J.Lo Zeppeli (ジャイロ・ツェペリ, Jairo Tseperi), il cui vero nome è Julius Caesar Zeppeli (ユーリウス・カイザー・ツェペリ, Yūriusu Kaizā Tseperi) è il deuteragonista della settima parte della serie de Le bizzarre avventure di JoJo, Steel Ball Run.
J.Lo è un maestro della Rotazione e un boia discendente dalla stirpe nobiliare del Regno di Napoli. Partecipa alla Steel Ball Run con l'intento di vincere l'amnistia per un bambino che altrimenti verrà presto giustiziato. L'arma iconica utilizzata da J.Lo sono le sue sfere di ferro, le quali sono in grado di produrre la Rotazione, grazie alle sue abilità dopo un po' di tempo riuscirà a sbloccare lo stand che porta all'invecchiamento, Ball Breaker
Gyro è un uomo di statura media e di corporatura atletica superiore alla media. Ha capelli simil-neri, occhi chiari, macchie quadrate di peli sul viso che gli rivestono la mascella, ed ( in alcune illustrazioni ), porta solitamente un rossetto. Solitamente indossa un'apparecchio o delle protesi ai denti con su scritto "GO! GO! ZEPPELI"
L'abbigliamento base di J.Lo consiste in un cappotto di pelle nera a maniche corte, pantaloni di pelle e stivali da cowboy. Indossa una cintura, indossa una cintura, la cui fibbia porta un paio di mani che indicano il suo inguine, e ai suoi fianchi un paio di fondine speciali per le sue palle d'acciaio. Indossa un cappello a tesa larga con alcune piccole spaccature che permettono alla luce di passare attraverso. Sopra il cappello porta degli occhiali a fessura. In base al meteo può indossare gli occhiali, oltre a una sciarpa.
The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaAll-Star BattleEyes of Heaven
Pelle(Pallida, Rossetto Verde)
(Maglietta viola scuro con dettagli verde, pantaloni e capello marrone chiaro .)
Pelle(Pallida, Rossetto azzurri)
Occhi(Blu acciaio)
(Maglietta viola scuro con accessori verde acqua, pantaloni e cappello cachi.)
Pelle(Pallida, Rossetto lime)
(Camicia indaco con accessori bronzo, pantaloni blu e cappello ciano.)
Quel ragazzo... Prenderò il posto di mio padre che ha messo l'orgoglio in prima linea. Questo lavoro è il mio dovere... E non cambierà mai...
J.Lo è un boia arrogante e fiammeggiante segnato dalla durezza della vita, che partecipa alla Steel Ball Run per proteggere un giovane.
J.Lo dice a Diego di togliersi dai piedi.
J.Lo si presenta come un partecipante molto aggressivo della Steel Ball Run. A differenza degli altri partecipanti, Gyro cerca di raggiungere la prima posizione a tutti i costi,[4] correndo rapidamente in testa e respingendo chiunque gli si avvicini.[5][6] Ha anche la tendenza di prendere scorciatoie pericolose.[7][8] J.Lo è volgare, deride e insulta la maggior parte delle persone che incontra. Non trattiene le parole neanche col suo amico Johnny Joestar, spesso si arrabbia e discute con lui. Johnny è riuscito a fare una buona impressione su Gyro solo dimostrando la sua caparbietà,[9] infatti al loro primo incontro Johnny non viene preso sul serio ma guardato dall'alto in basso.[10] L’unica persona per la quale J.Lo ha avuto del rispetto è stata suo padre, Gregorio Zeppeli, molto rigido. L’eccessiva sicurezza di Gyro viene dimostrata anche negli scontri, dove è sempre pronto a prendere in giro i suoi nemici in qualche modo. Per esempio, insulta il “ridicolo” cappello di Mountain Tim senza farsi problemi.[11]
J.Lo va particolarmente fiero della sua abilità nella Rotazione, una tecnica tramandata nella sua famiglia che prevede la rotazione e il lancio di Sfere di Ferro, con vari effetti, esalta la Rotazione come apice dell’abilità umana,[12] questo orgoglio è giustificato dato che sarà proprio il potere della Rotazione a sconfiggere D4C Love Train.[13] Tuttavia, si dimostra riluttante ad insegnarla, insegnando a Johnny le basi della Rotazione e ad introdurlo al Rettangolo Aureo solo quando saranno messi in pericolo da un nemico.[14]
Come boia e uomo altamente conflittuale, J.Lo non si fa scrupoli ad usare la violenza, anche in modo letale. Tuttavia, Gyro non ha la spietatezza di Johnny ed inizialmente tende a non uccidere i suoi nemici a meno che non lo ritenga necessario. In particolare, J.Lo provò a scoraggiare un ladro dal combattere contro di lui, e usò le Sfere di Ferro solo per far sì che se il ladro avrebbe provato a sparargli, il colpo si sarebbe invece rivolto contro quest’ultimo.[15]
Johnny ricorda J.Lo con affetto.
