Eyes of Heaven ★ Josuke Higashikata

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< Eyes of Heaven
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  • JosukeAvEOH.png
  • Part 8Josuke8AvEOH.png

This is just great[1] (グレートですよこいつはァ)

Josuke Higashikata (東方 仗助, Higashikata Jōsuke) was one of the first confirmed characters for Eyes of Heaven alongside Joseph Joestar, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Rudol von Stroheim, Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, and Diego Brando.

Since most of the game's animation, effects and attacks were reused from All-Star Battle, Josuke's repertoire of abilities remains mostly the same, though with some new additions to aid him in battle.

As a Stand user, Josuke is one of many characters with wildly varied abilities that grant him uniqueness in battle.


  • Style Action - Crazy Diamond: Josuke summons Crazy Diamond to deliver a punch that is able to generate a number of different effects.
    • Under normal circumstances, Crazy Diamond's punch hits the ground to dig it up, reforming it into a floating barrier that can block projectiles and absorb sufficient damage before breaking, while also leaving a small, visible spot of excavated earth that Josuke can return to via "As you were!"
    • If Crazy Diamond's punch hits an opponent, the barrier forms around them, trapping them inside and paralyzing them. This leaves them vulnerable to more attacks. Quickly moving the movement stick around can shorten the time bound. This will also leave the spot of dug-up earth.
    • If Crazy Diamond's punch hits Josuke's partner, they will recover a small amount of health. No barrier or "As you were!" spot is created.
  • Trait - I'll heal you, no problem.: While standing near the spot of a broken stage object, Crazy Diamond can repair it and have it available again immediately, with no limit to the number of times this can be done.
  • As you were!: If the excavated spot of earth created by his Style Action is present, Josuke, using a piece of rubble he took from the floor, quickly flies toward the spot by fixing the piece. This move can be used from anywhere on the stage, and is excellent for evasion or covering large distances. If the floating barrier is present, Josuke will restore its durability to maximum upon reaching his destination. If there is any obstacle such as a wall in his path, Josuke will immediately stop, canceling the ability.
  • You're in my range...: Crazy Diamond flies forward and punches. If it connects with an opponent, Crazy Diamond will unleash a barrage of 24 punches, sending them flying on the final hit.
  • DORA!!: Crazy Diamond performs a chop that sends a vertical "wave" of blood a short distance forward as a projectile. If the blood hits an opponent, even if they block it, they will take a small amount of damage and become Bloody for a short period of time, and susceptible to a follow-up. Of note is that Josuke cannot perform this skill again on a different target if one of the opponents is actively Bloody.
    • Meet my homing missile!: Crazy Diamond flicks a shard of broken glass that targets the Bloody opponent with very strong homing capabilities, dealing substantial damage and leaving them crumpling and open to further attack. Even if it is blocked, the broken glass will erratically boomerang back through its target multiple times, dealing immense damage to their guard. This skill has a separate, longer cooldown than "DORA!!".
  • I'll just have to pummel you from here!/I'm a real Deadeye Dick!: The attack unleashed is dependent on whether or not the activating button is held. If pressed, Crazy Diamond flicks two ball bearings forward as projectiles, with their trajectories diverging and accuracy weakening the farther they travel. If held, Crazy Diamond flicks a rifle bullet as a projectile with high speed and accuracy, but extends the skill's cooldown.
  • EX - You're in my range...: Josuke is invincible to projectiles for the duration of the attack.
  • EX - I'm a real Deadeye Dick!: The rifle bullet is immediately ready and gains a damage boost, and Josuke is invincible to projectiles for the duration of the attack.
  • Trait - Watch your mouth: When Josuke's health drops below 20% (or a little below his last health gauge), he will begin to fix his pompadour while the opponent that last hit him will stop to insult it, temporarily sending him into a blind rage as his hair spikes upward. Josuke's damage receives an incredible boost, his Homing Dash speed is increased, he gains super armor (or unflinching to enemy attacks short of grabs and DHA), and unlimited stamina for a short period of time. In exchange, he takes more damage, cannot guard, and his Homing Dash loses its homing capabilities.

