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Moje serce drży! Z żarem szalejącego ognia! Poczuj bicie mojego pulsu! Zryw Żółtych Fal Słońca! (震えるぞハート!燃え尽きるほどヒート!!刻むぞ血液のビート!山吹き色の波紋疾走(サンライトイエローオーバードライブ)!!)

Fala (波紋, Hamon), to energia wykorzystywana w starożytnej formie sztuk walki znanej jako Sendo (仙道, Sendō, dosł. "Styl życia Eremity").

Przez świadomie kontrolowane oddychanie osoba wyszkolona w technice Fali może wytwarzać energię identyczną do energii Słońca, która objawia się za pomocą fal płynących wzdłuż ciała. Ta energia może być wykorzystana w szerokim wachlarzu technik, oraz jest śmiertelna dla Wampirów, Zombie oraz Ludzi Filaru.

Fala jest głównym źródłem mocy bohaterów Phantom Blood oraz Battle Tendency. Występuje również przez chwilę w Stardust Crusaders.


Zeppeli tworzący Falę przez oddychanie
Fala jest energią identyczną do promieni słonecznych. Ludzkie ciało może wytwarzać tę energię poprzez kontrolowane oddychanie, tworząc fale energii rozprzestrzeniające się z krwioobiegu do reszty ciała i innych obiektów, które mają z nim kontakt. Fala widoczna jest jako iskry przypominające prąd elektryczny, oraz może być widziana przez zwykłych ludzi.

Obiekt, który zostanie naładowany Falą będzie posiadał co najmniej jeden atrybut wzmocniony jej energią, czyniąc z nieigo znacznie bardziej efektywne narzędzie lub broń. Ciecze takie jak woda czy olej szczególnie dobrze przewodzą Fale, które stają się w nich widoczne. Jednakże, pomimo że wszystkie materiały mogą przewodzić Fale, tylko żywe organizmy takie jak krzewy róży, mogą zachować energię Fali. Joseph Joestar zademonstrował możliwość przeprowadzania Fali przez jego Standa, Hermit Purple; nie jest wiadome czy inne rodzaje Standów mogą robić to samo.

Pomimo że w teorii każdy może wytwarzać niewielkie ilości energii Fali, Will Anthonio Zeppeli tłumaczy, że tylko jeden na dziesięć tysięcy może zostać praktykującym użytkownikiem Fali. Tylko garstka ludzi posiada wystarczającą siłę woli, a co za tym idzie, dyscyplinę, by kontrolować swoje oddychanie, przede wszystkim ci, którzy przeżyli wielkie tragedie i zachowali hart ducha.[1] Jednakże, umiejętność stosowania Fali jesy również talentem, który może zostać odziedziczony przez potomków użytkowników Fali, z tego powodu Joseph Joestar miał naturalny talent do Fali, mimo że nie potrafił jej biegle używać.

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Kolorowana mangaHeritage for the FuturePB (PS2)All-Star BattleAnimeEyes of HeavenAll-Star Battle R
Kolor(Żółty i pomarańczowy)

Wykorzystywanie Fali

Sendō Ripple Overdrive Jonathana Joestara, potężny atak Fali
Ze względu na jej identyczną naturę z pozytywną energią Słońca, głównymi zastosowaniami Fali są: leczenie dolegliwości oraz walka z nieumarłymi istotami, takimi jak wampiry czy zombie.

Ataki Fali mogą wpływać na żywe organizmy, ale niekoniecznie je ranią. Will Anthonio Zeppeli wykorzystał Falę do uleczenia złamanej ręki Jonathana Joestara, a później jego wnuk Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli wykorzystał falę do przejęcia kontroli nad kobietą podczas bójki z Josephem Joestar. Energia Fali Karsa posiadająca kilkaset razy większą moc od Fali Josepha, niemal natychmiastowo zaczęła stapiać jego ciało. [2] Fala może przenosić się między różnymi ludźmi, co widać gdy zarówno Will A. Zeppeli, jak i jego wnuk Caesar przenieśli swoje Fale do towarzyszącym im Joestarów na krótko przed śmiercią. Użytkownicy Fali mogą pozbyć się szkodliwych substancji ze swojego krwioobiegu poprzez wypuszczenie ich za pomocą energii Fali.