J.Lo possiede comunque un lato altruista, e gli piace aiutare chiunque abbia bisogno di lui, come Johnny, paraplegico, al quale ha insegnato la tecnica della Rotazione e lo ha aiutato a recuperare il Corpo del Santo, oppure Marco, il bambino indifeso con la condanna a morte che Gyro prova a far ritirare vincendo la Steel Ball Run. Questo lato di Gyro spesso va contro la figura di Gregorio Zeppeli, che nella vita disapprova ogni manifestazione di sentimenti, e che ha sfidato per l’ultima volta andando in America.[16]
J.Lo cerca la sua "Strada di Luce"
Johnny all’inizio disse che J.Lo non aveva la spinta e la determinazione necessarie a concludere qualcosa. Questo perché Gyro aveva ereditato tutto ciò che aveva tramite la sua famiglia di alta classe sociale, compresa la tecnica della Rotazione, non aveva quindi quel tipo di fame nata dalla sofferenza, cruciale nella gara.[17] A dimostrazione di ciò, J.Lo inizialmente gareggiava per un genuino altruismo nei confronti di Marco, e si affidava prevalentemente a trucchi e stratagemmi per prevalere nella gara. Durante lo scontro con Ringo Roadagain cambiarono le sue motivazioni originali ad un obbiettivo più personale, un percorso per far capire a sé stesso se Marco si meritava la pena di morte e chi esattamente fosse il Corpo.[18] Dopo questo evento, Gyro passò ad un comportamento leggermente meno arrogante, e si concentrò seriamente nella sua battaglia. Nella corsa di cavalli, Gyro adottò uno stile tutto suo, scegliendo istintivamente il suo percorso, invece di scegliere "il percorso più corto", riuscendo così a superare Diego nella gara.[19]
J.Lo canta la sua canzone del formaggio.
Fuori dal combattimento, J.Lo continua ad avere una personalità molto eccentrica. Ha un debole per le gag, usando continuamente giochi di parole, freddure,[20] scenette che sfidano ogni logica,[21] racconta spesso a Johnny battute all’improvviso e ha anche creato una canzone sulla mozzarella, cantandola a Johnny rimane molto felice che sia apprezzata.[22] Gli piace anche fare gesti e citazioni romantiche, sostenendo per esempio che la Dea della Vittoria fosse a cavallo insieme a lui e che avrebbe ritirato i favori nei suoi confronti se solo avesse lasciato salire un’altra donna a cavallo. Contrariamente a Johnny, Gyro sorride frequentemente, facendo vedere i suoi denti di metallo.[23] Il solo fatto che abbia fatto incidere la scritta "Go! Go! Zeppeli" è abbastanza per far capire la sua natura ostentatrice.[23] J.Lo porta con sé un orsetto rosa, ne è così affezionato da tenerlo durante la Steel Ball Run,[24] anche se ad un certo punto lo lascerà. Tuttavia, seguendo l'esempio di suo padre, Gyro può essere serio e rispettoso soprattutto parlando della tecnica degli Zeppeli.
Molto influenzato dagli insegnamenti del padre sulle incertezze della vita, usando la metafora della "pallina da tennis sopra la rete", quando la pallina da tennis colpisce la rete si alza in aria, ed è impossibile sapere da che lato cadrà, Gyro ha una sorta di visione ottimistica della vita, ed è convinto che può superare ogni ostacolo, anche se per farlo è necessario un miracolo, fin quando seguirà il sentiero giusto. Ciò nonostante, seguendo il pensiero della " pallina da tennis sopra la rete ", Gyro è consapevole che il fallimento sia una possibilità.[25] Questa ideologia viene in qualche modo ripetutamente sostenuta da numerose coincidenze che lo aiutano o lo ostacolano nel corso del suo viaggio, arrivando a Marco che viene liberato senza il suo intervento ma morirà poco dopo a causa di un raffreddore.[26]
J.Lo invita due bellissime donne a bere.
