Stone Ocean - Chapter 68
Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 2 (燃えよ
Kenzou's counter-attacks causes Foo Fighters to start 'drowning'; unbeknownst to him, as a life form composed of plankton, F.F. cannot be drowned. He explains how his attack targets the adrenal gland, which gives one the feeling of being swallowed up and suffocated by a giant wave. Worried, Jolyne tries to help F.F. by giving her the time to stab her own throat, releasing the adrenal fluid, and to aim at Kenzou with her bullets.
However, Kenzou anticipated this movement and ably dodges the bullets again. Taking advantage of the distance between him and F.F., Kenzou kicks and crushes her against the stairwell; however, F.F., using her abilities to manipulate the body she is 'possessing', takes little damage. Kenzou questions whether F.F. is human. Jolyne tries again to help them; this time, Anasui interrupts, saying the more important thing is to analyze Kenzou's secret ability.
Anasui explains that in Kenzou's thirties, he was a cult founder who got a sentence of 280 years after killing 34 young men and women in an attempt of mass suicide. Not only was he the only one to survive, but it seemed like the building tried to protect him.
Meanwhile, Kenzou utilizes his Survivor-enhanced senses to figure out that F.F. has an organism in her body. He claims F.F. doesn't have enough power to resist the next 'drowning' attack as he utilizes some feng shui-based movements and activates his Stand. F.F. proceeds to shoot it, only for the Stand to say it won't do a thing and that it is neutral. Realizing this and that the Stand is intangible, F.F. sees that she has to aim at Kenzou.
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