Cool Shock Old B.T.

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Template:Book/fr Cool Shock Old B.T. (魔老紳士ビーティー, Marōshinshi Bītī), ou encore B.T. "Le Gentleman Diabolique", est un manga one-shot écrit par Nisio Isin, l'auteur de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Over Heaven, et illustré par Posuka Demizu, dessinateur de la série The Promised Neverland. Le one-shot est un spin-off qui se passe 60 ans après l'histoire de Magical B.T. avec pour protagoniste B.T. qui est désormais un vieil homme.[1]

Le chapitre lui-même est titré "L'Affaire du Vieil Homme Glauque" (そばかすの不気味老害事件, Sobakasu no Bukimi Rōgai Jiken).

Koichi Mugikari est victime d'une arnaque de la part de la société "Outlaw Guys" et perd sa maison ainsi que tout son argent, finissant avec seulement quelques affaires et une ruine délabrée comme logis. Il reçoit cependant le soutien de son ami d'enfance B.T. qui compte aider Koichi à prendre sa revanche.


On voit un vieux B.T. conduire sa voiture, laquelle est pleine d'objets et artefacts en tout genres de la série JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Puis, on voit un vieux Koichi Mugikari dans sa maison qui narre l'histoire et la titre "L'affaire du vieil homme glauque". C'est alors que des déménageurs viennent lui prendre son bureau et lui disent de partir. En effet, Koichi a été expulsé de sa propre maison. Koichi sort de son ancienne maison avec seulement un carton qui contient ses affaires alors que tout le reste lui a été pris par des usuriers. B.T. arrive, manquant de peu de rentrer dans son ami, et dit venir pour l'aider. B.T. demande d'abord comment Koichi a pu se faire berner de la sorte.

Un flashback montre que deux agents d'une compagnie nommée "The Outlaw Guys" (Les hors-la-lois) sont venus à la rencontre de Koichi, désormais un auteur populaire. Ils prétendent pouvoir s'occuper de son argent pour lui. Ils lui présentent plusieurs plans pour se faire de l'argent facilement comme faire un fond mutuel, créer un compte en banque à l'étranger ou investir de la crypto-monnaie. Koichi rit d'abord, assurant qu'il n'est pas un vieillard naïf. Dans le présent, B.T. rétorque que Koichi semble être du genre à laisser des étrangers entrer chez lui, demandant avec ironie si ces "Outlaw Guys" ressemblaient à son fils qui est parti à la métropole il y a déjà 13 ans. B.T. demande aussi pourquoi ils l'ont appelé "maître" et Koichi lui rappelle qu'il a écrit un roman inspiré de B.T. dont la couverture a même été dessinée par Rohan Kishibe.

Dans le flashback, on voit que les arnaqueur ont mis la pression sur Koichi en prétendant que sa maison n'était pas du tout aux normes et qu'il pourrait se faire arrêter par la loi. Ils lui proposent d'acheter une jolie maison à Morioh pour 70 millions de yens. Même si Koichi pense que c'est très cher, les arnaqueur assurent qu'il se remboursera en vendant sa maison et ajoutent que ses petits-enfants seraient heureux de lui rendre visite. Dans le présent, Koichi dit qu'on lui a volé toutes ses économies dont l'héritage de ses enfants. De fait, sa famille a même coupé les ponts avec lui. Koichi et B.T. arrivent à Morioh et découvre que la jolie maison est en fait une ruine délabrée. Koichi est sans voix car il avait tout de même visité l'endroit auparavant et vu la maison, mais B.T. voit des traces de rails et comprend qu'on a temporairement remplacé la ruine par un leurre pour le tromper.

B.T. demande si Koichi n'a pas contacté la police mais celui-ci dit que la police n'a pas voulu s'impliquer car le contrat était techniquement légal et que les arnaqueurs se sont caché. A la surprise de Koichi, B.T. exclame que c'est très bien car cela veut dire qu'ils peuvent se venger eux-mêmes. Quelques temps plus tard, au bureau des "Outlaw Guys", alors que le groupe s'affaire à arnaquer d'autres vieilles personnes, l'un deux voit une vidéo sur internet de Koichi, lequel serait devenu riche car il aurait trouvé des diamants et bijoux valant plus de 100 millions dans les meubles de sa nouvelle maison. C'est en fait un piège tendu par B.T. et Koichi pour attirer les arnaqueurs. En effet, les bijoux que Koichi exhibe dans la vidéo sont des bijoux que B.T. avait volé et donné à Koichi durant leur enfance. Entretemps, on apprend que B.T. a une femme qui est femme d'affaire à Londres et qu'elle leur a envoyé des meubles.