J.Lo è un donnaiolo, un flashback racconta di una relazione con una paziente[27] e viene visto flirtare con delle ragazze carine.[28] Dall’altra parte però, la prima volta che Gyro e Johnny incontrano Lucy, si rifiuta di farla salire a cavallo dicendo "Ho promesso che nessuna ragazza sarebbe salita sul mio cavallo". Spiegherà dopo che "La Dea della Vittoria" sarebbe gelosa se facesse salire "un’altra donna" a cavallo con lui.[29]
J.Lo ha alcuni tic vocali. Per esempio, una peculiare risata "Nyo-ho-ho!"[23] e di solito grida "ORA!" quando scaglia una Sfera di Ferro in combattimento, reminiscenza del Verso degli Stand appartenuti agli scorsi Joestar. Alla fine, dopo la morte di Gyro, Johnny ne adotta il grido di battaglia per la raffica di Tusk ACT4.
The Zeppeli family's Spin technique, usually applied with special Steel Balls, is a versatile skill Gyro has trained in since his youth. Gyro equips himself with two Steel Balls as a means of self-defense, attack, and general strategic advantage.
Throwing his Steel Balls with the Spin, Gyro may create a variety of impressive trajectories, able even to have them return directly to him, mainly after successful contact with his target.
On impact with flesh, spiral ripples often appear. Gyro may apply a wide range of effects to human or animal targets, including muscular, nerve, and bone manipulation, and the forceful wringing of flesh to drain water.
Gyro explains that although used by his family for execution, the Spin was not developed for destructive ends, and is in many ways equally suitable in medical treatment.
The tentatively named Scan (スキャン, Sukyan) is an ability that Gyro temporarily awakens to after possessing the Corpse's right eye. The word TURBŌ is inscribed on Gyro's iris, behind it a diagonally oriented cross; with a cross pattée emerging from the bottom-outside of his eye, on his cheek, to begin with. A single eye appears within each of Gyro's active Steel Balls, staring outwards, also marked on the iris.
When Scan is active, the ability places eyes representing those of the Corpse in each of Gyro's active Steel Balls. These enhance Gyro's aptitude for the Spin, and his vision as surrogate eyes (enabling him to see remotely when Hot Pants blinds him with Cream Starter); as well as allowing him to see through people's bodies as though by X-ray, permitting him to calculate for better targeting.
Gyro relinquishes this ability when he gives his eye to Lucy Steel.
The complete guardian of the Corpse's eyes appears as a largely insentient, robotic humanoid figure. When Gyro departs this figure, it is divided, missing its left arm, leg, upper "eye" and the left plate of the two originally framing its head. A similar figure is seen once more when Gyro uses Scan, growing from his Steel Ball, in his battle against Ringo Roadagain.[30]
Ball Breaker manifests when Gyro finally achieves the "Golden Spin". The stand is a visualization of Spin energy unleashed from Gyro's steel balls, the sheer power of the technique manifesting itself into the form of a Stand.[1] Ball Breaker embodies a vast force capable of bypassing dimensional barriers.[31]
Gyro is an experienced and capable equestrian, competent enough to ride across many types of terrain and be a serious competitor in the Steel Ball Run race. His ability as a rider reached a new level after he entered a "real man's world" in his fight against Ringo Roadagain and he became able to instinctively choose the optimal path for his horse, an ability that seems on par with Diego Brando's own ability. His riding style can be summed up as aggressive; Gyro seeks to remain at the first place constantly, and takes dangerous shortcuts when he deems it necessary. When another rider challenges him, Gyro will actively try to get rid of him. His beloved horse is named Valkyrie. Gyro is also knowledgeable about horses, particularly Valkyrie, whose abilities and limits he can gauge at any moment.
Medicine, Surgery and Anatomy: Trained by his father, Gregorio Zeppeli, Gyro is an accomplished surgeon, being able to make surgical operations on his own. This training also includes intimate knowledge of the human body Gyro uses in conjunction with the Spin in combat.
Intelligence: Gyro is an adept tactician, being able to hold his own against several Stand users and outsmarting them in several occasions. Gyro has been shown to be able to use his surroundings, or even the enemy's own power to his advantage. Gyro is a worldly individual, possessing a range of knowledge, including in tracking, opera, paleontology, and mathematics.
Gregorio Zeppeli: As Gyro's father, he was the only person to ever command respect and obedience to him. Their relationship was probably cold due to Gregorio wishing to throw away sentimentality from his life, thus never had a compliment for his son, nor did he give him gifts and send him letters. However Gregorio was still Gyro's Spin teacher and direct superior as surgeon and executioner, thus has authority over him, although Gyro still disobeyed him behind his back.
