Mitsuba Higashikata

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Vous voulez faire de la médiation et "arranger les choses... ? Ne me débitez pas ces sornettes ! [...] Si jamais vous posez à nouveau un doigt sur Tsurugi sans raison valable, je vous les briserai sans hésiter.
—Mitsuba Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 84: The Wonder of You, Part 1

Mitsuba Higashikata (東方 密葉, Higashikata Mitsuba) est un personnage secondaire de la huitième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJolion. Elle prend de l'importance dans l'histoire à partir de l'arc "Doctor Wu et Awaking 3 Leaves".

Mitsuba est la femme de Jobin Higashikata et la mère de Tsurugi Higashikata. Mitsuba est une manieuse de Stand et son Stand Awaking III Leaves lui permet de rediriger des objets ou de l'énergie dans une direction donnée.


Mitsuba Fullbody Appearance.png

Mitsuba est une femme svelte de taille moyenne. Elle a des cheveux long lui descendant aux épaules en une large touffe de couleur auburn roux, avec sur le devant une grande mèche s'enroulant dans le sens horaire pointant vers la droite. Lorsqu'on la voit de loin pour la première fois, elle porte une simple veste avec deux trous de part et d'autre de la gorge et sans manche, ainsi qu'une jupe à motif de diamant. Elle porte aussi une paire de talons hauts.

Dans ses apparitions ultérieures, son design change un peu. Elle a les cheveux complètement droits lui descendant sur les épaules et par dessus les oreilles (pour cacher la partie de sa tête qui se pétrifie), avec la même mèche enroulée sur le devant. Elle porte alors un haut court sans manche, décoré de noeuds papillons sur les épaules qui transitionne en une longue jupe transparente moulante au niveau de l'estomac mais qui devient plus ample en dessous de la ceinture en franfreluche, lui descendant jusqu'aux chevilles. Elle porte une simple culotte en dessous de sa jupe. Deux traits de part et d'autres de son corps descendent le long de sa tenue pour dessiner une silhouette fine. Sa jupe est décorée d'une grande flèche pointant en bas située sur l'estomac. Mitsuba porte aussi deux gants sans doigts décorés avec deux flèches sur les poignets, placées comme les aiguilles d'une montre.

On révèle que Mitsuba a effectués plusieurs opérations de chirurgie esthétique à l'Hôpital Universitaire TG pour conserver sa beauté. Elle a par exemple eu une opération de redressement des seins. Puis, les membres de l'Organisation Locacaca ont testé le Locacaca sur elle, pétrifiant ses dents, puis son scalp au-dessus de l'oreille droite, et enfin ses jambes pour un moment après qu'elle ait pris sans le savoir des traitement à base de Locacaca. Elle prend un dernier traitement qui semble coûter les bras du foetus dans son ventre, mais le sauve en mangeant un dernier Locacaca. Elle y perd son nez, qui devient une pointe pétrifiée.


Les palettes changent souvent entre les médias. L'information ci-dessous ne devrait pas être considérée comme canonique.
Peau(Fair, pink lipstick)
1ère tenue
(Velvet shirt, black and white checkered skirt, pink shoes)
2ème tenue
(Violet and pink clothes, green frills and accessories, black shoes)


Mitsuba empêchant une vieille femme de prendre l'ascenseur avec elle

Mitsuba est une femme vaine, qui se préoccupe beaucoup de son apparence et veut apparaitre parfaite. On découvre qu'elle a visité le Dr. Wu Tomoki plusieurs fois pour avoir des opérations de chirurgie esthétique pour maintenir sa beauté et une apparence jeune. Par exemple, elle s'est fait élargir les seins. Pour cela, Mitsuba a soutiré de l'argent du compte de Jobin derrière son dos.[1] Mitsuba démontre aussi un certain égoïsme puéril lorsqu'elle s'empresse de fermer la porte d'un ascenseur pour se l'accaparer et empêcher une vieille dame avec une béquille de l'utiliser,[2] ou encore utilise son Stand pour faire en sorte que Maako et les autres dames du conseil de l'école de Tsurugi s'aspergent avec du thé chaud pour se "venger" d'elles, ayant été énervée par les accusation envers Tsurugi.[3]

