Jonathan Joestar ★ Video Games

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A summary of Jonathan Joestar's history and movesets in video games.


Phantom Blood (PS2)

Jonathan is the main playable character in the game's Story Mode. Throughout the game, the player controls many different versions of him, sometimes with wildly differing movesets.

PS2 Young Jonathan Render 1.png
PS2 Young Jonathan Render 2.png
The player starts Story Mode as a young Jonathan, defending Erina Pendleton from bullies harassing her. His moveset at this point consists only of punches and tackles. While in the manga Jonathan lost this fight, the game includes an alternate scene should the player defeat the bullies: Jonathan forces the bullies to give back the doll, but upon hearing the bullies badmouth the Joestar family he announces his name and is beaten up for it.

This version of Jonathan fights against a young Dio in Chapter 03, attacking in a fury over what Dio did to Erina.

Jonathan Joestar (Young)
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.png
Reckless Combo
PS Triangle.png
Body Slam
PS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Reckless Left Hook
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Reckless Right Hook
Running PS Square.png
Brute-Force Attack
Running PS Triangle.png
Raging Body Slam
PS Circle.png
Evasive Roll

Available Stages: Chapters 01, 03
PS2 Boxing Jonathan Render.png
Chapter 02 features Jonathan in boxing gear for a match with Dio. Much like the previous level, the player can change how the fight went from the manga by having Jonathan beat Dio, although the resulting scene has Dio turn everyone against Jonathan anyway by claiming he put a rock in his glove.
Jonathan Joestar (Boxing)
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.png
Reckless Boxing
PS Triangle.png
Downward Thrust
PS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Reckless Left Hook
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Reckless Right Hook
Running PS Square.png
Brute-Force Attack
Running PS Triangle.png
Raging Downward Thrust
PS Circle.png

Available Stages: Chapter 02
PS2 Adult Jonathan Render.png
PS2 Ogre Street Jonathan Render.png
PS2 Mansion Jonathan.png
Jonathan becomes an adult and unlocks kicking techniques in Chapter 04 as he confronts Dio over Dario's letter and his father's symptoms. This version of Jonathan battles Speedwagon and his two accomplices in Ogre Street, and later confronts a vampiric Dio atop the roof of the burning Joestar Mansion.
Jonathan Joestar (Adult)
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.png
Normal Combo
PS Triangle.png
Hot-Blooded Tackle
PS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Courageous Knee Strike
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Passionate Roundhouse Kick
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Courageous Chop
Running PS Square.png
Gentleman's High Kick
Running PS Triangle.png
Adolescent Tackle
PS Circle.png
Evasive Roll

Available Stages: Chapters 04, 05, 07
PS2 Spear Jonathan Render.png
When the player fights the newly-made vampire Dio in Chapter 06, Jonathan utilizes a spear, though he loses it after the stage's completion.
Jonathan Joestar (Spear)
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.png
Iron Spear Combo
PS Triangle.png
Hot-Blooded Swing
PS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Courageous Launch
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Passionate Spin
Running PS Square.png
Gentleman's Thrust
Running PS Triangle.png
Raging Strike
PS Circle.png
Evasive Roll

Available Stages: Chapter 06
PS2 Hamon Training Jonathan Render.png
PS2 Jonathan Joestar Render 2.png
PS2 Shirtless Jonathan Render.png
PS2 Jonathan Joestar Render 1.png
PS2 Honeymoon Jonathan Render.png
The battle with Wang Chan is the first time Jonathan possesses Ripple abilities, allowing him to destroy vampires and zombies, counter attacks, and temporarily increase his stats. Jonathan also gains the Sunlight Yellow Overdrive special move. The player controls this version of Jonathan for most of the game, as he battles Jack the Ripper, Dio's zombies, Bruford (on land), Tarkus, Adams, Doobie, and finally Dio himself.
Jonathan Joestar
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.png
Normal Combo
PS Triangle.png
Ground Ripple
PS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Ripple Upper
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Ripple Roundhouse Kick
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Ripple Chop
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Ripple Punch Barrage
Running PS Square.png
Gentleman's High Kick
Running PS Triangle.png
Ripple Tackle
PS Circle.png
Evasive Roll
PS Circle.png during damage
Ripple Counter
PS R1.png (LV 0-3)
Zoom Punch
PS R2.png
Sunlight Yellow Overdrive
PS Square.pngPS Cross.png
Recovery Power-Up
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Cross.png
Defense Power-Up
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Cross.png
Attack Power-Up
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Cross.png
Speed Power-Up

