All-Star Battle R ★ Lisa Lisa

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Just try and lay a hand on me. I'll make you pay for it with your life![2] 抱きしめるというのならためしてみなさい。後悔しながら死んでもいいならね
ASBR Lisa Lisa title call.png

Lisa Lisa (リサリサ, Risa Risa) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R in the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]

Unlike in the original All-Star Battle, the English localization of All-Star Battle R refers to her as "Lisa Lisa (Elizabeth)" for unknown reasons.

As Lisa Lisa's voice actress in both the Battle Tendency anime and the original All-Star Battle, Atsuko Tanaka reprises her role in the remaster. As with the majority of the game's roster, Lisa Lisa's voice lines were either added or re-recorded.


Lisa Lisa has 900 health and uses the Ripple (波紋, Hamon) Battle Style, which allows her to use the "Ripple Breathing" special to charge her Heart Heat Gauge. She can also draw from her Heart Heat Gauge in order to perform Ripple-enhanced versions of her various skills, increasing their power and utility.

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Command List

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Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

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Medal List

Costumes & Tints

Medal Costume.png Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Lisa Lisa's Battle Tendency battle outfit


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Quote.png Medal Speech.png Taunt Lines
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • You picked a bad time to test me! わたしは今きげんが悪い
  • Where did I go wrong? なにを勘ちがいしているの?
  • Luck? What luck...? 運? 運ではない…
  • What are you doing?! 何をしているのですッ!?
  • Your training has already begun... 修業はすでに始まっているのです…
  • I'll bet the Red Stone on it! わたしは「赤石(せきせき)」を賭けるッ!
  • I'll fight to the very end! このまま決戦を挑むまで!
  • Using your own weaknesses to your advantage? How clever of you! 自分のマイナスを逆に利用するなど抜け目のない奴!
  • I'm going to make your ugly mug even uglier! きさまの顔が気にくわん! 今から痛メツケテヤル!
  • You're an expert at cheating! Not sure if I should praise you for that or not, though. どうしようもない天才イカサマ師ということね。 ほめていいのかどーかわからないけど
  • That's the way it goes... しょうがないわ
  • Ha ha ha ha! フフフフ
  • You're still on your feet? あなたの体力ももう限界じゃあなかったの
  • The Red Stone dies with me. わたしを殺したら「赤石(せきせき)」は永遠に手にはいらないわよ
  • There's no time for talk. ゆっくり話していられないようだけど
  • Nothing more to discuss. 話はおしまいのようよ…
  • My, how clever of you! なんてぬけ目のない…

Quote.png Medal Speech.png Victory Lines
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • My life will not be in vain! やわな人生は送っていない!
  • It will all be clear! これでスッキリするわ!
  • Give me all you've got! 死ぬほど感動してちょうだい
  • Protect the Red Stone at all costs! これからわたしたちはヤツらに「赤石(せきせき)」を渡さないために かなり汚れたこともあえてやらなくてはならないッ!
  • You can't cut it?! Tell it to someone who cares! ころんでもただで起きないタイプの人間はよくばり(・・・・)もゆるされるわね
  • I'll never let them get their hands on the Red Stone! これが絶対にヤツらには渡してはならない「赤石(せきせき)」。 これを守るのが(わたくし)の使命!
  • A crystal forged by nature without even a hint of impurity! Super Aja! これが一点の曇りもない自然の生んだ奇跡の完全結晶! スーパーエイジャ!!
  • JoJo... ………ジョジョ…………
  • I don't know my own strength. わたしにもなにがあるかわからないもの(・・・・・・・・・・・・・)
  • That was good! Great, even! よし! それでいいっ! それがBEST!
  • Pass my trial or get out of my sight. この試練をのりこえなくてはここにとどまる資格なし
  • Inhale for 10 minutes! Exhale for 10 minutes! 10分間息をすいつづけて10分間はきつづけなさいッ!
  • Three Ripple warriors have died protecting the Red Stone, and yet, we protect it still. 波紋の戦士たちはこの赤石(せきせき)をめぐり攻防をくり返し、3人に 滅ぼされはしましたが、からくもこのスーパー・エイジャは守られ わたしが〝守りの使命〟を続けているのです
  • I don't know how to feel at times, but ultimately, fate is what it is. 複雑な気持ちがしますけど、しかたのない運命だったのでしょう
  • You... You weren't poised to fight... You had no intention of exposing yourself to harm... どうりで殺気が……ないはず…… 自分で闘う意志は最初からなかった…のね

