Caesar est un manieur d'Onde italien et le disciple de Lisa Lisa. Il est le petit-fils de Will Anthonio Zeppeli et il se bat contre les Hommes du Pilier aux côtés de ses alliés et mentors pour honorer son héritage en tant que Zeppeli.
César A. Zeppeli est un jeune homme musclé et aux cheveux hirsutes, dont les traits distinctifs sont deux taches colorées sur les deux joues. (qui sont ses marques de naissance) Il est extrêmement beau, réussissant à faire s'évanouir facilement plusieurs femmes en utilisant sa beauté.
L'accessoire de marque de César est son long serre-tête fin à motifs d'une rangée de triangles tessellés et orné de deux plumes de chaque côté de la tête.
The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaAnimeAll-Star BattleEyes of Heaven
Peau(Peau claire, taches saumons)
Yeux(Vert citron)
Beandeau(Noir / marron)
(Veste bordeaux et turquoise foncé, maillot de corps et écharpe vert citron, pantalon cyan et chaussures kaki)
Peau(Peau claire, taches violettes)
Beandeau(Violet / orange)
(Veste bleu clair et gris, maillot de corps et pantalon blancs, écharpe rose et chaussures bleu-gris)
Peau(Peau claire et marques
bleu sarcelle)
Bandeau(Rose / jaune)
(Veste verte et gris anthracite, maillot de corps et pantalon blanc verdâtre, écharpe rose et chaussures vert foncé)
Peau(Peau claire, marques violettes)
Bandeau(Gris-violet foncé et orange pâle)
(Veste bleu et gris foncé, maillot de corps gris, pantalon blanc, écharpe gris-violet et chaussures bleu marine)
Nous autres Italiens sont bien plus attachés à la famille que tout autre peuple ! C'est notre fierté et c'est pour celà que nous la perpétuons !
Caesar Zeppeli est un homme au sang chaud mais sérieux, dévoué à la lutte contre les Hommes du Pilier.
Quand il était jeune, Caesar et ses frères et sœurs ont été apparemment abandonnés par son père. Rempli de haine, Caesar est devenu un délinquant amer et extrêmement violent. Lorsqu'il a été sauvé par son père du piège des hommes du pilier au prix de sa vie, César transforma sa haine en une grande fierté pour sa lignée.[1]
Durant sa première apparition, Caesar est présenté comme un manieur d'Onde arrogant regardant de haut les talents d'Onde de Joseph Joestar[2] et ne manquant aucune occasion de le ridiculiser et de le contrarier en général. Cependant, il se révèle être un homme honorable, fier de la tradition de sa famille de lutter contre le mal et souhaitant venger la mort de son ami, Mark, aux mains des hommes du pilier.[3] Lorsque Joseph se révèle lui aussi être une personne honorable, leur relation s'améliore considérablement. En général, César est respectueux envers ses aînés et ses supérieurs, notamment son maître Lisa Lisa. Envers ses pairs, Caesar entretient au mieux des relations superficielles. Mais il est très loyal envers ceux avec qui il devient ami. Un exemple est sa relation houleuse avec Joseph envers qui il a un grand respect caché (mentionné par Messine).
Lorsque JoJo dénigre l'héritage de leur familles, Caesar se met en colère
L'autre trait de caractère principal de Caesar est son fort caractère. Il n'hésite pas à se battre même s'il sait qu'il ne peut pas gagner. Très fier de sa famille, Caesar a frappé Joseph par instinct lorsque celui-ci a dit qu'il se fichait de l'histoire de leurs famille.[4] Ce défaut de caractère s'est avéré fatal quand il a fait l'erreur de vouloir combattre Wham seul, puis quand il a essayé de sauter sur lui pour en finir avec lui de près.[5] Ayant une grande détermination, César a continué à se battre malgré ses blessures fatales.[6] César est néanmoins une personne très sérieuse la plupart du temps, combattant avec zèle les hommes du pilier et est exaspéré par les pitreries de Joseph.