Regularne wytwarzanie Fali zachowuje witalność jej użytkownika, odmładzając ich wygląd oraz dodając im więcej energii nawet w podeszłym wieku, chociaż umiejętność ta ma swoje ograniczenia.[3]

Aby wytworzyć stabilną Falę jej użytkownicy muszą kontrolować energię wytwarzaną podczas oddychania. Zazwyczaj wymaga to skupienia całej energii przez nagłym uwolnieniem jej całej w celu wytworzenia potężnego przypływu Fali.


Fala może wszystko zmienić w broń

Przez nasycenie obiektu Falą jej użytkownik może wykonać kilka technik, które w połączeniu z własnymi taktykami umożliwiają szeroki zakres stylów walki. Dzięki jej wszechstronnej natury wiele wojowników wykorzystuje różne bronie, poczynając od szalika, przez bańki mydlane, a kończąc na "klik-klakach", czy nawet po prostu winie. Wiele z najpotężniejszych technik Fal klasyfikowane są jako techniki "Overdrive" (波紋疾走(オーバードライブ), Ōbādoraibu, dosł. "Zryw Fali"), oraz często nazywają się i przybierają kolor czynnika, z którym są wykorzystane, na przykład: Zryw, który wytwarza ogień nazwany jest Zrywem Szkarłatnych Fal, natomiast Zryw przewodzony przez metal nazwany jest Zrywem Srebrnych Fal. Obiekt, który zostanie uderzony za pomocą Zrywu przewodzi przez siebie Fale, stając się śmiertelnym dla nieumarłych.

Nauka Fali

To produce more than a small amount of Ripple energy requires the user to breathe a precise way. Thus, to enhance their ability to produce the Ripple and efficiently wield it in battle, a Ripple user must undergo training.

Ripple users undergo harsh physical training to increase their breathing ability, thus increasing the amount and power of the Ripple energy they produce. Although the training is focused on the rhythm of one's breathing, Ripple masters often use physical exercises as well; these exercises can include prolonged swimming and balancing atop one's finger.[4] Harsh masters have also designed lethal training regimens like the Hell Climb Pillar, which puts students in a life-or-death situation to push them to overcome their limits.[5]

Those who want to fight with the Ripple also typically undergo martial arts training in order to acquire battle experience and fighting skills. Though Will A. Zeppeli and Jonathan Joestar train to use Sendō techniques alongside Ripple energy, some Ripple users like Joseph Joestar prefer to use tools with the Ripple, and others like Caesar Zeppeli utilize unpolished fighting styles rather than traditional martial arts techniques.


Wamuu preventing Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli from breathing

Though Ripple users can utilize Ripple energy freely, destroy undead beings in a single strike, and turn even the most mundane of objects into lethal weapons, they are not without significant weaknesses.

A Ripple user must be able to consistently breathe; if this breathing is weakened or made arrhythmic due to injuries or other conditions, they slowly grow weaker and lose the ability to create Ripple energy, to the point where they can be easily defeated by a mere zombie. This weakness is notably exploited by Dio Brando when he mortally injures Jonathan, piercing his trachea and in the process preventing him from using the Ripple. Similarly, Ripple energy requires a strong flow of the user's blood to be used with any great strength. Dio develops a technique that can flash-freeze a Ripple user in seconds, halting their blood's flow and rendering them unable to attack. Additionally, Wamuu remarks during his fight with Caesar Zeppeli that Caesar's heavy blood loss prevents him from using the Ripple.

While Ripple energy is strong enough to smash through rock and brick, it is unable to smash through stronger substances like iron or steel, according to Will Zeppeli.

The Ripple is ineffective at removing an object from the user's body if said object is made of the user's own flesh, as seen by Joseph Joestar when he attempts to remove the Stand Empress from his body.


Ripple Users


Note: Due to the versatility of the Ripple and the near-universal ways of deploying it, there are very few shared techniques between Ripple users. Many of the techniques listed here are exclusive to individuals and do not represent the full spectrum available.