Cependant, Mitsuba adore et chérit ses enfants, étant prêt à se sacrifier et même à tuer pour eux. Par exemple, elle risque sa vie en mangeant un Locacaca pour sauver son foetus dans son ventre.[4] S'il faut se battre pour son enfant, Mitsuba devient une combattante féroce et perspicace, qui dans sa colère peut écraser brutalement Wu Tomoki quand celui-ci menace son foetus et se met en travers de son chemin.[5] Elle défend aussi Tsurugi férocement lorsqu'on croit qu'il a attaqué une camarade de classe, et elle le défend publiquement en niant en bloc les accusation et en entrant dans une colère noire, même si en privé elle a les mêmes doutes. Au moment le plus important, Mitsuba révèle à quel point elle peut être impitoyable pour ses enfant lorsqu'elle tente de noyer Paisley Park et Yasuho, qui était jusque là une alliée, pour préserver le secret de l'emplacement du nouveau Locacaca et permettre à Tsurugi de guérir.[6]

En parlant à Yasuho de son élargissement des seins, elle suggère malicieusement à Yasuho de toucher ses seins pour voir, et semble enthousiaste à l'idée de toucher ceux de Yasuho.[1]



Main article: Awaking III Leaves

Me Stand de Mitsuba Awaking III Leaves, a l'apparence d'un humanoïde couvert avec une cape à capuche et décoré de multiples flèches. En utilisant son Stand, Mitsuba peut invoquer des flèches qui redirigent l'énergie ou les objets vers la direction où elles pointent.[7]

Awaking III Leaves (アウェイキング・(スリー)リーブス)Link to this section
Redirection vectorielle



Mitsuba as a model

In her school days, Mitsuba was known as "Miss Cherry". She won a contest and got to travel to China and Europe for the fruit of Japan. She ended up meeting Jobin, and married into the Higashikata family. She then became a model for the Higashikata Fruit Company's ads. She had support from the whole family and her modeling helped with sales as well.[8] After that, Mitsuba began to see Dr. Wu Tomoki to fix the signs of age, unknowingly being one of the guinea pigs of the Locacaca Organization which tested the effects of the Locacaca-derived medicine on her.

Mitsuba is introduced as Jobin's wife by Norisuke Higashikata IV during Josuke's arrival at the Higashikata Household.[9] She is seen carrying around her child, Tsurugi, and was present during the family photo.[10]

Doctor Wu and Awaking III Leaves

Tomoki "treats" Mitsuba

Shortly after a fire has ravaged the Higashikata family's orchard, Mitsuba arrives at TG University Hospital to see her physician Dr. Wu Tomoki about her sudden loss of balance and hearing that morning, as she feels something wrong with her right ear. Dr. Wu examines the ear and hides from her the fact that it has turned to stone, and says it is simply a dry scalp due to allergies and it is nothing to worry about. Mitsuba demands that he treat her, as she has felt the skin and it feels like stone. She then mentions the pattern she has noticed since she came to him for a breast augmentation earlier, after which her teeth felt as if they turned into stone, making her drool uncontrollably and lose her sense of taste, forcing her to cover her mouth to avoid talking to people. After she came back to him to treat this malady, her hearing loss began soon after. She demands treatment, as she knows her young son will say something if he feels the skin is wrong. Dr. Wu makes a phone call, and then offers her one more treatment for 200 million yen. Unbeknownst to both of them, Yasuho Hirose has come to the hospital to treat her menstrual pain, and she spots Mitsuba being wheeled away in a wheelchair while her ankles have crumbled away down to the bone.[2]

Suspicious, Yasuho calls Josuke, who is already on the way to the hospital with Rai Mamezuku to investigate a possible Rock Human there, and he warns her to stay put. However, she tries to follow Mitsuba, only to find her completely healthy and no longer in the wheelchair. After telling Yasuho about her breast augmentation, and saying she originally met Jobin after she won a modelling contest for Morioh's Miss Cherry competition and becoming a model for the Higashikata Fruit Company, Yasuho asks what happened to the wheelchair she was in, but Mitsuba cannot remember one. Yasuho soon discovers the chair disassembled and stuffed in the office's desk drawer, while Mitsuba is overcome with a desire to drink Dr. Wu's silicon-infused water and nori. Yasuho tries to call Josuke to warn him of what she has found when she is attacked and knocked out by a stone fragment entering her ear. Mitsuba, not in control of her own body, drags Yasuho's body into the office and closes the door.[8]