Quote.png Medal Speech.png Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • If you want to reach your full potential in just one month, you'd better be prepared to die! ひと月で一人前の実力になるには『死の覚悟』が必要なり!
  • Just try and lay a hand on me. I'll make you pay for it with your life! 抱きしめるというのならためしてみなさい。後悔しながら死んでもいいならね
  • You picked a bad time to test me! わたしは今きげんが悪い
  • I'm going to make your ugly mug even uglier! きさまの顔が気にくわん! 今から痛メツケテヤル!
  • Using your own weaknesses to your advantage? How clever of you! 自分のマイナスを逆に利用するなど抜け目のない奴!
  • That was good! Great, even! それでいいっ! それがBEST!
  • What am I to make of all this? My opponents get stranger by the day! わたしってどうしてこう…ヘンな相手ばかり寄ってくるのでしょう…
  • I will not live a life so in vain that it invites pity from children! たかが20歳前の小僧からいたわられるほどやわな人生は送っていない!
  • Indigo Blue Overdrive! 藍 色 の 波 紋 疾 走(インディゴブルーオーバードライブ)
  • We must win! A draw is as good as a loss! われわれは勝たなくてはならないッ! 引き分けはないッ

Special Interactions

  • When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack or Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Lisa Lisa closes her eyes and covers her mouth with her hand, as she does when grieving over Caesar's death.[3]


Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Lisa Lisa has unique interaction dialogue for both her match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

Quote.png Match Entrance
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • I must accomplish my mission. わたしは自分の使命を守り通さなければならない
    —Default dialogue
  • Now this is a surprise... 驚いたわね…どうなっているのかしら
    —Lisa Lisa (Player 1)
    Hmph, what a nuisance. フー、めんどうくさいわ
    —Lisa Lisa (Player 2)
  • I'm not teaching you Ripple for your own sake... I do it so you can defeat them! わたしはあなたの命を助けるために 「波紋法」を教えるのではない。 ヤツらを倒す戦士を作るために教える!
    —Lisa Lisa
    Don't think I'll go easy! Beauties like you only add fuel to my fire! ゆるせねえ! 美人なだけになおさら怒りがこみあげるぜ!
  • You can grow stronger still. あなたはもっと強くなる可能性を秘めている…
    —Lisa Lisa
    Spar with me! お手合わせ願います!
  • It will all be clear. Who will survive? The Pillar Men or humankind? これでスッキリするわ!  生き残るのが「柱の闇の一族」か、わたしたち人間か!
    —Lisa Lisa
    Don't think I'll go easy on a woman. I'll beat you as I would any Ripple user! 女とは思わん…波紋戦士として叩き潰す!
  • Come at me, woman! I'll make your pretty little face simmer like a stew! 来い、女! その顔をグツグツのシチューにしてやろう…
    Is it hot in here, or is it just me? あなた…少し熱苦しいわ…
    —Lisa Lisa
  • You're no woman in my eyes. I'm coming at you with everything I've got! もうおまえを女とは思わん。 このカーズ全能力をそそぎこんでたおしてやる
    This sensation... Kars?! Are you above or below?! Show yourself! カーズのこの気配は!? 上からくるようでいて下からくるようでもある!!
    —Lisa Lisa
  • Just try and lay a hand on me. I'll make you pay for it with your life. 抱きしめるというのならためしてみなさい。 後悔しながら死んでもいいならね
    Ain't no one in the world love the ladies as much as Hol Horse! おれは世界一女にはやさしい男なんだ

Quote.png Victory
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • Guess you and I are only the same on the outside! 似ているのは外見だけか
    —Lisa Lisa (Player 1)
    Your scarf lacks elegance! あなたのマフラーにはしなやかさが足りない
    —Lisa Lisa (Player 2)
  • I've prepared quite a workout for you. Now give me everything you've got. 修業のメニューはたっぷり用意してるわ…… 死ぬほど感動してちょうだい
    —Lisa Lisa
    Man or woman, I have no mercy! 女だろうがようしゃはしねえ!
  • You mustn't lose control of your Ripple Breathing! Calm yourself and focus! 波紋の呼吸を乱してはいけない! 息を整えなさい!
    —Lisa Lisa
    Thanks for the training! ご指導、ありがとうございました!
  • Return to the wind... 風に還りなさい…
    —Lisa Lisa
    You're as composed and perceptive as they come! An unparalleled Ripple warrior! 女にして冷静なる判断力! 洞察力! 超一級の波紋戦士…!
  • You're not even hot enough to burn this scarf! そんな熱ではマフラー一枚燃やすこともできないわ…
    —Lisa Lisa
    Amazing! So you're Lisa Lisa... Your Ripple is like nothing I've seen before! リサリサと言ったな… 感服したぞ! まぎれもなく最強の波紋使い…!
  • It appears that your kind is equal in neither status nor strength! あなたたちの身分と強さは一致していないのね…
    —Lisa Lisa
    Fool! You think you're going to stop ME with some silly scarf?! マフラー如きで渡り合えると思ったのか? バカがァ~
  • What am I to make of all this? My opponents get stranger by the day! わたしってどうしてこう… 変な相手ばかり寄ってくるのでしょう……
    —Lisa Lisa
    I love you, now and FOREVER! 愛しているぜ! 永遠(フォーエバー)にな!