Available Stages: Chapters 08, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23 (Alternate)
  • Story Mode Replay: Chapters 15, 21
  • 77 Rings Knights Mode: Ripple Warriors
PS2 Swimming Jonathan Render.png
Jonathan unlocks the Turquoise Blue Overdrive special move to use against Bruford in the underwater first battle against him; landing Turquoise Blue Overdrive plays a cutscene and ends the battle.
Jonathan Joestar (Underwater)
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.png
Underwater Combo
PS Triangle.png
Drop Kick
PS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Punch & Kick
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
One-Two & Kick
PS Circle.png
PS R2.png
Turquoise Blue Overdrive

Available Stages: Chapter 13
PS2 Luck and Pluck Jonathan Render.png
In Chapter 21, Jonathan wields the sword of Luck and Pluck, which grants him the Metal Silver Overdrive special.
Jonathan Joestar (Luck and Pluck)
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.png
Normal Combo
PS Triangle.png
Ripple-Infused Rose
PS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Courageous Counterslash
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Passionate Swipe
Running PS Square.png
Spirited Side Slash
Running PS Triangle.png
Body Thrust
PS Circle.png
Evasive Roll
PS Circle.png during damage
Ripple Counter
PS R1.png (LV 0-3)
Zoom Kick
PS R2.png
Metal Silver Overdrive
PS Square.pngPS Cross.png
Recovery Power-Up
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Cross.png
Defense Power-Up

Available Stages: Chapter 21
  • 77 Rings Knights Mode: Ripple Warriors
PS2 Weakened Jonathan Render.png
The final chapter has the player control a fatally wounded and dying Jonathan, recreating the final scene of Part 1, with very little mobility and no access to his counter or stat increases. Upon landing Jonathan's Final Ripple, a cutscene will play and the battle will end.
Jonathan Joestar (Wounded)
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.png
Normal Combo
PS Triangle.png
Ground Ripple
PS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Ripple Upper
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Ripple Roundhouse Kick
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Ripple Chop
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Ripple Punch Barrage
PS Circle.png
Evasive Roll
PS R1.png (LV 0-3)
Zoom Punch
PS R2.png
Final Ripple

Available Stages: Chapter 23

All-Star Battle (PS3)

Jonathan ASB.png

Jonathan Joestar was confirmed for All-Star Battle along with Will Anthonio Zeppeli and Johnny Joestar. He is a Ripple-user character along with Will, Joseph, Caesar, and Lisa Lisa.

Having voiced Jonathan in the Phantom Blood anime, Kazuyuki Okitsu reprises his role for this game, and would continue to do so for future JoJo media featuring Jonathan as well.


Command List

Jonathan has 1000 HP.

Jonathan's moveset mostly comprises of the Ripple-based moves he had used in the original manga.

Ripple Breath

Jonathan breathes out to produce the Ripple, charging his Heart Heat Gauge.

Zoom Punch
ASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png or ASBM.png ON GROUND

Jonathan hyperextends his arm and punches with greatly increased range. A command normal that can chain into any of his skills.

  • If Light is inputted, the punch is aimed upwards as an anti-air attack.
  • If Medium is inputted, the punch is delivered straight, and causes the opponent to crumple. (Comboable)

Jonathan lunges forward shoulder-first. If not blocked, the opponent is sent flying into the stage wall and into a hard knockdown. A command normal that can chain into any of Jonathan's skills, though Scarlet Overdrive has the best chance of landing.

This is my final Ripple!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad2.png + 3 ATK Buttons (Consumes Heart Heat Gauge) ON GROUND

At any point during the round, Jonathan can spend a stock of his Heart Heat Gauge to initiate this move, which allows him to automatically rise again with a small amount of health after his health initially depletes to zero. Once risen, he gains increased attack power and defense, and all of his skills are permanently Ripple-enhanced. However, his Heart Heat Gauge is disabled entirely.