Dual Heat Attacks

  • Solo - I went ahead and healed your sorry ass...: Identical to its performance in All-Star Battle, though executes faster for the sake of brevity.
  • With Okuyasu - Hey, are we gonna do this, or what?: Okuyasu has The Hand bring their opponent closer by eliminating a wide space in front of them, leaving them staggered. After Josuke and Okuyasu briefly and excitedly share comments, Crazy Diamond and The Hand pummel their target with a dual Stand barrage followed by a joint uppercut that sends them high into the air.
  • With Koichi - Dorara Rush ×2: Koichi has Echoes ACT2 place SFX of Crazy Diamond's Stand Cry ("DORARARA!!") directly under the opponent's feet. He then prompts Josuke to attack, watching as he jumps high into the air until he is directly above the opponent. Crazy Diamond then punches the opponent from above as the SFX activates, creating artificially-made fists to attack from below, hitting them from both sides.
  • With Rohan - I really hate this guy...: Rohan uses Heaven's Door to write within the opponent "My body will fly forwards at 70 km/hr." as he begins to tell Josuke something; revealing soon after that he hates him. The opponent is sent flying at Josuke in an attempt to cause a collision, forcing him to use Crazy Diamond to pummel them away.
  • With Old Joseph - Gotta be cool, at my age.: Josuke & Crazy Diamond pummel the target, with the final punch sending them high into the air. Old Joseph then comes from behind Josuke and uses Hermit Purple to bind the airborne opponent. Yanking on his Stand and pulling them in, Old Joseph then charges and delivers a forceful Ripple-infused downward chop to blast the target away once more, leaving Josuke impressed.

Costumes & Tints


Josuke EOH menu.png
  • DORARA!!: Josuke must use his Style Action 3 times. (200 Points)
  • As you were!: Josuke must use "As you were!" 3 times. (200 Points)
  • Meet my homing missile!: Josuke must connect "Meet my homing missile!" 3 times. (300 Points)
  • I'm not done kicking your ass!: Josuke must achieve a collective hit count of 300. (500 Points)
  • This feels awesome!: Josuke must Retire an opponent with a Dual Heat Attack. (800 Points)


He temporarily serves as the main protagonist of the story, along with Jonathan when the story enters the Steel Ball Run universe. He encounters his counterpart and fight a corrupted Joshu Higashikata. After defeating Joshu, he is attacked by Yoshikage Kira and his Kosaku Kawajiri counterpart.


He is paired with Johnny Joestar in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament but was eliminated in the preliminaries by Old Joseph Joestar and Yoshikage Kira.

Relationships in Eyes of Heaven

Josuke Star EoH.png

(The information below derives from a Video Game not written by Araki. As such, it may not be considered canon.)

  • Giorno Giovanna: Giorno steals Josuke's wallet, causing Josuke to tremble with anger upon discovering it's been stolen. Giorno notices that it "only has 12 yen," a reference to the "Shigechi's Harvest" arc. After a match between the two, Giorno notes that his Stand ability and Josuke's are similar. When paired together, the two consider themselves a great tag team and note it is like they can read each other's moves.
  • Jolyne Cujoh: Josuke is surprised Jolyne is Jotaro's daughter. The two mock each other because they both look like delinquents.

Insults for Josuke's Hair

This is a list of the various insults each character gives to Josuke's hair in Eyes of Heaven. Upon having his hair insulted, Josuke will reply with "I won't forgive you for insulting it!" (けなすやつあゆるさねえ~~~, Kenasu yatsu a yurasane~~~). Note that characters not listed here reuses their quotes from All-Star Battle (in Part 4 Jotaro's case, he reuses his Part 3 self's line from ASB), though they are re-recorded with their respective, new voice actors in cases of the Part 3 cast (except DIO) and Pucci. Japanese translations taken from here, except unused voice clips.

