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C'est au président qu'il revient de récupérer la 'totalité', car c'est lui qui dirigera bientôt le monde entier !

Blackmore (ブラックモア, Burakkumoa) est un antagoniste secondaire de la septième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Steel Ball Run, introduit dans l'arc narratif "Le tombeau vert".

Blackmore est un manieur de Stand au service de Funny Valentine. Son pouvoir, Catch the Rainbow, lui permet de figer la pluie. Lorsque Lucy Steel vole un message important à destination de Valentine et se fait remarquer, Blackmore s'attelle à découvrir l'identité du coupable et à le pourchasser.


Blackmore est un homme de taille et de carrure moyenne.

Il porte un manteau de pluie sombre qui lui couvre la majorité du corps, dont la tête, ne laissant que le visage et le bas des jambes à découvert. Son manteau de pluie est décoré avec des anneaux métallique, et une natte de cheveux sort de l'un de ces anneaux. En dessous de son manteau, Blackmore porte une sorte de combinaison qui est liée à ses chaussures, lui couvrant le corps sauf les mains. Son pantalon est couvert de symboles ressemblant à des virgules. Blackmore possède un parapluie mais il l'abandonne en cours de route. is a man of average to above-average height and medium build.


Les palettes changent souvent entre les médias. L'information ci-dessous ne devrait pas être considérée comme canonique.
Manga Couleur
(Manteau bleu marine, anneaux dorés, chemise grise, pantalon blanc avec symboles gris, chaussures blanches)


Blackmore est un assassin efficient, qui demeure malgré tout loyal à Valentine malgré ses fautes, avec une personnalité plutôt informelle et méthodique.

Blackmore est exalté par une vision de Jésus

Lorsqu'il apparaît, Blackmore est dépeint avec une personnalité placide, prenant les choses calmement et n'affichant que peu ou pas d'émotion. Cependant, il devient exalté lorsqu'il voit une vision de Jésus, se croyant brièvement élu par le Christ. Il est alors tenté de s'emparer du Corps Saint. Cependant, Blackmore se reprend lorsqu'il se fait tirer dessus par Lucy Steel, prenant cela comme une punition pour son arrogance. Blackmore réaffirme sa loyauté envers Funny Valentine et proclame que seul le Président est digne de rassembler le Corps.

Le calme de Blackmore va de pair avec sa grande capacité d'analyse. Lorsque quelqu'un vole un message destiné au Président, Blackmore se charge de traquer le voleur, démasquant rapidement Lucy Steel en découvrant des indices circonstanciels durant son enquête. Par exemple, il entend Steven Steel s'étonner que Lucy soit venue lui livrer une seconde boîte à repas et la suspecte immédiatement. En tant qu'un des subordonnés du Président, Blackmore use de la violence et peut tuer sans états d'âme. Il tue Mountain Tim sans broncher, et était prêt à tuer Lucy, Johnny et Jayro.

Blackmore a un tic verbal, murmurant souvent "'Désolé" (すいませェん, Suimasēn) aux gens, une version moins formelle que "Veuillez m'excuser" (済みません, Sumimasen) qu'il emploie même avec Funny Valentine, qui est son employeur et le Président des Etas-Unis.



Main article: Catch the Rainbow

Le Catch the Rainbow de Blackmore se manifeste sous la forme d'un masque. Quand Catch the Rainbow est activé, Blackmore peut manipuler la pluie, et notamment figer les gouttes en plein air pour marcher dessus et s'en servir comme armes.

Catch the Rainbow (キャッチ・ザ・レインボー)Link to this section
Manipulation de Pluie


Blackmore is introduced as one of Funny Valentine's subordinates.

Un traître à Kansas City

Blackmore & Valentine raise the alarm about a traitor

In Kansas City, Blackmore is summoned to Valentine's office and the two discuss their course of action. Receiving reports of Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli going missing, Valentine questions why the balloons cannot follow these two and his assistant argues that it is still difficult to follow someone with a balloon. Valentine then wonders if Steven Steel is being uncooperative. However, he cannot dispose of him yet. Unbeknownst to him, he's being spied on by Lucy from the other side of the street. Valentine and Blackmore go to the roof where the aviary is kept and checks on it to see if Ringo Roadagain's messenger pigeons have arrived. Blackmore guesses correctly that Ringo's pigeons must have recently arrived but also that someone broke in the cage. Valentine spots a feather coming out of under the cage and sees the pigeon flying away. Blackmore retrieves the pigeon by walking on the rain with his Catch the Rainbow ability but the capsule it carries is empty. Someone has stolen Ringo's Message. However, Blackmore guesses that the thief is not a Stand User since they wouldn't have hidden under the aviary. Moreover, Blackmore theorizes that the thief has infiltrated the government. They raise the alarm and Blackmore checks the building from the exterior, catching a glimpse of the infiltrator. It seems that they have cornered the traitor but they come up empty.