Ruchy Zrywu

Overdrive / Ripple Overdrive(波紋疾走(オーバードライブ) Ōbādoraibu, lit. Ripple Dash/Sprint) Link to this sectionLink to this section
User(s): All Ripple users
Debut: Chapter 19: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 2 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 4: Overdrive
The most basic application of the Ripple. The user attacks with either their limbs or an object imbued with the Ripple. When Joseph uses it, he imbues his hand with the Ripple and strikes his opponent with a chop.
Sendō Ripple Overdrive(仙道波紋 疾走(オーバードライブ) Sendō Hamon Ōbādoraibu, lit. Hermit Way Ripple Dash) Link to this section
The user charges Ripple energy through their arm and releases it into a solid object, such as a wall or partition. The Ripple travels through the object until it reaches the other side, and anything hit by the Ripple is sent flying. If the enemy is an undead being, the Ripple will enter their bloodstream and destroy them from the inside.
Scarlet Overdrive(緋色の波紋疾走(スカーレットオーバードライブ) Sukāretto Ōbādoraibu, lit. Scarlet-Colored Ripple Dash) Link to this section
Scarlet Overdrive.gif
By charging the Ripple into one hand, a Ripple user can light their own hand on fire. They are then able to transfer the flame to another part of their body, and anything that touches that body part has a chance of catching fire.
Turquoise Blue Overdrive(青縁波紋疾走(ターコイズブルーオーバードライブ) Tākoizu Burū Ōbādoraibu, lit. Turquoise Blue Ripple Dash) Link to this section
A Ripple user can release powerful tempests while underwater with enough force to blast enemies away. In most cases, a good portion of the water is propelled outward as well, to the extent that a lake can be drained to waist-high depth. Strangely, in Heritage for the Future, Joseph performs this technique via an inward chop imbued with Ripple energy, despite not being underwater.
Overdrive Barrage(波紋疾走(オーバードライブ)連打 Ōbādoraibu Renda, lit. Ripple Dash Barrage) Link to this section
When a Ripple user punches fast enough consecutively, they can release multiple Overdrives at once.
Metal Silver Overdrive(銀色の波紋疾走(メタルシルバーオーバードライブ) Metaru Shirubā Ōbādoraibu, lit. Silver Colored-Ripple Dash) Link to this section
Essentially the same as a Sendō Ripple Overdrive, but with the ability to transfer through metal.
Sunlight Yellow Overdrive(山吹き色の波紋疾走(サンライトイエローオーバードライブ) Sanraito Ierō Ōbādoraibu, lit. Bright Golden Yellow Ripple Dash) Link to this section
Jonathan Bruford Overdrive.gif
Skilled Ripple users can unleash a devastating Ripple-infused strike with power comparable to the sun itself, with the ability to completely obliterate an undead being. The attack is notable for producing a very clear yellow color akin to sunlight.
Life Magnetism Overdrive(生命磁気への波紋疾走(オーバードライブ) Seimei jiki e no Ōbādoraibu, lit. Existence Magnetism Ripple Dash) Link to this section
With the aid of another Ripple user, one can draw all the leaves in the immediate area together and magnetize them, forming one giant leaf which can be used as an impromptu hang glider. Human bodies have a faint magnetic field, and can act as a living magnet when that magnetic field's power is increased by the Ripple. That magnetic field is then transferred into the leaves, creating a massive magnetic sheet that holds the leaves together.
Tornado Overdrive(波紋乱渦疾走(トルネーディオーバードライブ) Torunēdi Ōbādoraibu, lit. Ripple Wild Vortex Dash) Link to this section
The Ripple user leaps into the air and points their legs towards the opponent. From here, they are able to channel the Ripple into their lower half and dive-bomb the opponent in a drill-like spinning motion.
Deep Pass Overdrive(深仙脈疾走(ディーパスオーバードライブ) Dīpasu Ōbādoraibu, lit. Deep Hermit Pulse Dash) Link to this section
One of the most powerful Ripple techniques, Deep Pass Overdrive allows a Ripple user to transfer all of their life energy into another Ripple user. The recipient gains the performer's energy, causing their strength, agility, and Ripple technique to increase dramatically. This rapid loss of life energy also changes the performer's physical appearance, causing their skin to wrinkle and their hair to turn white, as if they had aged considerably. This is one of the few Overdrive techniques without the kanji for "Ripple" in its name.
Ripple Beat Overdrive(波紋疾走(はもんオーバードライブ)のビート Hamon Ōbādoraibu no Bīto, lit. Ripple Dash Beat) Link to this section
The user traps the opponent with ropes made of 100% wool, then imbues the ropes with the Ripple. When Joseph uses it, the move has enough force to slice through Esidisi's face.
Rebuff Overdrive(波紋肘支疾走(リーバッフオーバードライブ) Rībaffu Ōbādoraibu, lit. Ripple Elbow Branch Dash) Link to this section
The user charges Ripple into their elbows and delivers a powerful strike.
Indigo Blue Overdrive(藍色波紋疾走(インデイゴブルーのオーバードライブ) Indigo Burū no Ōbādoraibu, lit. Indigo Ripple Dash) Link to this section
User(s): Lisa Lisa/pl
Debut: JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 1: Tsukumojuku
Jorge 1-22.jpg
The user charges Ripple into their fist and hits the ground. The Ripple travels across the floor, creating a circle filled with a complicated pattern. It instantly disintegrates any undead target into ashes.
Sunset Orange Overdrive(茜色波紋疾走(サンセツトオレンジのオーバードライブ) Sansetsuto Orenji no Obādoraibu, lit. Madder Red Ripple Dash) Link to this section
User(s): Lisa Lisa/pl
Debut: JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 16: Beyond II
The user holds the Red Stone of Aja in one hand and presses it against the opponent before charging it with the Ripple. The Ripple resembles the color of sunset and creates a red firework, burning the enemy.

