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Hot Pants

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Aquele cadáver é a única coisa que pode absolver meus pecados...
—Hot Pants, Steel Ball Run Chapter 75: D4C, Part 8

Hot Pants (ホット・パンツ, Hotto Pantsu) é uma personagem primária na sétima parte de [[[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure|[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]], Steel Ball Run.

Hot Pants compete na corrida Steel Ball Run enquanto fingindo ser um homem mas é revelada ser uma agente do Reino de Nápoles e do Vaticano cujo objetivo principal é juntar as partes do Cadáver Santo. Ela age como uma aliada distante porém ainda rival de [[[Gyro Zeppeli|Gyro]], Johnny, Lucy, e Diego. Hot Pants é uma usuária de Stand e porta o Cream Starter.


Hot Pants é uma mulher de altura acima da média, porte médio, e cabelo liso e curto. Entretanto, suas características relativamente androgóinas e roupas grandes permitem com que ela finja ser um homem.

O corpo inteiro de Hot Pants é coberto por um traje grande e listrado com uma longa blusa decorada com flores e folhas metálicas, com pelo e tendo uma segunda camada de tecido por baixo de seu peito. Hot Pants também tem vários acessórios como um chapéu de pele decorado com um único espinho no topo, cotoveleiras de p e le, e polainas. Ela também tem um cinto com as iniciais de seu nome, "HP".

Hot Pants guarda o Cream Starter em coldres localizados nos dois lados seus quadris.

Esquemas de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Mangá Colorido
Skin(Pale, lavender lipstick)
Eyes(Dark purple)
(Hot pink and silvery white suit with gold and black accessories, gold belt, black and gold hat, hot pink boots)


Hot Pants se sente esmagada pela culpa de ter morto seu irmão caçula

Hot Pants é introduzida como um indivíduo grosseiro e vingativo, acusando Johnny e Gyro de terem roubado seus suprimentos e imediatamente lhes atacando em seu primeiro encontro. Mesmo quando Johnny prova que as acusações de Hot Pants estão erradas, ela meramente se afasta e não se desculpa por seu ataque, alegando que a dupla era culpada por ter comido sua carne de qualquer jeito.[1] Esse comportamento a ganha a hostilidade de Gyro, que passaria a vê-la como uma inimiga.[2][3]

Hot Pants fala de maneira particularmente grosseira e masculina apesar de seu gênero, por exemplo usando o pronome Ore (オレ) para referir a si mesma. Isso e suas roupas permitem com que ela finja ser um homem e realizar sua missão sob uma identidade falsa.

Hot Pants tem um compasso moral bastante solto, atacando, poupando e se aliando com a competição em potencial à sua boa vontade. Por exemplo, ela cura os ferimentos mortais de Johnny e Gyro após sua batalha contra Sandman, mas não antes de nocautear Johnny e roubar suas partes do Cadáver.[4] Hot Pants muitas vezes incrimina suas parceirias temporárias como negócios mutualmente benéficos, por exemplo provendo Lucy com um disfarce e a ajudando em batalha, enquanto ainda alistando a garota como uma espiã pessoa, e fazendo com que Diego trabalhe com ela ao prometer informações que lhe ajudariam a se vingar de seu pai.[5] No entanto, ela notavelmente presta alguns favores a Johnny Joestar, já que os dois parecem desenvolver um relacionamento quieto de respeito mútuo apesar de seus objetivos conflitantes - Johnny guardou o segredo sua identidade verdadeira e missão, enquanto Hot Pants deixou Johnny ficar com seu Stand ao deixar uma única vertebra da parte do Cadáver após roubar o resto dele, e o aconselhou a fugir e deixar tanto ela quanto Gyro para morrer na luta contra o Civil War.[6]

Hot Pants abriga grande culpa. Quando criança, ela e seu irmão mais novo foram atacados por um urso e Hot Pants acabou empurrando seu irmão em direção do urso para escapar. Tendo mantido seu segredo sombrio de todos, Hot Pants se tornou uma freira para buscar a redenção de Deus e seu irmão.[7] Ela é dedicada à busca pelo Cadáver Santo e espera que ao juntá-lo, ela será perdoada pelo Santo.[8] Por exemplo, ela mostra uma felicidade rara ao pegar uma parte do Cadáver[9] e fica disposta a arriscar sua vida contra Funny Valentine. Apesar de ser enviada na caçada pelas partes do Cadáver como uma agente do governo do Vaticano, ela parece considerar a busca mais como um caminho em direção da sua própria salvação.