  • If he's struck by "Kosaku Kawajiri's" GHA, Bites The Dust when this skill is activated, Jonathan will lose its effects but regain access to his HHG in turn, assuming he has enough health to survive.
Rumble Mode
Activates once at 25% health. Attack damage is increased and the Guard and Heart Heat Gauges fill faster.
I will protect my father!
2 ATK buttons at close range or ASBT.png ON GROUND

Jonathan lifts the opponent up by one hand, holds them over his head, and throws them to the ground.

Sendo Ripple Overdrive
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png or ASBM.png or ASBH.png or ASBS.png ON GROUND

Jonathan punches the ground and sends a forward-moving wave of Ripple energy along the ground in a low projectile attack. The Attack button inputted determines the speed and distance of the wave. This skill deals more damage and will knock the opponent into the air if Ripple-enhanced. (Flash Cancel comboable normally; Ripple-enhanced comboable freely)

Overdrive Barrage
ASBDPad4.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png or ASBM.png or ASBH.png or ASBS.png ON GROUND

Jonathan slides forward and delivers a rapid punch barrage, finishing with a small uppercut that pushes the opponent away. The Attack button inputted determines the number of punches delivered. This move deals more damage and knocks the opponent into the air with a the final uppercut if Ripple-enhanced (Ripple-enhanced Comboable).

  • This move is able to initiate a Rush Mode struggle with Power-Type Stand users, making Jonathan the only non-Stand-Style character to be able to do so.
Scarlet Overdrive
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.png + ASBL.png or ASBM.png or ASBH.png or ASBS.png ON GROUND

Jonathan delivers a sudden short body blow immediately followed by a flaming rising uppercut with the other fist, in a classic "Shoryuken"-style move, doubling as both a reversal and an anti-air attack. This move cannot be Flash-Cancelled once Jonathan leaves the ground. The opponent will fly higher and take more damage if Ripple-enhanced. (Comboable)

The Sword of Luck & Pluck
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png or ASBM.png or ASBH.png or ASBS.png ON GROUND

Jonathan leaps forward, sword in both hands, and unleashes three slashes, with the final downward swing knocking the opponent into a ground-bounce. The first hit is a middle attack that cannot be blocked if the opponent is crouching (Flash Cancel comboable). If the move is Ripple-enhanced, its damage is increased and Jonathan gains super armor during the whole move, allowing him to shrug off non-throws/HHA/GHA attacks.

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack
Who'll be the last one standing?!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND

Jonathan spins as his hands are engulfed in flames, before diving forward, both fists extended. If the opponent is hit, the two-handed Scarlet Overdrive will strike them in the abdomen, Jonathan punching through them with a fiery Ripple-charged fist. He then follows up with second pulse of the Ripple to send them flying.

Sunlight Yellow Overdrive
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 3 ATK Buttons or ASBG.png ON GROUND

Jonathan readies his body with the power of the Ripple before delivering a very fast kick. If the kick lands, the opponent is lifted off the ground as it hits squarely in their abdomen. Jonathan proceeds to pummel them at different angles and knock them into the air with an uppercut, all while reciting his signature lines. After charging up an immense amount of Ripple energy, Jonathan unleashes a relentless flurry of punches into the opponent as they fall towards him, ending with them spiraling away after a two-handed crossing punch.

Gameplay Overview

As the first and original JoJo, Jonathan is understandably designed as a balanced, beginner-friendly character, embodying the "Shoto" archetype. As such, he carries with him hallmark moves of the archetype such as a projectile, a rising anti-air/reversal attack, and a forward-moving attack that hits multiple times, among other abilities, making him reliable and easy to grasp to those familiar. Due to being a Ripple User, Jonathan's special skills offer more damage and combo extensions when enhanced. With Ripple-enhanced skills, Jonathan has a wealth of methods to power through attacks and knock his opponent into the air for generous follow-up potential, and when applied together, lengthier and higher-damage combos come naturally to him.

However, Jonathan predictably struggles at range especially against Stand Users, requiring him to extend himself well into other characters' ranges to battle, although some of his moves help alleviate this. He also lacks any special movement options, rendering his maneuverability somewhat limited despite excelling at close combat. Jonathan's biggest weakness is a reliance on Heart Heat, as he tends to suffer more than other Ripple Users due to his short range and lack of strong combos in the absence of Ripple-enhanced abilities.