Ruchy Sztuk Walki

Seated Jump(座ったままの姿勢で跳躍 Suwatta Mama no Shisei de Chōyaku, lit. Jumping in a Seated Pose) Link to this sectionLink to this section
Those who have trained in Sendō gain strong legs and knees, allowing them to jump extremely high from a sitting position and then land on their feet.
Zoom Punch(ズームパンチ Zūmu Panchi) Link to this section
The Ripple user launches their fist forward and strikes their opponent by elongating their arm. The attack uses the Ripple breathing technique to dislocate and stretch the user's arm's joints to extend the arm and give it greater reach, while simultaneously using the same Ripple energy to dull the pain caused by the move. Due to the arm's increased length, the punch seems to be "zoomed in" from the opponent's perspective.

Sendō Wave Kick(仙道波蹴(ウェーブキック) Sendō Uēbu Kikku, lit. Hermit Way/Path Wave Kick) Link to this section
The user channels Ripple energy into their knee and kicks the opponent with it. The Ripple energy tears undead enemies apart upon entering the bloodstream.
Thunder Split Attack(稲妻空烈刃(サンダー・スプリット・アタック) Sandā Supuritto Atakku) Link to this section
The user performs a slow kick at their opponent. If the opponent grabs the user's legs, the user is able to perform a split, preventing the opponent from moving their arms; if the split is quick enough, the user can leave an object on their opponent's shoulder without them noticing. The user then attacks their foe's neck with a double chop imbued with the Ripple. The attack's weakness is that it leaves the user's guard open for a headbutt or another direct attack.
Afterimages Link to this section
Those who have trained in Sendō gain extremely quick movements, footwork, and agility, allowing them to create afterimages when they move.
Thunder Cross Split Attack(稲妻十字空烈刃(サンダー・クロス・スプリット・アタック) Sandā Kurosu Supuritto Atakku) Link to this section
An advanced version of the Thunder Split Attack that allows the user to covers its weakness by forming a cross with their arms. It is described as a perfect technique in both attack and defense, and according to Straizo no fighter has ever defeated it aside from Dio.

Ruchy Sytuacyjne

Ripple Cutter(波紋カッター Hamon Kattā) Link to this section
The user spits globs of liquid from between their teeth. The Ripple makes the liquid not only sharp and dense enough to cut through solid objects, but also agile and accurate enough to deflect other projectiles.
Ripple Detector(波紋探知機 Hamon Tanchiki) Link to this sectionLink to this section
The user imbues a liquid or object with the Ripple. The Ripple passes through the user's body and the environment, enabling the user to sense their surroundings and detect others even through walls. Jonathan and Zeppeli use this technique through wine, while Lisa Lisa uses it through her scarf.