César est un homme à femmes et a l'habitude de flirter avec de belles femmes chaque fois qu'il le peut, en utilisant des gestes profondément romantiques. Avec son charme et son charisme, ainsi que ses belles paroles, il est capable de voler les baisers de plusieurs femmes après seulement quelques instants passés avec elles. On dit que s'il voit une fille seule, il pense qu'il doit aller vers elle. Il est également dit qu'il ment aux filles qu'il courtise mais ne considère pas que c'est mal.[7] La seule exception à ce traitement est Lisa Lisa, malgré sa beauté remarquable. Elle est l'instructrice de Caesar dans l'Onde et il la respecte autant que sa propre mère.
Selon JoJo6251, César déteste les gens peu sophistiqués et irresponsables et les insectes. Il a aussi "Mamma Mia!" comme slogan.[7]
Pouvoir et Compétences
Physical Ability
As a skillfully trained individual, Caesar possesses very high physical abilities: along with a vast amount of physical strength and proficiency in hand to hand combat, Caesar has demonstrated an amazing sense of balance, even being able to perform the "seated jump" that his grandfather previously performed.Like grandfather, like grandson
Caesar also boasts a high level of endurance far surpassing normal humans, being able to survive for a few days without food, and taking high amounts of physical punishment while still being able to get up and continue fighting. His endurance was best demonstrated when even after receiving Wamuu's Holy Sandstorm head on, he still managed to get up and continue fighting for a short amount of time, even managing to produce a Ripple after losing huge amounts of blood.
Caesar also has high precision, managing to catch a Ripple enhanced spaghetti thrown by Joseph using the holes in the tortiglioni he was eating.
Being a natural born Ripple user through his grandfather's bloodline, Caesar was able to project its power from an early age, though it was only under Lisa Lisa's guidance that he learned how to properly use it. Caesar is able to use more advanced techniques such as focusing the Ripple in his fingertips, and much like Joseph can channel the Ripple through objects, such as weapons, food, or even living beings. In one particular instance, he put a young woman into hypnosis by charging Ripple through her via a kiss.
The base for most of his attacks relies on his gloves, which are loaded with a special soap-like substance. Because of this, he is able to release bubbles from his hands at any time and fuse them with the Ripple to create deadly projectiles.
Bubble Launcher (シャボンランチャー, Shabon Ranchā): Signature Attack. Caesar fires out a barrage of bubbles from his gloves, each coated in the Ripple. This increases the density of the bubbles and is able to hit objects with a greater impact. When hit by the barrage, Joseph was completely blown away.
Bubble Barrier (シャボバリア, Shabon Baria): Sometimes used in conjunction with Bubble Launcher, the difference is that instead of multiple being used in a barrage, Caesar conjures a single gigantic bubble capable of absorbing and trapping its target.
Bubble Cutter (シャボンカッター, Shabon Kattā): Based on his grandfather, Will Zeppeli's technique, Caesar further reinforces his bubble launcher, and creates bubbles with the ability to slice. Unlike his original attack, the bubbles spin at high speed and use centrifugal force, but are able to stay intact due to the Ripple. This causes them to form shapes much like saucers with a small blade-like ring surrounding each bubble. These bubbles move at a higher velocity and have higher tractability, allowing Caesar to fire them in any direction with ease.
Bubble Cutter Gliding
Bubble Cutter Gliding (シャボンカッターグライディン, Shabon Kattā Guraidin): A more versatile version of Bubble Cutter, Caesar sacrifices the quantity of the attack, and focuses on effectiveness. By launching a few bubbles, Caesar is able to aim them much like homing projectiles. They are able to go around objects and have a higher chance of hitting the opponent.
Bubble Lenses
Bubble Lenses (シャボンレンズ, Shabon Renzu): The bubbles have the ability to refract light and focus them into beams, much like a magnifying glass. After launching them, the bubbles become stationary and any light source passing through will cause a domino effect, connecting the bubbles together and eventually shooting multiple beams at their target.