Overall, Jonathan is an effective well-rounded character leaning towards close-ranged high offense, and with good management of Heart Heat, his damage output and other capabilities will remain steadfast. Should he have a surplus of Heart Heat to spend, Jonathan may secure himself a chance to make a comeback during a losing battle. In all, he is a reliable character for those familiar with fighting games.

Win Poses
Win Pose A

Jonathan ASB Win Pose A.png

Jonathan holds both arms to his side, referencing the cover art on The Thirst for Blood!.

Win Pose B

Jonathan ASB Win Pose B.png

Jonathan extends out his arm, referencing the way he performs Turquoise Blue Overdrive in Chapter 28: Tarkus and the Dark Knight Bruford, Part 3.

Win Pose C

Jonathan ASB Win Pose C.png

Jonathan mid-air, bending and extending out his arm, referencing the cover of Chapter 31: The Knights' Ruins.

Win Pose D

Jonathan ASB Win Pose D.png

Jonathan's back faces the camera, referencing his pose after defeating Dio Brando in Chapter 41: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 3.

Win Pose E

Jonathan ASB Win Pose E.png

Jonathan extends both his arms at the camera, referencing the way he defeats Dio Brando in Chapter 40: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 2.


All-Star Battle R (Various)

This section requires expansion.

Jonathan ASB R.png
My heart is resonating! With the heat of a raging fire! Feel the pounding beat of my pulse![1] (ふるえるぞハート!燃えつきるほどヒート!刻むぞ血液のビート!)

Jonathan Joestar (ジョナサン・ジョースター, Jonasan Jōsutā) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer[2]. He is one of the four characters playable in the game's first Early Access Demo[3] alongside Jotaro Kujo, DIO, and Jolyne Cujoh. He will also be 1 of 15 playable characters during the Evo 2022 Demo coming August 5th[4].

His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from 'All-Star Battle', with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay tweaks that All-Star Battle R brought.

As Kazuyuki Okitsu had already voiced Jonathan in the Phantom Blood anime, as well as All-Star Battle, he reprises his role as Jonathan's voice actor in this game too. As with the majority of the game's roster, voicelines for Jonathan were either added or re-recorded.


Like the rest of the roster currently featured in the anime adaptation of their Part, Jonathan, by default, sports the outfit that he wears in the Phantom Blood anime adaptation. This makes the most significant alteration to his appearance being the colors of his clothes: gone from full-on purple to a blue top and gray trousers.

As part of the Digital Deluxe Edition[5] of the game, Jonathan – as with Joseph, Jotaro, Josuke and Giorno – receives an exclusive costume based on his white outfit in the JOESTAR The Inherited Soul event.

This section requires expansion.

Moveset Changes

Jonathan uses the Ripple (波紋, Hamōn) Battle Style, using various Ripple moves from his appearance in Phantom Blood.

The following movelists only includes Jonathan's new moves from All-Star Battle R. For the rest of his moveset, see his All-Star Battle section.

New Moves
Assist System
Assault Assist

A three-stock assist. Jonathan appears and delivers a sudden short body blow immediately followed by his Scarlet Overdrive with the other fist, a flaming rising uppercut. It is a reversal and an anti-air attack, and is valuable for extending combos due to its generous launching property.

Reversal Assist

Jonathan lands into the enemy, striking them down with his fist before taunting and jumping away.

Updated Moves
Zoom Punch

Both versions are performed much faster, with the Medium input now executing quickly enough that it can be chained into from normal attacks.


The attack no longer sends the opponent flying into the stage wall, now only dealing great knockback. This results in the opponent getting launched at a slower velocity. Jonathan now has a light armor effect while performing it, allowing him to power through a single hit.

This is my final Ripple!

This skill leaves Jonathan with a much smaller amount of health than before upon revival.

Sendo Ripple Overdrive

The wave travels much faster, and pushes the opponent back further on-hit.

Overdrive Barrage
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad2.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png

The input for this skill has been changed.

The Sword of Luck & Pluck

This skill has a longer start-up period, but the slashes are delivered much faster.


Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Jonathan jojoeoh.png

This section requires expansion.

