assist by DIO, Vanilla Ice calls out his ally's name.


Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Vanilla Ice has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrance and victories when facing certain characters.

EntranceVictoryEnemy Taunts
Quote.png Match Entrance
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • Let's kick it one time... (こなみじんに吹き飛ばしてやる)
    —Default dialogue
  • My duty is to serve my one true lord, DIO! (DIO様のおそばに控えるのはわたしの役目だ!)
    —Vanilla Ice (Player 1)
    What a nuisance you are! I'll erase you from existence! (跡形もなく消してやる…キサマは邪魔だ…)
    —Vanilla Ice (Player 2)
  • My void will blow your puny little fire into oblivion! (炎だろうとなんだろうと…暗黒空間にふっ飛ばしてやる…)
    —Vanilla Ice
    Why-- you vile monster! I'll raze you to cinders! (くう…怪物めッ! 焼き払ってくれるッ!)
  • Polnareff, you can overcome much... But you won't overcome me. (ポルナレフ…は自分の生命危機や恐怖を克服した 精神力を持っている…………確実に追いつめて倒す………)
    —Vanilla Ice
    Come at me, you cur! I'll slice you up! (どっからでもこい! チクショオオオーーーーーッ!! ブッた切ってやるッ!)
  • C-Come at me if you dare! I'll chew you like a toy! (く…来るなら来い! ブチのめしてやる!)
    You lowly beast! You dare defy the great DIO?! I'll have your head! (犬畜生の分際でDIO様に歯向かうとは…許せん…)
    —Vanilla Ice
  • Ice... I wish to test The World's powers. Be my guinea pig! (アイスよ…ザ・ワールドの能力を試してみたい… 相手をしてくれないか…)
    As you wish, Lord DIO. (DIO様の意のままに…)
    —Vanilla Ice
  • Let's kick it one time... (こなみじんに吹き飛ばしてやる)
    —Vanilla Ice
    Okuyasu, right? Buddy of Josuke's? Your Stand power seems a lot like that guy's... (仗助のダチ、億泰だったか? 似てやがるな……あいつのスタンド能力とよ……)
Quote.png Victory
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • I am the one who serves the great DIO! Not you! (DIO様にお仕えするのはわたしだ! キサマではない!)
    —Vanilla Ice (Player 1)
    I alone have what it takes to be DIO's loyal servant! (わたしだけがDIO様に支配していただく資格を持っているのだ)
    —Vanilla Ice (Player 2)
  • What good is fire against the void?! (キサマの炎など暗黒空間の前には無力よ)
    —Vanilla Ice
    You'd have to get up pretty early in the morning to beat me! (不意打ちさえくらわなければ、貴様ごときには負けん!)
  • Your sword is but a child's toy in the eyes of my Stand... (わがスタンドの前にはキサマの剣など無意味だ…)
    —Vanilla Ice
    Your very soul is as empty as a void! (こいつの精神こそ暗黒空間だッ! こいつの心の中がバリバリ裂けるドス黒いクレバスだ!)
  • Now do you understand?! Well, do you?! Do you?! DO YOU?! (思い知れッ! どうだッ! 思い知れッ! どうだッ!)
    —Vanilla Ice
    What void? The only void I see is the one inside your skull, doofus! (暗黒空間だと? オマエの脳みそが空っぽってことか?)
  • Everything I do, I do for you, Lord DIO... (わが全ては…DIO様のために…)
    —Vanilla Ice
    You needn't die here... My blood will resurrect you. (死ぬ必要はない…………わたしの血で蘇えるがいい……………)
Quote.png Enemy Taunts
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • You're powerless before me... (きさまはこのヴァニラ・アイスの前では無力だ…)
    —Vanilla Ice, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
  • I must do something about that pompous hairstyle of yours! (思い上がった髪型は正さねばならん)
    —Vanilla Ice, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair

All-Star Battle Mode

All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Vanilla Ice as a combatant, in order of appearance.

Stardust Crusaders

Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
SCSymbol.png Vanilla Ice
Stage: DIO's Mansion
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
Special Conditions
Kars starts in Ultimate Thing mode. The opponent cannot guard. The player's defense is decreased.
Secret Missions
1. Win without losing a single round: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Land the "How dare you!" skill: ASBR 2D Art.png Cream Reference Sketch
3. Land the "Lord DIO!" skill: ASBR Tint.png Vanilla Ice Color Tint C
Entrance Dialogue
Kars: You're nothing more than food! You dare challenge Kars?
Vanilla Ice: "Ultimate Thing"? Sounds ridiculous.
Victory Dialogue
Vanilla Ice: You see? The ultimate being I recognize is Lord DIO and none other!
Defeat Dialogue
Kars: I never thought a vampire could be this strong... I may want to meet your master.
Boss Battle (★★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Clear three panels on the same page.
SCSymbol.png Vanilla Ice
SCSymbol.png Iggy (Assist)
Stage: DIO's Mansion
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
- ASBR Coins.png 1500 G
- Several JoJo Glossary entries[a]
- The ability to use Vanilla Ice in all battle arenas
Special Conditions
The player cannot guard. The player's Heart Heat Gauge continuously refills. The opponent's attack power is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Call an Assist: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Land the "Start packing for hell" skill: ASBR 2D Art.png Silver Chariot Publicity Artwork
3. Land the "You miserable cur!" skill: ASBR 3D Model.png Silver Chariot 3D Model
4. Land the "Kiss my sword!" skill: ASBR Costume.png Polnareff Special Outfit A
Entrance Dialogue
Polnareff: Vanilla Ice! Stop and listen!
Vanilla Ice: Polnareff! Let's settle this once and for all!
Victory Dialogue
Polnareff: You ain't quick and nimble, Vanilla Ice!
Defeat Dialogue
Vanilla Ice: Mark my words! I'm going to kill Joestar and the rest!