Repel: Caesar is able to use the Ripple as a repellent of sorts, as well as a shield. During the Hell Climb Pillar Test, he was able to deflect a high pressured oil jet and used the same technique to force Esidisi out of Suzi Q's body.
Caesar enfant
Caesar Zeppeli est né le 13 mai 1918 à Gênes, en Italie.[7] Enfant, César idolâtrait son père Mario Zeppeli. Cependant quand il a eu 10 ans son père l'a quitté lui et ses frères et sœurs sans explication ni avertissement. En conséquence, Caesar a fini par détester son père, pensant qu'il les avait abandonnés pour vivre seul. Sa mère avait disparu des années auparavant pour une raison inconnue et des proches ont volé tout l'argent qui restait à sa famille maintenant orpheline. Bien que les voisins de la famille aient pris soin de la famille de Caesar, Caesar lui-même est devenu un jeune violent qui a dû être envoyé à l'orphelinat. En raison des mauvaises conditions de vie des orphelinats dans les années 30, on dit que sa vie là-bas était pire que celle de la prison, ce qui ne faisait qu'exacerber sa délinquance. Il s'est finalement enfui et est devenu un vagabond sans-abri dormant dans les rues. Caesar s'est fait un nom en commettant tous les crimes imaginables, à l'exception du meurtre, et il était très redouté dans la pègre. Il utilisait une clé anglaise pour cogner ses adversaires avant de les finir avec des coups de poings très puissant. À l'époque, César ne savait pas qu'il utilisait l'Onde de façon inconsciente au combat.
Quand il avait 16 ans, Caesar a repéré son père marchant dans les rues de Rome; il l'a suivi avec l'intention de le tuer, entrant dans un passage secret sous le Colisée qui mènait aux Hommes du Pilier. Caesar a vu un joyau dans le mur dans lequel ils étaient enfermés. Ne sachant pas que c'était un piège mis en place par Wham, il l'a accidentellement activé mais son père l'a poussé à l'écart avant que le piège se déclenche et tue Mario. Après vu son père s'être sacrifié pour lui même s'il n'avait pas reconnu son fils, Caesar a regagné son respect envers son père et juré de se venger des Hommes du Pilier.
Quelque temps après cet événement tragique et écoutant les dernières paroles de son père, César retrouve Lisa Lisa à Venise. Il s'entraîne avec elle pour utiliser les techniques de l'Onde mais n'a apparemment pas tout appris de plus que les fondamentaux puisqu'il doit s'entraîner aux côtés de Joseph pour devenir un véritable maître de l'Onde. À un moment donné, César se rend en Allemagne et se lie d'amitié avec Mark un soldat allemand. Il l'aide notamment à trouver une petite amie.
Caesar et son Bubble Launcher
Caesar rencontre Joseph à Rome dans un restaurant. Alors que Caesar essaie de courtiser une fille, Joseph est dégoûté par l'attitude romantique de César et décide de jouer une farce en lançant des spaghettis sur l'Italien. Cependant, Caesar bloque les spaghettis avec les trois macaroni collés sur sa fourchette et les renvoie sur le verre de Joseph. À la fontaine du Triton, Caesar rencontre Joseph et Speedwagon et exprime tout le dédain qu'il a pour la Famille Joestar, ce qui met en colère Joseph. César dit à Joseph qu'il ne pourrait même pas battre une femme au hasard que Caesar séduit et embrasse. La femme, hypnotisée par l'Onde de Caesar, donne une raclée à Joseph et le jette dans la fontaine. Ensuite, Caesar montre sa technique spéciale, le Bubble Launcher. Envoyant une rafale de bulles infusées avec l'Onde à Joseph, Caesar piège son ennemi à l'intérieur d'une bulle. Cependant, lorsque César libère la femme en l'embrassant à nouveau, un pigeon sort soudainement de la bouche de la fille et vole dans la sienne, le projetant également dans la fontaine. Le combat se termine par un match nul mais les deux se détestent davantage.Caesar contre Wamuu
