The Ripple (波紋, Hamon) is an energy used in an ancient form of martial arts known as Sendo (仙道, Sendō, lit. "Way of The Hermit"). Through controlled respiration, a person trained in the Ripple technique can produce a similar energy to that of the sun. This energy can be used in a wide range of techniques, and is fatal to vampires, zombies, and the Pillar Men.
Ripple is the main source of power for the heroes of Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency. It is also briefly featured in Stardust Crusaders.
The Ripple is an energy identical to the sun's rays. The human body can create this energy through controlled breathing, producing ripples of energy propagating from the bloodstream to the rest of the body and to other objects in contact with it. The Ripple manifests itself as electricity-like sparks, and it can be seen by ordinary humans.
An object charged with Ripple energy will have one or several attributes enhanced by the energy, making it a more effective tool or weapon. Liquids such as water or oil conduct the Ripple especially well, with the ripples becoming visible in the liquid. However, while all materials can conduct the Ripple to some degree, only living organisms such as roses can retain Ripple energy. Joseph Joestar is shown to be able to channel the Ripple through his Stand, Hermit Purple; it is unknown if other types of Stands can do the same.
Though anyone can technically produce small amounts of Ripple energy, Will Anthonio Zeppeli explains that only one in ten thousand has the ability to be a Ripple user in practice. Only a few people have the willpower and therefore the discipline to control their breathing, notably those who have lived through great tragedies and kept their fortitude.[1] However, the ability to use the Ripple is also a talent granted to people whose ancestors were Ripple users, and thus Joseph Joestar had a natural affinity for the Ripple without being proficient in using it.[2]
Color Schemes
Using the Ripple

Due to its identical nature to the positive energy of the Sun, the Ripple's primary uses are to heal ailments and combat undead creatures such as vampires or zombies.
Living organisms can be affected by Ripple attacks, but are not necessarily hurt by it. Will Anthonio Zeppeli used the Ripple to heal Jonathan Joestar's broken arm, and his grandson Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli later utilized it to control a woman during his fight with Joseph Joestar. Kars's Ripple energy, boasting several hundred times the power of Joseph's, caused the latter's flesh to melt almost instantly.[3] Ripple is transferable between people, as both Will Anthonio Zeppeli and his grandson Caesar transfer their Ripple to a Joestar shortly before their deaths. Ripple users can reject harmful substances in their bloodstream by ejecting it with the use of Ripple energy.
Producing the Ripple regularly also preserves the user's vitality, making them look younger and have more energy even in their old age, though this ability has limits.[4]
To produce an optimized Ripple, users must precisely control the energy produced by their breathing. It typically requires focusing the energy before unleashing it all at once to create a powerful burst of Ripple. To extend the effects of the Ripple outside of the user's body, normally the user needs to touch the target. During that moment, the smaller the area of contact, the stronger the Ripple that is transmitted.[5] For instance, concentrating the Ripple into a single point and touching with the tip of the fingers is more effective than scattering the energy out by touching with the whole palm of the hand. This forms a vibrating membrane of Ripple on the surface of the material it's transmitted to. The concept is similar to how a smaller hole on a water gun would make the water shoot farther.[6] The Ripple can be transmitted through living beings, but substances like water, oil, and metal also have a relatively high conductivity. It's possible to use such substances as a medium to flow as well as to store the Ripple.[5]

By imbuing an object with the Ripple, a Ripple user can perform several techniques in combination with their own tactics, allowing for a wide variety of fighting styles. Because of its versatile nature, many warriors use different weapons, ranging from a scarf to soap bubbles to clackers and even wine.
Techniques that flow the Ripple through a target are classified as "Overdrive" (
Training The Ripple

Producing more than a small amount of Ripple energy requires the user to breathe a precise way. Thus, to enhance their ability to produce the Ripple and efficiently wield it in battle, a Ripple user must undergo harsh physical training to increase their breathing ability. Although the training is focused on the rhythm of one's breathing, Ripple masters often use physical exercises as well; these exercises can include prolonged swimming and balancing atop one's finger.[7] Harsh masters have also designed lethal training regimens like the Hell Climb Pillar, which puts students in a life-or-death situation to push them to overcome their limits.[8]
Tools to help train in producing the Ripple exist, such as a Ripple Breathing Mask which forces its wearer to constantly breathe and produce a Ripple or doesn't let the air through at all.
