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Les Fantômes (幽霊, Yūrei) sont des créatures récurrentes de l'univers de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, apparaissant aussi dans des spin-offs tels que Deadman's Questions. Dans la partie Diamond is Unbreakable, certains fantômes gagnent en importance en devenant des personnages secondaires l'intrigue.


L'âme de Bucciarati allant au ciel

Lorsqu'un personnage meurt dans l'univers de JoJo, on voit à l'occasion voir leur âme (, tamashii) aller dans l'au-delà. Les personnages qui sont vertueux et bons tels que Mohammed Abdul, Iggy, ou Buccellati, on peut voir leur âmes aller au ciel, ces âmes étant visibles sous la forme d'une manifestation éthérique et vaporeuse.

Dans certains cas, l'âme est incapable de passer dans l'au-delà, et sont forcée de demeurer sur Terre et d'errer en tant que Fantômes. La plupart des fantômes sont décrits comme des Esprits liés à la Terre (地縛霊, Jibakurei)[1] ou des revenant, c'est à dire que leur âme n'est pas en paix ou qu'ils veulent accomplir quelque chose, ce qui les lie au monde des vivants, quelques fois à un endroit spécifique du monde.

Il n'y a presque aucune différence d'apparence entre quelqu'un et son fantôme, car les âmes sont le reflet de la personne (la grande exception étant Kira, qui a vécu des circonstances extraordinaires). De plus, un fantôme gardera généralement les blessures qu'il a reçu à sa mort, et se remémorer les circonstances de leur mort peut faire réapparaitre les blessures qu'ils avaient.[2] On dit aussi que les fantômes sont incapables de se développer contrairement aux êtres vivants, et les souvenirs stockés dans leur esprit ne sont que ceux de leur ancienne vie (ainsi lorsque Rohan a essayé de lire le fantôme de Reimi, il n'a pu lire que des informations de son ancienne vie). Si quelques fois les fantômes sont emplis de vengeance, ils conserveront leur personnalité et sont parfaitement capables d'agir comme des êtres humains normaux.

Les gens ne peuvent normalement pas percevoir les fantômes, mais certains animaux comme les chiens le peuvent.[3] Cependant, il est possible pour un fantôme de se faire entendre d'un humain ou même de les toucher et les frapper. Les manieurs de Stand ont un pouvoir spirituel plus grand et peuvent incarner leur esprits en Stands[1], ils sont capable de voir les fantômes et même peuvent se retrouver dans certains endroits à la frontière entre le monde des vivants et l'au-delà. Par exemple, ils peuvent se rendre dans l'allée de la fille fantôme à Morioh. Les manieurs peuvent également utiliser leurs capacités de Stand sur les fantômes et/ou les attaquer, (comme vu lorsque Rohan utilise Heaven's Door sur Reimi) bien que l'on ne sache pas si cela va blesser réellement le fantôme.

Comme on le voit dans Deadman's Question, les fantômes sont assez communs et on peut en fait les trouver n'importe où. La plupart ont tendance à rester oisifs et à demeurer simplement un endroit en hauteur, ou des coins, là où ils ne sont pas susceptibles de toucher les vivants.

Pouvoirs et restrictions

Des fantômes se cacheant dans les coins

Pour des raisons inexpliquées, les fantômes suivent certaines règles durant leur existence. Par exemple, ils ne peuvent entrer dans une pièce que si elle est vide ou si quelqu'un à l'intérieur a donné la permission au Fantôme d'entrer. Cependant, la nature de l'autorisation est vague : même accepter d'ouvrir la fente aux lettres de la porte compte comme une invitation pour un fantôme.

Ghosts have freely togglable intangibility. By default, it seems that Ghosts are intangible and thus can freely move through objects. However, they still have the ability to manipulate objects, though they are not able to feel them. Should a Ghost touch someone unwillingly, they lose their limbs, so most spirits just shrivel and hide in the shadows and out-of-the-way places to avoid bumping into people.

Ghosts who previously had a Stand in life can still use them, provided they do not become vagabond spirits, as the Stand is broken apart and destroyed upon the transition.

Fantômes Connus


Inanimate Objects

Kira testing different ghost objects.
For some unknown reason, objects can become Ghosts if destroyed as well. Worded differently, the objects become "made of Ghost" as if material. These can be felt and manipulated by normal ghosts, ranging from fire, food, books, guns, places, and entire buildings. However, these objects aren't capable of spreading to other living objects, so it wouldn't be possible to kill someone using a ghost object. It is, however, possible to use them to kill other spirits such as cleansers.

