Jodio Joestar
Jodio Joestar (ジョディオ・ジョースター, Jodio Jōsutā) is the main protagonist of the ninth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, The JOJOLands, and the ninth JoJo of the series.
Jodio is a small-time gangster living in Honolulu, Hawaii, with his older brother Dragona and his mother Barbara Ann Joestar. He is a Stand user who wields November Rain, allowing him to create localized drops of rain that can crush his opponents.

Jodio is a 15-year-old boy. He has light skin and light-colored hair with long jagged bangs partially obscuring both of his eyes and an undercut at the back. His hair is asymmetrical, as the right side is braided with a star-shaped ornamental hair clip attached, and the left side is cut just below his eye. He wears a large "JO" shaped earring that hangs from his left ear. As a descendant of the Joestar family, Jodio has the Star Birthmark on his left shoulder.[4]
His outfit consists of a light short-sleeved shirt under dark hooded overalls with a winged heart emblem at the center of the chest. The emblem is marked by an hourglass symbol with both triangles split into a dark and a bright half, and the shirt has been shown to have the word "NOVEMBER" written on the front collar. The overalls bears a strong resemblance to a life preserver, having a belt fastened around the chest under the heart emblem, sporting rigid light-colored shoulder pads, and exposing most of Jodio's back. The overalls are also fastened to the shirt by two buttons at the back of the waist. The overalls' pantlegs are split under the knee, giving them a similar appearance to bell-bottoms, both also studded in a vertical column besides the slit.
For accessories, Jodio wears assorted fingerless gloves, the main pair consisting of simple wristbands with a triangular flap over the back of the hand. He also has armbands shaped like two triangles wrapped around each bicep. Jodio wears dark plain dress shoes.
As an eleven year old, Jodio wore almost the exact same style of clothing. Rather than the heart emblem, his hoodie had "JO" written in large centered letters with the top line of the J being elongated.[5]
Color Schemes

Jodio Joestar is an ambitious hoodlum living a life of petty crime in Hawaii, who was diagnosed with having antisocial personality disorder in his school's psychological test.[6] Despite his aversion to friendship,[7][8] Jodio is popular at his school[9] and grows to like Meryl Mei Qi's crew,[10][11][12] but this relationship is based on "money more than friendship." Unlike previous series protagonists, Jodio has little to no ethical qualms, and author Hirohiko Araki describes him as a "scumbag."[13]
Jodio values his family above all and becomes erratic if they're ever threatened or mocked.[14] When an eleven-year-old Jodio witnessed a band of classmates harassing Dragona, he "handled" the problem by igniting an entire school bus full of students to hurt them. Jodio felt no guilt for starting the fire, but the absurdity of his family's later dissolution perplexed him. The event was a formative moment in his relationship with Dragona and their adolescence.[5] Soon after, they began working as gofers to financially support and protect their mother.[15] He sometimes whispers his thoughts to Dragona for Dragona to speak on his behalf.[5][16]
Jodio's sole aspiration is wealth,[17] and contrary to his mother's hopes, he performs the worst in his class.[5] Ever since he started out as a gofer,[18] Jodio gave his "work" professional diligence and garnered enough notoriety to earn recognition in Hawaii.[18] An upbringing in poverty influenced his outlook,[13] so far as inspiring his belief in "mechanisms".[19] "Mechanisms" are a set of abstract rules that dictate the distribution of power and wealth in society. For example, Jodio cultivates respect, admiration, and protection through his popularity, but a bullied classmate won't.[20] According to Lulu, even though Jodio looks so young, he gives off the impression of being in charge.[21]
Jodio loves Rohan Kishibe's work, "Pink Dark Boy",[22] enjoys listening to music, and plays with a handheld gaming console to kill time.[23][24] Jodio is bad at remembering three-letter acronyms.[25]
Jodio wields November Rain, a Stand that is able to create localized showers of rain that can selectively become heavy enough to completely flatten an adult man into the ground within its 3 meter range.