Those who want to fight with the Ripple also typically undergo martial arts training to acquire battle experience and fighting skills. Though Will Anthonio Zeppeli and Jonathan Joestar train to use Sendō techniques alongside Ripple energy, some Ripple users like Joseph Joestar prefer to use tools with the Ripple, and others like Caesar Zeppeli utilize unpolished fighting styles rather than traditional martial arts techniques.
After completing Tonpetty's training, Zeppeli was able to run dozens of li without catching his breath in Tibet's cold environment. An advanced high-level stage of training exists after that point known as the "Celestial Gate" (周天の法門, Shūten no Hōmon), but details on what the training entails is unknown.[9]

Though Ripple users can utilize Ripple energy freely, destroy undead beings in a single strike, and turn even the most mundane of objects into lethal weapons, they are not without significant weaknesses.
A Ripple user must be able to consistently breathe; if this breathing is weakened or made arrhythmic due to injuries or other conditions, they slowly grow weaker and lose the ability to create Ripple energy, to the point where they can be easily defeated by a mere zombie. This weakness is notably exploited by Dio Brando when he mortally injures Jonathan, piercing his trachea and in the process preventing him from using the Ripple. Similarly, Ripple energy requires a strong flow of the user's blood to be used with any great strength. Dio develops a technique that can flash-freeze a Ripple user in seconds, halting their blood's flow and rendering them unable to attack. Additionally, Wamuu remarks during his fight with Caesar Zeppeli that Caesar's heavy blood loss prevents him from using the Ripple.
While Ripple energy is strong enough to smash through rock and brick, it is unable to smash through stronger substances like iron or steel, according to Will Zeppeli.
The Ripple is ineffective at removing an object from the user's body if said object is made of the user's own flesh, as seen by Joseph Joestar when he attempts to remove the Stand Empress from his body.
Note: Due to the versatility of the Ripple and the near-universal ways of deploying it, few shared techniques exist between Ripple users. Many of the techniques listed here are exclusive to individuals and do not represent the full spectrum available.
Overdrive Moves
Debut: Chapter 19: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 2 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 4: Overdrive
Debut: Chapter 19: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 2 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 4: Overdrive
The user charges Ripple energy through their arm and releases it into a solid object, such as a wall or partition. The Ripple travels through the object until it reaches the other side, and anything hit by the Ripple is sent flying. If the enemy is an undead being, the Ripple will enter their bloodstream and destroy them from the inside.
Debut: Chapter 27: Tarkus and the Dark Knight Bruford, Part 2 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 5: The Dark Knights
Debut: Chapter 28: Tarkus and the Dark Knight Bruford, Part 3 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 6: Pluck for Tomorrow
Debut: Chapter 29: Tarkus and the Dark Knight Bruford, Part 4 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 6: Pluck for Tomorrow
Debut: Chapter 29: Tarkus and the Dark Knight Bruford, Part 4 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 6: Pluck for Tomorrow

Debut: Chapter 29: Tarkus and the Dark Knight Bruford, Part 4 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 6: Pluck for Tomorrow

Debut: Chapter 31: The Knights' Ruins / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 6: Pluck for Tomorrow
With the aid of another Ripple user, one can draw all the leaves in the immediate area together and magnetize them, forming one giant leaf which can be used as an impromptu hang glider. Human bodies have a faint magnetic field, and can act as a living magnet when that magnetic field's power is increased by the Ripple. That magnetic field is then transferred into the leaves, creating a massive magnetic sheet that holds the leaves together.
