Express Train to Florence (Story Arc)

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The Florence-Bound Express Train (フィレンツェ行き超特急, Firentse Iki Chōtokkyū) is the tenth story arc in Vento Aureo.

It narrates the lengthy battle between Guido Mista and Bruno against the duo of assassins Prosciutto and Pesci, who can respectively dramatically age and weaken people and hook people with a Stand fishing rod.


Before boarding a train to Florence per the Boss' instructions, Bucciarati discovers that the key fits into the back of a turtle. This turtle, named Coco Jumbo, is a stand user that allows the entire gang to shrink down and enter a small, furnished room inside of its body. The gang boards the train hiding inside Coco Jumbo.

Meanwhile, partner assassins Pesci and Prosciutto also board the train in search of Trish. Pesci uses his stand Beach Boy to search for the gang, but fails to discover where they are hidden.




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