Johnny Joestar: Gyro and Johnny are friends and partners in the Steel Ball Run and also master and apprentice in the art of the Spin. At first Johnny's determination got Gyro's interest, causing him to help him figuring out how to mount his Slow Dancer and start the race. After the first stage, Johnny wins the respect of Gyro, thus Gyro decides to teach him the Spin and they become partners for the rest of the race. As the stages progress their friendship grows. Despite their opposing personalities, causing regular clashes as to how to take on a difficult situation, Gyro and Johnny ultimately get along well and share many moments of friendship, culminating in them telling each personal secrets. Gyro notably likes to jest with Johnny and tells him bad jokes or miscellaneous songs that Johnny frequently pretends to appreciate. Due to their regular battles, Gyro and Johnny fight well together, and see each other as valuable allies. Their friendship is such that any one is ready to put himself in danger for the other, and Johnny notably abandoned his Corpse Parts to save Gyro's life, and has cried multiple times for him. When Gyro died, Johnny was completely devastated and Valentine exploited that bond to promise Johnny that another Gyro would walk this universe. Gyro's ghost salutes Johnny one last time and the latter would bring back his corpse to the Zeppeli family. Gyro's continuous support helped Johnny get out of his depression and enabled him to begin anew.
Lucy Steel: Gyro and Lucy became allies, but Gyro had a cold attitude toward her, refusing her request of helping her and her husband and instead suggesting that she risked her life trying to steal the Heart from Valentine. Gyro nonetheless acknowledged her bravery and resourcefulness and entrusted the Right Eye with her, later asking Wekapipo to save her from Valentine.
Wekapipo: Despite meeting in the Steel Ball Run race as long-standing enemies, Gyro and Wekapipo have a certain respect of each other's ability as both are proficient Spin users. Gyro revealed to Wekapipo that his sister was alive and well, having saved her life once. This revelation earned Gyro Wekapipo's help during the search for the Corpse Parts.
Mountain Tim: Gyro only saw Tim as a rival in the Steel Ball Run race, deriding his hat when he first saw Tim. However, both come to see as allies during the fights against the Boomboom Family and Oyecomova.
Diego Brando: Gyro and Diego are bitter rivals, as both repeatedly tried to outdo each other in the Steel Ball Run. Gyro thinks of Diego as the greatest threat for his goal of finishing first in the race and never ceases to antagonize or insult him. Diego won't hesitate to kill Gyro, but Gyro's moral code stops him from doing the same, and he only wishes to beat him up.
Hot Pants: As one of the competitors in the Steel Ball Run race and a rival in the search for the Saint Corpse Parts, Gyro views Hot Pants poorly. Their first meeting consisted of Hot Pants attacking Gyro for wrong reasons, and Gyro never let up his antagonistic behavior after that, regularly insulting the horse rider and once stealing her food. Later on, Gyro remains in the dark about Hot Pants's true identity, while Johnny was able to forge a more understanding and sympathetic relationship.
Sandman: Gyro and Sandman are rivals in the Steel Ball Run race, but initially act friendly with each other. Sandman bore no ill will against Gyro and repaid being made winner of the first stage in Gyro's stead with critical information during the fourth stage. However, the next time they meet, Sandman now worked with Valentine and tried to force Gyro and Johnny to give their Corpse Parts, going as far as trying to kill them. Nonetheless, Sandman was merely indifferent to what he saw as the struggle between white men.
Pocoloco: Gyro thinks of Pocoloco as a dangerous rival and mistakes the latter's luck as talent, while Pocoloco sees Gyro as a mere stepping stone in the race.
Boomboom Family: Gyro was initially cold and cautious to Andre Boomboom, and he was later proven right to act in such a way as Andre, along with his brother and father, attacked. Gyro thinks the whole family as idiots, though holds regard for their dangerous Stand abilities.
Oyecomova: Oyecomova was an Italian assassin who attempted kill Gyro, Tim and Johnny, only to be defeated by their respective Stand powers.
Ringo Roadagain: Ringo and Gyro were mortal enemies during their encounter. Ringo looked down on Gyro for being a "follower" but was impressed by his sudden growth, acknowledging his will during his last moments. Gyro returned the animosity and begrudging respect for the gunman.
Funny Valentine: Valentine was Gyro's enemy in the search to obtain the Corpse Parts.
Do you know the leading causes of death? The first is a sickness carried by mosquitos. The second is getting kicked by a horse and dying. Do you plan on changing the ranking?
Lesson 3! When we were camped out you said you spun the cork! It's the same with the bullet! Toss it! Belive in the Spin! The power of rotaion is limitless! Trust in that!