B.T. prend un peu de "médicament oriental" en attendant. Bientôt, les mêmes arnaqueurs reviennent pour parler à Koichi. Celui-ci revêt un costume venant du stock de B.T., lequel était membre d'un club de theâtre auparavant. Koichi se donne l'air d'un nouveau riche vêtu de vêtements clinquants et portant des bijoux (parmi ceux-ci on voit la Pierre Rouge d'Aja). Il remercie les deux arnaqueurs pour sa fortune alors que B.T., déguisé en majordome, leur serre le thé. Les deux arnaqueurs boivent le thé et l'un d'eux s'effondre, et B.T. leur dit qu'il leur a donné du poison de fugu. S'ils veulent l'antidote, dit B.T., alors ils doivent révéler où est leur cachette et dire pour qui ils travaillent. En fait, B.T. a simplement utilisé du somnifère et bluffé.

At the hideout of the Outlaw Guys, they wonder why the two members are running late. The boss reads through Koichi's Cool Shock B.T. novel and suddenly declares that they'll have to evacuate in two minutes. Before they could, B.T.'s car crashes through the building. The boss reveals himself to be Manabu, claiming that he knew they'd try to hit him with a car again since they did with an ambulance 60 years ago. However, B.T. doesn't recognize him. Manabu reveals that he already sold Koichi's house for seven million yen. He offers B.T. to make a bet. If he loses, he'll buy the house back since he still has the contract, and if he wins then he'll take B.T.'s vintage car. B.T. accepts and Manabu explains the rules. He reveals a pouch full of coins and says they'll gamble by scattering all the coins across the slanted tables, with the winner having to guess whether there will be more heads or tails. B.T. inspects the coins and asks where he got them from. Manabu replies that he blackmailed an old lady in a candy store by mentioning that her reputable grandson may have knocked up a teenage girl, so she ran around collecting money for him so he doesn't spread the rumor.

B.T. says he's fine with the game but would like to change the rules. He suggests that they decide the winner based on whether the difference between heads and tails will be an odd or even number. Manabu agrees and chooses that it'll be even, so B.T. goes with odd. Koichi is the dealer and tosses the coins as the game begins. Koichi notices that B.T. was palming a coin that he pickpocketed. If he placed an extra coin on the table, B.T. could ensure the difference would be an odd number. However, Manabu also had a coin hidden in his palm. Manabu notices B.T. move his hand so he also places his hidden coin on the table in order to make it an even number. He declares that he's the winner and laughs until he notices that it's actually an odd number. Dumbfounded at his loss, Manabu unsheathes his cane to reveal a sword and charges toward B.T. However, B.T. had hacked the autonomous car of the scammers beforehand and set it to target Manabu. Manabu is hit by the car and his sword goes flying, landing beside B.T. and puncturing his vintage car's tire.

Koichi relays that B.T. found the hideout of the Outlaw Guys by looking through the navigation history on the autonomous car. They use the car to send Manabu and his slaves to the police hospital. Meanwhile, B.T. opens Manabu's safe and remarks that he's glad Koichi caught on to his idea without any signals. Koichi reveals that he also had a hidden coin during the game as well, and had quietly placed it after both B.T. and Manabu placed their extra coins, thus making the difference an odd number again. B.T. finds the contract of Koichi's old house in the safe but it'll take some time for him to get it back. He allows Koichi to stay over at his house for the time being, insisting that his grandmother would be happy to see him. However, since B.T.'s tire was punctured by the sword, they'll have to walk all the way there. B.T. steals a wallet he found in the safe, as he and Koichi prepare to go on the long trek back home. Koichi narrates that despite still being a wicked boy at his old age, B.T. is still his best friend.

Liste des personnages

Sunny Stefen Nozzo
Rohan Kishibe/fr
B.T.'s Wife
Coco Jumbo/fr

Liste de références

The one-shot contains many references to Hirohiko Araki's works, notably the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, the original Cool Shock B.T. series, as well as previous works by Araki himself. They can range from mentions to graphical nods. See here for a detailed list with image comparisons.