Quote.png Quotes
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • I've seen a lot of things in my life up until now! However, I've never seen such a strange head like that! (おれは!今までの人生でいるんな物を見て来だ!だが、こんなヘンな頭は見たこともねえッ!!)
  • I'll pluck your hair out like the feathers of a chicken until it turns into a centimeter wide ball of yarn! (きさまの頭を鳥の羽をむしるように直径1センチの毛糸玉にしてくれるわッ!)
  • I have nothing left to say to you... That hair... It's too pathetic for me to say anything else. (もうてめーにはなにもいうことはねん…その頭………とてもアワれすぎて何も言えねえ)
    Jotaro Kujo (Part 3), referencing Chapter 138
  • Pfft... Hehehe... (プフーッ…ウッヒッヒッヒ…)
  • This guy's head... Is something sitting on it? (コイツの頭…何か乗っているのか?)
  • Hehe... Iron sand even got into your hair? (プッ…砂鉄でも入ってるの?その頭…)
  • KOGIGIII! (コギギイイイ)
  • I'll say it clearly this time. Your hairstyle is unsightly. (この際だからはっきり言うわ、あんたの髪型ダサいのよ)
  • Go for it, Pistols! The target is that guy's huge, stupid looking head! (行くせ、ピストルズ!着弾場はヤツのバカみてーにでかい頭だッ!)
    Guido Mista, referencing Chapter 559
  • What's up with that hair?! Teehee, how lame... It's soooo uncool!! (なによその頭ーーッ!!だっ、ださいッ!すごくださいわあーッ!!)
  • Just the "result"! Calling your hair garbage is the only "result" that matters! (『結果』だけだ!タンカスのような頭という『結果』だけが残る!)
  • Was your hair struck by lightning...? (雷でも落ちたのか…?その頭…)
  • Did you think that hair looked cool? That is somewhat pitiful... (その頭、カッコいいと思っているのか?なんだかそりゃあお気の毒だな…)
  • Nowadays, not even thugs wear a hairstyle like that. (今どき、チンピラでもそんな髪型してないぜ)

Quote.png Quotes
  • You know, I've seen a lot in my life, but that 'do of yours takes the cake!
  • I'm going to turn your head into a one centimeter block of meat, just like one would pluck a chicken!
  • Your hair is such a joke I can't even think of anything to say you.
    Jotaro Kujo (Part 3)
  • Here, let me give you that head of yours a killer cut!
  • Pffft... Ooh hee hee hee...
  • Is something riding on top of his head?
  • Let me be frank here. Your hairdo sucks.
  • We can talk about your stupid haircut later.
    Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
  • Let's go, Bullets! The point of impact is his ridiculously large head!
  • Talk about rotten hair!
  • The results are the only thing that remain! And as a result, you will forever be known as the man with a mountain of feces on his head!
  • Did your hair get struck by lightning or something?
  • Quit acting like you're special with that flashy hairstyle!
  • You really think that hairdo looks cool? I actually kinda feel bad for you...
  • Thugs don't style their hair like that anymore!

Quote.png Quotes
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • Wow, what's inside your hair?
  • Is he petting a bird or something?
    —Joseph Joestar, disguised
  • That's a redneck's hairstyle, eh?
  • How do you style your potato-like hair like that? Oh, you don't need to answer, I can imagine it.
  • My hairstyle is greater than yours.
    Yukako Yamagishi, enraged
  • Hahaha, what a lame hairstyle!
  • Aren't you ever gonna get a new haircut? (いつまでそんなヘアスタイルしてるつもりだ?)
    Jotaro Kujo (Part 6)