Artigo principal: Cream Starter

O Stand é o Cream Starter; um spray portátil, gerando carne assim como canalizando a sua própria; permitindo com que ela distorça e estenda seu corpo, e feche ferimentos.

Cream Starter (クリーム・スターター)Link para essa seção


Hot Pants é uma cavalgadora a cavalo habilidosa assim como uma competidora série na corrida Steel Ball Run. Embora ela não seja vista cavalgando frequentemente, ela consguiu sempre ficar entre os melhores corredores em cada uma das fases nas quais ela participou (por exemplo acabando em sexto lugar durante a primeira fase[10]) e também ganhou a terceira fase com uma liderança significante de uma hora acima dos outros competidores.[11]

Gets Up (ゲッツ・アップ)Link para essa seção
Mustangue de 3 anos



Hot Pants se torna uma freira como redenção por seu pecado

When she was a child, Hot Pants went to collect nuts in the woods with her younger brother. Attacked by a grizzly bear, they hid in a rock crevice. Injured and scared, Hot Pants pushed her brother out of the crevice - saving herself at the price of his life. The people in her hometown were very kind to her and her parents after the "tragic accident", but Hot Pants became unable to bear the burden of the truth surrounding her brother's death.

Hot Pants left her home and joined a convent in Italy, becoming a nun in the hopes of earning forgiveness from God and her brother. At one undisclosed point in life, she acquired Cream Starter. Working for the Kingdom of Naples and the Vatican, she was then sent on a mission in the United States, participating in the Steel Ball Run to gather the Saint's Corpse under a false identity.

Hot Pants remains among the top racers in the first and second stages of the Steel Ball Run, but doesn't make any wave until she finishes the third stage at the first place. She arranges for a cow to be deposited on her route so that she can slaughter and eat it.

Steel Ball Run

A Real Man's World

Hot Pants ataca Gyro com Cream Starter

Hot Pants first appears at the beginning of the race's Fourth Stage in a forest. She confronts Johnny and Gyro, accusing them of having killed the cow she's arranged for herself. Hot Pants attacks them both with her Stand Cream Starter. Cream Starters sprays flesh, which blinds and chokes Gyro and Johnny. Gyro uses his ability to punch Hot Pants' spine with his Steel Ball, and the Spin blocks her arms. Johnny defuses the fight by shooting a nail into the ground, proving that neither of them has the weapon that killed the cow. Hot Pants calls off her attack but doesn't apologize as the two still took meat from the cow. However, Hot Pants gets lost in the forest and meet Johnny and Gyro again, who are also lost. Gyro still hates Hot Pants but the three decide to cooperate to limit their time loss. They see a nearby house and decide to go ask the residents for direction.

Johnny descobre que Hot Pants é uma mulher

However, the three also meet Gaucho, another competitor who is also lost but also expresses anger against the resident of the house, who said that they would have to kill him to ever go out of theses woods. Gaucho shouts and challenges the inhabitant to a gun duel and the gunslinger named Ringo Roadagain appears. After a quick duel, Ringo kills Gaucho and salutes him. Shocked, the three leave and try to go out of the woods again without success. Resigned to fight, the trio prepares their fight and Hot Pants throws her Cream Starters onto the house's roof beforehand. They confront Ringo, who asks Johnny to be the first duelist. Hot Pants then attacks and melts Ringo's gun hand, but Ringo uses his power Mandom to rewind time to 6 seconds ago. He avoids the ambush. Johnny attacks but is shot in the head while Hot Pants is shot in the chest and taken out.

After the fight, Johnny discovers that Hot Pants is a woman when he checks for her heartbeat but inadvertently gropes her breasts.