En attendant que les Nazis les amènent aux Hommes du Pilier, Caesar et Joseph décident de jouer au poker. Cependant, les deux trichent et une autre dispute éclate. Elle est heureusement interrompue lorsque le soldat Mark, l'un des amis de César, arrive. Mark conduit ensuite les trois au Colisée. À leur arrivée, ils sont horrifiés de constater que tous les soldats qui étaient là ont été tués. L'un des hommes du pilier, Wham, traverse négligemment Mark et absorbe la moitié de son corps et Caesar doit le tuer avec l'Onde par miséricorde. Enragé par la mort de son ami, Caesar attaque les hommes du pilier, mais le couvre-chef de Wham rend son 'Bubble Launcher' inutile et il est blessé au visage. Caesar attaque à nouveau, jurant de venger son ami, mais les hommes du pilier se moquent de sa détermination et Wham enfonce son doigt dans la gorge de Caesar, bloquant sa respiration et le rendant inoffensif. Joseph intervient alors
mais même s'il parvient à blesser Wham, l'homme du pilier utilise sa tempête de sable divine pour gravement blesser Joseph. Afin de protéger Caesar et Speedwagon, Joseph feint la lâcheté et attire Wham loin d'eux. Caesar finit par trouver Joseph et l'observe bluffer Wham et AC/DC pour qu'ils s'en aillent. Les hommes du pilier s'en vont mais implantent deux Alliances de la Mort dans Joseph afin qu'il vienne les combattre plus tard. Commençant à respecter Joseph, Caesar décide de l'aider à devenir plus fort afin de vaincre les hommes du pilier. Par la suite, Caesar dit à Joseph de tenir un verre d'eau à l'envers avec l'Onde, montrant son manque d'entraînement.
Caesar perd contre Wham
Caesar l'amène donc à Venise pour aller à la rencontre de son maître. Lisa Lisa les rencontre dans les canaux de Venise et teste Joseph avant de lui mettre un masque respiratoire. Lisa Lisa amène ensuite les deux à Air Supplena Island et les oblige immédiatement à s'attaquer au «Hell Climb Pillar», un pilier recouvert d'huile qui nécessite un contrôle expert de l'Onde pour s'y accrocher et le grimper. Caesar est capable de gravir la tour en concentrant l'Onde sur le bout des doigts mais exprime sa préoccupation pour Joseph, qui est moins expérimenté que lui. Près du sommet, Joseph active par inadvertance un puissant jet d'huile qui est si puissant qu'il peut couper un stylo. Caesar passe néanmoins à travers en concentrant également son Onde dans les parties du corps que le jet touchera pour se protéger. Quand Joseph atteint presque le sommet mais glisse, Caesar attrape son bras et le sauve de la chute.
fter weeks of training, the two reached the final phase where Caesar had to defeat Messina. He manages to win after Messina admits defeat, saying that continuing the fight would result in either one or both of them dying and acknowledging how far Caesar has developed his abilities. Caesar checks on Joseph to see his progress, only to be dismayed when he finds him fighting Esidisi. Despite wanting to help his friend, Messina advises they head back to protect Lisa Lisa and the Red Stone of Aja since they were too far away to reach Joseph in time. When he returns, he finds out Esidisi's remains have possessed Suzi Q. Worse, Esidisi has sent the Super Aja away in a package. Caesar and Joseph manage to save Suzie Q by using their combined Ripple to neutralize the damage to her body, while still forcing Esidisi out. Joseph and Caesar head to the postman's office and make a scene because they want the package that Esidisi sent back. However, Lisa Lisa still discovers that the package is headed for Switzerland and thus the four remaining Ripple User drive together there. However, the package is intercepted by the Nazis, who invite the group to their chalet. Kars infiltrates the chalet and almost steals the Super Aja but Joseph manages to retrieve it. Caesar helps Joseph get out of a cliff by using stalactites as a makeshift rope for his partner.
