Eyes of Heaven ★ Joshu Higashikata

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Urgh! Gross alert! Gross alert![1] (ゲっ! グロ注意ッ! グロ注意だッ!)

Joshu Higashikata (東方 常秀, Higashikata Jōshū) makes his first playable appearance in Eyes of Heaven, and was confirmed for the game alongside Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion), Narciso Anasui, and New Moon Pucci.

Using the Stand User (スタンド使い, Sutando Tsukai) style with his Stand, Nut King Call (localised as "Nuts N. Bolts in the English version), Joshu sports a low amount of abilities and skills, yet remains a viable fighter nonetheless.

Hiroaki Miura reprises his voice acting role as Joshu from All-Star Battle, this time with much more dialogue. In his interview for the game, he says that Joshu was a difficult role to act, but that he thinks it will be a memorable performance that people will enjoy. He also expresses how the game seems to work very different from All-Star Battle, and that he looks forward to playing the game himself.[2]


Due to Joshu's lack of combat experience, having only recently discovered his Stand at the time of the game's development and release, his skillset is somewhat limited compared to other characters. However, while sporting a low amount of abilities and skills, Joshu remains a viable fighter regardless. Joshu also has the slowest base movement speed in the entire game, but certain conditions can increase it to the fastest as well.

Style Action - What a stupid thing to say.
Joshu stops to make an irritating comment, bragging about his and Yasuho's relationship. This forces opponents within range to lock onto him and automatically unleash a Powerful Attack, and will also boost the Dual Heat Gauge by a considerable amount. Due to this effect, Joshu can easily counterattack if he guards or dodges his target's inevitable attack, and the ability is especially effective against opponents actively attacking his partner. However, Joshu himself is vulnerable upon activating the skill until he utters the first few words of the phrase, and his opponents will of course still land their attacks successfully if he does not defend in time.
Whoa! I did that!
Joshu reaches his hand forward, and if he connects with an opponent, he will lift them up by their neck with one hand as metallic nuts fall from their body. He then punches them with his other hand and sends them flying, leaving them Panicked for a short period of time. While Panicked, opponents cannot use any of their skills, nor can they guard, altogether rendering them especially vulnerable. The effect will be lifted early if Joshu is hit by certain attacks or a DHA.
The Screw
Joshu trips backwards onto the ground as Nut King Call advances forward with its arm outstretched. If NKC connects with an opponent, it will produce massive bolts that stick out from their bodies, paralyzing them and leaving them open to further attacks. Quickly moving the movement stick around can shorten the time bound.
I did it! Me! Ahahahahaha!
Joshu begins hysterically running around at high speeds while holding himself. The skill's cooldown gauge then changes into a depleting timer; if Joshu successfully empties the gauge via his running, he will stop and laugh uncontrollably. This triggers multiple beneficial effects: Joshu gains a temporary boost to attack power and Dual Heat Gauge charge rate, all of his skills will be instantly taken off cooldown at that moment (including EX skills), and a Flash Cancel and Flash Burst is restored if they have been consumed. Joshu can interrupt his run with any action without canceling the skill; the timer's depletion will only slow and Joshu will resume running if no actions are taken afterward. However, if Joshu is hit by or blocks an attack, or initiates a Dual Combo or DHA, the skill will deactivate completely and the cooldown will begin from wherever the timer gauge leaves off.
EX - The Screw
The skill activates quicker and Joshu is invincible until Nut King Call begins moving. NKC will move a slight distance further, extend its arm's reach, and deal more damage.
EX - I did it! Me! Ahahahahaha!
Joshu runs at an even faster speed. The timer gauge will deplete at a considerably faster rate, and will also not slow down upon him taking action.

If Joshu has a Soul Succession active, the effects of the movement speed boosts are multiplicative, causing him to accelerate into a superhuman sprint. At his level of speed, he is able to traverse one end of any stage to the other in the few seconds the ability lasts, and he possesses the fastest running speed of any character in the game bar none as long as the skill is active. The speed increase is such that Joshu can even outpace most characters' Homing Dash, making it nigh impossible for any adversaries to catch him without the use of fast projectiles or traps.

Dual Heat Attacks
Solo - Wait... I'm the one doing this! Yeaaaah!!
Joshu, sitting on the ground, realizes Nut King Call has started acting on its own. The opponent suddenly has nuts and bolts embedded into their body when NKC stands up. As the nuts begin automatically undoing themselves from their bolts, the opponent violently falls apart and is soon completely dismantled.
With Josuke - We're friends, right?
Joshu and Josuke discuss their "friendship" status as Soft & Wet delivers a punch that downs the opponent. Joshu and Nut King Call hastily move in to finish them off, but fails to notice a bubble by Soft & Wet that steals the ground's friction, making him slip and spin out of control. Accelerating to high-speeds, Joshu is only stopped when he inevitably crashes into the downed opponent as Josuke humorously looks on.