- Dragona Joestar: Jodio's older brother. The two have a close relationship, working together to earn money and protect their mother. When Dragona is harassed by a police officer, Jodio angrily beats the man, leaving him half-dead. Dragona feels glad that Jodio did that for them and hugs him after.[3]
- Barbara Ann Joestar: The mother of Jodio and Dragona, who raises them alone. Jodio and Dragona love her and ensure her social safety by helping her behind the scenes with their gang work.[3]
- Paco Laburantes: Although they work together, Jodio does not consider Paco as his friend.[3] Paco starts to appreciate Jodio after seeing his ability in action.[26]
- Usagi Alohaoe: Usagi is in a higher grade than Jodio at their high school. Jodio is surprised when Meryl Mei Qi added him to the heist team but he trusts Meryl's word that Usagi is a good kid.[3] Usagi is impressed with Jodio being on the same wavelength as him and asks if they can be good friends someday, but Jodio refuses.[27]
- Rohan Kishibe: Jodio is an ardent fan of Rohan Kishibe and his work.[26][28] He diligently follows Rohan's series, Pink Dark Boy, lauding his unique approach as heavenly. Jodio deeply respects Rohan, going as far as to prevent his gang members from harming him. After being outmaneuvered by Jodio, Rohan develops a mutual respect for him. He encourages Jodio to pursue his ambitions but also cautions him not to trust his gang blindly.[29]

- The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure
- The JOJOLands Chapter 2: South King Street
- The JOJOLands Chapter 3: The Villa on Hawaii Island, Part 1
- The JOJOLands Chapter 4: The Villa on Hawaii Island, Part 2
- The JOJOLands Chapter 5: "Rise Up"
- The JOJOLands Chapter 6: Hualalai - Cat Size, Part 1
- The JOJOLands Chapter 7: Hualalai - Cat Size, Part 2
- The JOJOLands Chapter 8: Hualalai - Cat Size, Part 3
- The JOJOLands Chapter 9: Kailua-Kona - Flight Waiting Time, Part 1
- The JOJOLands Chapter 10: Kailua-Kona - Flight Waiting Time, Part 2
- The JOJOLands Chapter 11: Kailua-Kona - Flight Waiting Time, Part 3
- The JOJOLands Chapter 12: Charming Man
- The JOJOLands Chapter 13: Joestar Brothers
- The JOJOLands Chapter 14: Aim for That Fifty Billion Dollars, Part 1
- The JOJOLands Chapter 15: Aim for That Fifty Billion Dollars, Part 2
- The JOJOLands Chapter 16: Lulu's Bags Groove, Part 1
- The JOJOLands Chapter 17: Lulu's Bags Groove, Part 2
- The JOJOLands Chapter 18: Lulu and Bobby Jean, Part 1
- The JOJOLands Chapter 19: Lulu and Bobby Jean, Part 2
- The JOJOLands Chapter 20: Lulu and Bobby Jean, Part 3
- The JOJOLands Chapter 21: HOWLER Company Impropriety Suspicions
- The JOJOLands Chapter 22: Dolphin Bank's Debt Collection, Part 1
- The JOJOLands Chapter 23: Dolphin Bank's Debt Collection, Part 2
- The JOJOLands Chapter 24: Dolphin Bank's Debt Collection, Part 3

- “It's probably because you were jamming out to Dua Lipa too hard. (デュア・リパノリノリで聴いてたからだ)Dyua Ripa norinori de kiiteta kara da.”—Jodio Joestar's first line, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure
- “Get your hands... off of big bro right now. Got me? Right now... or... you're dead meat. (兄さんの身体からその手を……どけろォ… おい… 直ぐにだ… ………お前… 殺すからな)Nī-san no karada kara sono te wo...... Dokerо̄... Oi... Sugu ni da... .........Omae... Korosu kara na.”—Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure
- “Everyone loves our mother. So mother is able to commute to the airport safely every day. That's because we brothers protect her. (皆うちの母の事が大好きだ。母は毎朝安全に空港まで通勤できる。オレたち兄弟の守りがあるからだ)Minna uchi no haha no koto ga daisuki da. Haha wa maiasa anzen ni kūkо̄ made tsūkin dekiru. Oretachi kyо̄dai no mamori ga aru kara da.”—Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure
- “Mechanisms have power, but they're invisible to the eyes. (「