Jonathan Joestar was confirmed for the game alongside Will Anthonio Zeppeli and Robert E. O. Speedwagon. Unlike the previous game.

Jonathan's main color scheme is now based on his anime appearance. Additionally, Kazuyuki Okitsu reprises his voice acting role from All-Star Battle, having also voiced Jonathan in the Phantom Blood anime adaptation.



Most of his moveset and character model remains the same from All-Star Battle. New additions to Jonathan's attacks includes him using the spear he attacked Dio with shortly after his transformation as a Powerful Attack. Several of his new combos and sidesteps are now based on his boxing skills (displayed during his childhood in Part 1).

As a Ripple User, Jonathan has a Ripple Gauge that determines the strength of his attacks.

Ripple Breath

Jonathan performs a pose and Ripple Breathes, filling up the Ripple Gauge. He cannot move and is vulnerable to attacks while doing so. Filling up the gauge will passively strengthen his Normal and Powerful Attacks, and enhance/alter the properties of all his skills. It will also shorten the cooldown time on said skills. Using skills will drain a portion of the Ripple Gauge until there's an insufficient amount to use.

My Final Ripple...

When Jonathan health hits zero for the first time, if his partner is still alive, he will be granted a decent portion of continuously draining health to continue on. All attacks and skills are unusable, leaving Jonathan with only a special final attack in which he attacks with crossed fingers, dealing considerable damage. Once his health reaches zero once more, or if he successfully lands his final attack, Jonathan will formally be Retired.

Zoom Punch!
PS L1.png + PS Triangle.png ON GROUND

Jonathan slides forward and hyperextends his arm to punch at great range.

  • Ripple-enhanced: The skill will execute quicker and Jonathan may chain follow-up attacks from it.
Overdrive Barrage!
PS L1.png + PS Square.png IN AIR OK ON GROUND

Jonathan slides forward and unleashes a short flurry of punches ending in an uppercut. The last hit will send opponents flying. Jonathan may perform this this in mid-air. This skill's damage is proportional to how much of the Ripple Gauge is filled.

  • Ripple-enhanced: The skill will execute quicker, unleash more punches, and receive a damage boost.
Sendo Ripple Overdrive!
PS L1.png + PS Cross.png / EX PS L1.png + PS L2.png EX SKILL TRAP ON GROUND

Jonathan punches the ground and sends his Ripple energy spreading out over a wide radial area for a few seconds, damaging and crumpling opponents caught.

  • Ripple-enhanced: The skill will execute quicker, deal more damage, and have a larger area of effect.
  • EX Version: Jonathan will be invincible when first executing the skill. The Ripple wave will be unblockable, and Jonathan's recovery time from the skill is reduced as well, allowing him to immediately follow up. This is in addition to other benefits granted by the Ripple Gauge.
Who'll be the Last One Standing!
PS L1.png + PS Circle.png / EX PS L1.png + PS L2.png EX SKILL ON GROUND

Jonathan spins as his hands are engulfed in flames, before diving forward, both fists extended. If an opponent is hit, the two-handed strike will hit them in the abdomen. Jonathan then pulls one fist back before punching them off, sending them flying as he very briefly turns around and looks down. This skill's damage is proportional to how much of the Ripple Gauge is filled.

  • Ripple-enhanced: The skill makes Jonathan invincible during its execution, deals more damage, and travels farther and faster during the dive.
  • EX Version: The skill will execute even quicker than when Ripple-enhanced, has increased speed and distance of the dive, will make Jonathan invulnerable while he is diving, and receives a damage boost. This is in addition to the damage benefits granted by the Ripple Gauge.
Dual Heat Attacks
Sunlight Yellow Overdrive! (Solo)
PS L1.png + PS R1.png ON GROUND

Jonathan forcefully kicks the opponent off their feet in the abdomen, before he proceeds to pummel them at different angles and knocking them into the air, all while reciting his signature lines. After charging up an immense amount of Ripple energy, Jonathan unleashes a rapid flurry of punches into the opponent as they fall towards him, ending with them spiraling away after a two-handed crossing punch. Compared to All-Star Battle, most of his speech is removed in favor of several grunts.

