Magent Magent

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The character featured in this article is commonly referred to as "Magenta Magenta".
Je vais t'apprendre ce qu'il en coûte quand on me manque de respect ! Un type qui n'a rien à perdre est capable de tout, mon p'tit gars !
—Magent Magent, Steel Ball Run Chapter 62: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Magent Magent (マジェント・マジェント, Majento Majento) est un antagoniste secondaire de la septième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Steel Ball Run, il est introduit dans l'arc narratif "Wrecking Ball".

Magent Magent est l'un des Subordonnés de Valentine. Il est déployé avec Wekapipo pour attaquer Johnny Joestar et Jayro Zeppeli durant la sixième étape de la Steel Ball Run. Ils essaient alors pour s'emparer des Jambes du Corps Saint. Magent est un manieur de Stand, et peut devenir invulnérable avec son 20th Century Boy.


Magent est un homme plutôt fin avec une taille moyenne. Il a des cheveux bouclés en bataille qu'il garde sous son chapeau. Il a un visage carré avec de petits yeux retroussés. Magent porte un chapeau de type boléro, un manteau rembourré et clouté avec un large col aux manches simple, avec un pantalon assorti. Il porte une écharpe avec un bijou. Magent porte des ganteau dont les doigts sont de couleurs plus claire que la partie recouvrant la paume.

Dû à son combat contre Jayro et Johnny, Magent est blessé au visage et conserves une large cicatrice verticale sur le côté gauche du visage.

Comme son Stand est complètement défensif, Magent Magent porte diverses armes sur lui. Cela peut être un fusil (contre Jayro et Johnny), ou plus tard un pistolet avec un silencieux, et même des batons d'explosifs.


Les palettes changent souvent entre les médias. L'information ci-dessous ne devrait pas être considérée comme canonique.
Manga Couleur
Peau(Pale, lèvres roses.)
Cheveux(Cheveux noir aux reflets magenta.)
(Tenue violette, magenta et rose. Col rose, écharpe lavande, et gants magenta.)


Magent aime faire des blagues, comme mimer des larmes avec de la glace

Au premier abord, Magent Magent semble être un homme plutôt amical avec une attitude relaxée ce qui contraste avec le sérieux de Wekapipo. Il est le moins sérieux des Subordonnés de Valentine, essayant de bavarder et de faire des blagues de qualité douteuse alors qu'ils doivent surveiller un détroit pour attaquer les héros. De fait, il est lui-même agacé par le sérieux excessif de Wekapipo et va finir par le haïr parce qu'il a laissé pour mort dans le froid.

A l'instar de Wekapipo qui est plus digne et sérieux, Magent a de mauvaises habitudes repoussantes. Par exemple, il se lèche sa propre morve. De plus, Magent a du mal à garder son calme au combat et est sujet à des crises de nerfs, exprimant haut et fort sa nervosité, sa frustration et sa colère en plein combat. Son manque de sérieux lui cause notamment d'échouer dans de nombreuses tentatives. Par exemple, il gâche du temps à savourer sa victoire quand il combat Wekapipo, ce qui donne à ce dernier du temps pour contre-attaquer et gagner leur combat.

Magent Magent aurait une voix nasale et graveleuse qui irrite l'oreille. Ceci est représenté dans le texte original en Japonais en écrivant phonétiquement ses phrases plutôt qu'avec le style inhabituel.

Magent Magent est aussi très intéressé par les avions, qui sont pour l'époque de nouvelles machines à l'état de prototypes. Il s'émerveille de leur potentiel, car avec un avion on peut rapidement parcourir de grandes distances. Après qu'il soit laissé pour mort dans la nature gelé du Nord, Magent lamente le fait que les avions n'ont pas été encore inventés car ses blessures auraient alors pu avoir été traitées plus tôt.



Main article: 20th Century Boy

Magent Magent can summon 20th Century Boy in order to become invulnerable to all harm, including explosions and drowning, as long as he adopts a kneeling position and puts his hands on the ground.

20th Century Boy (20th Century BOY(トウェンティース・センチュリー・ボーイ))Link to this section


Wrecking Ball

Magent attacks Johnny & Gyro alongside Wekapipo

Wekapipo is dispatched alongside Magent Magent. The two stand guard in a vantage point overlooking the frozen strait between Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. Magent tries to converse, mentioning the newly invented airplanes and then attempts a joke. However, Wekapipo doesn't let himself be distracted by Magent's antics and his gloom frustrates Magent. Knowing about a wolf who's the host of the new Corpse Part, Wekapipo and Magent wait for Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli to appear. Wekapipo advises Magent not to take the Spin lightly. The pair see Johnny and Gyro and approache to attack. Wekapipo throws his Steel Ball. Gyro throws his own Steel Ball to stop it, but Wekapipo's Ball shoots the small beads embedded on it at the duo. The left side ataxia sets in for Johnny and Gyro; Magent Magent goes to their left on his sled and tries to shoot, but Johnny turns to the right until he sees Magent and shoots him. Magent shoots thus unveils his Stand 20th Century Boy, which makes him invulnerable as long as he's sitting or kneeling. Gyro also throws a Steel Ball but Magent remains impervious to the Spin. Moreover, Gyro's left hand is wounded because of Magent's shots. Wekapipo notices the wolf and throws two Balls at Gyro. When Gyro tries to counter them, his Balls are pushed aside and Gyro understands Wekapipo's strategy. By attacking them on the water and attacking his hands, Wekapipo has isolated Gyro in a battlefield where he cannot closely observe nature to create a perfect Spin, thus depowering him greatly.