Costumes & Tints

EOH Joshu Higashikata Normal ABCD.png
Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Joshu's main JoJolion attire

Tint ATint BTint CTint D
EOH Joshu Higashikata Normal ABCD.png
Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Joshu's JOJO-D colors, similar to JJL Chapter 21 Cover A

EOH Joshu Higashikata Normal ABCD.png
Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

This section requires expansion.


JJL Volume 5 spine

EOH Joshu Higashikata Normal ABCD.png
Color Tint C
Unlock Condition

This section requires expansion.


JJL Volume 6 Cover

EOH Joshu Higashikata Normal ABCD.png
Color Tint D
Unlock Condition

This section requires expansion.


JJL Chapter 26 Cover B


  • She even lets me give her kisses...: Joshu must use his Style Action 3 times. (200 Points)
  • Wait... I'm the one doing this! Yeaaaah!!: Joshu must connect "Whoa! I did that!". (200 Points)
  • Gross alert! Gross alert!: Joshu must break a Panicked opponent's health gauge. (300 Points)
  • He's a surprisingly good and honest guy...: Joshu must finish his run after activating "I did it! Me! Ahahahahaha!". (500 Points)
  • What an unbelievably crazy battle!: Joshu must Retire an opponent without losing a single health gauge. (800 Points)


He is paired with Diavolo in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, having been placed in the F Block series of battles to be incorporated into the main Tournament. They were eliminated in the first round by Bruno Bucciarati and Trish Una.

Story Mode Battles

Main StoryMissions
A Tale of Two Josukes
(2人のジョースケ Futari no Jōsuke, lit. The Two Josukes)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Higashikata House
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy cannot be backstabbed and has no skill cooldown.
Completion Bonus
28000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Josuke 8 Costume A
A: Josuke Color Set
B: Player Card Quote Set 31
EX Bonus
1. Win within 45 seconds. (Joshu Color Set)
2. Retire the enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Joshu SFX Set C)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: What's his ability?
Josuke 8: Don't know. This is the first time I've seen it too...
Joshu: Now listen up! Yasuho is miiiiiine!!
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: This guy's giving me bad vibes... My instincts are telling me to steer clear from him.
Josuke 8: Joshu... So this is your ability...
Defeat Dialogue
The Final Battle, Part 3
(最終決戦 その③ Saishū Kessen Sono 3)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Green Dolphin Street Prison
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team moves 25% faster, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 25% power.
Completion Bonus
37500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Gyro Costume B
A: Josuke 8 Color Set
B: Player Card Quote Set 109
EX Bonus
1. Win within 35 seconds. (Gyro SFX Set A)
2. Activate two Dual Combo Finishes. (Josuke SFX Set C)
Entrance Dialogue
Joshu: I don't like you! I'm gonna crush you!
Gyro: Yeah! Into tiny pieces!
Johnny: Help me out, Higashikata!
Josuke 8: Sure, let's fight together.
Victory Dialogue
Johnny: This is my only way to escape!
Josuke 8: Stay away from me!!
Defeat Dialogue
Joshu: Have you learned your lesson yet, shitbrain?
Gyro: Nyo, ho ho ho! Flawless victory!
A Bizarre Connection in Morioh Town
(奇妙な縁、杜王町にて Kimyō na En, Moriō-chō nite)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 9.
Stage: Higashikata House
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's stamina usage is decreased by 25%, and their skill cooldown is reduced by 25%.
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Koichi Costume C
A: Josuke 8 SFX Set D
B: Joshu Quote Set D
EX Bonus
1. Perform a 40-hit combo or greater. (Joshu Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Retire an enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Joshu Victory Pose D)
(嫉妬! Shitto!)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 9.
Stage: Higashikata House
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy's attack power is increased by 10%, and their health regenerates by 2% every five seconds.
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Josuke 8 Costume C
A: Josuke 8 SFX Set C
B: Josuke 8 Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Win within 35 seconds. (Josuke 8 Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Retire the enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Josuke 8 Victory Pose D)
Those Who Defy Heaven
(「天国」に挑むもの `Tengoku' ni Idomumono)
Unlock Conditions: Purchase the mission as part of Mission Pack 5.
DIO (Level: 50)
Stage: Cape Canaveral
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's attack power is increased by 25%, and they start the battle with a Dual Heat Attack.
Completion Bonus
60000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: DIO Costume B
A: DIO Color Set
B: Pucci Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Retire an enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Pucci Dual Combo Pose E)
2. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Pucci Victory Pose E)




Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

RenderStand RenderCut-ins

JoJolion Chapter 7: Josuke, Go to the Higashikata Family, page 17

Stand Render

JoJolion Chapter 21: "Shakedown Road", Part 4, page 5

Taunted Cut-in

JoJolion Chapter 12: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 1, page 6
(added sweat)



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