Here comes my Ripple! (With Zeppeli)
PS L1.png + PS R1.png ON GROUND

The two of them attack the opponent's head, sequentially with a Ripple-charged Zoom Punch from Jonathan and a Sendo Wave Kick from Zeppeli, before they charge up and run up to the opponent and unleash a double Sendo Ripple Overdrive-enhanced Zoom Punch into them, the two reciting the phrase commonly associated with Overdrives.


  • One-in-a-Million Potential: Jonathan must completely fill his Ripple Gauge. (200 Points)
  • Father! Grant me your final power!: Jonathan must connect a Powerful Attack as the third step in a mid-air combo. (200 Points)
  • I want to become a true gentleman!: Jonathan must successfully execute 5 Combo Breakers. (300 Points)
  • I'll knock you until you cry like a little girl!: Jonathan must achieve a collective hit count of 200. (500 Points)
  • Own your fear!: Jonathan must Retire an enemy with a Dual Heal Attack. (800 Points)


He is paired with DIO in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, defeating Baron Zeppeli and Koichi Hirose in the first round and Wamuu and N'Doul in the second. In the semifinals, they defeated Mariah and Esidisi in the first round, but were eliminated by Kars and Pet Shop in the second.

Relationships in Eyes of Heaven

(The information below derives from a Video Game not written by Araki. As such, it may not be considered canon.)

  • Giorno Giovanna: When the two are the same team, Giorno will ask Jonathan everything he knows about DIO. If victorious, Giorno will mention that DIO is his father, surprising Jonathan.
  • Jotaro Kujo: At first it was upsetting that Jotaro referred to Jonathan as his ancestor. Later Jonathan felt in his heart that he was succeeding his own lineage, to the point of asking Jotaro to finish Heaven Ascension DIO in his place during the main story's final battle. Also, if Jotaro is Part 4 version, he mentioned to Jonathan's grandson and Jotaro's grandfather Joseph Joestar.
  • Joseph Joestar: Jonathan is impressed by Joseph's tactics and Ripple. He states that Old Joseph reminds him of his father.
  • Kars: Upon encountering him, Jonathan will recognize Kars as the one who created the Stone Masks and seeks to kill him and destroy the Stone Masks. Kars seeks to kill Jonathan simply because he is a Hamon user and later attempts to recruit him to his side, considering his death to be a waste.

Diamond Records (Android/iOS)

Jonathan Joestar
Jonathan appears in Diamond Records as a playable character in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He has a variety of unlockable statues varying between the 'Courage', 'Unity', and 'Fighting Spirit' types, ranging from 3 stars to 6 stars. Jonathan's moveset in both game modes is comprised of various Ripple-based attacks inspired by the anime. As a Ripple user, Jonathan has an advantage over vampires, zombies, and pillar men.

Jonathan's basic attack string is a combination of up to five various attacks comprising of punches and kicks. In Tactical Battle, this is cut down to only three hits.
Jonathan extends his arm and performs a Zoom Punch. This skill has larger range than his basic attacks, and has the ability to knock an opponent down.
Jonathan uses the Sword of Luck and Pluck to deal three hits of damage. One initial hit to stab an enemy, a second to swing the sword upwards, and lastly one strong swing from above his head all the way to the ground, similar to the order in which he attacks Dio with the sword in the anime. (Unlockable)
Jonathan strikes the ground with his fist, sending a Sendo Ripple Overdrive into the ground. This has a large area of effect that will damage any opponents who come near it. In Tactical Battle, however, the attack only affects one targeted opponent.
Jonathan punches through his opponent with both fists using the ripple. (Unlockable)
Jonathan punches his opponent using a Scarlet Overdrive. This skill has the power to send an opponent flying backwards to create distance. This attack replaces SP Skill 1 in Jonathan's 3 star statue.
Jonathan sends an overdrive through an opponent which has the ability to stun them. In Tactical Battle, this would also give the enemy a temporary defense debuff. This attack replaces SP Skill 1 in Jonathan's 'Fighting Spirit' type 6 star statue.
Jonathan attacks with a barrage of punches, then transitions into the cutscene portion of the attack, where he performs the Scarlet Overdrive used to destroy Dio's body in the anime. The cutscene animation is nearly identical to Jonathan's Scarlet Overdrive in J-Stars Victory Vs.


JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Sunlight Yellow OverdriveSword Entrusted By HeroUltimate Ripple InheritorWitnessing the Gentleman's Way of Life
Sunlight Yellow Overdrive ver.
Rarity: PPPGR.png
Max Power: 1620 (Lvl 50) / 2820 (Lvl 80)
Skill: Sunlight Yellow Overdrive
Replaces the center panels with Jonathan panels
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 8
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 12
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 12
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels: 16
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels: 16
Cooldown: 75
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: July 28, 2020 - September 2, 2021

Sunlight Yellow Overdrive ver.
Cost: 0
For every 35 Jonathan panels cleared, four random panels will be erased.
Skill: The Sword of Luck and Pluck
Erases panels in a vertical line and then replaces them with Jonathan panels
Skill Lv 1
# of Erased Panels: 6
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 2
# of Erased Panels: 8
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 3
# of Erased Panels: 8
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 4
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 5
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 75
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: November 12, 2020 - September 2, 2021

Sword Entrusted By Hero ver.
Cost: 0
After making a 5x5 or bigger, enhances 4 Jonathan panels.
Skill: I'll crush your wicked soul!
Replaces panels with Jonathan panels in a circle shape and then enhances some of those replaced panels
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 8
Cooldown: 90
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 12
Cooldown: 90
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 12
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels: 16
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels: 16
Cooldown: 75
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: April 9, 2021 - September 2, 2021

Ultimate Ripple Inheritor ver.
Cost: 0
After clearing 40 Jonathan panels, erases 2 random panels, prioritizing block panels.
Skill: Feel the pounding beat of my pulse!
Replaces the panels in the center with enhanced Jonathan & Speedwagon panels. Erases panels on the left and right area.
Skill Lv 1
# of Enhanced Panels: 4
Cooldown: 95
Skill Lv 2
# of Enhanced Panels: 6
Cooldown: 95
Skill Lv 3
# of Enhanced Panels: 6
Cooldown: 90
Skill Lv 4
# of Enhanced Panels: 8
Cooldown: 90
Skill Lv 5
# of Enhanced Panels: 8
Cooldown: 85
Jonathan & Speedwagon
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: August 3, 2021 - September 2, 2021

Witnessing the Gentleman's Way of Life ver.
Cost: 0
After using skill twice, replaces 4 random panels with Jonathan & Speedwagon panels, prioritizing partner panels.

Jump Ultimate Stars (Nintendo DS)

Jonathan appears as a support and help character in the game. His 2 Koma support summons him, after which he headbutts his target and performs a combo on them. His 3 Koma support involves him tossing Ripple roses at the enemy, striking them with LUCK & PLUCK and performing a Scarlet Overdrive on them. His help koma gives the character 1 SP bar more after being defeated.

He serves as an ally boost with DIO, mocking his classic line "it's useless!" and Mutou Kazuki (from Busou Renkin), by saying he feels the sun's power in Kazuki (since they need the sun's light in some of their attacks, Jonathan's Ripple and Kazuki's lance).

J-Stars Victory Vs (PS3/PS4/PSV)

Jonathan J-Stars Victory Vs.png

Jonathan is a playable character along with Joseph Joestar (Part 2), both representing the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure franchise in the game.

Jonathan's color scheme is the same one from the TV Anime series. Both Jonathan and Seiya (from the SAINT SEIYA franchise) share the same battle theme, called "Brave Soldiers".

He also makes brief appearances in the game's opening sequence, as he can be seen alongside other Jump heroes, and at some point watches Gintoki race against Ryotsu (from KOCHI-KAME franchise).


Jonathan's moveset consists of most of his attacks featured in Part 1. His main gameplay-style involves regular combos ending with his Sunlight Yellow Overdrive (it can be extended for more damage up to 49 hits), his Zoom Punch as a long range attack, a ranged variation of his Scarlet Overdrive wave on the floor and his Luck & Pluck sword return as a 3 Hit-Combo that can be used to inflict large amounts of damage. Aside from similar attacks from his All-Star Battle moveset, Jonathan's new moves include him using a spear (the same one he used in the Joestar Mansion to fight Dio) and a charged dash attack that continues until he hits his target with his shoulder.

