Chapter 331
Rohan and Koichi find themselves stuck in a mysterious street. Rohan asks Koichi to send his Echoes up in the sky again. But he is interrupted when a young woman presents herself before them. She proposes to guide them, but Rohan attacks by drawing an artwork in the air, subjecting the girl to Heaven's Door's power. Rohan investigates the girl, who is named Reimi Sugimoto, a standless 16 years old girl living in Morioh. After Rohan begins to uncover more personal informations and Koichi interrupts him, the mangaka erases Reimi's recent memories and resumes the conversation. Reimi, acting as a guide for Rohan and Koichi in the streets, tries to be friendly by making a "pocky horoscope" with Rohan, predicting that he'll get dumped by a girl due to his personality, which Rohan dismisses. However the mood becomes more serious when Reimi presents to them a house where someone was murdered, narrating in great detail how a girl was lured out of her bed by the dripping sound of her dog Arnold's blood in the bathroom, and someone killed her from behind. Shortly after the end of that horror story, Rohan and Koichi see the same dog in the house's garden, and realize that they have been talking to the ghost of the murdered girl from the story.