仕組み 」は力があるけど目には見えない)'Mekanizumu' wa chikara ga aru kedo me ni wa mienai.”—Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure - “Mechanisms. Mechanisms of trust have power. Even if we don't obey the power called law in this town, trust keeps one safe. (「
仕組み 」 信用の「仕組み 」には力があって。法律という力が守ってくれなくてもこの街では「信用」が安全を保障してくれる)'Mekanizumu'. Shinyо̄ no 'mekanizumu' ni wa chikara ga atte. Houritsu to iu chikara ga mamottekure nakutemo kono machi de wa 'shinyо̄' ga anzen wo hoshо̄ shitekureru.”—Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure - “This is the story of me getting filthy rich. Sound like I'm exaggerating? Do I sound immodest and conceited to you? Becoming filthy rich means being able to earn lots of money, but there's something far more important than that — yup, 'mechanisms'. (これはオレが大富豪になっていく物語。大富豪とは大げさに聞こえるだろうか?オレの語り口に謙虚さが無くうぬぼれているように聞こえるだろうか……?大富豪というのはつまり―― 大金を稼げるという事もあるがそれよりも全然重要な事柄―― ――やっぱり「
仕組み 」)Kore wa ore ga daifugо̄ ni natteiku monogatari. Daifugо̄ to wa о̄gesa ni kikoeru darо̄ ka? Ore no katari kuchi ni kenkyo sa ga naku unuboreteiru yо̄ ni kikoeru darо̄ ka......? Daifugо̄ to iu no wa tsumari— taikin wo kasegeru to iu koto mo aru ga soreyorimo zenzen jūyо̄ na kotogara— —yappari 'mekanizumu'.”—Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure - “The pinnacle of mechanisms, that's something I can't see yet. But those mechanisms will come to appear before us as forms and shapes. (「
仕組み 」の頂点だ。今はまだ目には見えない。だがオレたちの目の前にその「仕組み 」が「姿・形」として現れて来るんだ……)'Mekanizumu' no chо̄ten da. Ima wa mada me ni wa mienai. Daga oretachi no me no mae ni sono 'mekanizumu' ga 'sugata katachi' toshite arawarete kurunda......”—Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure - “It's best not to say anything unnecessary. Besides, what does it matter? Those who can't see it never will. (余計な事は言わない方がいい。どうせ言ってみたところで… 見えないヤツはいつまでも見ない)Yokei na koto wa iwanai hо̄ ga ii. Dо̄se ittemita tokoro de... Mienai yatsu wa itsumademo minai.”—Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 2: South King Street
- “Could someone like me ever be happy? I mean, I think I probably could. If I just work for it... But the reality of the world is that there are hidden, unfair places where I'll meet scum like those guys. It makes me wanna lose my mind. (オレって幸せになれるのか?きっとなれると思う。努力して… でもこの世の現実は隠れた
公正 ではない場所であんな感じのヤツらに出会ってしまう。キレそうにはなるぜ)Ore tte shiawase ni nareru no ka? Kitto nareru to omо̄. Doryoku shite... Demo kono yo no genjitsu wa kakureta fea dewanai basho de anna kanji no yatsura ni deatte shimau. Kire sou ni wa naru ze.”—Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 2: South King Street - “This guy is the real deal huh? He's actually swimming right in front of me right now. And this is Pink Dark Boy. It's a half-drawn manuscript. Wheeeew! I'm so nervous my hands are shaking! Just being able to see artwork like this is enough to make my day. (こりゃ… マジ『本物のヤツ』だぞ。凄いな 今… 本物がオレの直ぐ目の前で泳いでいる。これは『ピンクダークの少年』だ。半分描きかけのデータだよ。フゥ――――ッ!緊張で指先が震えるなぁ。こんな絵が見れて今日はこれだけで幸せな一日だ)Korya... maji "honmono no yatsu" dazo. Sugoi na ima... honmono ga ore no sugu me no mae de oyoideiru. Kore wa "pinku dāku shо̄nen" da. Hanbun kakikake no dēta dayo. Fū――――! Kinchо̄ de yubisaki ga furueru nā. Konna e ga mirete kyо̄ wa koredake de shiawase na ichinichi da.”—Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 3: The Villa on Hawaii Island, Part 1
- “Hello? Can you all hear me...? We're in trouble. Hello? He's one who can see them. (もしもし。みんな聞こえてるか…?ヤバイぞ。もしもし?彼は『見えている』人だ)Moshi moshi. Minna kikoeteru ka...? Yabai zo. Moshi moshi? Kare wa "mieteiru" hito da.”—Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 3: The Villa on Hawaii Island, Part 1