List of References
  • Announcement Advertisement: Callback to Cool Shock B.T.'s bunkoban cover.
  • Page 1: The cover mimics the layout of Cool Shock B.T.'s volume cover except the squirrel is replaced with Nozzo from Baoh the Visitor.
  • Page 2: Several items are visible in B.T.'s car: Caesar's headband, the figure from the Sardinian Taxi Driver's car, Giorno's brooch, the Red Stone of Aja, the Arrow, Joseph's clackers, a Steel Ball, the doll possessed by Ebony Devil, Joseph's polaroid, a Locacaca plant figure, B.T.'s ventriloquism doll, a Stone Mask.
  • Page 2: The narration copies the one introducing Speedwagon at the beginning of "Battle Tendency".
  • Page 3: The page layout references CSBT Chapter 2's opening. Koichi's suit is the same as the one at the end of CSBT Chapter 6.
  • Page 5: The "Do Not Enter" signs with Koichi in between them are the same as the signs on the Nijimura house’s gates (DU Chapter 10).
  • Page 7: The title card is in the same style as in CSBT Chapter 2. A lock can be seen on the side of the car. B.T. had various locks in his room in CSBT Chapter 5.
  • Page 8: Koichi deals with representatives of the "Outlaw Guys" company.
  • Page 8: The pamphlets contain quotes from DIO and Yoshikage Kira. The pamphlet with Kira's quote also has Stray Cat drawn on it.
  • Page 8: Koichi's son left to live in the city 13 years ago, which is a reference to Rokusuke's son from Baoh the Visitor also leaving to the city 13 years ago.
  • Page 9: Coco Jumbo is visible in B.T.'s car, as well as a tribal mask, a miniature guillotine, a knife, a bottle with fishes, and several other bottles appearing in B.T.'s room in CSBT Chapter 5. Koichi mentions that Rohan Kishibe drew the cover of his book, a novel version of the original Cool Shock B.T. stories.
  • Page 11: The estate is located in the suburbs of Morioh.
  • Page 12: The SFX and B.T. say Ta-dah! (ドジャーン, Dojyaaa~~n!). This SFX first appears in CSBT Chapter 1 and is often used in its later chapters as well. Several years later, it became well known as the catchphrase of Funny Valentine from Steel Ball Run.
  • Page 12: A Stray Cat figure is visible on the board of the car.
  • Page 13: Koichi says "It’s been quite a cool shock to be blocked by my family", name-dropping the English title of the series.
  • Page 15: Koichi asks why his house became a Mansion Ghost, which is a specific phenomenon from Deadman's Questions.
  • Page 16: B.T. says it was an equivalent exchange between houses, referencing the Wall Eyes from JoJolion.
  • Page 17: B.T. says "bene" in Italian, like Giorno Giovanna and Tonio Trussardi.
  • Page 18: B.T. says his catchphrase from Cool Shock B.T.
  • Page 19: The SFX says Toruru (トゥルル) when the phone rings, referencing Doppio mimicking a phone ringing in Vento Aureo. One girl is wearing a hat resembling the head of Echoes ACT3 from Diamond is Unbreakable. The door has a sign that says “Burnable Trash Pickup – Monday, Wednesday, Friday” referencing the defeat of Cioccolata and Secco.
  • Page 20: The boss of the Outlaw Guys appears as a silhouette and is called "Boss" in English by those who work for him, much like the Boss of Passione in Vento Aureo.
  • Page 21: A comment on the video of Koichi states "I want to be like him!" referencing the quote of the two brats admiring Dio in Phantom Blood. Another comment says Gorgeous ★ Old Man referencing Gorgeous ★ Irene. Koichi shows the jewel he's acquired at the end of CSBT Chapter 5.
  • Page 21: The composition of the scene mimics a composition that Araki commonly uses when characters are shocked or afraid throughout JoJo, with their faces appearing in the foreground on the sides of the panel.
  • Page 22: J-Tube is a parody of YouTube, with the J possibly standing for JoJo. The channel is called “UJ Treasure Discovery Channel”, with UJ possibly referring to Ultra Jump.
  • Page 22: The Rococo-style drawer, Damascus rug and bookshelves are furniture that are identical to the ones seen in Irene Rapona's house in Gorgeous Irene.
  • Page 22: Koichi says that he's scared about how many views the video is getting but B.T. claims that what they’re doing is fun. This is a callback to CSBT Chapter 5 when Koichi is scared about stealing from the museum and B.T. says the same thing.
  • Page 23: B.T. uses oriental medicine from London, which references the Oriental Poison Dio was buying to poison George Joestar I. Him saying he plans to live until the age of 183 is a reference to Wang Chan's claim that he's seen a man with ear birthmarks live until that age.
  • Page 24: Figures of Clyde and the Dillinger from "Say Hello to Virginia" are visible. B.T. references the battle against Wonder of U in JoJolion by saying if he can't pursue his enemies then he'll have to make them pursue him. B.T. is said to be a former drama club member, which is a callback to CSBT Chapter 3.
  • Page 25: Koichi wears the Red Stone of Aja. He references Senator Wilson Phillips from Stardust Crusaders by saying there's talks about him getting remarried to a model 25 years younger than him.