The group subsequently singles out an abandoned hotel that must be Kars' lair. During the pursuit of Kars, Caesar goes ahead of the rest of the group after having an argument with Joseph about waiting any longer to attack. As he approaches the hotel, Caesar then sees a nearly invisible man stepping out of the building. When Messina appears, the invisible man is revealed to be Wamuu, cuts Messina's arm and drags him into the hotel. Wamuu reappears, expecting a good fight, but Caesar surpasses his expectation by unveiling a technique: the Bubble Cutter. Inspired by Will Anthonio Zeppeli's Wine Cutter technique, Caesar makes his bubbles spin to turn them into floating buzzsaw and the wind Wamuu generates draws them toward him automatically. Wounding Wamuu, Caesar takes the advantage. Wamuu tries to run inside but Caesar cuts his leg and breaks his balance with gliding bubbles. Seizing the opportunity, Caesar jumps to deal a coup-de-grâce but Wamuu lets himself fall backward to complete a flip and kicks Caesar to propel himself back in the hotel. Caesar steps into the main hall of the hotel where Wamuu confronts him. However, Caesar then reveals that his bubbles are now acting like lenses refracting the sunlight inside of the hall. Wamuu is exposed to sunlight and burns, but when Caesar closes in for his final attack, his shadow is taken advantage of by Wamuu to hide from the sunlight, and so he is dealt a deathblow by the Holy Sandstorm. Despite losing most of his blood and cannot generate any more Ripple for attacks, he rips off Wamuu's lip piercing, which holds the antidote for Joseph's remaining wedding ring. Falling down the stairs into a puddle of his own blood, he encases it - along with his headband - in a Ripple bubble made of his blood and last reserves of Ripple energy for Joseph to take before his body is crushed by a cross-shaped rock.
Après bataille, Wham admet que César était l'adversaire le plus puissant qu'il ait jamais affronté. Sa mort tragique fit fondre en larmes Joseph et même Lisa Lisa, qui essayait d'être stoïque.
Avant la bataille de chars contre Wham, Joseph demande à Caesar de lui donner de la force alors qu'il enfile son bandeau. Pendant l'apogée de la bataille, Joseph met le bandeau en feu alors qu'il crie à nouveau à l'aide de César, en l'utilisant avec sa propre bouteille d'huile pour vaincre le mode final de Wham. Les morceaux de bandeau enflammés et l'huile font exploser Wham de l'intérieur alors que celui-ci aspire l'air dedans.
Will Anthonio Zeppeli: Caesar believes the bonds between an Italian family such as the Zeppelis are stronger than most people. According to him, because of their pride, Zeppelis can handle their problems on their own and have the will to pull through. When he first meets Joseph, he says that it was because Jonathan needed so much help to fight his own battle, that Will ended up dying because of it.
Mario Zeppeli: Caesar initially thought of his father as the greatest carpenter in Naples and considered him as the incarnation of an ideal man. After Mario suddenly left him and his siblings when they were children, Caesar had hated his father. As he grew up, he was determined to kill his dad and eventually found Mario in Rome. However, Caesar activates Wamuu's trap by touching a gem on the wall. Mario saves Caesar's life at the cost of his own by pushing Caesar out of the way. Since then, Caesar's hatred for his father disappeared and was instead replaced with a desire for revenge against the Pillar Men.
Brothers: Though not much is known about them, we can infer the 3 were younger than him and looked up to Caesar after their orphanage.
Joseph Joestar: Due to the rough history behind Will Anthonio Zeppeli's death and Joseph's lack of skill - along with his overall personality - the two did not get along at all at first. Caesar found Joseph to be a delinquent who would usually fool around at all the wrong times. However, after Joseph received the wedding rings from the Pillar Men after saving Speedwagon and Caesar, his respect for Joseph grew. Upon completing the Ripple Training together, Caesar found Joseph to be both a reliable ally and a good friend. When he fought against Wamuu, even though he was dying from being hit by the Divine Sandstorm attack, he still used the last bit of his strength and Ripple to rip the lip ring containing the antidote for Joseph's remaining wedding ring and placed it in a Ripple bubble made from his own blood to give to him. When Joseph realized Caesar had died, he immediately broke down crying his friend's name in agony. He immediately sought revenge against the Pillar Men for his defeat.