- “Don't lay another hand on him! He's a mangaka! He may be a rich guy, but he's a special rich guy! I respect him. And I believe today's gonna turn out to be a great one. (彼にはもう手を出さないでくれ!!彼は漫画家なんだ!金持ちだけれど特別なんだ。オレが尊敬してるんだ。今日は素晴らしい一日であるはずだ!)Kare ni wa mо̄ te wo dasanai de kure!! Kare wa mangaka nanda! Kanemochi da keredo tokubetsu nanda. Ore ga sonkei shiteru nda. Kyо̄ wa subarashii ichinichi dearu hazu da!”—Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 5: "Rise Up"
- “I'm a fan of yours, sensei. I read your stuff all the time. It really speaks to me in a way, y'know. Because I respect you so much I sorta get it. Like, the approach... or your stance towards manga. Or, like, philosophy? Like something that came down from the heavens... I understand. That four circles short work of yours, sensei, that was so good! (先生の作品いつも好きで拝見してるから。なんかこういう感じで「わかるんですよ」。尊敬してるからピンと来るっていうんですか。「発想」っていうのか…漫画に対する「姿勢」っていうか。哲学?天から降りてくる様に何かさあ~…わかるんですよ… 先生の「4つの円」の短編の話なんて凄く良かったなあ~~)Sensei no sakuhin itsumo suki de haiken shiteru kara. Nanka kо̄iu kanji de 'wakaru ndesu yo'. Sonkei shiteru kara pin to kurutte iu ndesu ka. 'Hassо̄' tte iu no ka... Manga ni tai suru 'shisei' tte iu ka. Tetsugaku? Ten kara oritekuru yо̄ ni nanka sā~ ...Wakaru ndesu yo... Sensei no 'yottsu no en' no tanpen no hanashi nante sugoku yokatta nā~~”—Jodio Joestar to Rohan Kishibe, The JOJOLands Chapter 5: "Rise Up"
- “I know the whole thing is absurd, but nobody can't fight the movement of money. Not a single person, not so long as desires exists. And you're scared because you understand that, isn't that right?”—Jodio Joestar to Acca Howler, The JOJOLands Chapter 24: Dolphin Bank's Debt Collection, Part 3
- ↑ Hirohiko Araki's New Manga Techniques
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 23: Dolphin Bank's Debt Collection, Part 2
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 19: Lulu and Bobby Jean, Part 2
- ↑ Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 The JOJOLands Chapter 13: Joestar Brothers
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 2: South King Street, p. 25.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 8: Hualalai - Cat Size, Part 3, p. 9.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, p. 43.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, p. 49.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 6: Hualalai - Cat Size, Part 1, p. 2.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 8: Hualalai - Cat Size, Part 3, p. 20.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 12: Charming Man, p. 11.
- ↑ Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 Hirohiko Araki's New Manga Techniques Parts 8 & 9: Rock Humans and Beyond-Enemies as "Inhuman Forces"
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, p. 30.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, p. 41.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 2: South King Street, p. 37.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, p. 51.
- ↑ Jump up to: 18.0 18.1 The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, p. 48.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 5: "Rise Up", p. 6.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, p. 49-51.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 19: Lulu and Bobby Jean, Part 2
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 2: South King Street p. 50.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 2: South King Street, p. 3-4.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 14: Aim for That Fifty Billion Dollars, Part 1, p. 2-3.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 16: Lulu's Bags Groove, Part 1, p. 31.
- ↑ Jump up to: 26.0 26.1 The JOJOLands Chapter 2: South King Street
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 8: Hualalai - Cat Size, Part 3
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 3: The Villa on Hawaii Island, Part 1
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 5: "Rise Up"