Chasing the Corpse Parts

Hot Pants rouba as partes do Cadáver de Johnny

At the end of the fourth stage, in Kansas City, Hot Pants is seen meeting Norisuke Higashikata I at the waterpoint set up for the racers. She cuts in to take her water but politely lets Norisuke take it since he was there before. Norisuke tries to engage conversation but eventually speaks about his double navels, which disgust her. Norisuke sees through her disguise and agrees that it wouldn't be proper for her to touch them. Near the Mississippi, Hot Pants finds Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli, just out of a battle against Sandman. Gyro is unconscious and Johnny is exhausted from the fight, so Hot Pants uses this opportunity to knock out Johnny and take his Corpse Parts. However, she leaves a vertebra and helps them cross the Mississippi on a raft.

Hot Pants luta contra o guarda-chefe de Valentine, Mike O

While searching the duo, Hot Pants doesn't find the right eye and deduce that they have a third collaborator who has it. Hot Pants drops out of the race in its sixth stage to further pursue the Corpse Parts.Hearing about a government search for a woman, Hot Pants finds Lucy Steel in Chicago and cooperates with her to take the Corpse Parts. She gives Lucy some meat spray from Cream Starter to change her appearance in order to infiltrate Valentine's compound, and two doses of sleeping agent hidden in her fingernails. She tells Lucy how to bring the corpse parts together using one of the eyes of the corpse. After Lucy is found out and ends up killing Scarlet, Hot Pants enters the compound to help her. Hot Pants ends up in the bathroom adjacent to Funny Valentine's bedroom and is seen by the agent Mike O.. The two fight and Mike O. uses his Stand Tubular Bells to control the metallic objects around them. Hot Pants detaches her hand to spray Mike O. at point-blank range but a metallic shutter cuts it off. Nonetheless, some of her flesh is sprayed on Mike O. and infiltrates his body. Hot Pants tells Lucy to stay still but it tips off Mike O. about her presence. With another shutter, Mike O. cuts off Hot Pant's other arm and destroys a stall, uncovering Lucy and the dead body of Scarlet Valentine. Furious, Mike O. steps inside the bathroom through the window but when he blows his nails, Hot Pants' ability triggers and makes his throat and lungs inflate if he tries to blow his weapons. Ultimately, Mike O.'s lungs and throat explode, causing him to die. Lucy has extracted unexpected Corpse Parts from Valentine and while Hot Pants can take the Heart and Ears, she cannot bring the Right Arm through the drain. Likewise, Lucy is trapped in the building. To save her, Hot Pants disguises Lucy as Scarlet and disposes of Scarlet's body in the Fox River, disguising her as Lucy and making it look like she drowned.

Hot Pants é derrotada pelo Civil War e todas as suas partes do Cadáver são pegas

Hot Pants follows the race's route until she reaches Gettysburg. She is seen by Gyro and Johnny speeding towards the city and follow her to a garbage dump. However, she's then in her nun's habits and Gyro doesn't recognize her. Gyro ventures further inside the building while Johnny confronts her reveals to Hot Pants that he knows her true gender. For the first time, she breaks down into tears as she tells Johnny that her Corpse Parts were taken by someone. At that moment, her deceased brother appears on her body due to Civil War. She says that the guilt has followed her even as she collected Corpse Parts, even when she became a nun in her hometown. She tells Johnny to run as the memory of her brother's death nearly consumes her. Axl RO is eventually defeated by Valentine, who steals all the Corpse Parts.

Pursuing Valentine

Diego se alia a Hot Pants com relutância

In Philadelphia, Hot Pants finds Diego in the river port. A short fight ensues during which Hot Pants tries to ambush Diego, only for Diego to sniff her out and leap to attack. Cream Starter covers Diego's mouth and nose and disables the small dinosaurs he sends. Hot Pants pins Diego and intends on incapacitate him with another flesh spray but Diego grabs her and merges her face with the flesh she's just sprayed. Seeing that the fight is going towards a dangerous mutual kill, Hot Pants sprays her mouth on the ground and calls for a truce. She explains that they use Lucy Steel's scent to trail the President and offers Diego everything that Valentine has while she takes the Saint's Corpse. Finally, she persuades Diego by mentioning that with the resources at her disposal, she can find Diego's father for him. Diego reluctantly accepts and they begin to follow Lucy's trail.