Magent is taken out by a falling bullet

Johnny stops the satellites of the second ball, allowing Magent to shoot the wolf. Then, a stray satellite flies towards and Gyro is forced shield Johnny with his other hand, damaging it and preventing Gyro from faking the Golden Rectangle with his hands. Wekapipo induces the left side ataxia again and Magent disappears from the heroes' sight. Gyro only manage to grab one Steel Ball before the effects fully kick in. He throws his Ball in the general direction of Magent and does hit his shoulder. Gyro ducks to avoid two bullets to the head but receives one in the guts. Gyro uses the bullet as a weapon and throws it at Magent, who deflects the bullet upward. Despite Wekapipo's warning, Magent drops his guard and the bullet then falls down. It pierces Magent's face and takes him out. Gyro subsequently defeats Wekapipo and turns him into an ally. Johnny, Gyro and Wekapipo leave the straits, also leaving Magent.

However, Magent Magent survives his wounds. He manages to crawl across the straits and cross the 15 km of snow towards Mackinaw City. He has heard about Lucy Steel being an enemy of Valentine. He's found by Diego Brando, who brings him back to civilization and the two cooperate loosely. Magent is at last treated back to a semblance of health and goes to Philadelphia.

A Philadelphie

Wekapipo fights Magent

To find Lucy, Magent seeks Steel in his coach and hands him a ruler. Because of his lost eye, Magent as trouble perceiving perspective and he uses this trick to shoot better, hitting Steel in the chest with two bullets. However, Wekapipo arrives on the scene. When Wekapipo finds Steel in his coach, the old man has been shot. Magent tries to ambush Wekapipo, hidden on the coach and tries to shoot. However, the horses are startled and Wekapipo sees Magent's shadow. Magent shoots and Wekapipo throws a Wrecking Ball through the roof, grazing each other. The satellites fly towards Magent, who protects himself with 20th Century Boy. Magent sneakily lights up his belt of dynamite sticks. With Magent immobilized, Wekapipo climbs on the coach whose horses start to gallop. Wekapipo tries to stab Magent in the face with a knife, but it breaks. He then tries to smash his head with a direct throw to the skull but 20th Century Boy makes Magent invulnerable.

Magent is trapped at the bottom of the Delaware

Near the Delaware river, Wekapipo sees that Magent has lit a bunch of dynamite sticks. He throws a Steel Ball at Steel Ball to harden his body and uses his other ball to induce left side ataxia on the horses, making them turn right and throw both Wekapipo and Magent in the water. The explosion still sends shrapnel at Wekapipo, who is hurt and in the water. Magent cancels his Stand and takes out his gun, preparing to shoot the Neapolitan. Magent gloats, stating that he always takes his revenge. However, Magent is suddenly tied by cables. The Ball Wekapipo had used on the horse has pulled cables around the tire axle and tied Magent, pulling him underwater. Nearly drowning, Magent activates his Stand and wait for Diego to come save him. However, Magent eventually stops waiting and stops thinking as neither Diego, nor anyone else, comes to save him, leaving Magent to rest indefinitely at the bottom of the river. It is unclear whether his stand has the ability to make him immortal, leaving his ultimate fate unknown.


Book Icon.png Apparition dans le Manga
Chapitres (ordre chronologique)


Quote.png Citations
  • Wekapipo ! I thought I’d find you eventually if I kept on tracking Steel… I purposefully didn’t hit you right in the vitals! Since you’re older, I’ll be more respectful! I’ll rip your limbs apart first, one by one… for you, I’ll make sure to let you have a taste of the worst kind of living hell and kill you slowly, Mr “High and Mighty”…
    —Magent Magent , Steel Ball Run Chapter 60 : Both Sides Now, Part 1
  • Once I decide to take revenge, I always take revenge.
    —Magent Magent , Steel Ball Run Chapter 62 : Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
  • That’s for treating people like me like shit! Looks like I’m gonna have to teach you that people who don’t have anything to lose are the scariest types, Mr. Smartass!
    —Magent Magent , Steel Ball Run Chapter 62 : Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap



  • Magent's final fate of being stuck at the bottom of a river while being alive only to eventually stop waiting and "stop thinking" may be a nod to both Kars and Anubis' demise.


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