Wu Tomoki attacks Yasuho & Mitsuba

Yasuho awakes and finds Mitsuba pinning her down, her body unusually heavy and covered in weird blisters, until Yasuho yells at her, which brings Mitsuba back to her senses. Yasuho asks Mitsuba if she has taken the Locacaca, knowing it has been causing a series of equivalent exchanges in her, but Mitsuba cannot remember what has happened, as there is nothing physically wrong with her. Yasuho tries to find a way out, but after discovering her cellphone has been destroyed in the previous attack, finds herself attacked once more by stone fragments leaving Mitsuba's hands. Once Yasuho frees herself, she warns Mitsuba that they are under attack by a Rock Human who is only after the secrets of the Locacaca, when Dr. Wu reconstitutes himself from the stone fragments and says he is in the organization for more than that, and asks that Mitsuba stay behind so he may continue his examination. Yasuho drags Mitsuba out of the office, who then asks what else could have caused the equivalent exchange, when she confides in Yasuho that she has been hiding a new pregnancy from her husband and son. As Yasuho realizes the horror of the situation, Mitsuba calls forth her Stand Awaking III Leaves and resolves to get to the bottom of what Dr. Wu has done to her.[11]

Mitsuba loses her nose to save her unborn child

Mitsuba uses her power to redirect things through summoned arrows to create a safe zone and then propels herself to kick Wu into a wall then stick him to it. Going up to the gynecology department, Mitsuba and Yasuho expel the remainder of Wu's fragments but Mitsuba sees with horror that the child inside of her has been partially turned into stone. Wu reappears in the elevator, but using her Awaking III Leaves, she triples the acceleration of the elevator to send Wu on the ground, uses tape to stick his fragments and tosses them out of the hospital. Putting the foetus' fragments back inside her, she resolves to save it. Finally Mitsuba reaches the examination room and discovers with Yasuho a secret laboratory doubling as a garden for Locacaca trees.

Mitsuba eats one of them to save her child, but she doesn't realize that Wu has come back and hidden inside the fruits, infiltrating and controlling her body again. However, Yasuho manages to fight him back and Josuke arrives to finish Dr. Wu off. The Locacaca she just ate has taken effect and she loses her nose.

The Wonder of You (The Miracle of Your Love)

6 days before the Harvest, Mitsuba goes to take Tsurugi from school. But then one of Tsurugi's comrade, who had teased him about Kaato being a child murderer, is crushed between iron gates. Tsurugi is the prime suspect, and though Mitsuba vehemently defends him, she has her doubts. Moreover, she notices on a video recording that the head doctor of TG University Hospital, Dr. Satoru Akefu, is standing near the gates.

Later, she meets Jobin at her house, and her situation becomes more complex as she not only see Akefu again near the estate, but also catches a glimpse of the Locacaca hidden behind cacti in Jobin's possession, causing him to suspect her.

Mitsuba keeps catching glimpses of Satoru Akefu

48 hours before the Harvest, Mitsuba is busy cooking for the family. Her peace is suddenly broken as she learns about the death of her acquaintance Maako Kitani and that Josuke is a wanted man. She then spots Satoru Akefu lurking near the house again but in her distraction, cuts her fingers. A freak accident happens but Mitsuba manages to repair her fingers and deflect boiling water into the ceiling. Reminiscing every suspect element she's seen in the past few days, Mitsuba begins to suspect that something his amiss. However, her thoughts are interrupted when a drop of water injures Tsurugi and his Rock Disease finally goes out of control, causing Paper Moon King to seemingly turn Tsurugi's body into an origami.

For Tsurugi's sake, Mitsuba tries to kill Yasuho by drowning Paisley Park

On the day of the incoming Harvest, Mitsuba suddenly sees Yasuho through one of the camera feeds. Thinking that Yasuho has come for her son, she rushes to Tsurugi's room and sees Jobin watching Paisley Park in a cell phone drown in the toilet of the secondary bathroom. Yasuho cries for help and Mitsuba asks Jobin what is going on and if she can save Yasuho as she was an ally, but Jobin tells her to get out and keep this incident a secret. Mitsuba also reveals by accident where Jobin has hidden his Locacaca plant and Yasuho overhears this. Mitsuba then sees Satoru Akefu from a window and makes up her mind. Determined to protect her son at all costs, Mitsuba ignores Yasuho's cries for help. She reveals to Jobin that she's seen the doctor lurking around the house several times and that his every appearance heralds incoming disasters. Determined to protect the Higashikata Family, Mitsuba takes things a step further and tries to push the cellphone further into the water. However, a water drip falls from the ceiling and pierces her hand. In her confusion, Mitsuba misplaces one of the arrows she sets up and the force is directed into a wall.