Hot Pants luta contra Valentine

They arrive in a trainyard and see a train depart with Valentine in it and thus continue their pursuit. However, alternate Hot Pants and Diego fall from the train. The two Diego leave to pursue the train, leaving Hot Pants and her counterparts facing each other awkwardly. The tension escalates between them and they attack at the same time, blinding each other with Cream Starter. They grab the same Cream Starter, but Hot Pants has the advantage of her horse and uses its flesh to preserve her hand and flee. However, the other Hot Pants pursue her on horseback. Hot Pants manages to board the train and Diego closes the door on their alternate selves, rejecting them out of this universe. They approach the President's car and formulate a plan. For her part, Hot Pants's guilt is out of control and she is ready to do anything to acquire the Saint's Corpse and earn forgiveness. Diego directly confronts Valentine in a close quarters fight, using his superior speed to prevail while Hot Pants detaches her hand and controls it to ensure Valentine can't put himself between objects. Despite being heavily wounded, Valentine manages to splash water on himself and disappears. Valentine comes back, hitting Hot Pants from a drawer and knocks her onto the ground, allowing two other Valentines to appear. However, Diego and Hot Pants enact their plan. Cream Starter disguises Diego into Valentine, confusing the Presidents and allowing Diego to instantly kill two of them. The remaining Valentine jumps through a window and manages to kill Diego and replace himself.

Hot Pants watches Lucy and marvels at the mosaic of the Corpse Parts on Lucy's body. However, Lucy's Stand, Ticket to Ride, finally takes form and causes further spatial anomalies. Hot Pants is the first to fall victim to the Stand's ability as multiple insects and a window frame merge with her, puncturing her heart, inflicting a mortal wound. This causes Hot Pants to fly out of the moving train and tumble onto the ground, where she perishes.

Estatísticas da Corrida

Steel Ball Run Race Statistics
Fase Colocação Pontos
Primeira 25
Segunda 30
Terceira 100
Quarta 20
Quinta 40

Hot Pants sai na sexta fase, com um total de 215 pontos e uma hora extra de tempo.


Aparições no Mangá
Capítulos em ordem de aparição


  • Good day to you both. Let’s skip the chit-chat and get straight to the point. I will now hang you both from this tree.
    —Hot Pants, Steel Ball Run Chapter 33: The World of Man, Part 1
  • You two aren’t bad people. If you were, I’d already have killed you.
    —Hot Pants, Steel Ball Run Chapter 33: The World of Man, Part 1
  • I didn’t soil your good name… I soiled you face with my meat spray.
    —Hot Pants, Steel Ball Run Chapter 50: Tubular Bells, Part 3
  • There’s no need for you to die shamefully. Just die peacefully as you are.
    —Hot Pants, Steel Ball Run Chapter 50: Tubular Bells, Part 3
  • Johnny, I can’t bear this any longer. Even when I became a member of the church… even when I became a child of God, it didn’t work… Because I sacrificed him… My heart can’t take it anymore…
    —Hot Pants, Steel Ball Run Chapter 56: Civil War, Part 1
  • I can’t bear it anymore… the sin I committed… that sin feels like It’s going to destroy me… The only thing that can soothe and cleanse my sin is that corpse. And the act of obtaining the corpse is the for the sake of the people of this world’s righteous heart… For that end, I will defeat the President or whomever it may be! This time… I will sacrifice my life.
    —Hot Pants, Steel Ball Run Chapter 75: D4C, Part 8

Criação e Desenvolvimento

The revelation of her true gender is an homage to works like Shakespeare in Love or The Rose of Versailles.[12]


Hot Pants's Japanese voice actress in Eyes of Heaven, Megumi Toyoguchi, would later voice Tomoko Higashikata in the Part 4 TV anime.


Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Hot Pants appears in Eyes of Heaven as a support in Story Mode. She has one voice line, performed by Megumi Toyoguchi.


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