{{Tech|Part=PB|Part2=BT |Name = Sticking Ripple & Repelling Ripple |JPN = くっつく波紋とはじく波紋 |Romaji = Kuttsuku Hamon to Hajiku Hamon |User = [[Will Anthonio Zeppeli]/pl], Jonathan Joestar/pl, Lisa Lisa/pl, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Joseph Joestar |Debut = Chapter 24: Ripple Overdrive, Part 2 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 5: The Dark Knights |AImage = RippleRepellent.gif |Desc = A Ripple user is able to use the Ripple either as a repellent or to adhere either themselves or objects to other objects or liquids. Zeppeli first uses this ability to walk on water, followed shortly afterward by Jonathan. Jonathan also uses this technique to expel the venom from Doobie's snakes, and later Dio's vampiric extract, out of his body. Joseph and Caesar manage to climb a pillar covered in oil with adhesion, and Caesar uses the technique to deflect a high pressured oil jet. Later, Caesar and Joseph force Esidisi out of Suzi Q's body: Joseph sends positive repellent ripple into various points across Suzi Q's body, while Caesar focuses attractant negative ripple on only her heart, forcing Esidisi to leave when he can't handle it anymore. }}

Ripple Hypnosis Link to this sectionLink to this section
By using the Ripple on people or animals, a Ripple user can reorganize their cells, indirectly controlling their body. The process requires contact between the user and the target, whether it be a kiss or simply touching one's head with their hands. The target will then carry out the user's will, with the infused Ripple energy rendering them stronger than an ordinary being. A Ripple user can also knock out ordinary people by applying the Ripple to one's head, as a young Joseph does to a pilot while Robert E. O. Speedwagon's plane is being hijacked; furthermore, a Ripple master can use this technique to extract forgotten memories.
Satiporoja Beetle Cloth(サティポロジアビートルの布 Satiporojia Bītoru no Nuno) Link to this section
A Ripple master can use cloth woven from the dried intestinal fibers of Satiporoja beetles, an insect native to Southeast Asia. The cloth is capable of conducting the Ripple at 100%. Straizo/pl and Lisa Lisa/pl use scarves that are made of 30,000 beetles. As it conducts and disperses the Ripple far better than the human body, the scarf acts similarly to a lightning rod, and can completely absorb an opponent's Ripple attack.
Ripple Hair Attack(波紋ヘア・アタック Hamon Hea Atakku) Link to this section
The user infuses Ripple into strands of hair to form a barrier that can block incoming projectiles. Joseph uses this technique to block bullets fired by Santana/pl after ripping a fistful of Rudol von Stroheim's hair.
Bubble Launcher(シャボンランチャー Shabon Ranchā) Link to this section
The user fires out a barrage of bubbles, each coated in the Ripple. This increases the density of the bubbles and allows them to hit objects with a greater impact. When hit by the barrage, even a grown man can be completely blown away.
Bubble Barrier(シャボンバリアー Shabon Bariā) Link to this section
This move is sometimes used in conjunction with Bubble Launcher. The Ripple user conjures a single gigantic bubble capable of absorbing and trapping its target.
Clacker Volley(クラッカーヴォレイ Kurakkā Vorei) Link to this section
The user chucks American Clackers infused with the Ripple into their opponent's direction. This can be done a number of ways; to produce the best and most surprising effect, the user can hide them behind their back, allowing them to slingshot the clackers from behind their back in all directions.
Clacker Boomerang(クラッカーブーメラン Kurakkā Būmeran) Link to this section
The user throws pairs of Clackers infused with the Ripple into a beam or pillar behind the opponent, fooling the foe into assuming they missed. One of the pairs of Clackers gets stuck onto whatever it was thrown at and starts spinning, latching onto the second pair of Clackers. The second pair then flings back towards the opponent from behind, mimicking the effect of a boomerang.
Ripple Beat(波紋のビート Hamon no Bīto) Link to this section
The user imbues both their fists and feet with the Ripple to use this advanced adhesive technique, allowing them to slide across and propel themselves up liquid, gaining more distance than they could from normally climbing or jumping.
Bubble Cutter(シャボン・カッター Shabon Kattā) Link to this section
This technique is a direct improvement on the Bubble Launcher. Inspired by the Ripple Cutter technique, the user creates sharp disc-shaped bubbles. These bubbles spin at high speed and use centrifugal force, but are able to stay intact due to the Ripple. The bubbles move at a higher velocity and have higher precision, allowing the user to fire them in any direction with ease.
Bubble Cutter Gliding(シャボンカッター滑走(グライディン) Shabon Kattā Guraidin) Link to this section
A more versatile version of Bubble Cutter, this technique sacrifices the quantity of the original attack, instead focusing on effectiveness. By launching only a few bubbles, the user is able to aim them much like homing projectiles. The bubbles are able to go around objects, giving them a higher chance of hitting the opponent.
Bubble Lenses(シャボン・レンズ Shabon Renzu) Link to this section
The user produces Ripple-infused bubbles that have the ability to refract light and focus it into beams, much like a magnifying glass. After they are launched, the bubbles become stationary. Any light source passing through will cause a domino effect, connecting the bubbles together and eventually shooting multiple beams at their target.
Snake Muffler(蛇首立帯(スネックマフラー) Sunekku Mafurā, lit. Snake Neck Standing Belt) Link to this section
The user can transfer Ripple into a Ripple-conducting scarf to harden it, allowing them to balance on the now-rigid scarf to avoid contact with the ground.

