The JOJOLands - Chapter 22
Dolphin Bank's Debt Collection, Part 1 (ドルフィン銀行の取り立て その①, Dorufin Ginkō no Toritate Sono 1) is the 22nd chapter of The JOJOLands and the 979th chapter of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga.
Jodio, Dragona, Paco, Usagi, and Charming Man head toward Acca Howler's mansion in a shabby jeep. Usagi jokes about the car looking like it came from The Walking Dead, suspecting that its dents are bullet holes. Paco dismisses Usagi's complaints by revealing it's his own car. Along the way, Usagi becomes curious about Charming Man's unique, coarse skin. Both Usagi and Dragona start touching Charming Man's arms, enjoying how rough and warm his skin feels. Charming Man explains that it's a natural trait of his clan, unrelated to his Stand. His people adapted to harsh climates and they have long lifespans, but most of them die from calcification of waste products as they age. Charming Man suspects their skin might be caused by their environment, as even their village's earthworms and moles have rock-like skin. Thinking back to Mauka disappearing into a hole, Charming Man regrets that he invited his brother to bike off-road.
As they arrive at Howler's estate, Dragona spots a cruiser in the ocean. Jodio refreshes the group on the situation and Meryl Mei Qi's plan. Howler is under investigation by the state government for using land loaned by the royal family for illegal military activities and acts of terrorism against a congressman's daughter. The government plans to seize his land within 72 hours, but Jodio's group intends to outmaneuver the authorities by transferring the property rights to their fake "bank." Using Yokohama's documents, they will intimidate Howler into compliance, leveraging Dolphin Bank's legal authority to claim the land without a court order. Charming Man uses Bigmouth Strikes Again to disguise himself as Yokohama and Dragona changes into a suit. Along with Jodio, the three of them head on a boat toward the cruiser. Watching them from afar, Usagi worries whether Jodio will be fine not changing his outfit, but Paco shrugs it off and shares some corn bread and Huli-huli chicken with Usagi.
Standing beside Key West, Howler glares at "Yokohama" and the others from his cruiser. Dragona feels intimidated, but Charming Man thinks Howler is afraid. Meanwhile, Meryl Mei sends a cryptic mass text message to her school students under the guise of a Hawaiian history assignment on the topic of Queen Lili'uokalani. Jodio and Usagi both individually decode the message by checking their textbook on their phones, realizing it's a warning about pursuers drawing near.
At the school, Laem Chabang and Ningbo ask a teacher about Paco, but he claims he's a substitute and doesn't know much aside from hearing that Paco was in the military. The two then confront the principal, Meryl Mei, asking for Paco's information. However, Meryl Mei refuses to share the confidential information of her student unless they have a court order. She attempts to get the pair to leave, but Laem's nematodes reveal that Meryl is afraid. Meryl tries to deflect their questions, but the HOWLER Company agents grow increasingly aggressive, hinting that they know she's hiding something. Ningbo notices Meryl Mei send something on her keyboard and grabs her arm, as Laem investigates her computer. Ningbo dismisses her messages as ordinary homework, but Laem's suspicions only grow further, declaring that Meryl Mei is even more afraid now. As they pressure her by confiscating her phone, Laem orders Ningbo to use his ability on her. Ningbo is hesitant to use it on a civilian but complies. Suddenly, Meryl Mei's keyboard and her left hand starts bubbling up and floating like balloons. Her keyboard explodes and her hand swells immensely to the point of bursting.
Usagi decodes Meryl Mei's second code message, finding a sentence in the textbook that reveals there are two enemies. He worries about what they should do, since Dragona and the others already got onto the cruiser. Realizing the situation is dire, Paco decides to return to the school to protect their boss.
Author's Comment

- ↑ The First Omen is titled Omen: The First (オーメン:ザ・ファースト) in Japan.