Story Mode Battles

Main StoryMissions
Welcome to Morioh Town, Part 1
(杜王町へようこそ その① Moriō-chō e Yōkoso Sono 1)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Morioh
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
11500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Okuyasu Costume A
A: Okuyasu Color Set
B: Okuyasu Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Okuyasu Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Perform a 35-hit combo or greater. (Okuyasu Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: We have no choice. Let's do this!
Koichi: Why? Why do we have to fight Okuyasu and Rohan?
Okuyasu: Okuyasu Nijimura's The Hand is going to wipe you all out!
Rohan: I'll write it in right now. You will all "die here..."
Victory Dialogue
Koichi: A-are you two...o-okay?
Josuke: Don't worry, Koichi. I'll fix them both right up.
Defeat Dialogue
Rohan: Say goodbye, Josuke Higashikata and Koichi Hirose!
Okuyasu: I'm gonna swipe you right out of this world!
Welcome to Morioh Town, Part 2
(杜王町へようこそ その② Moriō-chō e Yōkoso Sono 2)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Boyoyoing Cape
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Catch all five Harvest groups within the time limit.
Defeat Conditions
Run out of time before catching all Harvest groups.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
4000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Shigechi Color Set
A: 22500 JP
B: 12000 JP
EX Bonus
Welcome to Morioh Town, Part 3
(杜王町へようこそ その③ Moriō-chō e Yōkoso Sono 3)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Boyoyoing Cape
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
13000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Otoishi Costume A
A: Shigechi SFX Set A
B: Otoishi Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Activate a Dual Combo. (Otoishi Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Achieve a JoJolity. (Otoishi Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Shigechi: I'm 'unna smash you into splithereens!
Otoishi: Get ready, guys!
Josuke: If you wanna go, then let's go!
Jotaro: When I say I'm gonna do something, it's as good as done.
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: Geez... That was a really tough battle to fight.
Jotaro: Gimme a break...
Defeat Dialogue
Shigechi: Shee shee shee! Now the Noble One will give me lots of compliments!
Otoishi: I finally expressed...my heart! And the scream of my soul!
A Tale of Two Josukes
(2人のジョースケ Futari no Jōsuke, lit. The Two Josukes)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Higashikata House
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy cannot be backstabbed and has no skill cooldown.
Completion Bonus
28000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Josuke 8 Costume A
A: Josuke Color Set
B: Player Card Quote Set 31
EX Bonus
1. Win within 45 seconds. (Joshu Color Set)
2. Retire the enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Joshu SFX Set C)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: What's his ability?
Josuke 8: Don't know. This is the first time I've seen it too...
Joshu: Now listen up! Yasuho is miiiiiine!!
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: This guy's giving me bad vibes... My instincts are telling me to steer clear from him.
Josuke 8: Joshu... So this is your ability...
Defeat Dialogue
(殺人鬼たち Satsujinkitachi)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Higashikata House
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's stamina usage is decreased by 25%, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 20% power.
Completion Bonus
Josuke 8 Costume B
Rank Bonus
S: Josuke Costume A
A: Kira Costume A
B: Player Card JoJolion Mount
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Kira SFX Set A)
2. Perform a 35-hit combo or greater. (Kira Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke 8: Answer me! Which one is Yoshikage Kira?
Josuke: Both!
Kira: We're going to blow you away until there's no trace of you left...
Kosaku: With our bombs...
Victory Dialogue
Josuke 8: They're both Kira? What the hell?
Josuke: Hold up, hold up, hold up. I don't get it either. I need to get my thoughts in order...
Defeat Dialogue
Kosaku: Yes! Josuke Higashikata, blown to pieces!
Kira: Tonight...I'm going to sleep better than I have in a long time...
Holy Corpse
(聖なる遺体 Seinaru Itai)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Morioh
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire Enya the Hag.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Josuke Costume B
A: Jotaro SFX Set B
B: Joseph Quote Set D
EX Bonus
1. Win within 40 seconds. (Johnny Victory Pose D)
2. Attack four or more enemies at once. (Giorno Victory Pose E)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: You're getting an ass beating from yours truly.
Josuke: Whoa, that scared me! Stupid turtle...
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: Gimme a break.
Josuke: Make fun of my hair, and I get pissed off. I don't know why! I guess it's just instinct.
Defeat Dialogue
Enya: Justice is with me!
The Corpse Hunt Continues, Part 1