Umiejętności Wspierające

Forced Ripple Breathing(強制波紋呼吸 Kyōsei Hamon Kokyū) Link to this section
The Ripple user gut-punches a potential ally with their pinky finger raised, allowing them to reach the diaphragm. The target will momentarily lose their breath as their diaphragm empties, but will then be able to produce Ripple energy through their breathing. A skilled Ripple user can gauge how much Ripple energy a person can produce in one breath, enabling them to determine their potential. However, the technique itself requires precision and is difficult to perform. Even experienced Ripple users can fail it, as is the case when Will Anthonio Zeppeli/pl attempts to use Forced Ripple Breathing on Robert E. O. Speedwagon/pl.
Healing Link to this sectionLink to this section
The Ripple can heal fractured bones as well as lessen one's sense of pain, allowing Ripple users to use techniques without fear of pain. When Zeppeli uses Forced Ripple Breathing on Jonathan, the latter's breathing heals his fractured arm, which normally would have taken another month or two to completely heal. When Jonathan then grabs a tree branch, it revives withered flowers, causing them to bloom again. This ability is used by a certain Ripple user serving as a doctor in India.
Precognition Link to this section
Extremely skilled Ripple users like Tonpetty/pl can see very far into the future of an individual, including the moment of their death.
Slowing Aging Process Link to this section
Consistent use of the Ripple can slow one's aging process, as Ripple breathing imbues the user with life force. As such, both Straizo/pl and Lisa Lisa appear a lot younger than they actually are. Although Lisa Lisa was 50 years old, Joseph assumed she was in her late 20s. However, the Ripple cannot completely halt the process of aging.


Tybetyjscy mistrzowie specjalizujący się w szkoleniu Fali

Technika Fali może sięgać zarania ludzkości, gdyż celem jej stworzenia była walka z Ludźmi Filaru. Jednakże, po zdobyciu potęgi Kamiennej Maski Kars oraz Esidisi z łatwością wymordowali większość użytkowników Fali ze Świata w 39 roku n.e., po czym powrócili do hibernacji. Mimo tego technika przetrwała; podczas gdy Kamienne Maski rozprzestrzeniały się po świecie Fala została ofensywną sztuką walki z wampirami oraz zombie stworzonymi przez maski. Użytkownicy Fali zbudowali wiele urządzeń i świątyń na świecie, służących do pomocy w szkoleniu oraz nauce od siebie nawzajem. Dwoje mistrzów Fali Tonpetty/pl oraz Lisa Lisa/pl, pomogli odpowiednio Jonathanowi oraz Josephowi Joestar.



  • Według Arakiego koncepcja "Zasad" i psychicznych mocy w mandze Babel II autorstwa Mitsuteru Yokoyama pomogła mu stworzyć fundament do idei Fali.[6]
  • Ruchy wykorzystujące Fale, takie jak Zryw służą jako podstawowy element technik Josepha w JoJo's Venture, oraz całkowicie uzupełniają wachlarz ruchów młodego Josepha. W trakcie wykonywania ruchów Fali przez wciskanie przycisku mocnego ataku u obu Josephów widać animację oddychania.


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