The wall is destroyed and reveals the hidden Locacaca plant to the rest of the Higashikata Family. Mitsuba is then forced to witness her family tearing itself apart as Norisuke exposes Jobin's links to Ojiro Sasame's and is taken out (or worse) by Speed King, in addition to Tsurugi's condition worsening by the minute. In her mind, she becomes sure that this string of disasters is a deliberate attack from Satoru Akefu's part. Mitsuba finally sees the head doctor inside of the house as he steadily approaches her in impossible ways, such as traversing a computer screen and then the glass panels of a bookcase. She warns Jobin of the head doctor's presence, but Jobin fails to listen to her when she warns him not to go after the head doctor. Jobin completes his attack and it seems that nothing happens, save for a damaged hair spray that bursts. Mitsuba begs Jobin to get them out of the situation but Jobin realizes that she implies and refuses to let go of the fruit. Eventually, Jobin succumbs to blood loss as the dip tube of the hair spray pierces his chest and lets the blood flow out of his body at a dramatic rate.

Later on, Tooru infiltrates the Higashikata residence to retrieve the Locacaca plant from Yasuho. Mitsuba, along with Tsurugi, Hato, and Daiya, are caught along Wonder of U's calamity as the plane door flying towards Yasuho lands inside the house. At the same time, Kaato Higashikata visits the household only to find her son dead. Mitsuba hears the commotion and crawls towards the garage in a bloodied state. The rest of the family including Yasuho sees Kaato attack Tooru in order to perform an Equivalent Exchange between Tsurugi and Tooru. The exchange is successful - Tooru disintegrates, Tsurugi recovers, while Kaato is revealed to have been stabbed due to Wonder of U's ability. With the family curse broken, the Higashikata family attend to Norisuke, who is in an incapacitated state, while an ambulance arrives in the estate.


Days later, the Higashikata family go to a cafe to order a cake as a celebration for Norisuke's discharge the next day, as well as a new beginning in the Higashikata family history. Daiya invites Yasuho and Josuke who have been walking nearby. While choosing a cake made by the Higashikata parlor, everyone breaks down into tears, including Daiya, Hato, Tsurugi, and Joshu. Tsurugi then insists Josuke to choose a cake. With the family reunited once again, Yasuho sheds a tear before exiting the room.


Book Icon.png Apparition dans le Manga
Chapitres (ordre chronologique)


Quote.png Citations
  • You know, back in my school days, I was Miss Cherry. Lelo. As the winner of a contest, I got to travel to China and Europe for the fruit of Japan. That's how I got to know my husband Jobin and ended up marrying into the Higashikata family. I was even a model for Higashikata Fruit Parlor ads. Moreso after I had Tsurugi than when I was younger. I had support from the whole family and it helped sales, too.
    —Mitsuba Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 78: Orthopedic Surgeon - Dr. Wu Tomoki
  • Getting older is fine and all... but I can't let my nails get dirty or my breasts sag. After becoming the wife of the Higashikata Family, even if I'm a mom, I have to keep turning heads or it's all over for me.
    —Mitsuba Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 78: Orthopedic Surgeon - Dr. Wu Tomoki
  • Everything is beautiful and healthy as healthy can be... my body is perfect from head to toe!
    —Mitsuba Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 79: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 1
  • What got traded away in the equivalent exchange? Yasuho... I need to find out what happened during my treatment.
    —Mitsuba Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 79: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 1
  • One arrow... another arrow... three arrows. Any energy that is attacking me, I can move in a direction up to an arrow. I can move energy to the points of the arrow marks! The name of my Stand is Awaking III Leaves. If I use three arrows, I can move energy the shortest route out of the space they surround!
    —Mitsuba Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 80: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 2
  • If I just run away from this with the excuse "I didn't know"... I'll never live it down. I already... have feelings of love welling up in me.
    —Mitsuba Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 82: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 4
  • You want to mediate and smooth things over...? Don't spout that nonsense to me! Not you, or you, or you! Or any of your children! If you ever... lay a single finger on my Tsurugi without justifiable grounds again... I'll break those fingers without a second thought.
    —Mitsuba Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 84: The Wonder of You, Part 1
  • Everything that's coming to crash into this family, my Awaking III Leaves will flush down the drain and out of there. Now flush away!
    —Mitsuba Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 94: The Wonder of You, Part 11
  • Noǃ You must not go towards the head doctorǃ (駄目ッ!!こっちから「院長」への攻撃はッ!!)
    —Mitsuba Higashikata to Jobin Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 97: The Wonder of You, Part 14



  • Sachant que son nom est inspiré du trèfle, Mitsuba entre dans le thème des nom des femmes de la Famille Higashikata qui font référence aux jeux de cartes, avec Kaato inspirée de "carte", Hato pour le "coeur" et Daiya pour le "carreau". Tsurugi fait référence aux "piques", dont l'ancienne version était "l'épée", comme le nom de Tsurugi.



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