Quote.png Enemy Taunts
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • You picked a bad time to test me! わたしは今きげんが悪い
    —Lisa Lisa, responding to Joseph Joestar's prediction
  • What dreadful hair! その髪型、最悪ね…
    —Lisa Lisa, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair

All-Star Battle Mode

All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Lisa Lisa as a combatant, in order of appearance.

Battle Tendency

Normal Battle (★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
BTSymbol.png Lisa Lisa
Stage: Battlefield
Completion Bonus
ASBR Coins.png 700 G
Special Conditions
The player's defense is decreased. The opponent's Assist attack power is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Win without losing a single round: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Land a Stylish Evade: ASBR 2D Art.png Caesar Publicity Artwork
3. Land the "Snake Muffler" skill: ASBR Music.png Lisa Lisa's Theme
Entrance Dialogue
Joseph: Now, how should I pick on you? Heh heh heh!
Lisa Lisa: I will not live a life so in vain that it invites pity from children!
Victory Dialogue
Lisa Lisa: I've always wanted to test that amazing talent of yours...
Defeat Dialogue
Joseph: Just how old are you, really?!
Normal Battle (★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
BTSymbol.png Lisa Lisa
Stage: Battlefield
Completion Bonus
ASBR Coins.png 700 G
Special Conditions
The player's Heart Heat Gauge only fills by using "Ripple Breathing." The player's defense is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Use the "Ripple Breathing" style: ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
2. Use a Heart Heat Attack: ASBR 2D Art.png Lisa Lisa Publicity Artwork
3. Land the "Snake Muffler" skill: ASBR Music.png Kars's Theme
Entrance Dialogue
Kars: You Ripple users like to fight fair, huh? Then let's settle this fair and square.
Lisa Lisa: How can you possibly fight if you aren't even prepared to kill me?!
Victory Dialogue
Lisa Lisa: This scarf was woven from Satiporoja Beetle-thread, which can fully conduct Ripple energy! It's a radar, too!
Defeat Dialogue
Kars: I don't care what method I have to use... Victory is everything!
Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Stage: Battlefield
Completion Bonus
ASBR Coins.png 1000 G
Special Conditions
Secret Missions
1. Win without losing a single round: ASBR Coins.png 1000 Gauge
2. Down your opponent: ASBR 2D Art.png Lisa Lisa Reference Sketch
3. Land a Great Heat Attack: ASBR Tint.png Lisa Lisa Color Tint C
Entrance Dialogue
Speedwagon: Hey lady, you've got some nice clothes on you! Allow me to take them off your hands!
Lisa Lisa: You're... Speedwagon?!
Victory Dialogue
Lisa Lisa: Why do you look like that? Don't tell me you used the Stone Mask?!
Defeat Dialogue
Speedwagon: That flashy red jewel of yours is nothing but a huge "kick me" sign!




Lisa Lisa's theme is ASBR Music.png Lisa Lisa (LISA LISA, Risa Risa), and can be unlocked in-game by landing the "Snake Muffler" skill in All-Star Battle Mode's Lisa Lisa vs. Joseph Joestar Normal Battle.

It is named after Lisa Lisa's alias itself, her birth name being Elizabeth Joestar.

JoJo Glossary

Unlock Condition: Win in the Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli vs. Wamuu All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle

She trains Caesar and Joseph in the ways of Hamon. Joseph's true mother, she falls victim to Kars's deception, but is saved by Joseph. Later, she moves to the US, where she marries a Hollywood screenwriter.

Unlock Condition: Unlocked by default

A technique whereby the energy of life is accumulated in the practitioner's blood through special breathing techniques. In the East, it is known as Sendo. This "life energy" is much like waves of sunlight, and harms both Vampires and Pillar Men.

A technique whereby the energy of life is accumulated in the practitioner's blood by breathing in a special way. In the East, it is known as Sendo. This "life energy" is much like rays of sunlight, and harms vampires and Pillar Men.

Unlock Condition: Win in the Joseph Joestar vs. Kars All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle

A red gem that traps light inside itself before being able to be fired like a laser. Once owned by a Roman emperor, this so-called "Super Aja" grants the Pillar Men the ability to become Ultimate Things.

A red gem that traps light inside it before firing it like a laser. Once owned by a Roman Emperor, this so-called "Super Aja" grants the Pillar Men the ability to become the "Ultimate Thing."