(遺体集め再開 その① Itai Atsume Saikai Sono 1)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Rocky Mountains Village
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's attack power is increased by 25%.
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: 25000 JP
A: Stroheim Color Set
B: Stroheim Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Get the First Attack. (Stroheim Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Connect with two Dual Heat Attacks. (Stroheim Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: Now you've done it...
Joseph: Just shut up and fight me already!
Stroheim: One wrong move and I'll shoot! No wrong moves and I'll shoot anywaaaaay!
Okuyasu: For now, we'll leave you only half dead!
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: Great enough to blow you away!
Joseph: This'll blow you away!
Defeat Dialogue
Stroheim: And thus, Jotaro Kujo's corpse part has been claimed by my army!
Okuyasu: You...You son of a bitch! Are you planning on hogging all the glory?
A Twisted Philosophy, Part 1
(歪な思想 その① Ibitsu na Shisō Sono 1)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Green Dolphin Street Prison
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy cannot be backstabbed and has no skill cooldown.
Completion Bonus
32500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Yukako Costume A
A: Yukako SFX Set A
B: Yukako Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Activate two Dual Combos. (Yukako Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Retire the enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Yukako Victory Pose D)
Entrance Dialogue
Yukako: Do you love me?
Koichi: Yukako...
Josuke: Great!
Victory Dialogue
Koichi: I'm begging you, Yukako...turn back to normal!
Josuke: Make fun of my hair, and I get pissed off. I don't know why! I guess it's just instinct.
Defeat Dialogue
Yukako: Do you see now? Love is invincible.
A Twisted Philosophy, Part 2
(歪な思想 その② Ibitsu na Shisō Sono 2)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Green Dolphin Street Prison
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's stamina usage is decreased by 25%, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 20% power.
Completion Bonus
32500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Josuke Costume C
A: Kosaku Costume A
B: Player Card Quote Set 52
EX Bonus
1. Perform a 35-hit combo or greater. (Kosaku SFX Set A)
2. Backstab five times. (Kosaku Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Okuyasu: Bring it on! I'll swipe away your bombs and whatever else you throw at us!
Josuke: We're going to settle this here and now, you two.
Kira: You pursued us here, and for that, you will get no mercy!
Kosaku: We'll exterminate you right here!
Victory Dialogue
Okuyasu: Yeah! Did you forget?!
Josuke: Yeah! We're your worst nightmare!
Defeat Dialogue
Kosaku: How refreshing...
Kira: It certainly feels refreshing, doesn't it?
Over the Rainbow, Part 1
(虹の向こう その① Niji no Mukō Sono 1)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Boyoyoing Cape
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team moves 25% faster, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 25% power.
Completion Bonus
34000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Rohan Costume A
A: Koichi Color Set
B: Shigechi Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Activate two Dual Combos. (Shigechi Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Retire an enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Shigechi Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Shigechi: Harvest! Steal the corpse part from him!
Otoishi: Let me show you a REAL knockouuuut!
Josuke: Let's throw down, punk!
Jotaro: I wouldn't if I were you. I don't hold back on anyone...
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: Call me Josuke Higashikata, the man who turns the tables back on his foes!
Jotaro: Hmph...
Defeat Dialogue
Shigechi: We done did it! It's my corpse part! I got it back!
Otoishi: I finally expressed...my heart! And the scream of my soul!
The Final Battle, Part 4
(最終決戦 その④ Saishū Kessen Sono 4)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Boyoyoing Cape
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team moves 25% faster, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 25% power.
Completion Bonus
37500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Mista Costume A
A: Rohan Color Set
B: Bucciarati Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Win within 35 seconds. (Mista Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Activate two Dual Combo Finishes. (Mista Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Koichi: Don't underestimate my Echoes!
Mista: Aim right between the eyes!
Josuke: Relax, Giorno, I'll just heal you if you get hurt!
Giorno: Crazy Diamond... What a convenient ability.
Victory Dialogue
Giorno: Here, let me heal your wounds, Josuke.
Josuke: Great! You really saved my butt!
Defeat Dialogue
Mista: No misses!
Koichi: Now I'll splatter you! Reverb ACT3: FREEZE!!
Another One Bites the Dust
(アナザーワン バイツァ・ダスト Anazāwan Baitsa Dasuto)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 10.