Lisa Lisa: Presumably having met after the death of Mario Zeppeli, she is introduced as Caesar's mentor in the Ripple. As such, Caesar respects her, having asked for her help to train Joseph in the proper usage of the ripple. He has stated he looks at her as his own mother and she is perhaps one of the few beautiful women he has never flirted with, showing great reverence for her as a person. Joseph even states that Caesar revered her as a goddess. When he died, Lisa Lisa tried to stay calm and pretended to be indifferent, but later broke down showing how much she cared for him as a student and friend. Despite their closeness, she likely never told Caesar she is Joseph's mother.
Robert E. O. Speedwagon: After beginning his training of the Ripple, Caesar devoted his life to revenge against the ones who killed his father. Having been friends with his grandfather, Speedwagon informed Caesar of the events that led to Will Zeppeli's death. Other than this, their relationship is unknown aside from being acquaintances in the fight against the Pillar Men. However, it is possible that the hat Caesar is seen wearing during his first appearance was the same hat Speedwagon inherited from Will after he died.
Messina: While the 2 were not particularly close, they shared mutual respect as Ripple warriors and Messina admitted Caesar had surpassed him. Like Joseph and Lisa Lisa, Messina mourned Caesar's death at the hands of Wamuu.
Mark: Mark was Caesar's Nazi friend during the war, driving Caesar to the Roman Colosseum to the excavation site of the Pillar Men's location. When half of Mark is promptly eaten by the Pillar Men, Caesar uses the Ripple on his heart in order to ease his pain and his last moments. Caesar is also shown to be very much enraged when he sees that Mark wanted to return home to see his fiance, but was robbed of that chance with his death.
Wamuu: As one of the Pillar Men that killed his father along with the Pillar Man who killed his friend Mark, Caesar greatly hated Wamuu. In the end, Wamuu killed Caesar but stated that Caesar had earned his respect and that he would've done better against Kars.
Kars: As the man who created the stone masks, Kars is essentially responsible for the deaths of Caesar's father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. Caesar despised him even more than the other Pillar Men.
Esidisi: While Caesar wasn't as enthusiastic about killing Esidisi as he was Kars or Wamuu, Caesar despised him all the same. Caesar would later destroy him with help from Joseph, and showed disgust for Esidisi taking over Suzi Q's body.
Jonathan Joestar: Caesar held a great grudge against Jonathan and blames him for his grandfather's death.
As you know, this business has to do with my lineage! A business dealing with the Zeppeli Family! I am forced to go and avenge my family when I know where Kars is hiding! I can't stay here and patiently wait for him to strike!
Caesar is not playable in Heritage for the Future, however when Young Joseph ("JOJO") does one of his special attacks, instead of whispering Lisa Lisa's name (who appears on Part 3 Joseph's special move), he screams out Caesar's name and pictures of Caesar appear in the background, along with several manga moments from Part 2, as Young Joseph blasts the opponent with a Ripple Overdrive.
Caesar makes his first playable appearance in the PS3 title. He was confirmed along with Esidisi. As a Ripple-user character (along with Jonathan Joestar, Will A. Zeppeli, Joseph [Both Parts 2 and 3], and Lisa Lisa), Caesar can recharge his Heart Heat Gauge through "Ripple Breath" by holding down the Style button, performing a famous JoJo pose, as well as deliver enhanced versions of skills if Style is inputted in place of normal attack buttons.
During a fight, Caesar can use several different attacks that were featured in Battle Tendency.
Seated Jump: Caesar leaps high into the air with his knees alone. This skill can be used to extend the time for air-based skills or simply evade attacks.