Blackmore realizes Lucy is the traitor

Blackmore sticks to his theory and decides to have the phone in the office the security broke in checked. He leaves, notably seeing Steven Steel receiving a second lunch box from his wife Lucy Steel. The trail of the phone call leads him to Mountain Tim. Blackmore confronts the cowboy. Tim draws his gun and hits Blackmore in the chest once. Blackmore merges with the rain and evades the attack and Tim disassembles himself to bind and shoot Blackmore in the head. But, Blackmore yanks the rope, pulling Tim in the trajectory of the immobilized rain drops that cut open his head. On the ground, Tim is compelled one last time to reveal who was the caller but Tim only says he never expected to die quietly and only wished for a place to return to. Mountain Tim is subsequently shot in the head by Blackmore. Checking Tim's corpse, Blackmore sees that a part of his clothes are particularly wet and that he was holding someone. Recalling Steel's lunch boxes, Blackmore realizes that Lucy Steel is the traitor. Rushing to her apartments, Blackmore is only told that she left suddenly and he gives chases through the storm.

A la poursuite de Lucy Steel

Jesus appears to Blackmore

Blackmore eventually catches up to Lucy Steel. Asking her if she can see his mask, which is a Stand, Blackmore confirms that she isn't a Stand User and lets his guard down. He takes the Spine from Lucy and reaches a telephone pole, trying to call the President. Blackmore is briefly tempted to keep the Spine for himself. However, a spatial anomaly transports them further from Kansas City, cutting off the telephone line. At this point, Jesus appears to Blackmore for moment. Blackmore is ecstatic but his moment is cut short when Lucy shoots Blackmore in the throat and escapes toward Gyro Zeppeli and Johnny Joestar. Learning his lesson, Blackmore fully dedicates himself to Valentine's cause. He seals his wound with the rain, letting him live for the moment.

Blackmore is defeated by Gyro

Blackmore eventually finds Lucy with Gyro Zeppeli and Johnny Joestar. Gyro and Johnny attack but the immobile rain drops deflect the projectiles. Moreover, Gyro's arm is pierced by raindrops since his arm moved. The three are cornered by rain blades and Blackmore moves to kill Lucy as her punishment for her sin. Johnny tries to shoot but is choked by Blackmore's hand, Blackmore promising to take his Corpse Parts as well. However, Gyro decides to act: by doing his motion backward, Gyro is able to position his arm for a second throw that bounces the Steel Ball between the raindrops and collides with the last one near Blackmore. Blackmore ignores the Ball to try and stab Lucy with a rain blade, but doesn't see that it keeps spinning and through friction, evaporates the raindrop. The agent is hit in the head. Defeated, Blackmore's Catch the Rainbow stops and he succumbs from previous bullet wounds.



  • I will corner the intruder from outside the window, so that he won’t be able to escape from anywhere in the building. Let us find Ringo’s information. If he has ripped it up, we will collect the pieces. If he’s tried to erase the information by eating the note… we will retrieve it even if it means cutting open his stomach.
    —Blackmore , Steel Ball Run Chapter 37 : The Green Tomb, Part 2
  • My ability’s name is Catch the Rainbow. The raindrops I touch, I can stabilize in the air. Just like crossing a rainbow, or walking on a glass board. You can’t assume that the rain is always pouring down.
    —Blackmore , Steel Ball Run Chapter 37 : The Green Tomb, Part 2
  • I now realize that His holy Corpse must be gathered for the President of this nation, who will one day become the head of the world! As long as my life will last! Uwaaaaaaa!! I will serve with all my body and soul!
  • Lucy Steeeeel… what you’ve done is equivalent to Eve taking the forbidden fruit. Now, let me have that back. He has chosen to rest on this continent, to resurrect himself in this new world! And you must repent! What you have done is evil! And you… your existence is sin! I must dispose of you!
  • All of you will repent for your collective sins! All of you, in the other world…
  • Humans all have a purpose. It transcends the limitations of the flesh! That purpose…! You’re all cursed! There is no future for you!




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