Diamond is Unbreakable

Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
SCSymbol.png Vanilla Ice
Stage: Kira Estate
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
Special Conditions
The opponent's health continuously refills. The player's attack power is increased. The player's Heart Heat Gauge continuously refills.
Secret Missions
1. Land the "I'll scrape you away!" skill: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Use a Great Heat Attack: ASBR 2D Art.png Cream Publicity Artwork
3. Land the "Gaoohhhn" skill: ASBR Tint.png Okuyasu Color Tint C
Entrance Dialogue
Vanilla Ice: Nothing can stop Cream!
Okuyasu: Cream? That's a pretty cute name for a Stand! You going for laughs here?
Victory Dialogue
Okuyasu: Yikes, a power that erases space? Sca-ry!
Defeat Dialogue
Vanilla Ice: You can move whatever you chip away... It seems your ability is a bit different from my void.




Vanilla Ice's theme is ASBR Music.png Miasma of the Void (亜空の瘴気, Akū no Shōki), and can be unlocked in-game by buying it from the Gallery Shop for ASBR Coins.png 1000 G.

Its name is taken from the title of the story arc that Vanilla Ice appears in, The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice.

JoJo Glossary

Unlock Condition: Win in the Jean Pierre Polnareff vs. Vanilla Ice All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
An antagonist from Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. His Stand is Cream. A devoted servant of DIO, who is willing to die for his master. In his fight with Polnareff, he kills both Iggy and Avdol before Polnareff realizes that he is a Vampire and exposes him to sunlight, killing him.[5]
Stand: Cream. A devoted servant of DIO who is willing to die for his master. In his fight with Polnareff, he kills both Iggy and Avdol before Polnareff realizes he's a vampire and kills him with sunlight.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Jean Pierre Polnareff vs. Vanilla Ice All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
Vanilla Ice's Stand. Its mouth becomes a void, and anything it swallows besides Vanilla Ice and the Stand itself is blown to oblivion and annihilated.
Cool Ice's Stand. Its mouth becomes a void, and anything it swallows besides Cool Ice and the Stand itself is blown to oblivion and annihilated.

Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

Stylish EvadesCut-insMisc. GameplayOther
Stylish Evade 12345
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Stylish Evade Pose 1
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Stylish Evade Pose 2
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Stylish Evade Pose 3
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Stylish Evade Pose 4
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Stylish Evade Pose 5
TalkingTauntedRumble Mode
ASBR VanillaIce Talking CutIn.png
Talking Cut-in

Chapter 238: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 1, page 6

ASBR VanillaIce Taunted CutIn.png
Taunted Cut-in

Chapter 242: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 5, page 8
(changed the position of the eyes)

ASBR VanillaIce Rumble CutIn.png
Rumble Mode Cut-in

Chapter 242: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 5, page 5
(added what speech bubble covers up and remove SFX)

Reference SketchStand Ref SketchMatch EntranceRound Win 1Round Win 2
ASBR 2D Art.png Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

Buy from Gallery Shop
ASBR Coins.png 1500 G


This section requires expansion.

ASBR 2D Art.png Cream Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Stardust Crusaders Vanilla Ice vs. Kars Extra Battle
ASBR Secret Mission.png Land the "How dare you!" skill


This section requires expansion.

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Match Entrance
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Round Win Pose 1
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Round Win Pose 2


Update History

Balance Changes Comparison
ArrowBuff.png Buffs
ArrowNerf.png Nerfs
ArrowChange.png Neutral


  • "This vicious arm!" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png Increased damage.
    • ArrowNerf.png Changed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed.
  • "Now I've taken your legs!" skill
    • ArrowNerf.png Increased amount of stand power gauge required for activation.
    • ArrowNerf.png Changed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed.


  • Wake-up
    • ArrowChange.png Unified wake-up behavior with other characters.
  • Standing Heavy Attack
    • ArrowChange.png Fixed bug where, if hit out of this attack, Vanilla Ice was constantly counter hit.
  • "Once and for all!" skill
    • ArrowNerf.png Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)


  • "Reversal Assist"
    • ArrowBuff.png Increased stocks from one to two.


  • Crouching Medium Attack
    • ArrowBuff.png Changed so that the attack now launches the opponent instead of causing normal hitstun.
  • "This vicious arm!" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png Increased the range of the ASBL.png variant.
    • ArrowBuff.png Decreased knockback.
  • "Once and for all!" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png This skill can now be activated even if there isn't the required amount of meter in the Stand Power Gauge.
      • This will result in the gauge being completely drained and the transformation to User Mode being forced after the skill executes.


  1. These include Anubis, Alessi, Vanilla Ice, Wilson Phillips, Emperor, Enya the Hag, Oingo & Boingo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Cameo, Cream, J. Geil, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Silver Chariot, Daniel J. D'Arby, Devo, Telence T. D'Arby, Nukesaku, Hermit Purple, Hierophant Green, Hanged Man, and Hol Horse.


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