Debut: Chapter 34: Pluck for Tomorrow and the Successor, Part 2 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 7: The Successor
Debut: Chapter 34: Pluck for Tomorrow and the Successor, Part 2 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 7: The Successor
One of the most powerful Ripple techniques, Deep Pass Overdrive allows a Ripple user to transfer all of their life energy into another Ripple user. The recipient gains the performer's energy, causing their strength, agility, and Ripple technique to increase dramatically. This rapid loss of life energy also changes the performer's physical appearance, causing their skin to wrinkle and their hair to turn white, as if they had aged considerably. This is one of the few Overdrive techniques without the kanji for "Ripple" in its name.
Debut: Chapter 80: Flame Mode Esidisi, Part 3 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 17: Laying a Deeper Trap!
The user traps the opponent with ropes made of 100% wool, then imbues the ropes with the Ripple. When Joseph uses it, the move has enough force to slice through Esidisi's face.
Debut: Chapter 103: The Wind, the Chariot, and Wamuu, Part 9 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 22: A True Warrior
The user charges Ripple into their fist and hits the ground. The Ripple travels across the floor, creating a circle filled with a complicated pattern. It instantly disintegrates any undead target into ashes.
The user holds the Red Stone of Aja in one hand and presses it against the opponent before charging it with the Ripple. The Ripple resembles the color of sunset and creates a red firework, burning the enemy.
The user creates a massive electrified dome by imbuing the Ripple on leaves, flowers, and dyed sawdust from destroyed rugs. The materials pile on top of each other in layers to cover an entire plaza from El Señor de las Moscas's swarm of flies.
Martial Arts Moves
Debut: Chapter 18: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 1 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 4: Overdrive
Debut: Chapter 20: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 3 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 4: Overdrive
Debut: Chapter 22: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 5 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 4: Overdrive
Debut: Chapter 36: The Three from a Faraway Land, Part 1 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 7: The Successor
The user performs a slow kick at their opponent. If the opponent grabs the user's legs, the user is able to perform a split, preventing the opponent from moving their arms; if the split is quick enough, the user can leave an object on their opponent's shoulder without them noticing. The user then attacks their foe's neck with a double chop imbued with the Ripple. The attack's weakness is that it leaves the user's guard open for a headbutt or another direct attack.
Debut: Chapter 37: The Three from a Faraway Land, Part 2 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 8: Bloody Battle! JoJo & Dio
Debut: Chapter 38: The Three from a Faraway Land, Part 3 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 8: Bloody Battle! JoJo & Dio
Application Moves
Debut: Chapter 22: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 5 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 4: Overdrive
Debut: Chapter 23: Ripple Overdrive, Part 1 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 4: Overdrive
Debut: Chapter 24: Ripple Overdrive, Part 2 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 5: The Dark Knights
A Ripple user is able to use the Ripple either as a repellent or to adhere either themselves or objects to other objects or liquids. Zeppeli first uses this ability to walk on water, followed shortly afterward by Jonathan. Jonathan also uses this technique to expel the venom from Doobie's snakes, and later Dio's vampiric extract, out of his body. Joseph and Caesar manage to climb a pillar covered in oil with adhesion, and Caesar uses the technique to deflect a high pressured oil jet. Later, Caesar and Joseph force Esidisi out of Suzi Q's body: Joseph sends positive repellent ripple into various points across Suzi Q's body, while Caesar focuses attractant negative ripple on only her heart, forcing Esidisi to leave when he can't handle it anymore.
In El Aleph, Lisa Lisa and Sasha Loggins send positive and negative Ripple energy into Sasha's braided cord while holding onto both ends. By doing so, they avoid damaging Octavio and only incapacitate Dos Santos instead, who Octavio was holding onto. The technique is called Ripple Teleférico (Ropeway) (波紋の
Debut: Chapter 37: The Three from a Faraway Land, Part 2 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 8: Bloody Battle! JoJo & Dio
By using the Ripple on people or animals, a Ripple user can reorganize their cells, indirectly controlling their body. The process requires contact between the user and the target, whether it be a kiss or simply touching one's head with their hands. The target will then carry out the user's will, with the infused Ripple energy rendering them stronger than an ordinary being. A Ripple user can also knock out ordinary people by applying the Ripple to one's head, as a young Joseph does to a pilot while Robert E. O. Speedwagon's plane is being hijacked; furthermore, a Ripple master can use this technique to extract forgotten memories.
