"Fighting Gold" is the first opening of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind and the eighth overall opening of the series' TV anime adaptation. It will be performed by Coda, with lyrics by Neko Oikawa and composition/arrangement by Toshiyuki Omori. The full version of the song will be first available for purchase in download stores starting October 13, 2018, while the CD single will be released on November 14, 2018, along with access on popular song streaming platforms.[2]
The opening begins on a pedestal shot of a stone statue standing dramatically on a rock, surrounded by a crimson scarf and a chain. Follows another shot of the chains being dragged upward by an Arrow head. At the same time, montages of the JoJo letters and symbols are displayed to finish on the show title. Giorno's bleeding hand appears, the blood dripping onto the floor before chains appear from the puddles, surrounding Giorno who keeps a defensive pose but a determined gaze.
Rose petals fly and the scene changes to Mista running into the light. Surrounded by the chains, the gunslinger draws his revolver, prepared to shoot as the camera zooms into the barrel.
The rifling suddenly transforms into a spiral of chains, in the middle of which Trish helplessly fall.