Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan / Rohan au Louvre Original Soundtrack

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Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan / Rohan au Louvre Original Soundtrack (「岸辺露伴は動かない/岸辺露伴 ルーヴルへ行く」オリジナル・サウンドトラック, "Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai / Kishibe Rohan Rūvuru e Iku" Orijinaru Saundotorakku) is the original soundtrack released for both the Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan television drama broadcast on NHK and the Rohan au Louvre 2023 film adaptation.

The music was composed by Naruyoshi Kikuchi and his students in the SHIN-ON-GAK (新音楽制作工房, Shin Ongaku Seisaku Kōbō) production studio: Kouichiro Tajima, Daichi Takahashi, djapon, Masamune Minai, Satō, Kataru Sasaki, Itaru Oono, OGAWA SEIJI, Masashi Isai, and Takeshi Niwa.

The two-disc compilation was originally scheduled for release on September 13, 2023,[3][4] before production issues pushed the release date back to October 25, 2023.[5]

On April 24, 2024, the soundtrack was released digitally on various platforms, such as YouTube Music, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and more.[2]


The release contains a three-sided spine box using black foil, a 24-page photobook containing unpublished photos from both the drama and the movie, and a Heaven's Door-style booklet with approximately 4,000-word liner notes by Naruyoshi Kikuchi.


Disc 1

All music is composed by Naruyoshi Kikuchi and his students.

1."Recitative for the Great Interregnum" PlayButton.png (大空位時代のためのレチタティーヴォ(叙唱))1:39
2."Voodoo in the Laboratory" PlayButton.png (実験室のブードゥー)2:07
3."Tomorrow, Beautiful Sounds Will Surely Rain Down from a Clear Sky and Dominate Me" PlayButton.png (明日きっと、晴天から降り注ぎ、わたしを支配する美しい響き)1:52
4."Sea Turtles Walk on Land, Buffalos Walk Underwater" PlayButton.png (海亀が陸上を、野牛が水中を歩む)3:06
5."The Sound of Rain" PlayButton.png (雨音)0:55
6."Last Year at Marienbad I" PlayButton.png (去年マリエンバートで(I))2:34
7."Spatial Sculpture with Electronic Sounds" PlayButton.png (電子音による空間彫刻)2:19
8."Piano Sonata No. 1" PlayButton.png (ピアノソナタ 第一番)2:36
9."6 Problems for Don Isidro Parodi I" PlayButton.png (ドン・イシドロ・パロディの6つの難事件(I))2:18
10."Tokyo to Buenos Aires" PlayButton.png (東京―ブエノスアイレス)3:01
11."Glass Menagerie" PlayButton.png (ガラスの動物園)1:12
12."Sunset Glow" PlayButton.png (夕映)2:35
13."The Ecstasy of Love" PlayButton.png (愛の悦び)2:47
14."The Run" PlayButton.png (ザ・ラン)1:46
15."Last Year at Marienbad II" PlayButton.png (去年マリエンバートで(II))2:50
16."Mutsu-kabe Hill I" PlayButton.png (六壁坂(I))2:21
17."Mutsu-kabe Hill II" PlayButton.png (六壁坂(II))3:59
18."Fitness Gym Rampage / Treadmill" PlayButton.png (フィットネスジム暴走/ランニングマシン)2:59
19."Fitness Gym Rampage / Dumbbells" PlayButton.png (フィットネスジム暴走/ダンベルたち)1:47
20."Elegant, Sentimental Minimalism" PlayButton.png (優雅で感傷的なミニマル)3:44
21."Piano Sonata No. 2" PlayButton.png (ピアノソナタ 第二番)4:30
22."Theme of Love" PlayButton.png (愛のテーマ)4:24
23."Ethica for the Struggle" PlayButton.png (闘争のエチカ)1:55
24."Vertigo" PlayButton.png (目眩)3:35
25."A Horror Film Produced by AI" PlayButton.png (AI制作による恐怖映画)5:09
26."Eve's Song" PlayButton.png (イブの歌)3:37
27."Eve's Curse" PlayButton.png (イブの呪い)3:53
28."The Great Interregnum (TV Series Ver.)" PlayButton.png (大空位時代(TVシリーズver.))1:46
Total length:1:17:16

Disc 2

All music is composed by Naruyoshi Kikuchi and his students.

29."Simultaneous Performance of Two String Quartets Produced by AI" PlayButton.png (AI制作による二つの弦楽四重奏の同時演奏)4:07
30."Military Music in a Dream" PlayButton.png (夢の中の軍楽)2:40
31."ROBOTme" PlayButton.png2:26
32."Merry-Go-Round" PlayButton.png (メリーゴーラウンド)1:29
33."nu_nu JAZZ" PlayButton.png3:55
34."A Factory As Seen in a Dream" PlayButton.png (夢で見た工場)3:49
35."The Dialogue Between Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid and Rohan I" PlayButton.png (ジャンケン小僧と露伴の台詞(I))3:32
36."The Showdown Between Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid and Rohan Begins" PlayButton.png (露伴とジャンケン小僧の対決その始まり)1:19
37."The Dialogue Between Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid and Rohan II" PlayButton.png (ジャンケン小僧と露伴の台詞(II))1:29
38."The Dialogue Between Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid and Rohan III" PlayButton.png (ジャンケン小僧と露伴の台詞(III))0:51
39."The Showdown Between Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid and Rohan Ends" PlayButton.png (露伴とジャンケン小僧の対決のその終わり)1:23
40."Four Shades of Black" PlayButton.png (4つの黒)0:32
41."NU_jazz_NU" PlayButton.png3:09
42."Five Shades of Black" PlayButton.png (5つの黒)1:02
43."The Eurasian Oystercatcher (Recording Session Version)" PlayButton.png (都鳥(レコーディング・セッション版))15:13
44."Seven Shades of Black" PlayButton.png (7つの黒)0:56
45."Piano Sonata No. 3" PlayButton.png (ピアノソナタ 第三番)3:14
46."Piano Sonata No. 4" PlayButton.png (ピアノソナタ 第四番)2:12
47."machine / mazurka" PlayButton.png1:32
48."La Seine" PlayButton.png (The Seine)2:23
49."Symphony "Audio File"" PlayButton.png (交響曲「音声ファイル」)3:36
50."Koto and Noise" PlayButton.png (琴とノイズ)3:56
51."Genetics of Love" PlayButton.png (愛の遺伝)4:08
52."Improvisation on the Moving Sidewalk in the Louvre" PlayButton.png (ルーヴル美術館内動く歩道での即興)1:37
53."Le Louvre" PlayButton.png (The Louvre)1:17
54."The Great Interregnum" PlayButton.png (大空位時代)5:10
Total length:1:16:57


Music Staff
Naruyoshi Kikuchi
Kouichiro Tajima
Daichi Takahashi
Masamune Minai
Kataru Sasaki
Itaru Oono
Masashi Isai
Takeshi Niwa
菊地 成孔
田島 浩一郎
高橋 大地
薬袋 正宗

佐々木 語
大野 格

委細 昌嗣
丹羽 武史


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