Stage: Morioh
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy cannot be backstabbed, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 25% power.
Completion Bonus
32500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Kosaku Costume B
A: Kosaku SFX Set B
B: Kosaku Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Kosaku Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Retire the enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Kosaku Victory Pose C)
Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable
(クレイジー・Dは砕けない Kureijī Dī wa Kudakenai)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Mission 2.
Stage: Morioh
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy cannot be backstabbed, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 50% power.
Completion Bonus
32500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Josuke Costume E
A: Koichi SFX Set D
B: Koichi Quote Set D
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Josuke Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Complete a Dramatic Finish. (Josuke Victory Pose D)
A Bizarre Connection in Morioh Town
(奇妙な縁、杜王町にて Kimyō na En, Moriō-chō nite)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 9.
Stage: Higashikata House
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's stamina usage is decreased by 25%, and their skill cooldown is reduced by 25%.
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Koichi Costume C
A: Josuke 8 SFX Set D
B: Joshu Quote Set D
EX Bonus
1. Perform a 40-hit combo or greater. (Joshu Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Retire an enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Joshu Victory Pose D)
Bloodlust in Morioh Town
(杜王町の殺意 Moriō-chō no Satsui)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 10.
Stage: Morioh
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's movement speed is increased by 20%, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 25% power.
Completion Bonus
33500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Rohan Costume G
A: Kira SFX Set A
B: Kira Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Perform a 40-hit combo or greater. (Kira Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Complete a Dramatic Finish. (Kira Victory Pose C)
Empowering Ties
(絆こそ力 Kizuna Koso Chikara)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 6.
Stage: Cape Canaveral
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's movement speed is increased by 15%.
Completion Bonus
26500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Josuke Costume F
A: Old Joseph SFX Set D
B: Jotaro Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Achieve three JoJolities. (Jolyne Dual Combo Pose E)
2. Retire an enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Jolyne Victory Pose E)
A Father's Dignity
(父の威厳 Chichi no Igen)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 6.
Stage: Cape Canaveral
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team cannot be backstabbed, and their skill cooldown is reduced by 50%.
Completion Bonus
26500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Old Joseph Costume C
A: Old Joseph SFX Set C
B: Old Joseph Quote Set D
EX Bonus
1. Achieve three JoJolities. (Old Joseph Dual Combo Pose C)
2. Connect with two Dual Heat Attacks. (Old Joseph Victory Pose D)
A Greedy Pair
(欲深い2人 Yokubukai Futari)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 10.
Stage: Boyoyoing Cape
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's movement speed and attack power are increased by 10%.
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Otoishi Color Set
A: Shigechi SFX Set B
B: Shigechi Quote Set B
EX Bonus
1. Use the Boyoyoing Rock stage gimmick. (Otoishi Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Retire an enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Otoishi Victory Pose D)
The Ties of True Friendship
(親友の絆 Shinyū no Kizuna)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 10.
Stage: Morioh
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's Dual Combo time is extended by 50%, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 50% power.
Completion Bonus
34000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Rohan Costume B
A: Rohan SFX Set C
B: Rohan Quote Set D
EX Bonus
1. Win within 40 seconds. (Rohan Dual Combo Pose E)
2. Achieve three JoJolities. (Rohan Victory Pose E)
Look at the Camel!
(ラクダを見よ Rakuda o Miyo)
Unlock Conditions: Purchase the mission as part of Mission Pack 3.
Stage: Morioh
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's attack power is increased by 25%, and their skill cooldown is reduced by 25%.
Completion Bonus
60000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Weather Costume A
A: Shigechi SFX Set C
B: Shigechi Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Okuyasu Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Retire an enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Okuyasu Victory Pose D)




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Josuke EoH.png
Crazy Diamond EoH.png
stand Render



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