Lucy Steel/fr

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Template:Character Info/fr

Le bonheur... c'est pour le trouver que j'ai traversé ce continent...

Lucy Steel (ルーシー・スティール, Rūshī Sutīru), née Lucy Pendleton (ルーシー・ペンドルトン, Rūshī Pendoruton) est une alliée majeure de la septième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Steel Ball Run.

Lucy est l'épouse du promoteur de Steel Ball Run, Steven Steel. Elle découvre accidentellement le plan de Funny Valentine pour la course et, craignant pour la sécurité de son mari, décide de coopérer avec Johnny Joestar et Jayro Zeppeli.

Plus tard, après avoir été exposée au Corps Saint, elle devient une manieuse de Stand temporairement et obtient Ticket to Ride.


Lucy est une fille de quatorze ans de taille moyenne, mais svelte. Elle a les cheveux clairs et mi-longs et une tenue composée généralement d'une robe et de collants à rayures. Elle porte également des manchettes et des bottes hautes, toutes deux ornées de décorations circulaires.

Plus tard, après avoir été kidnappée par Funny Valentine, elle porte une tenue plus simple : une robe et une paire d'escarpins et ses cheveux sont légèrement plus longs qu'auparavant. Lors de sa dernière apparition, Lucy est vue portant une capuche, tout en récupérant ses manchettes et ses bottes mais sans collants en dessous.


Lucy est une fille intelligente, douce et courageuse malgré les nombreuses situations dangereuses auxquelles elle fait face.

On sait d'abord que Lucy est une jeune fille gentille. Déjà durant son enfance, elle avait encouragé Steven Steel (qui était alors un sans-abris), étant la première personne à le soutenir dans son idée d'organiser une course de chevaux et lui suggérant qu'elle devrait être aussi grandiose que possible en traversant les Etat-Unis et ayant un prix de plusieurs millions.[1] Quand Steven a voulu repayer sa gentillesse en empêchant la mafia de l'emmener, Lucy était profondément reconnaissante à Steven, développant une relation d'affection et de confiance profonde avec lui. Malgré les préjugés de tous les autres, sa relation avec Steven était vraiment platonique.[2]

On ne voit pas Lucy interagir de façon significative avec les gens et elle semble être plutôt introvertie avec autrui, ce qui contraste par rapport à la personnalité assez grandiloquente (au moins en public) de Steven. Cependant, elle est la seule à connaître ses moments de doute et de tristesse et elle encourage son mari à chaque fois qu'il est sujets à des accès de peur.[3] Lorsqu'elle interagit avec d'autres personnes, Lucy agit généralement poliment et de façon plutôt douce.

En tant qu'épouse de Steven, Lucy lui est extrêmement fidèle et chacune de ses actions au cours de la course Steel Ball Run a été effectuée afin de le protéger du danger. En tant que tel, bien qu'elle soit une jeune fille frêle et sans pouvoir, Lucy se lance constamment dans le danger malgré sa peur. Non seulement elle infiltre plusieurs installations bien protégées afin de saboter le plan de Funny Valentine,[4][5] elle a également plusieurs rencontres périlleuses contre des manieurs de Stand tels que Blackmore,[6] Mike O.[7] ou Diego Brando,[8] qui ont tous essayé de la tuer. Elle rejette également clairement les avances de Mountain Tim, affirmant sa fierté d'être la femme de Steven.[9]

Bien qu'elle soit sujette à la nervosité, Lucy est également une femme extrêmement ingénieuse, étant assez habile pour tromper les gens ou à effectuer d'autres ruse pour échapper à l'attention de ses poursuivants. Elle sait lire sur les lèvres[10]et est une actrice compétente, qui, en utilisant son statut d'épouse du promoteur principal de la Steel Ball Run, lui permet d'accéder à plusieurs endroits généralement sécurisés. Même au bord de la capture ou pire, Lucy peut penser à des moyens de s'échapper en utilisant tous les outils et alliés disponibles. Lucy est finalement celle qui bat Diego Brando en lui apportant la tête de son remplaçant, le tuant malgré son formidable Stand.[11] Malgré sa nature douce, Lucy n'hésite pas non plus à tirer sur Blackmore[12] ou poignarder Valentine,[13]. Elle montre donc un côté assez brutal quand sa vie est en danger.


Funny Valentine identifie Lucy comme étant compatible avec le Corps Saint et compléte la fusion entre le corps et Lucy. Après cette fusion du cadavre avec Lucy, un Stand temporaire se créé: Ticket to Ride. Ceci lui donne plusieurs pouvoirs mineurs, dont la capacité de solidifier ses larme, un degré de protection providentiel, mais aussi change profondément sa physiologie en la transformant en corps. Funny Valentine est béni par ce pouvoir et l'utilise à son avantage contre les protagonistes.