Art & Misc. Moveset Callbacks


Update History

Balance Changes Comparison
ArrowBuff.png Buffs
ArrowNerf.png Nerfs
ArrowChange.png Neutral


  • "Get away." skill
    • ArrowNerf.png Increased recovery time.
    • ArrowBuff.png Increased hitback amount.


  • "Get away." skill
    • ArrowChange.png Fixed hitbox when airborne.
  • "Ripple Breathing"
    • ArrowBuff.png Unified the recovery time, which was longer than other characters' Ripple Breathing.
    • ArrowBuff.png Increased the speed at which the Heart Heat Gauge fills up.


  • "Super Aja" HHA
    • ArrowChange.png Fixed the timing of the attack.


  • Standing Heavy Attack
    • ArrowBuff.png Increased amount of time hitbox is present.
  • Jumping Heavy Attack
    • ArrowBuff.png Sped up attack.
  • "Ripple Master" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png Increased the movement distance for ASBM.png, ASBH.png, and ASBS.png [Ripple] versions.
  • "All I need is this scarf!" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png Increased the amount of horizontal launch force to prevent the opponent from flying in the opposite direction in some situations.
  • "Die with regret" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png Sped up attack.
    • ArrowBuff.png Increased number of hits.
    • ArrowBuff.png Made the attack orient towards the enemy on activation.
    • ArrowBuff.png Move now causes a groundbounce, even against airborne opponents, on the first hit and launches opponents on the second.
    • These changes make it so if the initial skill used in the "Ripple Chain" special is blocked and the opponent then tries to dodge or jump, this attack will hit.
  • "Settle this with style" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png Reduced the sized of Lisa Lisa's hurtbox on activation.
    • ArrowBuff.png Reduced recovery time.
    • These changes make it so if the initial skill used in the "Ripple Chain" special is blocked and the opponent then tries to counterattack with a move other than something with a low hitbox (like a leg sweep), that attack will miss and they will in turn be hit with this skill.
  • "You picked a bad time to test me!" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png Increased size of hitbox.
    • ArrowNerf.png Delayed attack start up. However, the skill will combo if the "Ripple Master" skill hits.
    • ArrowBuff.png Increased forward movement.
    • These changes make it so if the opponent guards against "Ripple Chain"'s second skill and backsteps, this attack will hit.
  • "Snake Muffler" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png Sped up attack.
    • ArrowBuff.png Made the attack orient towards the enemy on activation.
    • ArrowBuff.png Move now causes a groundbounce, even against airborne opponents.
    • ArrowNerf.png Downed opponents can no longer be hit.
    • These changes make it so if the initial skill used in the "Ripple Chain" special is blocked and the opponent then tries to dodge or jump, this attack will hit.
  • "Prepare to die!" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png Sped up attack.
    • ArrowChange.png Changed so if the opponent is holding back when this skill is activated, they will be put into a blocking state.
    • ArrowBuff.png Increased forward movement.
    • ArrowBuff.png Reduced recovery time.
    • These changes make it so that this attack hits if the opponent guarded the second skill used in the "Ripple Chain" special and continues to guard.
  • "Futile!" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png The skill can now be canceled into specials.
  • "Blasphemy is prohibited!" skill
    • ArrowChange.png Changed number of knives thrown. Damage has been adjusted accordingly.
      • ASBL.png: 1 knife thrown, doing 30 damage.
      • ASBM.png: 2 knives thrown, doing 18 damage per knife.
      • ASBH.png: 3 knives thrown, doing 14 damage per knife.
    • ArrowChange.png Changed timing on when the projectile is spawned. ASBM.png version is delayed while ASBH.png version is massively delayed.
    • ArrowChange.png Adjusted speed of projectile.
      • ASBL.png: Sped up
      • ASBH.png: Slowed down.
      • ASBS.png [Ripple]: Sped up.
    • ArrowBuff.png Skill now causes a groundbounce for all versions except the Ripple version.
    • ArrowNerf.png Adjusted landing recovery time. ASBM.png version is increased while ASBH.png version is greatly increased.
  • "Give me a hug? Just try it." GHA
    • ArrowNerf.png Specials in the "Ripple Chain" can only be canceled into this GHA during their active frames unless Lisa Lisa is in the air to standardize when cancels are and aren't possible.
      • "Settle this with style" is the only skill to keep its original unrestricted cancel timing.


  • "Die with regret!" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png Increased the size of the hitbox of the second hit horizontally.
  • "Snake Muffler" skill
    • ArrowBuff.png Increased the tracking functionality to make it easier to hit dodging opponents.
    • ArrowChange.png Updated the Command List's description of this skill to properly reflect the loss of its ability to hit downed opponents (a Patch 1.6.0 change).


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