  • Page 26: The female scammer angrily says "Mukadotama! (ムカドタマ)" in her thoughts. This is a word that Araki made up to portray anger. Ninomori says it in CSBT Chapter 3. B.T. comes with Shinobu Kawajiri's prized tea set. A panel is drawn in the same style as Tohth.
  • Page 27: The rusty blade B.T. holds resembles the broken edge of Anubis that ends up at the bottom of the Nile, as it would appear after years underwater. He intimidates the scammer with it like how he intimidated a corrupt police officer with a knife in CSBT Chapter 0.
  • Page 29: B.T. calls himself a knight and says that the scammer is psychologically on a different level than him. This is a callback to CSBT Chapter 2 when he says the same thing except says he’s a noble instead of a knight. Koichi says "OH MY GOD!", the catchphrase of Joseph Joestar.
  • Page 30: The ringtone SFX of the phones reference Doppio's "Toruru" again. A sign on the left says "Concentration Camp (強制捕虜収容所)", referencing CSBT Chapter 4. A sign in front of the girl wearing the hat says "Rhinoceros Beetle (かぶと虫)" four times, referencing the 14 phrases from DIO's diary in Stone Ocean.
  • Page 30: There are prime numbers written on the paper by the boss’s shoes, referencing Enrico Pucci's habit. He has cola beside him which is a reference to Joseph's cola in Battle Tendency and also the boss himself having a drink when he was younger in CSBT Chapter 6.
  • Page 31: The boss holds and also shuts the book in the same way as Dio Brando in Chapter 1 of Phantom Blood.
  • Page 32: The car crashing into the hideout resembles the panel of Wilson Phillips running over civilians.
  • Page 34: A note behind Manabu says FE26789, which is Miraschon's prisoner number. A letter behind Manabu on the table says "Don’t call a lawyer!! (弁護士を呼ばせるな!!)". This is a parody of Jolyne saying "Call me a lawyer! (弁護士を呼べェェーッ!!)".
  • Page 35: Manabu says B.T.'s brain turned to mush (encephalomalacia), referencing what Empress said to Joseph in the Weekly Shonen Jump release of SC Chapter 36.
  • Page 35: B.T. sarcastically calls Manabu a ripple warrior because Lisa Lisa slowed down her aging with her ripple abilities. His "Quit acting like you’re some big shot" is a quote that Jotaro says to the Impostor Captain Tennille. Manabu saying he owns slaves is a callback to him saying Koichi's family members were his slaves in CSBT Chapter 6.
  • Page 38: B.T. quotes Dio and Giorno's signature phrase of "Useless, Useless".
  • Page 39: Manabu offers to make a bet and B.T. replies the same way he did when they were kids.
  • Page 40: B.T. accepts Manabu's challenge in the same way as Rohan's "I refuse" panel although he says "I accept".
  • Page 40: Manabu says "Good!" in English which he often said when he was younger too. This was later used by Daniel J. D'Arby, Telence T. D'Arby, Ken Oyanagi, and Miraschon as well.
  • Page 41: Manabu’s story about spreading rumors of knocking up a teenage girl is a reference to Josuke saying the whole town would gossip about a teenage delinquent who got someone knocked up.
  • Page 41: Manabu takes on Shigekiyo Yangu's grin, while mentioning how an old lady "harvested" all the coins he took from her.
  • Page 42: B.T. holds the coins like he does in the series' cover artwork. He also mentions how he bets on an odd number not based on coincidence, but on bizareness. This is also a play on the Japanese words for even and odd numbers.
  • Page 42: The SFX on the Koichi panel is the same as the "Pressure" SFX when Josuke is hunting Bug-Eaten.
  • Page 43: Koichi says "OPEN THE GAME!".
  • Page 44: B.T. palming a coin is a reference to him tricking Ninomori in CSBT Chapter 0. Koichi saying "And yet this guy wanted to prevent cheating? What a scoundrel!" is a reference to Jotaro realizing that Joseph was cheating against D'Arby.
  • Page 45: Manabu thinks the same thing about B.T. that Joseph says to Kars. Although they're good at tricking people, they can also be deceived themselves.
  • Page 47: Manabu quotes ZZ's "I win! Part 3 is over!" when he thinks he won the game. The panel showing heads and tails resembles Atum's power when reading Jotaro's mind. Manabu unsheathes a sword the same way he took out a knife when he was younger to throw at B.T.
  • Page 48: Manabu is tricked into being run over by a car again. Likewise, his sword misses B.T.
  • Page 49: The posters on the police station parody DIO's quotes on them. B.T. being glad that Koichi knew what he was thinking without any signals is a reference to Jotaro and Joseph's conversation after beating Telence T. D'Arby.
  • Page 51: Koichi's narration is the same as his narration at the end of CSBT Chapter 4. Manabu has the same expression as in the end of CSBT Chapter 6. A "To be Continued" arrow is shown. The last line is a parody of Diamond is Unbreakable.

Commentaires de l'auteur

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
Ce fut très amusant ! Mille mercis à M. Araki et M. Demizu ! (Nisio Isin)
Merci pour cette merveilleuse chance ! Je voudrais aussi dessiner B.T. en tant qu'enfant un jour ! (Posuka Demizu)
楽しかったです! 荒木先生、出水先生、ありがとうございました! (西尾)
貴重な機会感謝です! いつか少年ビーティーの絵にも挑戦してみたいです! (出水)

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