Lecture labiale

Lucy sait lire sur les lèvres, ce qui lui permet d'espionner les gens et de déterminer ce qu'ils disent uniquement par le mouvement des lèvres. Cela lui a permis d'espionner Valentine et de découvrir l'existence du message secret Ringo Roadagain envoyé à Valentine. Elle a pu donc l'intercepter avant le président.



Lucy vivait dans une famille de six frères et sœurs et était la deuxième aînée du groupe. Son père, Adam Pendleton, était un fermier et fils d'immigrés irlandais qui possédait une petite terre en Oklahoma. À un moment donné, Lucy a rencontré Steven Steel dans les rues quand ce dernier était sans le sou et ivre, l'écoutant marmonner à propos de son plan de promotion d'une grande course de chevaux. Lucy l'a encouragé à l'exécuter et à en faire la plus grandiose des courses possible avec un itinéraire couvrant tout le continent et un prix de plusieurs millions de dollars. Steven se moqua des suggestions ridicules de la fille et partit boire.

Lucy's mother, Alice, died at age thirty-seven when Lucy was only twelve, after which the family fell into misfortune. Lucy's father would later contract debt from the mafia and, being unable to bear having his land or eldest son taken from him, offered Lucy to them instead.[14]

After their phony marriage, Steven & Lucy develop a strong friendship

Then, Steven Steel manifested himself two years after meeting Lucy and ironically was on the verge of accomplishing what Lucy suggested then. Grateful for the girl who gave him a chance to bounce back, Steven went to the Pendleton house to pay back the girl and her father, only to be informed about the Pendleton's situation. It was then that Steven stepped in to repay the favor he owed Lucy. To save Lucy from working as a prostitute for the mafia, Steven told Lucy's father to tell the mafia that Lucy was previously defiled by him. Such a lie was easily believed by the gangsters, who accepted to have Steel repay the debt and Lucy married Steven to complete the lie.

Indebted to the man, twelve year old Lucy Pendleton tells Steven that she "doesn't mind", and could be his "real wife" someday. Steven denies this firmly, and reassures the young girl that he won't ever lay a hand on her—asking only that she spare him the trouble of "her future boyfriend" being a mafia member. Moved, Lucy develops an intense and platonic bond of trust with Steven in the years leading up to the Steel Ball Run.

Steel Ball Run

Following the Steel Ball Run race

At first, Lucy only supports Steven behind the scene

As Steven Steel's wife, Lucy doesn't involve herself in the race, but nonetheless accompanies her husband to provide him moral support. In San Diego Beach, Lucy accompanies Steven while he oversees the preparation of the race. In private, she is here to reassure him whenever the pressure gets to him and he cries. During the press conference, a journalist tries to inquire about her and the Steel quickly go away.

She accompanies Steven on the VIP train to follow the racers during the first stage. After the first stage, the Steels are brought to a crime scene where three racers were gruesomely disemboweled. Steven prevents her from seeing this however. It is there that she meets the cowboy Mountain Tim, who gives her flowers and expresses disappointment in her being taken.

The true goal of the SBR

During the 2nd Stage, Lucy formally meets President Funny Valentine when she brings coffee to a meeting between Steven and Valentine. A guard blocks her path, making the coffee pot fall but the coffee pot then mysteriously disappears along with the coffee only to fall from the ceiling thanks to an agent posted on the roof of the train. During the third stage, Lucy then eavesdrops on Valentine talking about the Saint's Corpse. Seeing a Heart merged in the President's chest, Lucy learns that the real goal of the race is to gather eight other such Corpse Parts to complete a corpse. She is almost seen by Valentine when he checks outside of his wagon but manages to hide in another wagon.[15] From there on, Lucy stealthily keeps an eye on Valentine.