Debut: Chapter 50: Straizo vs. Joseph, Part 3 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 11: Master of the Game
A Ripple master can use cloth woven from the dried intestinal fibers of the Satiporoja Beetle. The cloth is capable of conducting the Ripple at 100%. Straizo and Lisa Lisa use scarves that are made of 30,000 beetles. As it conducts and disperses the Ripple far better than the human body, the scarf acts similarly to a lightning rod, and can completely absorb an opponent's Ripple attack.
Debut: Chapter 57: The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 4 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 12: The Pillar Man
The user infuses Ripple into strands of hair to form a barrier that can block incoming projectiles. Joseph uses this technique to block bullets fired by Santana after ripping a fistful of Rudol von Stroheim's hair.
Debut: Chapter 63: Joseph Joestar of Rome / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 14: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times
Debut: Chapter 63: Joseph Joestar of Rome / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 14: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times
Debut: Chapter 67: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 3 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 15: A Hero's Proof
The user chucks American Clackers infused with the Ripple into their opponent's direction. This can be done a number of ways; to produce the best and most surprising effect, the user can hide them behind their back, allowing them to slingshot the clackers from behind their back in all directions.
Debut: Chapter 68: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 4 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 15: A Hero's Proof
The user throws pairs of Clackers infused with the Ripple into a beam or pillar behind the opponent, fooling the foe into assuming they missed. One of the pairs of Clackers gets stuck onto whatever it was thrown at and starts spinning, latching onto the second pair of Clackers. The second pair then flings back towards the opponent from behind, mimicking the effect of a boomerang.
Debut: Chapter 74: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 4 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 16: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa
Debut: Chapter 90: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 3 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 20: Caesar: A Lonely Youth
This technique is a direct improvement on the Bubble Launcher. Inspired by the Ripple Cutter technique, the user creates sharp disc-shaped bubbles. These bubbles spin at high speed and use centrifugal force, but are able to stay intact due to the Ripple. The bubbles move at a higher velocity and have higher precision, allowing the user to fire them in any direction with ease.
Debut: Chapter 91: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 4 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 20: Caesar: A Lonely Youth
A more versatile version of Bubble Cutter, this technique sacrifices the quantity of the original attack, instead focusing on effectiveness. By launching only a few bubbles, the user is able to aim them much like homing projectiles. The bubbles are able to go around objects, giving them a higher chance of hitting the opponent.
Debut: Chapter 91: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 4 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 20: Caesar: A Lonely Youth
The user produces Ripple-infused bubbles that have the ability to refract light and focus it into beams, much like a magnifying glass. After they are launched, the bubbles become stationary. Any light source passing through will cause a domino effect, connecting the bubbles together and eventually shooting multiple beams at their target.
Debut: Chapter 105: The Bond That Binds Lisa Lisa and JoJo, Part 1 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 23: The Warrior Returns to the Wind
The user utilizes a weapon woven from the dried intestinal fibers of the Satiporoja Beetle. Instead of a Beetle Cloth scarf, the user has a wide braided cord that is around 10 to 20 meters long and capable of conducting the Ripple at 100%. As it conducts and disperses the Ripple far better than the human body, it acts similarly to a lightning rod. Sasha uses it as a whip to attack her opponents.
The user is capable of erasing their presence by suppressing their breathing, moving as silently as a snow leopard.
Supportive Skills
Debut: Chapter 18: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 1 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 4: Overdrive
The Ripple user gut-punches a potential ally with their pinky finger raised, allowing them to reach the diaphragm. The target will momentarily lose their breath as their diaphragm empties, but will then be able to produce Ripple energy through their breathing. A skilled Ripple user can gauge how much Ripple energy a person can produce in one breath, enabling them to determine their potential. However, the technique itself requires precision and is difficult to perform. Even experienced Ripple users can fail it, as is the case when Will Anthonio Zeppeli attempts to use Forced Ripple Breathing on Robert E. O. Speedwagon.