Bubble Launcher: Caesar quickly unleashes a small group of projectile bubbles that home in on the opponent. This move can be used in the air. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
Bubble Cutter: Caesar summons disc-shaped bubbles that he sends at the opponent in a straight line. As long as the inputted attack button is held, the Bubble Cutters will continue surrounding Caesar, but he cannot move until he unleashes the attack. If Ripple-enhanced, the number of Cutters and the ability's damage is increased. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
Bubble Cutter Gliding: Similar to Bubble Cutter, except Caesar launches the projectiles at a low angle. This attack has slight homing capabilities and is capable of hitting Wamuu while his Wind Protector is active. Oddly enough, the low-flying Cutters still hit as a High attack and can be blocked without the opponent needing to crouch. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
Bubble Lens: Caesar summons the Bubble Cutters, but does not launch them at the opponent. Instead, after a delay, the Cutters will reflect solar rays in the form of lasers before popping. (Comboable)
One-Fisted Uppercut: Caesar sends a pulse of the Ripple into his opponent through an uppercut, sending them flying. This move doubles as an anti-air (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel). If Ripple-enhanced, Caesar will deal significantly less damage, but the opponent will not fly away and is instead left stunned and vulnerable. (Comboable)
Ripple Kick: Caesar leaps forward in a flying horizontal kick, and can only be interrupted by Throws and HHA/GHA. If Ripple-enhanced, the amount of time in which Caesar is semi-invincible is increased. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
Cat Stance: Caesar assumes a special stance for a short instance, and if attacked with a non-Throw/HHA/GHA at that moment, he will automatically perform a Stylish Dodge without consuming the Guard Gauge. If Ripple-enhanced, the stance itself lasts slightly longer.
Throw - Ripple Spark: Caesar places both of his hands on his opponent's torso, before sending them flying with a blast of Ripple.
Caesar's HHA, "Bubble Barrier", has him summon a small number of bubbles that float a short distance. If they hit the opponent, Caesar will create much more as they all combine to trap the opponent in a large Ripple Bubble, immobilizing them. The bubble then explodes with a Ripple surge, dealing damage (similar to what he did to Joseph when they first meet in Part 2).
Caesar's GHA, "Burn Black!", sends his Bubble Lenses flying at the opponent at high speed. If hit, the massive number of lenses quickly surround the opponent on all sides and begin to refract the light from the sun (regardless if it is daytime or not on the stage), firing multiple beams of light focused on the opponent. The total amount of solar lasers cause the opponent to burn and eventually explode (recreating Caesar's attacking of Wamuu during his final battle).
When Retired using any skill that does not result in a hard knockdown or blow-back, Caesar will remove his headband and encase it in a bloody bubble as he slowly keels over on his knees (a reference to his final moments).
Caesar naturally has a unique dialogue with every other character from Part 2, as well as Will Zeppeli; Caesar says he will make Zeppeli pay for what he did to his family's namesake, while Zeppeli himself is surprised to see such power emanating from the young man.
Caesar also managed to win first place in his League Group in the All-Star Battle League, beating Polnareff, Esidisi, and even Jotaro. He also made his way to the semi-finals matches, but ultimately lost to DIO.
Caesar possesses two alternate costumes, the first being his debut attire (wearing Will Zeppeli's hat) and the second one being his outfit during his first battle against Wamuu (jacket-less and wearing a top).
Caesar appears as one of the several characters who possess a Metal Striker in the game. During his FINISH move, Caesar shoots several Ripple Bubble Cutter into the defeated opponent.
Also, Caesar's Level 2 ability allows his Metal Striker to drop a single Bubble each time he hits an enemy. During the opponent's turn, if an enemy hits the bubble, its Metal Striker loses a certain amount of Health Points.
Caesar was one of the first characters confirmed for the game, alongside Joseph, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Diego, and Stroheim. Since the game recycles several animations and copies a large portion of the move set from All Star Battle, his gameplay remains mostly the same: Utilizing his bubbles in an almost exclusively-ranged play style. As a Ripple User, Caesar has a Ripple Gauge that determines the strength of his attacks. Filling up the gauge will automatically empower his Normal and Powerful Attacks, and enhance/alter the properties of all his skills. It will also shorten the cooldown time on said skills. Using skills will drain a portion of the Ripple Gauge until there's an insufficient amount to use.
Style Action - Ripple Breathing: Caesar performs a pose and Ripple Breathes, filling up the Ripple Gauge. He cannot move and is vulnerable to attacks while doing so.