Lucy steals a critical message and narrowly escapes

In Kansas City, she observes the government building where Valentine and Steven are working from across the street and spies on the President with binoculars and lip-reading. Lucy takes note of an incoming message and eventually sees Valentine raising the possibiblity of killing Steven. Fearful for her husband, Lucy decides to work to help the President's enemies. Pretending to deliver a forgotten lunch box, Lucy infiltrates the government building, reaches the rooftop and the aviary where messenger pigeons arrive and intercepts a message from Ringo Roadagain. However, Valentine and one of Valentine's Subordinates, Blackmore arrive. Lucy hastily hides under the aviary and is almost caught, but thankfully the pigeon flies away, distracting the two while she goes down the stairs. However, Blackmore and Valentine realize someone has just stolen the message and raise the alarm. Lucy is soon cornered in an office, with officers banging at the door while Blackmore approaches from the outside, hopping on raindrops. She has no choice but to call Mountain Tim, who immediately comes to her aid. Stuck in the toilet, Lucy is saved from being discovered by Mountain Tim who sneaks through the ventilation system and also enables to fit through there with his Stand, Oh! Lonesome Me. Lucy and Tim take refuge in a hangar. Mountain Tim tries to woo her but she reaffirms her loyalty to Steven. Disappointed, Mountain Tim suggests that she contacts Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli. Lucy deciphers Ringo's message, Lucy reaches the location of the Corpse Part and digs up the Spine, but Blackmore soon catches up with her.[16] 

Lucy presents the Spine to Johnny & Gyro

Blackmore takes the Spine from Lucy, who seems powerless as she doesn't have a Stand, and tries to call the President. However, a spatial anomaly transports them elsewhere, cutting off the telephone line. At this point, a manifestation of the Corpse's power appears to Blackmore, allowing Lucy to shoot Blackmore and escape toward Gyro Zeppeli and Johnny Joestar. She meets them with the Spine, explains how she discovered Valentine's schemes and begs them to help her husband Steven. When Blackmore comes, Lucy is almost killed by having water blades driven into her but Gyro manages to defeat Blackmore, who dies from his wounds. Lucy then reveals what she knows about the President's plot and explains that Valentine has the Heart, making him a Stand User. Gyro shoves Lucy on Johnny's horse and lets loose Lucy's horse to erase any trace of her presence. Gyro enlists her in a plan to steal the Heart from the President and though Lucy wanted to ask for their protection, Gyro tells her that she wouldn't want to live her whole life in fear of reprisal. To protect her husband, Lucy will have to go out to steal the Corpse Part. To help her, Gyro gives her the Right Eye since he still has his Spin mastery. Lucy reluctantly agrees and rejoins her husband without raising attention.[17]

Lucy's Mission

Lucy is able to approach Scarlet Valentine and infiltrate the presidential residence

In Chicago, the investigation on the traitor who interfered in Kansas City closes in on Lucy. Nervous, Lucy enacts her plan. Following Scarlet Valentine, the President's wife, she notices her unique tastes in literature and decides to seduce her. Moreover, Lucy meets Hot Pants, who has guessed that she is the traitor. Hot Pants also helps her, using Cream Starter to give Lucy two doses of an instantaneous sleeping agent as well as a ready-to-use disguise on her face. Lucy thus ostentatiously reads a book that Scarlet has read, enabling her to engage a conversation and seduce the First Lady.

As the mission goes wrong, Lucy is forced to pose as Scarlet

In the presidential compound, Lucy shares a moment with Scarlet and puts her to sleep before heading for Valentine's room, where the President supposedly takes his naps. When she reaches the bedroom, Valentine wakes up and the balloon guard dogs created by Tubular Bells are roused by her scent. Lucy disguises herself as Scarlet and manages to put him to sleep. However, Lucy discovers that the President now has many more Corpse Parts than the Heart and the dogs begin to attack, turning back into nails in her body. Worse, Scarlet has come to the bedroom and surprises her. Scarlet draws a gun and shoots Lucy, who tackles the First Lady into the bathroom. Scarlet manages to pin Lucy as the guard dogs approach, but Lucy then sheds her fake skin, misleading the dogs into killing Scarlet. The head of security Mike O. and Hot Pants arrive at the same time and a fight ensues between them. Mike O. is eventually killed by Hot Pants. However, Lucy cannot escape and is forced to disguise herself as Scarlet again.[18]

Valentine eventually realizes that his wife is not herself. In Philadelphia in Independance Hall, the two participate in a music session. He takes the occasion to confront his "wife", knowing that she is an impostor, and confesses that she is strangely charming. The Right Eye falls out of Lucy's pocket and rolls towards the Corpse' hiding spot in an adjacent room. Valentine notices her interest in the room and in return, she asks him the reason of his interest in the race to change the subject of the conversation. Valentine thus explains himself, his philosophy and how obtaining the Corpse will allow America to stand atop the world.