Ghostly locations such as Ghost Girl's Alley or Emporio's room are hidden from living humans as they somehow fit into narrow spaces such as the space between two adjacent buildings.

Burning Down the House

Burning Down the House is a Stand from Stone Ocean that allows its user, Emporio Alnino, to interact with the ghost of a room as well as various ghost objects, such as a computer, a piano, a gun, etc.. Burning Down the House's room and objects share the same or similar rules as the ghost house and objects from Deadman's Questions, such as them not being able to affect living objects. Emporio is also able to bring in other people into the room as well. Emporio is able to enter and hide inside Burning Down the House through cracks in the walls of Green Dolphin Street Prison, much like how Kira found and entered the ghost house in Deadman's Questions.

L'Allée de la fille fantôme

Ghost hands trying to take Koichi and Echoes

In the Japanese town of Morioh, a particular place nicknamed the Ghost Girl's Alley is said to be the border between the world of the living and the afterlife, essentially serving as a purgatory. Not only the alley is a closed space, but malicious spirits lurk in it. Any soul passing through here should never look back or else countless disembodied hands will drag the spirit into the unknown.

In Deadman's Questions, it is revealed that spirits dragged by the hands, at least in Kira's case, will become wandering vagabonds, without any memory of their past life and forced to find a purpose on Earth. Stands are destroyed when dragged by the hands, as shown with Killer Queen being torn to shreds and eventually not showing any traces of its existence later. It seems that the Ghost Alley itself, the hands of the alley, or some different entity altogether can talk as Koichi hearing something whisper that he can turn around when he was near the end of the maze.

Spirit Cleansers


Spirit Cleansers (魂の掃除屋, Tamashī no Sōjiya) are small creatures that, as its name suggests, cleanse spirits. They are born from eggs touched by a spirit. When they touch a normal ghost, plants begin to grow from the ghost, trying to change them into something else similar to a plant by eating him from the inside. When they eat a ghost object, they turn those into bugs. They have the function to clean the world from spirits, so that it won't be overflowing with vagabond spirits of the dead. They can be killed either by cracking their eggs or with a ghost object, but their dead remains can still clean whatever it touches.

Under The Moon

The painting Under The Moon, featuring Nanase, was done by painter Nizaemon Yamamura with the blackest and purest ink in the world, taken from the pigment of an ancient tree's trunk. The pigment that Nizaemon extracted from the 2000 years old tree came from a substance taken from insects living in the very core of the millenium trunk. These infinitely black creatures, resembling spiders, were hidden in the darkness since the dawn of time.

To use it on the painting, he cut down the tree, unaware that it was forbidden by decree to do so, and as
File:Under the Moon.jpg
The painting "Under The Moon"
punishment Nizaemon was executed just after his wedding with Nanase. Having been forced to become a widow, Nanase became gravely ill and died soon after. According to legend, Yamamura had drawn the most evil and black painting in the world. That's because the hate in his heart for meeting such a fate was transferred and sealed to the painting by Nanase before her death, giving it life and a murderous intent. Because of this, Nanase was cursed to sacrifice people for 300 years and eventually seal the curse away using a descendant by cutting her link to said descendant. When a living being draws near the painting, it perceives the heat or the breath of life and attacks the victim by using their sins, carved in their flesh, to create creatures similar to ghosts out of the victim's memories in order to mimic the appearances of someone close the victim may held some sin. This way, when someone tries to take a closer look at it, these monsters awaken and kill their victims in a similar manner the people they are copying died.
Creatures similar to ghosts created by Under the Moon

In 1989 it was acquired by the Louvre museum and kept in the Z-13 warehouse, which later was abandoned (probably because no one could get near the painting) with Under The Moon inside it. Rohan Kishibe, one of Nanase's descendants, finally managed to cut his link with her and seal the curse away by erasing all his memories with Heaven's Door. Under The Moon was supposedly incinerated after analysis by scientists, though Rohan explains that he can't know for certain if this is true.


  • In Deadman's Questions, Araki explains that the series' take on ghosts spawned from the idea that "In the world of life after death, if the spirit lives on, it would not be a place where everyone goes, but where there are "rules" similar to this world. The ghosts should go through just as much hardships as we do, if not more."