His special move unleashes a stronger version of the Sunlight Yellow Overdrive, following with a Scarlet Overdrive that launches the opponent away. Some of his famous JOJO poses appears as taunts and intro/victory poses.

Special AttacksBasic Controls
Sunlight Yellow Overdrive
PS Circle.png (Keep tapping to strike repeatedly)
Sendo Ripple Overdrive
(U).png + PS Circle.png
Luck and Pluck
PS R1.png + PS Circle.png (After hitting the target, press PS Circle.png to fire up to 3 extra shots)
Final Ripple
Press PS R3.png during a Victory Burst
Weak Attack
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.png
Strong Attack
PS Triangle.png (Hold to charge) PS Triangle.png
Area Attack
PS R1.png + PS Square.png
Guard Break
PS R1.png + PS Triangle.png
Weak Combo
PS Square.pngPS Triangle.png / PS Square.png PS Square.png PS Triangle.png
Strong Combo
PS Triangle.png PS Square.png / PS Triangle.png PS Triangle.png PS Square.png
PS R2.png
Dash Attack
PS Square.png while dashing
PS R1.png + (U).png / PS R1.png + / PS R1.png + (D).png / PS R1.png +
PS Cross.png
Double Jump
PS Cross.png while jumping
Jump Attack
PS Square.png while jumping
Stamina Charge
PS R1.png + PS Cross.png
PS R1.png
Perfect Guard
Press PS R1.png just before sustaining an attack
Quick Recovery
PS R1.png or PS Cross.png at the moment of landing after being thrown into the air or knocked off your feet
Victory Burst
PS R3.png when voltage gauge is full
Call for Support
PS L2.png
Tag-Team Attack
PS Triangle.png to an opponent that has been sent into the air by an ally
Tag-Team Volley
PS Triangle.png to an opponent that has been knocked down into the ground after an ally's successful combination attack
Tag-Team Melee
Both players press PS Triangle.png simultaneously to attack an opponent that has been knocked down by a successful cross chain

Story Mode

Jonathan's role during the Story Mode is limited to quick appearances. During Toriko's team arc, the player takes control of the duo Gintoki Sakata (from the GINTAMA franchise) and Boa Hancock (from the ONE PIECE franchise), as they both claim to have seen a person walking across the water towards their direction. The person is revealed to be Jonathan, who challenges the player's team, claiming that he's training to defeat Dio (likely a reference to Zeppeli's Ripple training, when they followed Poco by running over the water). After the battle, Jonathan appears surprised he lost the match and says he still needs more training, then introduces himself by saying "My name is Jonathan....Jonathan Joestar."


Despite not having any specific conversation or interaction with Joseph, they both appear as rivals in one of the promotional videos for the western version of the game, J-Stars Victory Vs +, with their battle titled "WHEN GRANDSON MEETS HIS GRANDFATHER!". Oddly enough, the trailer begs the question "IS THE FLAME OF YOUTH STRONGER THAN THE WISDOM OF AGE?", which erroneously implies that Jonathan, as Joseph's grandfather, is much older than him, as well as alive by the time Joseph is 18 years old, rather than the game's incarnation of him being only two years older than his grandson as the two are from completely different time periods.


JoJo's Venture (Arcade/PS1/DC)

Jonathan appears near the end of JoJo's Venture's intro in a montage of various manga panels from Phantom Blood and Stardust Crusaders, along with Speedwagon, Erina, and Dio. This small appearance marks Jonathan's first appearance in a video game.

GioGio's Bizarre Adventure (PS2)

Jonathan appears in the game's title screen demo cutscene along with Jotaro, Josuke and Joseph, representing how Giorno inherited their "golden soul." Jonathan is mentioned in the game's prologue cutscene, and also makes an appearance as part of two manga panels representing the events of Phantom Blood in the same cutscene.

Stardust Shooters (Android/iOS)

Jonathan is one of the first 3 available characters the player must choose to be his first team leader (alongside Joseph and Jotaro). Several of Jonathan's appearances appear as Medal Strikers.

Jonathan's FINISH move consists of an animation wherein he strikes his enemy with several punches in a second while his Special Level 3 Leader ability has him use Scarlet Overdrive on all enemies on the field.

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