Lucy is pregnant with the Corpse

Excited by his speech, Valentine forces himself on "Scarlet", who draws a knife and tries to stab him. Valentine grabs her wrist at first but Lucy surprises him by shedding her disguise. Valentine is shocked to see her and is stabbed in the throat, but surprisingly disappears under a chair only to return, seemingly unscathed. Lucy tries to trick Valentine into following a false trail by dispersing her clothers in the corridor but keeps hiding in the room and sneaks where the Corpse is stored. Lucy tries to seek a way to escape but only finds the Saint's Corpse. It is revealed that Lucy is the host of the Head, pregnant with the Corpse.

Transported to another room, Lucy regains consciousness when she hears a voice and overhears the presidential aides letting Steven Steel die from his wounds. A voice tells her to "cut" while she tries to escape and is noticed by the aides. Manhandled by the aides who try to inject a sedative in her, Lucy tries to use her tears as a knife, it doesn't accomplish anything directly, but a series of incredible events manage to save her and kill the aides. Lucy transports Steven to a coach and forces the driver to bring them out of the compound, still guided by the voice. To her horror, Lucy eventually arrives to the USS Blue Hawaii, Valentine's ship. The President has been guiding her to him.

The End of the Race

File:Lucy transformation.png
Lucy turns into a goddess

Lucy is brought to Valentine's ship and tries to leave a message for her allies but Valentine sees it. Lucy expects his fury but Valentine surprisingly swears not to kill Steven. They subsequently depart for New Jersey, eventually taking a train.

Having absorbed the entire Saint's Corpse, Lucy begins to experience drastic changes and supernatural phenomenons. Her skins sheds as she becomes the Corpse itself and spatial anomalies occur near her. Eventually, Lucy loses consciousness and becomes the Corpse, granting Valentine the ability D4C Love Train. During Gyro Zeppeli and Johnny Joestar's battle against Valentine, Steven manages to lift her out of the train and put her in Gyro's care, inadvertently saving Johnny. Johnny eventually defeats Valentine and the Saint's Corpse separates itself from Lucy.

Lucy's woes have ended

After Funny Valentine is defeated at the hands of Johnny and the completed Corpse removed itself from her body, she is reunited with Steven. However, Johnny notices that the Corpse had just been taken by someone working with Funny Valentine and chases after him to reclaim it. Lucy notices that the horse tracks start from the hole Funny Valentine left in his wake and puts together that the thief is in fact Diego Brando from another dimension, whom she plans to confront at the shelter that was made to house the Corpse should Johnny fail to retrieve it first. Lucy finds the alternate Diego in the vault beneath Trinity Church. The World pins Lucy against the wall and Diego checks that no one else is around. Confronting the girl, Diego asks why Lucy is here to which she answers that she crossed the continent for happiness. Diego says that he plans to kill Steven Steel because he knows too much, but lusts after Lucy and plans on making her his woman. However, Lucy give him the severed head of Diego. Realizing the danger, Diego stops time and tries to flee, but his missing leg prevents him from doing that. Furious, Diego tries to kill Lucy instead but the head of the original Diego Brando flies towards him. Diego's head explodes and is disintegrated, killing the jockey. Satisfied, Lucy leaves the vault, her heart at peace.


Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
  • My name is Lucy Steel… The only man I love… is my husband. I am who I am, only because of my name, Steel.
    —Lucy Steel, Steel Ball Run Chapter 37 : The Green Tomb, Part 2
  • For happiness… It was for happiness that I crossed this continent… and came here.

Jeux Vidéos

All Star Battle (PS3)

Lucy Steel appears as a stage hazard on the Philadelphia Coastline stage. Her Ticket to Ride grants players who touch the column of light a stock of Heart Heat Gauge, only recurring if the light fades before anyone touches it.


Dio thanks Lucy
The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.

Lucy est un personnage mineur dans JORGE JOESTAR. Le Beyond de DIO fait qu'elle tombe enceinte d'une autre tête du Corps Saint. Après la mort du Diego Brando d'un monde parallèle, la tête du Dio Brando de l'univers d'origine apparaît devant Lucy dans la Trinity Church. Dio veut reprendre son corps; ses parties du corps ont été dispersées dans cet univers après son combat contre Cars sont devenu le Corps Saint de la Steel Ball Run. Dio remercie Lucy lorsqu'elle donne naissance à la seconde tête car celà lui a permis de retrouver son corps sans que Valentine ou quiconque le sache.

Après la bataille avec Dio, Lucy regarde Erina. Ils mentionnent que leurs noms de jeune fille sont tous deux Pendleton et discutent de l'importance de garder la foi. Les deux sont heureux de pouvoir se rencontrer et des larmes coulent sur les joues de Lucy, même si elle ne sait pas pourquoi.[19]




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