Debut: Chapter 18: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 1 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 4: Overdrive
The Ripple can heal fractured bones as well as lessen one's sense of pain, allowing Ripple users to use techniques without fear of pain. When Zeppeli uses Forced Ripple Breathing on Jonathan, the latter's breathing heals his fractured arm, which normally would have taken another month or two to completely heal. When Jonathan then grabs a tree branch, it revives withered flowers, causing them to bloom again.[10] A certain Ripple user serving as a doctor in India transmits his Ripple energy into a man's gangrenous leg, informing him that he should be fully healed within ten days.[11]
The Ripple can also be used for euthanasia by transmitting it into one's heart. Caesar uses it to stop Mark's heart so he would die instantly without feeling the pain from the injuries he suffered from Wamuu walking through him.[12]
Debut: Chapter 32: The Medieval Knights' Training Ground for Murder / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 6: Pluck for Tomorrow
Extremely skilled Ripple users like Tonpetty can see very far into the future of an individual, including the moment of their death.
Debut: Chapter 45: Joseph Joestar of New York, Part 1 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 10: JoJo of New York
Consistent use of the Ripple can slow one's aging process, as Ripple breathing imbues the user with life force. As such, both Straizo and Lisa Lisa appear a lot younger than they actually are. Although Lisa Lisa was 50 years old, Joseph assumed she was in her late 20s. However, the Ripple cannot completely halt the process of aging.
Uses with Other Abilities
Debut: Chapter 52: Straizo vs. Joseph, Part 5 / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 11: Master of the Game
Debut: Chapter 148: Empress, Part 3 / Stardust Crusaders Episode 12: Empress
Joseph has demonstrated the ability to transmit the Ripple through his Stand Hermit Purple as an extension of his body. As shown in his battle with DIO, Joseph can use this property of Hermit Purple to attack an opponent by outstretching the Stand's Ripple-infused vines, or to defend himself against vampires by wrapping himself in it.
The Ripple can be considered an evolutionary step towards obtaining a Stand.[13]

The origin of the Ripple technique is unknown, but it was created at some point 4,000 years before the events of Battle Tendency.[14] Though its uses vary, it seems to have been primarily used to fight off the Pillar Men. After gaining the power of the Stone Mask, however, Kars and Esidisi easily slaughtered most of the world's Ripple users in 39 AD before returning into hibernation.[15][16]
However, the technique lived on; as the Stone Masks spread across the world, the Ripple also became an offensive technique against the vampires and zombies created by the masks. Ripple users have built many devices and temples across the world to help them train and learn from one another. Two Ripple masters, Tonpetty and Lisa Lisa, aid Jonathan and Joseph Joestar respectively.
- According to Araki, the concept of "Rules" and psychic powers in the manga Babel II by Mitsuteru Yokoyama helped him form the basis around the idea of Ripple.[17]
- The Ripple-based moves, such as the Overdrive, form the basis of some of Joseph's techniques in JoJo's Venture, as well as the entirety of Young Joseph's moves. When performing these Ripple moves using the strong attack button, both Josephs can be seen visibly breathing.
- ↑ Chapter 24: Ripple Overdrive, Part 2
- ↑ Chapter 45: Joseph Joestar of New York, Part 1
- ↑ Chapter 112: The Man Who Became a God, p.6
- ↑ Chapter 46: Joseph Joestar of New York, Part 2
- ↑ Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 JOJO magazine 2022 SPRING P.92
- ↑ Chapter 71: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 1
- ↑ Chapter 75: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 5
- ↑ Chapter 72: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 2
- ↑ Chapter 34: Pluck for Tomorrow and the Successor, Part 2
- ↑ Chapter 18: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 1
- ↑ Chapter 32: The Medieval Knights' Training Ground for Murder
- ↑ Chapter 66: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 2
- ↑ Steel Ball Run Extra Chapter 3: Untitled Stand Chapter
- ↑ Chapter 50: Straizo vs. Joseph, Part 3 P.6.
- ↑ JoJo 6251
- ↑ Chapter 67: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 3
- ↑ Phantom Blood PS2 Interview with Araki