Bubble Lens: Caesar summons a Bubble Cutter, but does not launch it at opponents, instead of leaving it suspended as a trap. The Cutter will reflect solar rays in the form of lasers at opponents that get too close before popping. If Ripple-enhanced, the skill will execute quicker and Caesar will summon two Cutters.
Bubble Cutter/Bubble Cutter Gliding: The attack unleashed is dependent on whether or not the activating button is held. If pressed Caesar summons five disc-shaped bubbles that he sends at an opponent with very slight homing capabilities. If held, the attack is similar to Bubble Cutter, except Caesar launches the projectiles at a low angle, and has better homing capabilities than Bubble Cutter. If Ripple-enhanced, Caesar will summon seven Cutters for both attacks.
Bubble Barrier: Caesar leaps into the air and summons a large unblockable Ripple Bubble, immobilizing opponent caught and shocking them with Ripple surges before exploding. If Ripple-enhanced, the damage and range of the bubble is increased and it gains some homing capabilities.
EX - Bubble Cutter/Bubble Cutter Gliding: Caesar recovers faster from both attacks, and both attacks have increased homing capabilities and remain for much longer at the cost of some speed.
EX - Bubble Barrier: Caesar gains invincibility until the bubble is unleashed.
Control them both inside your body at the same time!: Caesar must completely fill his Ripple Gauge. (200 Points)
Gonna beat your ass back to the boonies!: Caesar must connect "Bubble Barrier". (200 Points)
Right now, my mind is back in the slums!: Caesar must perform a combo with at least 30 hits. Landing either of his DHAs will automatically achieve this. (300 Points)
Some of my bubbles can cleave the wind itself...: Caesar must connect Ripple-enhanced "Bubble Cutter" 10 times. (500 Points)
Your defeat will be cold and cruel!: Caesar must Retire an opponent with a Dual Heat Attack. (800 Points)
Dual Heat Attacks
Solo - Burn black!: It works the same as the one from All Star Battle, though Caesar does not explain how the lenses reflect light due to the animation being sped up.
With Joseph - Dual Ripple!: The two start off by attacking the opponent from opposite sides with an array of Ripple-infused bubbles from Caesar and a series of Ripple-charged punches and kicks from Joseph, before Joseph invites Caesar to initiate the Positive/Negative Overdrive they used on Suzi Q to save her from Esidisi's control, attacking the enemy from both sides with said move and shocking them with extreme power.
If Caesar is paired with Joseph and falls in battle before him, a special animation will play where they recreate the scene involving Caesar's final words and creation of the blood bubble (hommage of Chapter 92 or Episode 20, which pops in an anti-climactic fashion shortly after conception), along with Joseph's iconic "CAESAR!!!" scream as tears stream down his face.
In the game's Story Mode, Caesar is encountered by Jotaro and Joseph along with his younger counter training at Air Supplena Island with the Ripple. Initially meeting the two with mistrust, Caesar and the others are soon attacked by Lisa Lisa and Rudol von Stroheim, who are affected by a strange phenomenon that Jotaro and Joseph encountered as with many others throughout their travels through time.
After defeating the two, Lisa Lisa is left unconscious, while Stroheim escapes. While Caesar took his master inside to rest, but not before she's presented a Corpse Part to heal her affliction, the other three are soon attacked by Hol Horse, another one of DIO's assassins.
In the Story Mode's credits, Caesar is shown fighting Esidisi and Wamuu alongside Joseph. It is unknown how his survival affected Parts 3 through 6.
Unlike the previous game, his main color scheme is now based on his anime appearance.
Lors de la publication originale de Battle Tendency dans le Weekly Shonen Jump, les fans se sont plaints de l'existence de Caesar car son grand-père, Will Anthonio Zeppeli, avait déclaré qu'il ne s'était pas marié ou n'avait pas de famille. La ligne de Will Zeppeli a été corrigée dans la version Tankoban, avec des éditions antérieures comprenant des excuses d'Araki lui-même.[8]