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Template:Character Info/fr

Wheel of Fortune is gonna grind you into hamburger and splatter you all over these rocks!!
—ZZ, Chapter 153: Wheel of Fortune, Part 4

ZZ (ズィー・ズィー , Zī Zī) est un antagoniste mineur apparaissant dans la 3ème partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders, et plus particulièrement dans l'arc narratif "Wheel of Fortune".

ZZ est un autre des assassins de DIO confrontés au Groupe Joestar. C'est un manieur de Stand qui conduit son Wheel of Fortune.


ZZ semblait initialement être un personnage intimidant de par ses bras larges et sa voix forte et imposante.

Mais à la surprise du groupe, ZZ se montre possédant des bras larges et musclés, tandis que le reste de son corps est relativement fin. il est montré comme un homme fin bien que possédant un ventre assez gros. Il possède un visage long arborant des cheveux se séparant en deux pointes faisant penser à une paire de cornes. ZZ porte un débardeur et un jean. D'après Araki, son corps à été formé comme tel juste pour faire une blague.[1]


Les palettes changent souvent entre les médias. L'information ci-dessous ne devrait pas être considérée comme canonique.
Manga CouleurHeritage for the FutureAnime
(Débardeur et bandeaux de poignets bleus-gris foncé, pantalons bleus et chaussures brunes.)
Cheveux(Noirs avec des mèches vertes-olives)
(Débardeur,bandeaux de poignets et chaussures bruns, pantalon vert.)
Cheveux(Bruns foncés)
(Chaussures et débardeur noirs, bandeaux de poignets bruns foncés et pantalon gris.)


"J'ai gagné ! La partie 3 est terminée !"

Arrogant et obstiné, ZZ se pense supérieur à ses ennemis et les compare souvent à des fourmis ou des insectes en général. Il est décrit comme un homme colérique comptant sur la force brute. Toutefois, il montre une certaine expérience du combat et se montre rusé, il réussit à duper le Groupe Joestar plusieurs fois et utilise sa voiture de diverses façons assez créatives. Son arrogance est sa faiblesse, à tel point qu'il fait part à ses ennemis de ce qu'il compte faire et le secret derrière sa technique.

Quand sa voiture est détruite, il montre qu'il est en réalité un lâche qui prétend seulement d'être fort, fuyant sans son stand pour le protéger.


Main article: Wheel of Fortune

Le Wheel of Fortune de ZZ peut améliorer une voiture en une version monstrueuse d'elle même, lui permettant de faire des manœuvres de conduite impossibles et en général, d'avoir un contrôle total sur les pièces de la voiture.


Stardust Crusaders

Trailing the heroes

ZZ is first seen driving his car slowly along the road to Pakistan. Jean Pierre Polnareff, driving the group's jeep, rudely passes the car and kicks up some rocks with the jeep on purpose to taunt the slow driver, but the group soon realize that they are been followed by his car. ZZ then directs his car to pass and begins to drive slowly again, and when he directs them to pass, directs them into the way of an oncoming truck, which Star Platinum saves them from by stopping the truck and pushing the jeep away from it in midair. ZZ is then seen switching the direction of the sign to Pakistan in order to corner them at a closed road later.

The group stops for some rest and spots ZZ's car again, which they then give chase. Soon, Noriaki Kakyoin realizes that the group is headed the wrong way and Polnareff stops the jeep abruptly at the end of a closed road. ZZ then appears from behind and pushes the group's jeep off the cliff. Kakyoin's Hierophant Green, however, manages to hook the jeep's harness onto ZZ's car, stopping their fall. Jotaro Kujo then directs Star Platinum to tug on the rope, forcing ZZ's car to back up, and then punches the car, causing ZZ to fall down the cliff.

ZZ chained to a rock

However, ZZ is revealed to have survived and reveals to the group that he was using a Stand, called Wheel of Fortune and his knowledge of Joseph Joestar's name. He then bursts out of the ground in his car, smashes the jeep, and transforms his car into a more aggressive style. He charges at the group and fires gasoline bullets at them through his car, while effortlessly squeezing between crevices and causing spikes to grow out of the wheels to enable it to climb the cliff. After climbing the cliff, ZZ reveals that the gasoline bullets were meant to set them on fire and sets off a spark that sets Jotaro on fire. ZZ proclaims his victory and shouts that he "ended Part 3 early", only to be met with Jotaro's question over who will "replace [him] as the main character" and reveals that he dug a tunnel with Star Platinum and that the only thing that was burned was his jacket.[2] Now defenseless on his side, ZZ is left unable to defend himself as he is propelled out of his own car and plowed into the ground with Star Platinum's barrage of punches. ZZ is then subject to the ridicule of the group as they realize that the rest of his body is skinny and the strong-looking car he drove earlier turned into a smaller car. He is then chained to a rock with a sign nearby that states that he is in ascetic training and would not like to be disturbed. He is robbed of his passport and car, left behind to starve to death.

Chapters / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • There's no other path you can take! None for escape, none for safety, none for Egypt and none for a bright future! They're all blocked off to you! Wanna know why? Because Wheel of Fortune is gonna grind you into hamburgers and splatter you all over these rocks!
    —ZZ, Chapter 153: Wheel of Fortune, Part 4
  • I win! Part 3 is now over! (勝ったッ!第3部完!)

Video Games


ZZ is one of the many bosses featured in the game. Like in the manga, ZZ attacks the group while they drive in Northern India. The battle has two phases, first Wheel of Fortune will be in its normal form but subsequently takes its fully developed form after dealing sufficient damage. ZZ is eventually defeated.

Heritage for the Future (PS1/DC/Arcade)

In the "Deadly Traffic" chapter of the Story Mode, the Joestar group encounters him on their way to Pakistan from India. His part in the story plays out much like the manga, though the player must go through several quick time events to defeat him.



  • ZZ was not given a proper name until several years after Part 3's publication, where it was revealed in the Playstation port of Heritage for the Future and eventually documented in JOJO A-GO!GO!.
  • In the English dub, ZZ and the narrator are voiced by the same person, David Vincent.


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