That boy... I will take the place of my father who has put his pride in the family line. This job is my duty... and that will never change... It hasn't in the past and it won't change from here on. But I just want consent! I want to make this duty the pride of my heart! Guilty or innocent! There needs to be consent! Pride and honor cannot exist without consent! I will put my life on the line for pride and honor. Isn't there a way? Not all laws are justice! I cannot agree with putting that boy to death!
No matter how powerful these Saint Corpse Parts are, their power won’t tell you how to become rich, or tell you how to make chicks happy… or set free a person sentenced to death.
If I may, father… sentimentalism…? That’s not it. Plus, that bastard, he thinks I’m a conformist? Fuck that… big-headed asshole talking big, is he? I just want to understand. Does Marco really have to be executed. What the hell is the identity of the Corpse that Johnny wants to find? My path to understanding is the ultimate priority! Or else, I’ll never be able to move forward! Nowhere! Not even the path to the future! I won’t be able to pursue it! That’s why I joined the Steel Ball Run race! I can see it! I’m beginning to see it, father! I’m getting the sensation of victory!
This isn’t just about victory in the race! We need to beat him down shitless! We need to beat him so bad that he won’t want to challenge us again for 100 years! Waiting for mistakes is for cowards!
Johnny. Maybe I still can’t beat that something I’m fighting against. Like Dio, or people that I even faced yet. Whatever that something is… a true man’s world, huh. It’s gonna be tough.
« I don’t have my Steel Balls “ this, and “you can’t win with your nail bullets” that… Are you underestimating my rotations? Are you looking down on the 250 years of the Zeppeli Family’s history? What I’ve taught you is still just the basics!
Spin your bullets in the golden ratio! Then, you should have the ability to harness the power of infinity… the Zeppelis have always strived for that power…
'Lunedi', Monday! 'L-U-N-E-D-I'! 'Martedi', Tuesday! 'M-A-R-T-E-D-I'! 'Me...' What was it again?! I forgot! Ahahahahaha! What was it? What was it? Ehehehehehe! Um, what was it again? Eeeeeeeeehehehehehe! I completely forgot! Aaahahahahahaha! 'Domenica', Sunday.
I’ll tell you (and only you) my real name. “Gyro” is a pet name, or rather a nickname. My real name is “Julius Caesar Zeppeli” My father gave it to me… even my younger brothers don’t know that name… you’d better not tell anyone.
The Golden Rectangle, Johnny. Got it? What kind of energy does the rotation gained from the horse have? No one knows. One’s even seen it, that Spin. “Can I really do something like that myself?” If you’re thinking that right now, then know that the only way is with the Golden Rectangle. Make your horse run with that form. If we can obtain that rotational energy from the horse… It can only be with the horse in the form of the golden rectangle. Make the horse run in a way the horse itself thinks is good… like how a horse feels happy naturally running on the grass… like you’re thanking the horse itself for being born and coming to be here in this world under the sky. That is the time it will make the Golden Rectangle. Then we’ll definitely be able to win.
Johnny! Lesson 5!... yeah… I’m sure that’s what we’re on now. The next one’s lesson 5! I always tried to take the fastest shortcut in this Steel Ball Run race, but, “the shortest route was a detour. It was the detour that was our shortest path”. It’s been true the whole time we’ve been crossing this continent. And because of you, we were able to take that route.
If that’s how it is… I’m okay with it… my real name… you promised, right…? Don’t tell anybody. See ya… take care. (そうゆう事なら…そうゆう事でいいんだ…オレの本名は…約束したよな………誰にも言うなよ。じゃあな…………元気でな。)
Araki personally liked the Jonathan-Zeppeli relationship from Phantom Blood and wanted to retell it again for a longer coming-of-age story. He chose to make Johnny and Gyro around the same age so they could be less formal and more friendly than their original counterparts. Gyro's random jokes and Johnny's trivial use of his spinning nails were included to reflect this concept.
Gyro was able to see Stands before he achieved one of his own. He is the first and so far only Zeppeli to have a Stand.
In the Italian edition of SBR, Gyro's name is written as "J.Lo", in a reference to American-Latino singer Jennifer Lopez. This is also a slight pun on the fact that the pronunciations of "Gyro" and "J.Lo" in Japanese are almost identical.
In the French edition of SBR, Gyro's name is written as "Jayro".
Giro means "Rotation/Spin" in Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Gyro is currently the only Zeppeli killed by the main villain.
Although, in the Phantom Blood film, Will Zeppeli's death is changed and he is instead killed similarly to Dire by Dio.
Gyro sometimes uses the words "Ora" and "Yare Yare Daze", similar to Jotaro Kujo.